예제 #1
 public ViewUByte4(VertexUByte4Value d3dColorValue)
     dataContextValue = new VertexUByte4Value()
         X = d3dColorValue.X,
         Y = d3dColorValue.Y,
         Z = d3dColorValue.Z,
         W = d3dColorValue.W
     DataContext = dataContextValue;
예제 #2
        private void MenuItem_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Get the clicked MenuItem
            var menuItem = (MenuItem)sender;

            //Get the ContextMenu to which the menuItem belongs
            ContextMenu contextMenu = (ContextMenu)menuItem.Parent;

            //Find the placementTarget
            Vertex clickedVertex = (Vertex)((System.Windows.Controls.DataGridCell)(contextMenu.PlacementTarget)).DataContext;
            int    columnIndex   = ((System.Windows.Controls.DataGridCell)(contextMenu.PlacementTarget)).Column.DisplayIndex;

            if (clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex].DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR)
                VertexD3DColorValue colorValue = (VertexD3DColorValue)clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex];

                ViewD3DColor dialog = new ViewD3DColor(colorValue);
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray vertexArraySection = section.obj as SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray;
                    foreach (Vertex vertex in vertexArraySection.vertices)
                        foreach (IVertexComponentValue val in vertex.VertexComponents.Where(v => v.DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR))
                            VertexD3DColorValue val2 = val as VertexD3DColorValue;
                            if (val2.A == colorValue.A &&
                                val2.R == colorValue.R &&
                                val2.G == colorValue.G &&
                                val2.B == colorValue.B)
                                val2.A = dialog.A;
                                val2.R = dialog.R;
                                val2.G = dialog.G;
                                val2.B = dialog.B;
                    if (section != null)
            if (clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex].DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4)
                VertexUByte4Value colorValue = (VertexUByte4Value)clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex];

                ViewUByte4 dialog = new ViewUByte4(colorValue);
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray vertexArraySection = section.obj as SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray;
                    foreach (Vertex vertex in vertexArraySection.vertices)
                        foreach (IVertexComponentValue val in vertex.VertexComponents.Where(v => v.DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR))
                            VertexUByte4Value val2 = val as VertexUByte4Value;
                            if (val2.X == colorValue.X &&
                                val2.Y == colorValue.Y &&
                                val2.Z == colorValue.Z &&
                                val2.W == colorValue.W)
                                val2.X = dialog.X;
                                val2.Y = dialog.Y;
                                val2.Z = dialog.Z;
                                val2.W = dialog.W;
                    if (section != null)
            if (clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex].DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N)
                VertexShort4NValue colorValue = (VertexShort4NValue)clickedVertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex];

                ViewShort4N dialog = new ViewShort4N(colorValue);
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray vertexArraySection = section.obj as SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4VertexArray;
                    foreach (Vertex vertex in vertexArraySection.vertices)
                        VertexShort4NValue val2 = (VertexShort4NValue)vertex.VertexComponents[columnIndex];
                        if (val2.X == colorValue.X &&
                            val2.Y == colorValue.Y &&
                            val2.Z == colorValue.Z &&
                            val2.W == colorValue.W)
                            val2.X = dialog.X;
                            val2.Y = dialog.Y;
                            val2.Z = dialog.Z;
                            val2.W = dialog.W;
                    if (section != null)
예제 #3
        private void UserControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (this.DataContext != null && this.DataContext.GetType() == typeof(RW4ModelSectionView))
                matDiffuseMain.Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
                RW4ModelSectionView sectionView = this.DataContext as RW4ModelSectionView;

                // listBoxTextures.ItemsSource = sectionView.Model.Sections.Where<RW4Section>(s => s.TypeCode == SectionTypeCodes.Texture);

                RW4Section section = sectionView.Section;
                SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4Mesh mesh = section.obj as SporeMaster.RenderWare4.RW4Mesh;


                if (_boundingBox != null)
                    _boundingBox = null;

                RW4Section bboxSection = sectionView.Model.Sections.FirstOrDefault <RW4Section>(s => s.TypeCode == SectionTypeCodes.BBox);

                    if (mesh != null)
                        VertexD3DColorValue lastColorValue = null;

                        //separate the mesh into 'chunks' that can be given different textures if necessary
                        foreach (var v in mesh.vertices.vertices)
                            if (v.VertexComponents.Exists(vc => vc.DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR))
                                VertexD3DColorValue colorVal = v.VertexComponents.First(vc => vc.DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR) as VertexD3DColorValue;
                                if (colorVal != lastColorValue)
                                    //create a new 'chunk'.
                                    ModelVisual3D newChunckContainer = new ModelVisual3D();
                                    GeometryModel3D newChunk = new GeometryModel3D();

