public Model(VertexModel vmodel)// : this(Utilities.Convert(vmodel)) { Tree = construct(vmodel, 0, Vector3.Zero, vmodel.All()); Octree construct(VertexModel vm, int depth, Vector3 pos, List <int> possible) { float scale = (float)Math.Pow(0.5, depth); float[] verts = new float[8]; Vector3 center = pos + Vector3.One * 0.5f * scale; float centerValue = vm.DistanceAt(center, possible); //possible = vm.GetPossible(center, HalfSqrt3 * scale, possible); possible = vm.GetPossiblePrecomp(center, Math.Abs(centerValue) + HalfSqrt3 * scale, possible); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { verts[i] = vm.DistanceAt(pos + SdfMath.split(i).Vector *scale, possible); } Octree build = new Octree(verts); if (Math.Abs(centerValue) < scale * 2 && depth < MaxDepth) // error(centerValue, build.Vertices, pos) > precision { Octree[] children = new Octree[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { children[i] = construct(vm, depth + 1, pos + SdfMath.split(i).Vector *scale / 2, possible); } build.Children = children; } return(build); } }
private static string WriteVertex(VertexModel vertex) { return($"{VERTEX}{DELIMITER}" + $"{vertex.Position.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}{DELIMITER}" + $"{vertex.Position.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}{DELIMITER}" + $"{vertex.Position.Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"); }
public VertexModel CreateVertex(UInt32 creationDate, PropertyContainer[] properties = null) { if (WriteResource()) { try { //create the new vertex var newVertex = new VertexModel(_currentId, creationDate, properties); //insert it _graphElements.Add(newVertex); //increment the id Interlocked.Increment(ref _currentId); //Increase the vertex count VertexCount++; return(newVertex); } finally { FinishWriteResource(); } } throw new CollisionException(this); }
public override void Init() { this.model = base.model as TriangleModel; model.verticesModelVec = new List <VertexModel>(); for (int i = 0; i != model.view.transform.childCount; ++i) { VertexModel vertexModel = new VertexModel(); vertexModel.componentsAssetID = model.componentsAssetID; vertexModel.codeSnippetsAssetID = model.codeSnippetsAssetID; = "Vertex"; vertexModel.parent = model; VertexView vertexView = model.view.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent_AutoAdd <VertexView>(); VertexController vertexController = new VertexController(); GameResourceManager.Instance.CombineMVC(vertexModel, vertexView, vertexController); vertexModel.OnPositionUpdated += InitTriangle; vertexModel.OnColorUpdated += (Color => InitTriangle(; model.verticesModelVec.Add(vertexModel); } InitTriangle(; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a scale free network /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeCound"></param> /// <param name="edgeCount"></param> /// <param name="fallen8"></param> public void CreateScaleFreeNetwork(int nodeCound, int edgeCount) { var creationDate = DateHelper.ConvertDateTime(DateTime.Now); var vertexIDs = new List <Int32> (); var prng = new Random(); if (nodeCound < _numberOfToBeTestedVertices) { _numberOfToBeTestedVertices = nodeCound; } _toBeBenchenVertices = new List <VertexModel> (_numberOfToBeTestedVertices); for (var i = 0; i < nodeCound; i++) { // vertexIDs.Add( // fallen8.CreateVertex(creationDate, new PropertyContainer[4] // { // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 23, Value = 4344 }, // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 24, Value = "Ein gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz langes Property" }, // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 25, Value = "Ein kurzes Property" }, // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 26, Value = "Ein gaaaaaaaanz langes Property" }, // }).Id); vertexIDs.Add(_f8.CreateVertex(creationDate).Id); } if (edgeCount != 0) { foreach (var aVertexId in vertexIDs) { var targetVertices = new HashSet <Int32> (); do { targetVertices.Add(vertexIDs [prng.Next(0, vertexIDs.Count)]); } while (targetVertices.Count < edgeCount); foreach (var aTargetVertex in targetVertices) { // fallen8.CreateEdge(aVertexId, 0, aTargetVertex, creationDate, new PropertyContainer[2] // { // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 29, Value = 23.4 }, // new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 1, Value = 2 }, // }); // _f8.CreateEdge(aVertexId, 0, aTargetVertex, creationDate); } } _toBeBenchenVertices.AddRange(PickInterestingIDs(vertexIDs, prng) .Select(aId => { VertexModel v = null; _f8.TryGetVertex(out v, aId); return(v); })); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new path element /// </summary> /// <param name="edge"> The edge. </param> /// <param name="edgePropertyId"> The edge property identifier. </param> /// <param name="direction"> The direction. </param> /// <param name="weight"> The weight. </param> public PathElement(EdgeModel edge, UInt16 edgePropertyId, Direction direction, Double weight = 0.0) { Edge = edge; EdgePropertyId = edgePropertyId; Direction = direction; Weight = weight; _sourceVertex = null; _targetVertex = null; }
