public IActionResult AddLink(string alltags, string title, string URL, string duration, DateTime datecompleted, string videotype, string description) { bool result = login.checkSession(); if (result == false) { curPage.errorMsg = "Either you do not have access to these tools or your session has timed out..."; TempData["error"] = curUser.returnMsg; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } bool _test1 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(title); bool _test2 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(URL); bool _test3 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(duration); bool _test4 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(videotype); bool _test5 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(description); if (_test1 || _test2 || _test3 || _test4 || _test5) { TempData["error"] = "It appears you missed a field. Make sure all fields are filled out"; return(RedirectToAction("AddLink", "VideoBackend")); } AccountManager sqlStuff = new AccountManager(); login userInformation = new login(); curUser.username = login.returnUsername(); curUser.userTable = userdb; curUser = AccountManager.checkAdmin(curUser); if (curUser.Admin != "Yes") { curPage.errorMsg = "An error has occured, please try again. "; //AccountManager curUser = new AccountManager(); TempData["error"] = curPage.errorMsg; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } VideoBackendViewModel videoMetaData = new VideoBackendViewModel(); VideoBackEnd VBM = new VideoBackEnd(); string[] tagArray; videoMetaData.VideoName = title; videoMetaData.URL = URL; videoMetaData.Duration = duration; videoMetaData.DateCompleted = datecompleted; videoMetaData.VideoType = videotype; videoMetaData.VideoDescription = description; tagArray = VBM.parseTags(alltags); string x = VBM.processEntry(videoMetaData, tagArray, curUser.username); TempData["error"] = x; return(RedirectToAction("AddLink", "VideoBackend", curPage)); }
public IActionResult EditLink(string alltags, string vidID, string title, string URL, string duration, DateTime datecompleted, string videotype, string description, string delete) { bool result = login.checkSession(); if (result == false) { curPage.errorMsg = "Either you do not have access to these tools or your session has timed out..."; TempData["error"] = curUser.returnMsg; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } AccountManager sqlStuff = new AccountManager(); login userInformation = new login(); curUser.username = login.returnUsername(); curUser.userTable = userdb; curUser = AccountManager.checkAdmin(curUser); if (curUser.Admin != "Yes") { curPage.errorMsg = "An error has occured, please try again. "; //AccountManager curUser = new AccountManager(); TempData["error"] = curPage.errorMsg; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } VideoBackendViewModel videoMetaData = new VideoBackendViewModel(); VideoBackEnd VBM = new VideoBackEnd(); try { string[] tagArray; videoMetaData.VideoName = title; videoMetaData.URL = URL; videoMetaData.Duration = duration; videoMetaData.DateCompleted = datecompleted; videoMetaData.VideoType = videotype; videoMetaData.VideoDescription = description; videoMetaData.vidID = vidID; tagArray = VBM.parseTags(alltags); string y = VBM.cleanLinkEntrys(vidID); if (delete == "1") { TempData["error"] = y; return(RedirectToAction("ListLinks", "VideoBackend")); } if (y == "Success") { string x = VBM.processEntry(videoMetaData, tagArray, curUser.username); TempData["error"] = x; } return(RedirectToAction("ListLinks", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["error"] = e.Message; return(RedirectToAction("ListLinks", "VideoBackend", curPage)); } }