예제 #1
        protected void InitModelDebugPhysic(GraphicNode graphic_node)
            var physic    = graphic_node.Entity.Get <PhysicComponent>();
            var min       = physic.BoundingBox.Min;
            var max       = physic.BoundingBox.Max;
            var x0        = (float)min.X;
            var y0        = (float)min.Y;
            var z0        = (float)min.Z;
            var x1        = (float)max.X;
            var y1        = (float)max.Y;
            var z1        = (float)max.Z;
            var verticies = new VertexP3[] {
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z1),
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z1),
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y0, z1),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x0, y1, z1),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z0),
                new VertexP3(x1, y1, z1)

            graphic_node.ModelDebugPhysic = new Model();
            graphic_node.ModelDebugPhysic.Mesh(new Mesh <VertexP3, uint>(verticies));
            graphic_node.ModelDebugPhysic.Mode    = PrimitiveType.Lines;
            graphic_node.ModelDebugPhysic.Program = ResourceManager.Programs["primitive_colored"];
예제 #2
        public Form1()

            m_Device = new Device();
            m_Device.Init(panelOutput1.Handle, false, false);

            m_Shader_RenderMesh = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/RenderMesh.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", null, "PS", null);

                List <VertexP3> Vertices = new List <VertexP3>();
                List <uint>     Indices  = new List <uint>();

                const int SUBDIVS_THETA = 80;
                const int SUBDIVS_PHI   = 160;
                for (int Y = 0; Y <= SUBDIVS_THETA; Y++)
                    double Theta    = Y * Math.PI / SUBDIVS_THETA;
                    float  CosTheta = (float)Math.Cos(Theta);
                    float  SinTheta = (float)Math.Sin(Theta);
                    for (int X = 0; X <= SUBDIVS_PHI; X++)
                        double Phi    = X * 2.0 * Math.PI / SUBDIVS_PHI;
                        float  CosPhi = (float)Math.Cos(Phi);
                        float  SinPhi = (float)Math.Sin(Phi);

                        float3 N = new float3(SinTheta * SinPhi, CosTheta, SinTheta * CosPhi);
                        Vertices.Add(new VertexP3()
                            P = N

                for (int Y = 0; Y < SUBDIVS_THETA; Y++)
                    int CurrentLineOffset = Y * (SUBDIVS_PHI + 1);
                    int NextLineOffset    = (Y + 1) * (SUBDIVS_PHI + 1);
                    for (int X = 0; X <= SUBDIVS_PHI; X++)
                        Indices.Add((uint)(CurrentLineOffset + X));
                        Indices.Add((uint)(NextLineOffset + X));
                    if (Y < SUBDIVS_THETA - 1)
                        Indices.Add((uint)(NextLineOffset - 1));                                // Degenerate triangle to end the line
                        Indices.Add((uint)NextLineOffset);                                      // Degenerate triangle to start the next line

                m_Prim_Sphere = new Primitive(m_Device, Vertices.Count, VertexP3.FromArray(Vertices.ToArray()), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3);

            // Setup camera
            m_CB_Camera = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Camera>(m_Device, 0);
            m_CB_Mesh   = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Mesh>(m_Device, 1);

            m_Camera.CreatePerspectiveCamera(60.0f * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f, (float)panelOutput1.Width / panelOutput1.Height, 0.01f, 40.0f);
            m_Camera.CameraTransformChanged += new EventHandler(Camera_CameraTransformChanged);

            m_CameraManipulator.Attach(panelOutput1, m_Camera);
            m_CameraManipulator.InitializeCamera(4.0f * float3.UnitZ, float3.Zero, float3.UnitY);

