예제 #1
    public static async Task ExtraPartsCollect()
        using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

        var proxyCfg = ctx.Scope.Resolve <ProxyCfg>() with {
            AlwaysUseProxy = true
        var scope = ctx.Scope.BeginLifetimeScope(b => b.RegisterInstance(proxyCfg).SingleInstance());
        var plans = new VideoExtraPlans(new[] {
            "FUqR6KzsPv4", // cnn caption missing
            //"dICrBvTlqsg", // manually translated en-us captions and auto-generated en. should choose en
            //"z-hn5YVi2OE" // indian

            /*"-ryPLVEExA0", // private#1#
             * "Su1FQUkMojU", // JP video with lots of comments
             * "V8kxdw0UASE", // should work. looks like ti was errored and then re-instated
             * "XztR0CnVKNo", // normal
             * "JPiiySjShng", //nbc suspected parsing problem
             * "OijWK4Y6puI", //unlisted
             * "-sc6JCu5rZk",
             * "y3oMtX8NyqY", //copyright2
             * "EqulyMs_M2M", // copyright1
             * "-6oswxLuRyk",
             * "tdUxfq6DYXY", // when retreived was var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
             * "gRJnTYHID3w", // var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
             * "MbXbFchrTgw",
             * "rBu0BRTx2x8", // region restricted (not available in AU, but is in US)#3#*/
        }, EExtra, ECaption);
        var collector = scope.Resolve <YtCollector>();
        var extra     = await collector.GetExtras(plans, ctx.Log, "").ToListAsync();
예제 #2
        public static async Task WebRecsAndExtra()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var plans = new VideoExtraPlans(new[] {
                "Su1FQUkMojU", // JP video with lots of comments
                //"V8kxdw0UASE", // should work. looks like ti was errored and then re-instated
                //"XztR0CnVKNo", // normal
                // "JPiiySjShng", //nbc suspected parsing problem
                //"OijWK4Y6puI", //unlisted
                //"y3oMtX8NyqY", //copyright2
                //"EqulyMs_M2M", // copyright1

                 * "tdUxfq6DYXY", // when retreived was var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
                 * "gRJnTYHID3w", // var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
                 * "MbXbFchrTgw",
                 * "rBu0BRTx2x8", // region restricted (not available in AU, but is in US)*/
                //"-ryPLVEExA0", // private
            var collector = ctx.Scope.Resolve <YtCollector>();
            var extra     = await collector.GetExtras(plans, ctx.Log).ToListAsync();