public void VertexModelConstructorUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); int id = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value uint creationDate = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PropertyContainer[] properties = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var target = new VertexModel(id, creationDate, properties); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the local frontier corresponding to a vertex /// </summary> /// <param name="vertex">The vertex behind the local frontier</param> /// <param name="alreadyVisitedVertices">The vertices that have been visited already</param> /// <param name="edgepropertyFilter">The edge property filter</param> /// <param name="edgeFilter">The edge filter</param> /// <param name="vertexFilter">The vertex filter</param> /// <returns>The local frontier</returns> private static IEnumerable <FrontierElement> GetLocalFrontier(VertexModel vertex, BigBitArray alreadyVisitedVertices, PathDelegates.EdgePropertyFilter edgepropertyFilter, PathDelegates.EdgeFilter edgeFilter, PathDelegates.VertexFilter vertexFilter) { var result = new List <FrontierElement>(); result.AddRange(GetValidIncomingEdges(vertex, edgepropertyFilter, edgeFilter, vertexFilter, alreadyVisitedVertices)); result.AddRange(GetValidOutgoingEdges(vertex, edgepropertyFilter, edgeFilter, vertexFilter, alreadyVisitedVertices)); return(result); }
public void op_InequalityUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); VertexModel a = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel b = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = (a != b); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public Boolean TryGetVertex(out VertexModel result, Int32 id) { if (ReadResource()) { var success = _graphElements.TryGetElementOrDefault(out result, id); FinishReadResource(); return(success); } throw new CollisionException(); }
public void GetLastVertexUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); PathElement pathElement = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var target = new Path(pathElement); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel actual; actual = target.GetLastVertex(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public Boolean TryGetVertex(out VertexModel result, Int32 id) { if (ReadResource()) { result = _graphElements[id] as VertexModel; FinishReadResource(); return(result != null); } throw new CollisionException(this); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the edge. /// </summary> /// <param name='reader'> Reader. </param> /// <param name='graphElements'> Graph elements. </param> /// <param name='sneakPeaks'> Sneak peaks. </param> private static void LoadEdge(SerializationReader reader, AGraphElement[] graphElements, ref List <EdgeSneakPeak> sneakPeaks) { var id = reader.ReadInt32(); var creationDate = reader.ReadUInt32(); var modificationDate = reader.ReadUInt32(); #region properties PropertyContainer[] properties = null; var propertyCount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (propertyCount > 0) { properties = new PropertyContainer[propertyCount]; for (var i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) { var propertyIdentifier = reader.ReadUInt16(); var propertyValue = reader.ReadObject(); properties[i] = new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = propertyIdentifier, Value = propertyValue }; } } #endregion var sourceVertexId = reader.ReadInt32(); var targetVertexId = reader.ReadInt32(); VertexModel sourceVertex = graphElements[sourceVertexId] as VertexModel; VertexModel targetVertex = graphElements[targetVertexId] as VertexModel; if (sourceVertex != null && targetVertex != null) { graphElements[id] = new EdgeModel(id, creationDate, modificationDate, targetVertex, sourceVertex, properties); } else { sneakPeaks.Add(new EdgeSneakPeak { CreationDate = creationDate, Id = id, ModificationDate = modificationDate, Properties = properties, SourceVertexId = sourceVertexId, TargetVertexId = targetVertexId }); } }