            // Build SH
                const int SUBDIVS_THETA = 80;
                const int SUBDIVS_PHI   = 160;

                const double f0 = 0.28209479177387814347403972578039;                                   // 0.5 / sqrt(PI);
                const double f1 = 0.48860251190291992158638462283835;                                   // 0.5 * sqrt(3/PI);
                const double f2 = 1.09254843059207907054338570580270;                                   // 0.5 * sqrt(15/PI);
                const double f3 = 0.31539156525252000603089369029571;                                   // 0.25 * sqrt(5.PI);

                double[] SH                    = new double[9];
                double[] DirectionSH           = new double[9];
                double[] PreciseDirectionSH    = new double[9];
                double[] SumDirectionSH        = new double[9];
                double[] SumPreciseDirectionSH = new double[9];
                for (int Y = 0; Y < SUBDIVS_THETA; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < SUBDIVS_PHI; X++)
                        double Theta = 2.0 * Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - (Y + WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform()) / SUBDIVS_THETA));
                        double Phi   = 2.0 * Math.PI * (X + WMath.SimpleRNG.GetUniform()) / SUBDIVS_PHI;

                        float CosTheta = (float)Math.Cos(Theta);
                        float SinTheta = (float)Math.Sin(Theta);
                        float CosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(Phi);
                        float SinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(Phi);

                        float3 Direction = new float3(SinTheta * CosPhi, SinTheta * SinPhi, CosTheta);                          // Z up

                        DirectionSH[0] = f0;                                                                                    // l=0 m=0
                        DirectionSH[1] = f1 * Direction.y;                                                                      // l=1 m=-1
                        DirectionSH[2] = f1 * Direction.z;                                                                      // l=1 m=0
                        DirectionSH[3] = f1 * Direction.x;                                                                      // l=1 m=1
                        DirectionSH[4] = f2 * Direction.x * Direction.y;                                                        // l=2 m=-2
                        DirectionSH[5] = f2 * Direction.y * Direction.z;                                                        // l=2 m=-1
                        DirectionSH[6] = f3 * (3.0 * Direction.z * Direction.z - 1.0);                                          // l=2 m=0
                        DirectionSH[7] = f2 * Direction.x * Direction.z;                                                        // l=2 m=1
                        DirectionSH[8] = f2 * 0.5 * (Direction.x * Direction.x - Direction.y * Direction.y);                    // l=2 m=2

                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            int l = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(i));
                            int m = i - l * (l + 1);
                            PreciseDirectionSH[i] = SphericalHarmonics.SHFunctions.ComputeSH(l, m, Theta, Phi);

                            SumDirectionSH[i]        += DirectionSH[i];
                            SumPreciseDirectionSH[i] += PreciseDirectionSH[i];

//                          bool	rha = false;
//                          if ( Math.Abs( DirectionSH[i] - PreciseDirectionSH[i] ) > 1e-3 ) {
//                              //throw new Exception( "BRA!" );
//                              rha = true;
//                          }

                        // Encode function
//						double	Function = 0.1 + 0.45 * (1.0 - Math.Cos( 2.0 * Theta ) * Math.Cos( 1.0 * Phi ));
                        double Function = 0.5 * (1.0 + Direction.x);

                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            SH[i] += Function * DirectionSH[i];

                // Normalize and store
                double Normalizer = 4.0 * Math.PI / (SUBDIVS_THETA * SUBDIVS_PHI);
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    SH[i]                    *= Normalizer;
                    SumDirectionSH[i]        *= Normalizer;
                    SumPreciseDirectionSH[i] *= Normalizer;

//              SphericalHarmonics.SHFunctions.EncodeIntoSH( SH, SUBDIVS_THETA, SUBDIVS_PHI, 1, 3, ( double _Theta, double _Phi ) => {
// //					double	Function = 0.1 + 0.45 * (1.0 - Math.Cos( 2.0 * _Theta ) * Math.Cos( 1.0 * _Phi ));
//                  double	Function = Math.Cos( _Phi );
//                  return Function;
//              } );

