예제 #1
 public AisinoPrintLabel()
     this._text          = string.Empty;
     this._VerticalAlign = VerticalType.Center;
     this._font          = new Font("宋体", 12f);
     this._DataBind      = string.Empty;
     this._Format        = string.Empty;
     this._PrintText     = string.Empty;
     this._backgauge     = 5.2f;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a signed "object" JWT.
        /// 1 REST call is made to pre-insert class.
        /// If this JWT only contains 1 object, usually isn't too long; can be used in Android intents/redirects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verticalType"> pass type to created</param>
        /// <param name="classId">the unique identifier for the class</param>
        /// <param name="objectId">the unique identifier for the object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string makeObjectJwt(VerticalType verticalType, string classId, string objectId)
            ResourceDefinitions resourceDefinitions = ResourceDefinitions.getInstance();
            RestMethods         restMethods         = RestMethods.getInstance();
            // create JWT to put objects and class into JSON Web Token (JWT) format for Google Pay API for Passes
            Jwt googlePassJwt = new Jwt();

            // get class, object definitions, insert class (check in Merchant center GUI: https://pay.google.com/gp/m/issuer/list)
                switch (verticalType)
                case VerticalType.OFFER:
                    OfferClass  offerClass  = resourceDefinitions.makeOfferClassResource(classId);
                    OfferObject offerObject = resourceDefinitions.makeOfferObjectResource(objectId, classId);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to insert class");
                    OfferClass classResponse = restMethods.insertOfferClass(offerClass);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to get object to see if it exists.");
                    OfferObject objectResponse = restMethods.getOfferObject(objectId);
                    // check responses
                    if (!(classResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} inserted.");
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} insertion failed. See above Server Response for more information.");
                    if (!(objectResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"objectId: {objectId} already exists.");
                    if (!(objectResponse is null) && objectResponse.ClassId != offerObject.ClassId)
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"the classId of inserted object is ({objectResponse.ClassId}). " +
                                                 $"It does not match the target classId ({offerObject.ClassId}). The saved object will not " +
                                                 "have the class properties you expect.");
                    // need to add only object because class was pre-inserted

                case VerticalType.LOYALTY:
                    LoyaltyClass  loyaltyClass  = resourceDefinitions.makeLoyaltyClassResource(classId);
                    LoyaltyObject loyaltyObject = resourceDefinitions.makeLoyaltyObjectResource(objectId, classId);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to insert class");
                    LoyaltyClass loyaltyClassResponse = restMethods.insertLoyaltyClass(loyaltyClass);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to get object to see if it exists.");
                    LoyaltyObject loyaltyObjectResponse = restMethods.getLoyaltyObject(objectId);
                    // check responses
                    if (!(loyaltyClassResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} inserted.");
        private Vertical CreateEdgeVertical(Edge edge, VerticalType verticalType, MeterCalibration edgeMeter)
            var taglinePosition = edge.Tagmark.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var depth           = edge.Depth.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var area            = edge.Area.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var velocity        = edge.Velocity.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var discharge       = edge.Discharge.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var width           = edge.Width.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;
            var percentFlow     = edge.Flow.ToNullableDouble() ?? 0;

            var velocityObservation = new VelocityObservation
                VelocityObservationMethod = PointVelocityObservationType.Surface,
                MeanVelocity     = velocity,
                DeploymentMethod = DeploymentMethodType.Unspecified,
                MeterCalibration = edgeMeter,
                Observations     =
                    new VelocityDepthObservation
                        Depth               = depth,
                        Velocity            = velocity,
                        ObservationInterval = 0,
                        RevolutionCount     = 0