                                    //  GeometryContainer.Content.add

                            VertexFloat3Value position = v.VertexComponents.First(vc => vc.Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE.D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION) as VertexFloat3Value;

                            meshMain.Positions.Add(new Point3D(position.X, position.Y, position.Z));

                            IVertexComponentValue normal = v.VertexComponents.First(vc => vc.Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE.D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL);
                            if (normal != null)
                                if (normal is VertexUByte4Value)
                                    VertexUByte4Value normalValue = normal as VertexUByte4Value;
                                    meshMain.Normals.Add(new Vector3D(
                                                             (((float)normalValue.X) - 127.5f) / 127.5f,
                                                             (((float)normalValue.Y) - 127.5f) / 127.5f,
                                                             (((float)normalValue.Z) - 127.5f) / 127.5f
                                else if (normal is VertexFloat3Value)
                                    VertexFloat3Value normalValue = normal as VertexFloat3Value;
                                    meshMain.Normals.Add(new Vector3D(normalValue.X, normalValue.Y, normalValue.Z));

                            IVertexComponentValue textureCoordinates = v.VertexComponents.First(vc => vc.Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE.D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD);
                            if (textureCoordinates != null)
                                if (textureCoordinates is VertexFloat2Value)
                                    VertexFloat2Value textureCoordinatesValue = textureCoordinates as VertexFloat2Value;
                                    meshMain.TextureCoordinates.Add(new System.Windows.Point(textureCoordinatesValue.X, textureCoordinatesValue.Y));
                                if (textureCoordinates is VertexFloat4Value)
                                    VertexFloat4Value textureCoordinatesValue = textureCoordinates as VertexFloat4Value;
                                    meshMain.TextureCoordinates.Add(new System.Windows.Point(textureCoordinatesValue.X, textureCoordinatesValue.Y));
                        foreach (var t in mesh.triangles.triangles)
예제 #4
        private void TangentSolver(RW4Mesh mesh)
            int vertexCount = mesh.vertices.vertices.Length;

            SporeMaster.RenderWare4.VertexBuffer vertices = mesh.vertices.vertices;
            Buffer <Triangle> triangles = mesh.triangles.triangles;

            Vector3[] tan1 = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
            Vector3[] tan2 = new Vector3[vertices.Length];

            int triangleCount = mesh.triangles.triangles.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i += 3)
                Triangle i1 = triangles[i];

                Vertex v1 = vertices[(int)i1.i];
                Vertex v2 = vertices[(int)i1.j];
                Vertex v3 = vertices[(int)i1.k];

                var x1 = v2.Position.X - v1.Position.X;
                var x2 = v3.Position.X - v1.Position.X;
                var y1 = v2.Position.Y - v1.Position.Y;
                var y2 = v3.Position.Y - v1.Position.Y;
                var z1 = v2.Position.Z - v1.Position.Z;
                var z2 = v3.Position.Z - v1.Position.Z;

                var s1 = v2.TextureCoordinates.X - v1.TextureCoordinates.X;
                var s2 = v3.TextureCoordinates.X - v1.TextureCoordinates.X;
                var t1 = v2.TextureCoordinates.Y - v1.TextureCoordinates.Y;
                var t2 = v3.TextureCoordinates.Y - v1.TextureCoordinates.Y;

                float r = 1.0f / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);

                var sdir = new Vector3((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
                var tdir = new Vector3((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);

                tan1[i1.i] += sdir;
                tan1[i1.j] += sdir;
                tan1[i1.k] += sdir;

                tan2[i1.i] += tdir;
                tan2[i1.j] += tdir;
                tan2[i1.k] += tdir;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.vertices.Length; i++)
                Vector3 normal = new Vector3(mesh.vertices.vertices[i].Normal.X,

                // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
                Vector3 tangent = tan1[i] - normal * Vector3.Dot(normal, tan1[i]);

                // Calculate handedness (here maybe you need to switch >= with <= depend on the geometry winding order)
                float   tangentdir = (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(normal, tan1[i]), tan2[i]) >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                Vector3 binormal   = Vector3.Cross(normal, tangent) * tangentdir;

                Vertex v = mesh.vertices.vertices[i];

                VertexUByte4Value tangentValue = (VertexUByte4Value)v.VertexComponents.First(c => c.Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE.D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT && c.DeclarationType == D3DDECLTYPE.D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4);
                tangentValue.X = (byte)(tangent.X * 127.5F + 127.5F);
                tangentValue.Y = (byte)(tangent.Y * 127.5F + 127.5F);
                tangentValue.Z = (byte)(tangent.Z * 127.5F + 127.5F);
                tangentValue.W = (byte)255;

                mesh.vertices.vertices[i] = v;