                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH0.x = (float)SH[0];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH0.y = (float)SH[1];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH0.z = (float)SH[2];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH0.w = (float)SH[3];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH1.x = (float)SH[4];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH1.y = (float)SH[5];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH1.z = (float)SH[6];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH1.w = (float)SH[7];
                m_CB_Mesh.m.m_SH2   = (float)SH[8];

            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(Application_Idle);
예제 #3
        public TestForm()

            try {
                m_device.Init(panelOutput.Handle, false, true);

                m_shader_voxelizeScene           = new ComputeShader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/VoxelizeScene.hlsl"), "CS", null);
                m_shader_buildVoxelMips          = new ComputeShader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/VoxelizeScene.hlsl"), "CS_Mip", null);
                m_shader_buildSingleVoxelMips    = new ComputeShader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/VoxelizeScene.hlsl"), "CS_SingleMip", null);
                m_shader_accumulateVoxelLighting = new ComputeShader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/VoxelizeScene.hlsl"), "CS_Accumulate", null);
                m_shader_computeIndirectLighting = new ComputeShader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/ComputeIndirectLighting.hlsl"), "CS", null);
                m_shader_renderGBuffer           = new Shader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/RenderGBuffer.hlsl"), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null);
                m_shader_renderScene             = new Shader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/RenderScene.hlsl"), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null);
                m_shader_renderVoxels            = new Shader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/RenderVoxels.hlsl"), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", null, "PS", null);
                m_shader_postProcess             = new Shader(m_device, new System.IO.FileInfo("./Shaders/PostProcess.hlsl"), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null);

                m_tex_GBuffer       = new Texture2D(m_device, (uint)panelOutput.Width, (uint)panelOutput.Height, 4, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32F, COMPONENT_FORMAT.UNORM, false, false, null);
                m_tex_sceneRadiance = new Texture2D(m_device, (uint)panelOutput.Width, (uint)panelOutput.Height, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32F, COMPONENT_FORMAT.UNORM, false, false, null);

                using (ImageFile blueNoise = new ImageFile(new System.IO.FileInfo("BlueNoise64x64.png"))) {
                    m_Tex_BlueNoise = new Texture2D(m_device, new ImagesMatrix(new ImageFile[, ] {
                        { blueNoise }
                    }), COMPONENT_FORMAT.UNORM);

                m_CB_computeIndirect = new ConstantBuffer <CB_ComputeIndirectLighting>(m_device, 10);
                m_CB_global          = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Global>(m_device, 0);
                m_CB_camera          = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Camera>(m_device, 1);
                m_CB_renderScene     = new ConstantBuffer <CB_RenderScene>(m_device, 10);
                m_CB_renderVoxels    = new ConstantBuffer <CB_RenderVoxels>(m_device, 10);
                m_CB_filtering       = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Filtering>(m_device, 10);
                m_CB_postProcess     = new ConstantBuffer <CB_PostProcess>(m_device, 10);

                // Build the cube primitive used to render voxels
                    VertexP3[] vertices = new VertexP3[] {
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(-1, -1, -1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(1, -1, -1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(1, 1, -1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(-1, 1, -1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(-1, -1, +1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(1, -1, +1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(1, 1, +1)
                        new VertexP3()
                            P = new float3(-1, 1, +1)
                    uint[] indices = new uint[] {
                        3, 0, 4, 3, 4, 7,
                        6, 5, 1, 6, 1, 2,
                        3, 7, 6, 3, 6, 2,
                        4, 0, 1, 4, 1, 5,
                        2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3,
                        7, 4, 5, 7, 5, 6,
                    m_prim_Cube = new Primitive(m_device, (uint)vertices.Length, VertexP3.FromArray(vertices), indices, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_LIST, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3);

                // Voxelize the scene & compute indirect lighting
            } catch (Exception _e) {
                MessageBox.Show(this, "An exception occurred while creating DX structures:\r\n" + _e.Message, "Error");