            return(new Vertical
                VerticalType = verticalType,
                MeasurementTime = TimeHelper.CoerceDateTimeIntoUtcOffset(edge.Date, LocationInfo.UtcOffset),
                SequenceNumber = edge.panelId,
                TaglinePosition = taglinePosition,
                SoundedDepth = depth,
                EffectiveDepth = depth,
                MeasurementConditionData = new OpenWaterData(),
                FlowDirection = FlowDirectionType.Normal,
                VelocityObservation = velocityObservation,
                Segment = new Segment
                    Area = area,
                    Discharge = discharge,
                    Width = width,
                    Velocity = velocity,
                    TotalDischargePortion = percentFlow,
        public void TestInsertTransitClassAndObject()
            RestMethods         restMethods         = RestMethods.getInstance();
            ResourceDefinitions resourceDefinitions = ResourceDefinitions.getInstance();
            VerticalType        verticalType        = Services.VerticalType.TRANSIT;
            Config        config         = Config.getInstance();
            string        UUID           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string        classUid       = $"{verticalType.ToString()}_CLASS_{UUID}";
            string        classId        = $"{config.getIssuerId()}.{classUid}";
            string        UUIDobj        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string        objectUid      = $"{verticalType.ToString()}_OBJECT_{UUIDobj}";
            string        objectId       = $"{config.getIssuerId()}.{objectUid}";
            TransitClass  classResponse  = restMethods.insertTransitClass(resourceDefinitions.makeTransitClassResource(classId));
            TransitObject objectResponse = restMethods.insertTransitObject(resourceDefinitions.makeTransitObjectResource(objectId, classId));

예제 #5
        public void TestInsertOfferClassAndObject()
            RestMethods         restMethods         = RestMethods.getInstance();
            ResourceDefinitions resourceDefinitions = ResourceDefinitions.getInstance();
            VerticalType        verticalType        = Services.VerticalType.OFFER;
            Config      config         = Config.getInstance();
            string      UUID           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string      classUid       = $"{verticalType.ToString()}_CLASS_{UUID}";
            string      classId        = $"{config.getIssuerId()}.{classUid}";
            string      UUIDobj        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string      objectUid      = $"{verticalType.ToString()}_OBJECT_{UUIDobj}";
            string      objectId       = $"{config.getIssuerId()}.{objectUid}";
            OfferClass  classResponse  = restMethods.insertOfferClass(resourceDefinitions.makeOfferClassResource(classId));
            OfferObject objectResponse = restMethods.insertOfferObject(resourceDefinitions.makeOfferObjectResource(objectId, classId));

            Console.WriteLine("classResponse: " + classResponse);
            Console.WriteLine("objectResponse: " + objectResponse);
예제 #6
        public void CreateChartGrid(Grid Gr, VerticalType tmtype, GridInfoParams Gridinfo)
            switch (tmtype)
                case VerticalType.Major:
                    MajorGR = Gr;
                case VerticalType.Minor:
                    MinorGR = Gr;
            Gr.IntervalType = Gridinfo.IntervalType;// need  to set for lines to appear
            Gr.Interval = Gridinfo.Interval;
            Gr.LineColor = Gridinfo.LineColor;
            Gr.LineDashStyle = Gridinfo.LineDashStyle;
            Gr.LineWidth = Gridinfo.LineWidth;

            Gr.Enabled = true;
예제 #7
        public void CreateChartTickmark(TickMark TM, VerticalType tmtype, TickMarkInfoParams TMinfo)
            switch (tmtype)
                case VerticalType.Major:
                    MajorTM = TM;
                case VerticalType.Minor:
                    MinorTM = TM;

            TM.Interval = TMinfo.Interval;
            TM.IntervalType = TMinfo.IntervalType;
            TM.TickMarkStyle = TMinfo.Style;
            TM.Size = TMinfo.Size;
            TM.LineColor = TMinfo.LineColor;
            TM.LineWidth = TMinfo.LineWidth;
            TM.Enabled = true;

예제 #8
 public T Y(VerticalType y)
     this.y = y;
     return(this as T);
예제 #9
 public TextStyle Baseline(VerticalType baseline)
     this.baseline = baseline;
예제 #10
        public static PointUV GetNoteLocation(INote note, HorizontalType horizontalType, VerticalType verticalType)
            double U = 0, V = 0;

            if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Left)
                U = note.GetLocation(TextPoint.LeftSide).U;
            else if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Right)
                Debug.Fail("Note width not implemented");
            else if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Center)
                Debug.Fail("Note width not implemented");
                Debug.Fail("Case not handled");

            if (verticalType == VerticalType.Bottom)
                V = note.GetLocation(TextPoint.BottomSide).V;
            else if (verticalType == VerticalType.Top)
                Debug.Fail("Note height not implemented");
            else if (verticalType == VerticalType.Middle)
                Debug.Fail("Note height not implemented");
                Debug.Fail("Case not handled");