public void CreateVertexIntegrationTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO."); IWrite target = CreateIWrite(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value uint creationDate = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PropertyContainer[] properties = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel actual; actual = target.CreateVertex(creationDate, properties); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests: // //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class //[ClassInitialize()] //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) //{ //} // //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run //[ClassCleanup()] //public static void MyClassCleanup() //{ //} // //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test //[TestInitialize()] //public void MyTestInitialize() //{ //} // //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run //[TestCleanup()] //public void MyTestCleanup() //{ //} // #endregion internal virtual AGraphElement CreateAGraphElement() { // TODO: Instantiate an appropriate concrete class. AGraphElement target = new VertexModel(0, 0, new PropertyContainer[2] { new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 0, Value = 23 }, new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = 1, Value = "42" }, }); return(target); }
public void GetAllNeighborsUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); int id = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value uint creationDate = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PropertyContainer[] properties = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var target = new VertexModel(id, creationDate, properties); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List <VertexModel> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List <VertexModel> actual; actual = target.GetAllNeighbors(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void TryGetVertexIntegrationTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO."); IRead target = CreateIRead(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value VertexModel resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int id = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.TryGetVertex(out result, id); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
private IReadOnlyList <VertexModel> GetVertices() { var verts = _kernel.Vertices.ToArray(); var models = new VertexModel[VertexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++) { models[i] = new VertexModel { Index = i, Position = verts[i].Position }; } return(models); }
public void GetValidEdgesUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); VertexModel vertex = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var direction = new Direction(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PathDelegates.EdgePropertyFilter edgepropertyFilter = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PathDelegates.EdgeFilter edgeFilter = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PathDelegates.VertexFilter vertexFilter = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List <Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> > > expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List <Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> > > actual; actual = PathHelper.GetValidEdges(vertex, direction, edgepropertyFilter, edgeFilter, vertexFilter); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the vertex. /// </summary> /// <param name='vertex'> Vertex. </param> /// <param name='writer'> Writer. </param> private static void WriteVertex(VertexModel vertex, SerializationWriter writer) { writer.WriteOptimized(SerializedVertex); WriteAGraphElement(vertex, writer); #region edges var outgoingEdges = vertex.GetOutgoingEdges(); if (outgoingEdges == null) { writer.WriteOptimized(0); } else { writer.WriteOptimized(outgoingEdges.Count); foreach (var aOutEdgeProperty in outgoingEdges) { writer.Write(aOutEdgeProperty.EdgePropertyId); writer.WriteOptimized(aOutEdgeProperty.Edges.Count); foreach (var aOutEdge in aOutEdgeProperty.Edges) { writer.Write(aOutEdge.Id); } } } var incomingEdges = vertex.GetIncomingEdges(); if (incomingEdges == null) { writer.WriteOptimized(0); } else { writer.WriteOptimized(incomingEdges.Count); foreach (var aIncEdgeProperty in incomingEdges) { writer.Write(aIncEdgeProperty.EdgePropertyId); writer.WriteOptimized(aIncEdgeProperty.Edges.Count); foreach (var aIncEdge in aIncEdgeProperty.Edges) { writer.Write(aIncEdge.Id); } } } #endregion }
