예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Selects formats based on a format specifier from the list of available formats.
 /// Note that this only supports single formats, precedence lists ("/") and merges ("+").
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The selected formats or null if none existing.</returns>
 public static FormatData[] SelectFormat(this VideoData videoData, string formatSpecifier)
     // 1. Split by precedence list: "/"
     foreach (string group in formatSpecifier.Split('/'))
         // 2. Split merging group: "+"
         string[] splits = group.Split('+');
         if (splits.Length == 1)
             FormatData format = videoData.SelectSingleFormat(splits[0]);
             if (format != null)
                 return new[] { format }
         else if (splits.Length == 2)
             FormatData video = videoData.SelectSingleFormat(splits[0]);
             FormatData audio = videoData.SelectSingleFormat(splits[1]);
             // continue with next option if one of video or audio is not existing
             if (video == null || audio == null)
             if (video.VideoCodec == "none")
                 throw new ArgumentException("The first format in a merge must contain a video.");
             if (audio.AudioCodec == "none")
                 throw new ArgumentException("The second format in a merge must contain an audio.");
             return(new[] { video, audio });
             throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid formar specifier {formatSpecifier}");
     // we have found none of the given formats