            return PointUV.Create(U, V);
예제 #11
        public AisinoPrintLabel(XmlElement xmlElement_0) : base(xmlElement_0)
            string str14;

            this._text          = string.Empty;
            this._VerticalAlign = VerticalType.Center;
            this._font          = new Font("宋体", 12f);
            this._DataBind      = string.Empty;
            this._Format        = string.Empty;
            this._PrintText     = string.Empty;
            this._backgauge     = 5.2f;
            string innerText = xmlElement_0.InnerText;
            string attribute = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Font");
            string str3      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("DataBind");
            string str4      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Horizontal");
            string str5      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Vertical");
            string str6      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("FontSpacing");
            string str7      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("LineSpacing");
            string str8      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Format");
            string str9      = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("DataType");
            string str10     = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Lenth");
            string str11     = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Backgauge");
            string str12     = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("LineLength");

            base._ID = xmlElement_0.GetAttribute("Id");
            string str13 = str4;

            if (str13 != null)
                if (!(str13 == "Right"))
                    if (!(str13 == "Center"))
                        goto Label_0137;
                    this.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalType.Center;
                    this.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalType.Right;
                goto Label_013E;
            this.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalType.Left;
            if ((str14 = str5) != null)
                if (!(str14 == "Botton"))
                    if (!(str14 == "Center"))
                        goto Label_0173;
                    this.VerticalAlign = VerticalType.Center;
                    this.VerticalAlign = VerticalType.Botton;
                goto Label_017A;
            this.VerticalAlign = VerticalType.Top;
            this.Text     = innerText;
            this.font     = Common.ToFont(attribute);
            this.DataBind = str3;
            if (str6 == string.Empty)
                this._FontSpacing = 0f;
                this._FontSpacing = Common.ToFloat(str6);
            if (str7 == string.Empty)
                this._LineSpacing = 0f;
                this._LineSpacing = Common.ToFloat(str7);
            this._Format = str8;
            switch (str9)
            case "Int":
            case "I":
            case "i":
                this._dataType = Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.Controls.PrintControl.DataType.Int;

            case "Double":
            case "D":
            case "d":
                this._dataType = Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.Controls.PrintControl.DataType.Double;

            case "DateTime":
            case "DT":
            case "dt":
                this._dataType = Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.Controls.PrintControl.DataType.DateTime;

            case null:

                this._dataType = Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.Controls.PrintControl.DataType.String;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str10))
                this._Length = Common.ToInt(str10);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str11))
                this._backgauge = Common.ToFloat(str11);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str12))
                this._LineLength = Common.ToInt(str12);
예제 #12
        public static PointUV GetNoteLocation(INote note, HorizontalType horizontalType, VerticalType verticalType)
            double U = 0, V = 0;

            if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Left)
                U = note.GetLocation(TextPoint.LeftSide).U;
            else if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Right)
                Debug.Fail("Note width not implemented");
            else if (horizontalType == HorizontalType.Center)
                Debug.Fail("Note width not implemented");
                Debug.Fail("Case not handled");

            if (verticalType == VerticalType.Bottom)
                V = note.GetLocation(TextPoint.BottomSide).V;
            else if (verticalType == VerticalType.Top)
                Debug.Fail("Note height not implemented");
            else if (verticalType == VerticalType.Middle)
                Debug.Fail("Note height not implemented");
                Debug.Fail("Case not handled");

            return(PointUV.Create(U, V));
예제 #13
        private Vertical GetVertical(ManualGaugingRecord gauging, int sequenceNumber, VerticalType verticalType)
            var measurementTime     = CalculateMeasurementTime();
            var velocityObservation = GetVelocityObservation(gauging);