public void CreateGraph(int nodeCount, int edgeCount) { _f8.TabulaRasa(); var creationDate = DateHelper.ConvertDateTime(DateTime.Now); var vertexIDs = new List <Int32> (); var prng = new Random(); if (nodeCount < _numberOfToBeTestedVertices) { _numberOfToBeTestedVertices = nodeCount; } _toBeBenchenVertices = new List <VertexModel> (_numberOfToBeTestedVertices); for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { vertexIDs.Add(_f8.CreateVertex(creationDate).Id); } if (edgeCount != 0) { foreach (var aVertexId in vertexIDs) { var targetVertices = new HashSet <Int32> (); do { targetVertices.Add(vertexIDs [prng.Next(0, vertexIDs.Count)]); } while (targetVertices.Count < edgeCount); foreach (var aTargetVertex in targetVertices) { _f8.CreateEdge(aVertexId, 0, aTargetVertex, creationDate); } } _toBeBenchenVertices.AddRange(PickInterestingIDs(vertexIDs, prng) .Select(aId => { VertexModel v = null; _f8.TryGetVertex(out v, aId); return(v); })); } }
public void TryGetOutEdgeUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); int id = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value uint creationDate = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PropertyContainer[] properties = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var target = new VertexModel(id, creationDate, properties); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <EdgeModel> result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <EdgeModel> resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ushort edgePropertyId = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.TryGetOutEdge(out result, edgePropertyId); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public override void Init() { // DO NOT trigger base init, or it will create component for texture quad this.model = base.model as TextureQuadModel; verticesPos = new Vector3[4]; verticesTexcoord = new Vector2[4]; indexes = new int[6] { 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1 }; model.verticesModelVec = new List <VertexModel>(); for (int i = 0; i != model.view.transform.childCount; ++i) { // TODO: refactor int index = i; VertexModel vertexModel = new VertexModel(); vertexModel.componentsAssetID = model.componentsAssetID; // set the vertex components id vertexModel.codeSnippetsAssetID = model.codeSnippetsAssetID; = "Vertex"; vertexModel.parent = model; VertexView vertexView = model.view.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent_AutoAdd <VertexView>(); VertexController vertexController = new VertexController(); GameResourceManager.Instance.CombineMVC(vertexModel, vertexView, vertexController); vertexModel.OnPositionUpdated += ((pos) => UpdateVertexPos(index, pos)); vertexModel.OnTexcoordUpdated += ((texcoord) => UpdateVertexTexcoord(index, texcoord)); model.verticesModelVec.Add(vertexModel); } for (int i = 0; i != model.view.transform.childCount; ++i) { verticesPos[i] = model.verticesModelVec[i].position; verticesTexcoord[i] = model.verticesModelVec[i].texcoord; } UpdateVertexData(); }
private VertexControl GetVertexControlFromVertexModel(VertexModel vertexModel) { return(Children.OfType <VertexControl>().SingleOrDefault(c => Equals(vertexModel, c.Vertex))); }
private void OnToggleExpand(VertexModel vertex, bool expand) { expandedVertex = vertex; ToggleExpand(vertex.VertexId, expand); }
private void OnAddVertex(VertexModel parent) { AddVertex(parent.VertexId); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the frontier elements on an outgoing edge /// </summary> /// <param name="vertex">The vertex behind the frontier</param> /// <param name="edgepropertyFilter">The edge property filter</param> /// <param name="edgeFilter">The edge filter</param> /// <param name="vertexFilter">The vertex filter</param> /// <param name="alreadyVisited">The vertices that have been visited already</param> /// <returns>A number of frontier elements</returns> private static IEnumerable <FrontierElement> GetValidOutgoingEdges( VertexModel vertex, PathDelegates.EdgePropertyFilter edgepropertyFilter, PathDelegates.EdgeFilter edgeFilter, PathDelegates.VertexFilter vertexFilter, BigBitArray alreadyVisited) { var edgeProperties = vertex.GetOutgoingEdges(); var result = new List <FrontierElement>(); if (edgeProperties != null) { foreach (var edgeContainer in edgeProperties) { if (edgepropertyFilter != null && !edgepropertyFilter(edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId, Direction.OutgoingEdge)) { continue; } if (edgeFilter != null) { for (var i = 0; i < edgeContainer.Edges.Count; i++) { var aEdge = edgeContainer.Edges[i]; if (edgeFilter(aEdge, Direction.OutgoingEdge)) { if (alreadyVisited.SetValue(aEdge.TargetVertex.Id, true)) { if (vertexFilter != null) { if (vertexFilter(aEdge.TargetVertex)) { result.Add(new FrontierElement { EdgeDirection = Direction.OutgoingEdge, EdgeLocation = new EdgeLocation { Edge = aEdge, EdgePropertyId = edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId }, FrontierVertex = aEdge.TargetVertex }); } } else { result.Add(new FrontierElement { EdgeDirection = Direction.OutgoingEdge, EdgeLocation = new EdgeLocation { Edge = aEdge, EdgePropertyId = edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId }, FrontierVertex = aEdge.TargetVertex }); } } } } } else { if (vertexFilter != null) { for (var i = 0; i < edgeContainer.Edges.Count; i++) { var aEdge = edgeContainer.Edges[i]; if (alreadyVisited.SetValue(aEdge.TargetVertex.Id, true)) { if (vertexFilter(aEdge.TargetVertex)) { result.Add(new FrontierElement { EdgeDirection = Direction.OutgoingEdge, EdgeLocation = new EdgeLocation { Edge = aEdge, EdgePropertyId = edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId }, FrontierVertex = aEdge.TargetVertex }); } } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < edgeContainer.Edges.Count; i++) { var aEdge = edgeContainer.Edges[i]; if (alreadyVisited.SetValue(aEdge.TargetVertex.Id, true)) { result.Add(new FrontierElement { EdgeDirection = Direction.OutgoingEdge, EdgeLocation = new EdgeLocation { Edge = aEdge, EdgePropertyId = edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId }, FrontierVertex = aEdge.TargetVertex }); } } } } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Get the valid edges of a vertex /// </summary> /// <param name="vertex">The vertex.</param> /// <param name="direction">The direction.</param> /// <param name="edgepropertyFilter">The edge property filter.</param> /// <param name="edgeFilter">The edge filter.</param> /// <param name="vertexFilter">The target vertex filter.</param> /// <returns>Valid edges</returns> public static List <Tuple <UInt16, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> > > GetValidEdges( VertexModel vertex, Direction direction, PathDelegates.EdgePropertyFilter edgepropertyFilter, PathDelegates.EdgeFilter edgeFilter, PathDelegates.VertexFilter vertexFilter) { var edgeProperties = direction == Direction.IncomingEdge ? vertex.GetIncomingEdges() : vertex.GetOutgoingEdges(); var result = new List <Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> > >(); if (edgeProperties != null) { foreach (var edgeContainer in edgeProperties) { if (edgepropertyFilter != null && !edgepropertyFilter(edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId, direction)) { continue; } if (edgeFilter != null) { var validEdges = new List <EdgeModel>(); for (var i = 0; i < edgeContainer.Edges.Count; i++) { var aEdge = edgeContainer.Edges[i]; if (edgeFilter(aEdge, direction)) { if (vertexFilter != null) { if ( vertexFilter(direction == Direction.IncomingEdge ? aEdge.SourceVertex : aEdge.TargetVertex)) { validEdges.Add(aEdge); } } else { validEdges.Add(aEdge); } } } result.Add(new Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> >(edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId, validEdges)); } else { if (vertexFilter != null) { var validEdges = new List <EdgeModel>(); for (var i = 0; i < edgeContainer.Edges.Count; i++) { var aEdge = edgeContainer.Edges[i]; if ( vertexFilter(direction == Direction.IncomingEdge ? aEdge.SourceVertex : aEdge.TargetVertex)) { validEdges.Add(aEdge); } } result.Add(new Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> >(edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId, validEdges)); } else { result.Add(new Tuple <ushort, IEnumerable <EdgeModel> >(edgeContainer.EdgePropertyId, edgeContainer.Edges)); } } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the graph elements. /// </summary> /// <param name='graphElements'> Graph elements of Fallen-8. </param> /// <param name='graphElementStreams'> Graph element streams. </param> private static void LoadGraphElements(AGraphElement[] graphElements, List <String> graphElementStreams) { var edgeTodo = new Dictionary <Int32, List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> >(); var result = new List <List <EdgeSneakPeak> >(graphElementStreams.Count); //create the major part of the graph elements for (var i = 0; i < graphElementStreams.Count; i++) { result.Add(LoadAGraphElementBunch(graphElementStreams[i], graphElements, edgeTodo)); } foreach (var aEdgeSneakPeakList in result) { foreach (var aSneakPeak in aEdgeSneakPeakList) { VertexModel sourceVertex = graphElements[aSneakPeak.SourceVertexId] as VertexModel; VertexModel targetVertex = graphElements[aSneakPeak.TargetVertexId] as VertexModel; if (sourceVertex != null && targetVertex != null) { graphElements[aSneakPeak.Id] = new EdgeModel( aSneakPeak.Id, aSneakPeak.CreationDate, aSneakPeak.ModificationDate, targetVertex, sourceVertex, aSneakPeak.Properties); } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("Corrupt savegame... could not create the edge {0}", aSneakPeak.Id)); } } } foreach (var aKV in edgeTodo) { EdgeModel edge = graphElements[aKV.Key] as EdgeModel; if (edge != null) { foreach (var aTodo in aKV.Value) { VertexModel interestingVertex = graphElements[aTodo.VertexId] as VertexModel; if (interestingVertex != null) { if (aTodo.IsIncomingEdge) { interestingVertex.AddIncomingEdge(aTodo.EdgePropertyId, edge); } else { interestingVertex.AddOutEdge(aTodo.EdgePropertyId, edge); } } else { Logger.LogError(String.Format("Corrupt savegame... could not get the vertex {0}", aTodo.VertexId)); } } } else { Logger.LogError(String.Format("Corrupt savegame... could not get the edge {0}", aKV.Key)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the vertex. /// </summary> /// <param name='reader'> Reader. </param> /// <param name='graphElements'> Graph elements. </param> /// <param name='edgeTodo'> Edge todo. </param> private static void LoadVertex(SerializationReader reader, AGraphElement[] graphElements, Dictionary <Int32, List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> > edgeTodo) { var id = reader.ReadInt32(); var creationDate = reader.ReadUInt32(); var modificationDate = reader.ReadUInt32(); #region properties var propertyCount = reader.ReadInt32(); PropertyContainer[] properties = null; if (propertyCount > 0) { properties = new PropertyContainer[propertyCount]; for (var i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) { var propertyIdentifier = reader.ReadUInt16(); var propertyValue = reader.ReadObject(); properties[i] = new PropertyContainer { PropertyId = propertyIdentifier, Value = propertyValue }; } } #endregion #region edges #region outgoing edges List <EdgeContainer> outEdgeProperties = null; var outEdgeCount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (outEdgeCount > 0) { outEdgeProperties = new List <EdgeContainer>(outEdgeCount); for (var i = 0; i < outEdgeCount; i++) { var outEdgePropertyId = reader.ReadUInt16(); var outEdgePropertyCount = reader.ReadInt32(); var outEdges = new List <EdgeModel>(outEdgePropertyCount); for (var j = 0; j < outEdgePropertyCount; j++) { var edgeId = reader.ReadInt32(); EdgeModel edge = graphElements[edgeId] as EdgeModel; if (edge != null) { outEdges.Add(edge); } else { var aEdgeTodo = new EdgeOnVertexToDo { VertexId = id, EdgePropertyId = outEdgePropertyId, IsIncomingEdge = false }; List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> todo; if (edgeTodo.TryGetValue(edgeId, out todo)) { todo.Add(aEdgeTodo); } else { edgeTodo.Add(edgeId, new List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> { aEdgeTodo }); } } } outEdgeProperties.Add(new EdgeContainer(outEdgePropertyId, outEdges)); } } #endregion #region incoming edges List <EdgeContainer> incEdgeProperties = null; var incEdgeCount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (incEdgeCount > 0) { incEdgeProperties = new List <EdgeContainer>(incEdgeCount); for (var i = 0; i < incEdgeCount; i++) { var incEdgePropertyId = reader.ReadUInt16(); var incEdgePropertyCount = reader.ReadInt32(); var incEdges = new List <EdgeModel>(incEdgePropertyCount); for (var j = 0; j < incEdgePropertyCount; j++) { var edgeId = reader.ReadInt32(); EdgeModel edge = graphElements[edgeId] as EdgeModel; if (edge != null) { incEdges.Add(edge); } else { var aEdgeTodo = new EdgeOnVertexToDo { VertexId = id, EdgePropertyId = incEdgePropertyId, IsIncomingEdge = true }; List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> todo; if (edgeTodo.TryGetValue(edgeId, out todo)) { todo.Add(aEdgeTodo); } else { edgeTodo.Add(edgeId, new List <EdgeOnVertexToDo> { aEdgeTodo }); } } } incEdgeProperties.Add(new EdgeContainer(incEdgePropertyId, incEdges)); } } #endregion #endregion graphElements[id] = new VertexModel(id, creationDate, modificationDate, properties, outEdgeProperties, incEdgeProperties); }