            // Initialize camera
            m_camera.CreatePerspectiveCamera(CAMERA_FOV, (float)panelOutput.Width / panelOutput.Height, 0.1f, 100.0f);
            m_camera.CameraTransformChanged += m_camera_CameraTransformChanged;
            m_cameraManipulator.Attach(panelOutput, m_camera);
//			m_cameraManipulator.InitializeCamera( new float3( 0, 1.5f, 4.0f ), new float3( 0, 1.5f, 0.0f ), float3.UnitY );
            m_cameraManipulator.InitializeCamera(new float3(0.0f, 2.73f, -6.0f), new float3(0.0f, 2.73f, 0.0f), float3.UnitY);

            m_startTime       = DateTime.Now;
            Application.Idle += Application_Idle;
예제 #4
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            m_Device.Init(viewportPanel.Handle, false, true);
            m_Device.Clear(m_Device.DefaultTarget, new RendererManaged.float4(Color.SkyBlue, 1));

            Reg(m_CS        = new ComputeShader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/Test/TestCompute.hlsl")), "CS", null));
            Reg(m_PS        = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/DisplayDistanceField.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4, "VS", null, "PS", null));
            Reg(m_CB_Camera = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Camera>(m_Device, 0));
            Reg(m_CB_Render = new ConstantBuffer <CB_Render>(m_Device, 8));


            // Photon Shooter
            Reg(m_CS_PhotonShooter      = new ComputeShader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/PhotonShooter.hlsl")), "CS", null));
            Reg(m_CB_PhotonShooterInput = new ConstantBuffer <CB_PhotonShooterInput>(m_Device, 8));
            Reg(m_SB_PhotonOut          = new StructuredBuffer <SB_PhotonOut>(m_Device, PHOTONS_COUNT, true));
            BuildPhaseQuantileBuffer(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Mie65536x2.float"));

            // Photons Splatter
            Reg(m_PS_PhotonSplatter           = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/SplatPhoton.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", "GS", "PS", null));
            Reg(m_PS_PhotonSplatter_Intensity = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/SplatPhoton.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", "GS", "PS_Intensity", null));

            Reg(m_CB_SplatPhoton = new ConstantBuffer <CB_SplatPhoton>(m_Device, 8));
            Reg(m_Tex_Photons    = new Texture2D(m_Device, 512, 512, -6 * 4, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA16_FLOAT, false, true, null));

            // Build a single point that will be instanced as many times as there are photons
                ByteBuffer Point = new ByteBuffer(3 * System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(float3)));
                Reg(m_Prim_Point = new Primitive(m_Device, 1, Point, null, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.POINT_LIST, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3));

            // Photons Smoother
            Reg(m_PS_PhotonsSmooth      = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/SmoothPhotons.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", null, "PS", null));
            Reg(m_PS_PhotonsUnsharpMask = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/SmoothPhotons.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", null, "PS_HiFreq", null));
            Reg(m_CB_SmoothPhotons      = new ConstantBuffer <CB_SmoothPhotons>(m_Device, 8));

            Reg(m_Tex_PhotonsSmooth = new Texture2D(m_Device, 512, 512, 6 * 4, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA16_FLOAT, false, true, null));
            Reg(m_Tex_PhotonsHiFreq = new Texture2D(m_Device, 512, 512, 6 * 4, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA16_FLOAT, false, true, null));

            // Photons Renderer
            Reg(m_PS_RenderCube = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/DisplayPhotonCube.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3N3, "VS", null, "PS", null));
            Reg(m_PS_RenderWorldCube = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/DisplayWorldCube.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3N3, "VS", null, "PS", null));