            Log.Info($"Vertical: {sequenceNumber}");

            return(new Vertical
                SequenceNumber = sequenceNumber,
                FlowDirection = FlowDirectionType.Normal,
                IsSoundedDepthEstimated = false,
                MeasurementTime = measurementTime,
                SoundedDepth = gauging.SoundedDepth,
                TaglinePosition = gauging.TaglinePosition,
                EffectiveDepth = gauging.SoundedDepth,
                VerticalType = verticalType,
                MeasurementConditionData = new OpenWaterData(),
                VelocityObservation = velocityObservation
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a signed "fat" JWT.
        /// No REST calls made.
        /// Use fat JWT in JS web button.
        /// Fat JWT is too long to be used in Android intents.
        /// Possibly might break in redirects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verticalType"> pass type to created</param>
        /// <param name="classId">the unique identifier for the class</param>
        /// <param name="objectId">the unique identifier for the object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string makeFatJwt(VerticalType verticalType, string classId, string objectId)
            ResourceDefinitions resourceDefinitions = ResourceDefinitions.getInstance();
            RestMethods         restMethods         = RestMethods.getInstance();
            // create JWT to put objects and class into JSON Web Token (JWT) format for Google Pay API for Passes
            Jwt googlePassJwt = new Jwt();

            // get class definition, object definition and see if Ids exist. for a fat JWT, first time a user hits the save button, the class and object are inserted
                switch (verticalType)
                case VerticalType.OFFER:
                    OfferClass  offerClass  = resourceDefinitions.makeOfferClassResource(classId);
                    OfferObject offerObject = resourceDefinitions.makeOfferObjectResource(objectId, classId);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to get class and object to see if they exist.");
                    OfferClass  classResponse  = restMethods.getOfferClass(classId);
                    OfferObject objectResponse = restMethods.getOfferObject(objectId);
                    // check responses
                    if (!(classResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} already exists.");
                    if (!(objectResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"objectId: {objectId} already exists.");
                    if (!(classResponse is null) && objectResponse.ClassId != offerObject.ClassId)
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"the classId of inserted object is ({objectResponse.ClassId}). " +
                                                 $"It does not match the target classId ({offerObject.ClassId}). The saved object will not " +
                                                 "have the class properties you expect.");
                    // need to add both class and object resource definitions into JWT because no REST calls made to pre-insert

                case VerticalType.LOYALTY:
                    LoyaltyClass  loyaltyClass  = resourceDefinitions.makeLoyaltyClassResource(classId);
                    LoyaltyObject loyaltyObject = resourceDefinitions.makeLoyaltyObjectResource(objectId, classId);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to get class and object to see if they exist.");
                    LoyaltyClass  loyaltyClassResponse  = restMethods.getLoyaltyClass(classId);
                    LoyaltyObject loyaltyObjectResponse = restMethods.getLoyaltyObject(objectId);
                    // check responses
                    if (!(loyaltyClassResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} already exists.");
                    if (!(loyaltyObjectResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"objectId: {objectId} already exists.");
                    if (!(loyaltyClassResponse is null) && loyaltyObjectResponse.ClassId != loyaltyObject.ClassId)
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"the classId of inserted object is ({loyaltyObjectResponse.ClassId}). " +
                                                 $"It does not match the target classId ({loyaltyObject.ClassId}). The saved object will not " +
                                                 "have the class properties you expect.");
                    // need to add both class and object resource definitions into JWT because no REST calls made to pre-insert

                case VerticalType.GIFTCARD:
                    GiftCardClass  giftCardClass  = resourceDefinitions.makeGiftCardClassResource(classId);
                    GiftCardObject giftCardObject = resourceDefinitions.makeGiftCardObjectResource(objectId, classId);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMaking REST call to get class and object to see if they exist.");
                    GiftCardClass  giftCardClassResponse  = restMethods.getGiftCardClass(classId);
                    GiftCardObject giftCardObjectResponse = restMethods.getGiftCardObject(objectId);
                    // check responses
                    if (!(giftCardClassResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"classId: {classId} already exists.");
                    if (!(giftCardObjectResponse is null))
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"objectId: {objectId} already exists.");
                    if (!(giftCardClassResponse is null) && giftCardObjectResponse.ClassId != giftCardObject.ClassId)
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"the classId of inserted object is ({giftCardObjectResponse.ClassId}). " +
                                                 $"It does not match the target classId ({giftCardObject.ClassId}). The saved object will not " +
                                                 "have the class properties you expect.");
                    // need to add both class and object resource definitions into JWT because no REST calls made to pre-insert
                // return "fat" JWT. Try putting it into JS web button
                // note button needs to be rendered in local web server who's domain matches the ORIGINS
                // defined in the JWT. See https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/reference/s2w-reference
            catch (System.Exception e)