            // Photon Vectors Renderer
            Reg(m_PS_RenderPhotonVectors = new Shader(m_Device, new ShaderFile(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"Shaders/CanonicalCubeRenderer/DisplayPhotonVector.hlsl")), VERTEX_FORMAT.P3, "VS", null, "PS", null));
            Reg(m_CB_RenderPhotonVector  = new ConstantBuffer <CB_RenderPhotonVector>(m_Device, 8));
                ByteBuffer Line = VertexP3.FromArray(new VertexP3[] { new VertexP3()
                                                                          P = new float3(0, 0, 0)
                                                                      }, new VertexP3()
                                                                          P = new float3(1, 0, 0)
                                                                      } });
                Reg(m_Prim_Line = new Primitive(m_Device, 2, Line, null, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.LINE_LIST, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3));

            // Create the camera manipulator
            m_CB_Camera.m.Camera2World = float4x4.Identity;
            UpdateCameraProjection(60.0f * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f, (float)viewportPanel.Width / viewportPanel.Height, 0.1f, 100.0f);

            m_Manipulator.CameraTransformChanged += new CameraManipulator.UpdateCameraTransformEventHandler(Manipulator_CameraTransformChanged);
            m_Manipulator.InitializeCamera(new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f), new float3(0, 0, 0), new float3(0, 1, 0));
예제 #5
        void BuildPrimCylinder()
            const int	COUNT = 20;

            // Build 2 circles at Y=0 and Y=1
            VertexP3[]	Vertices = new VertexP3[2*COUNT];
            for ( uint Y=0; Y < 2; Y++ ) {
                for ( uint X=0; X < COUNT; X++ ) {
                    float	phi = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * X / COUNT;
                    Vertices[COUNT*Y+X].P.Set( (float) Math.Cos( phi ), Y, (float) Math.Sin( phi ) );

            // Link the 2 circles with quads
            List<uint>	Indices = new List<uint>();
            for ( uint X=0; X < COUNT; X++ ) {
                uint	NX = (X+1) % COUNT;
                Indices.Add( X );
                Indices.Add( COUNT+X );
                Indices.Add( COUNT+NX );

                Indices.Add( X );
                Indices.Add( COUNT+NX );
                Indices.Add( NX );

            // Cap the circles
            for ( uint X=1; X < COUNT-1; X++ ) {
                Indices.Add( 0 );
                Indices.Add( X );
                Indices.Add( X+1 );

                Indices.Add( COUNT+0 );
                Indices.Add( COUNT+X+1 );	// Indices reversed for bottom triangles, although we render in CULL_NONE so we don't really care...
                Indices.Add( COUNT+X );

            m_Prim_Cylinder = new Primitive( m_Device, 2*COUNT, VertexP3.FromArray( Vertices ), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_LIST, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3 );
예제 #6
        void BuildPrimLobe()
            const int	RESOLUTION_THETA = 4 * LOBES_COUNT_THETA;
            const int	RESOLUTION_PHI = 2 * RESOLUTION_THETA;

            #if true	// FULL SPHERE
                VertexP3[]	Vertices = new VertexP3[RESOLUTION_PHI*2*RESOLUTION_THETA];
                for ( uint Y=0; Y < 2*RESOLUTION_THETA; Y++ ) {
            //					float	theta = 2.0f * (float) Math.Asin( Math.Sqrt( (float) Y / (2*RESOLUTION_THETA-1) ) );
                    float	theta = (float) Math.PI * (float) Y / (2*RESOLUTION_THETA-1);
                    for ( uint X=0; X < RESOLUTION_PHI; X++ ) {
                        float	phi = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * X / RESOLUTION_PHI;
                        Vertices[RESOLUTION_PHI*Y+X].P.Set( (float) (Math.Sin( theta ) * Math.Cos( phi )), (float) Math.Cos( theta ), -(float) (Math.Sin( theta ) * Math.Sin( phi )) );	// Phi=0 => +X, Phi=PI/2 => -Z in our Y-up frame

                List<uint>	Indices = new List<uint>();
                for ( uint Y=0; Y < 2*RESOLUTION_THETA-1; Y++ ) {
                    uint	IndexStart0 = RESOLUTION_PHI*Y;		// Start index of top band
                    uint	IndexStart1 = RESOLUTION_PHI*(Y+1);	// Start index of bottom band
                    for ( uint X=0; X < RESOLUTION_PHI; X++ ) {
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart0++ );
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart1++ );
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart0-RESOLUTION_PHI );	// Loop
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart1-RESOLUTION_PHI );
                    if ( Y != 2*RESOLUTION_THETA-1 ) {
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart1-1 );			// Double current band's last index (first degenerate triangle => finish current band)
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart0 );				// Double next band's first index (second degenerate triangle => start new band)
                m_Prim_Lobe = new Primitive( m_Device, RESOLUTION_PHI*2*RESOLUTION_THETA, VertexP3.FromArray( Vertices ), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3 );
            #else	// HEMISPHERE
                VertexP3[]	Vertices = new VertexP3[RESOLUTION_PHI*RESOLUTION_THETA];
                for ( uint Y=0; Y < RESOLUTION_THETA; Y++ ) {
            //					float	theta = 2.0f * (float) Math.Asin( Math.Sqrt( 0.5 * Y / (RESOLUTION_THETA-1) ) );
                    float	theta = 0.5f * (float) Math.PI * Y / (RESOLUTION_THETA-1);
                    for ( uint X=0; X < RESOLUTION_PHI; X++ ) {
                        float	phi = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * X / RESOLUTION_PHI;

                        Vertices[RESOLUTION_PHI*Y+X].P.Set( (float) (Math.Sin( theta ) * Math.Cos( phi )), (float) Math.Cos( theta ), -(float) (Math.Sin( theta ) * Math.Sin( phi )) );	// Phi=0 => +X, Phi=PI/2 => -Z in our Y-up frame

                List<uint>	Indices = new List<uint>();
                for ( uint Y=0; Y < RESOLUTION_THETA-1; Y++ ) {
                    uint	IndexStart0 = RESOLUTION_PHI*Y;		// Start index of top band
                    uint	IndexStart1 = RESOLUTION_PHI*(Y+1);	// Start index of bottom band
                    for ( uint X=0; X < RESOLUTION_PHI; X++ ) {
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart0++ );
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart1++ );
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart0-RESOLUTION_PHI );	// Loop
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart1-RESOLUTION_PHI );
                    if ( Y != RESOLUTION_THETA-1 ) {
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart1-1 );			// Double current band's last index (first degenerate triangle => finish current band)
                        Indices.Add( IndexStart0 );				// Double next band's first index (second degenerate triangle => start new band)
                m_Prim_Lobe = new Primitive( m_Device, RESOLUTION_PHI*RESOLUTION_THETA, VertexP3.FromArray( Vertices ), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3 );
예제 #7
        void BuildPrimHeightfield()
            VertexP3[]	Vertices = new VertexP3[HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE];
            for ( uint Y=0; Y < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; Y++ ) {
                float	y = -1.0f + 2.0f * Y / (HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1);
                for ( uint X=0; X < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; X++ ) {
                    float	x = -1.0f + 2.0f * X / (HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1);
                    Vertices[HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*Y+X].P.Set( x, y, 0.0f );

            List< uint >	Indices = new List< uint >();
            for ( uint Y=0; Y < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1; Y++ ) {
                uint	IndexStart0 = HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*Y;		// Start index of top band
                uint	IndexStart1 = HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*(Y+1);	// Start index of bottom band
                for ( uint X=0; X < HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE; X++ ) {
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart0++ );
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart1++ );
                if ( Y != HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE-1 ) {
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart1-1 );				// Double current band's last index (first degenerate triangle => finish current band)
                    Indices.Add( IndexStart0 );					// Double next band's first index (second degenerate triangle => start new band)

            m_Prim_Heightfield = new Primitive( m_Device, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE*HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE, VertexP3.FromArray( Vertices ), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3 );