예제 #1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtCustomerName.Text == "" || ddlEmployees.SelectedIndex == -1 || ddlModel.SelectedIndex == -1 || txtDealerRemark.Text == "" || ddlStatus.SelectedIndex == -1 || (!rdnPayCash.Checked && !rdnPayFinance.Checked))
                MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please enter all Mandatory Fields !!!");

            bool flgRTOD = false;

            if (rdnRtoDYes.Checked)
                flgRTOD = true;
                string result = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you sure to Deliver the Vehicles?  Please validate Vehicle, Spare Parts, Insurance, Finance and RTO is Alloted");
                if (result != "1")

            //Get Sales Executive Id
            int SalesExecutiveId = 0;

            if (ddlEmployees.SelectedIndex != -1)
                var salesItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlEmployees.SelectedItem;
                SalesExecutiveId = Convert.ToInt32(salesItem.Value);

            int Model = 0;

            if (ddlModel.SelectedIndex != -1)
                var modelItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlModel.SelectedItem;
                Model = Convert.ToInt32(modelItem.Value);

            //Get StatusId
            int StatusId = 0;

            if (ddlStatus.SelectedIndex != -1)
                var statusitem = (ComboboxItem)ddlStatus.SelectedItem;
                StatusId = Convert.ToInt32(statusitem.Value);

            bool flgAdvCash = false;

            if (rdnAdvCash.Checked)
                flgAdvCash = true;

            bool flagCash = false;

            if (rdnPayCash.Checked)
                flagCash = true;


            int?financierId = null;

            if (ddlFinance.SelectedIndex != -1)
                var financeItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlFinance.SelectedItem;
                financierId = Convert.ToInt32(financeItem.Value);

            int?advanceChequeNo = null;

            if (txtChequeNo.Text != "")
                advanceChequeNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtChequeNo.Text);

            //Populate VehicleBookingDTO
            VehicleBookingDTO dto = new VehicleBookingDTO()
                CustomerID          = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomerId.Text),
                VehicleEnquiryID    = _vehicleEnquiryId,
                ReferenceBy         = txtReferenceBy.Text,
                SalesExecutiveId    = SalesExecutiveId,
                ModelID             = Model,
                Color1              = ddlColor1.Text,
                Color2              = ddlColor2.Text,
                Color3              = ddlColor3.Text,
                CustomerRemark      = txtCustomerRemark.Text,
                ClosingRemark       = txtDealerRemark.Text,
                ReadyToDeliver      = flgRTOD,
                AdvanceAmount       = Convert.ToInt32(txtAdvanceAmount.Text),
                AdvanceMode         = flgAdvCash,
                AdvanceChequeNo     = advanceChequeNo ?? 0,
                IsCash              = flagCash,
                FinancierInfoId     = financierId,
                FinancierRemark     = txtFinanceRemark.Text,
                StatusId            = StatusId,
                FollowupDescription = txtDealerRemark.Text,
                FollowupIsActive    = true,
                FollowupDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFollowupDate.Text),
                CommittedDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(dtCommittedDate.Text),
                CreatedBy           = GlobalSetup.Userid,
                CreatedDate         = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedBy          = GlobalSetup.Userid,
                ModifiedDate        = DateTime.Now

            if (_mode == "EDIT" || _mode == "DELIVERY")
                dto.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId;
            //Save VehicleBooking
            VehicleBookingBL bl = new VehicleBookingBL();
            var flag            = bl.SaveVehicleBooking(dto, _mode);

            if (flag)
                MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Booking Saved");
                MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Booking Failed to Save");
예제 #2
        public VehicleBookingDTO GetVehicleBooking(int bookingId)
            VehicleBookingDTO dto = new VehicleBookingDTO();

                using (var entity = new ManiMotorsEntities1())
                    dto = (from vb in entity.VehicleBookings
                           join c in entity.Customers on vb.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
                           join emp in entity.Employees on vb.SalesExecutiveID equals emp.EmployeeID
                           join vs in entity.VehicleSalesStatus on vb.StatusID equals vs.VehicleSalesStatusID
                           join ce in entity.CustomerEnquiries on vb.VehicleEnquiryID equals ce.CustomerEnquiryID into ce1
                           from ceinfo1 in ce1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join vi1 in entity.VehicleInfoes on vb.ModelID equals vi1.VehicleInfoID into viI1
                           from viInfo1 in viI1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join fi in entity.FinanceInfoes on vb.FinancierID equals fi.FinanceInfoID into fiI1
                           from fiInfo1 in fiI1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join vba in entity.VehicleBookingAllotments on vb.VehicleBookingID equals vba.VehicleBookingID into vba1
                           from vba1Info1 in vba1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join vfa in entity.VehicleBookingFinanceAllotments on vb.VehicleBookingID equals vfa.VehicleBookingID into vfa1
                           from vfa1Info1 in vfa1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join vfia in entity.VehicleBookingInsuranceAllotments on vb.VehicleBookingID equals vfia.VehicleBookingID into vfia1
                           from vfia1Info1 in vfia1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join vfra in entity.VehicleBookingRTOAllotments on vb.VehicleBookingID equals vfra.VehicleBookingID into vfra1
                           from vfra1Info1 in vfra1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           where vb.VehicleBookingID == bookingId
                           select new VehicleBookingDTO
                        VehicleBookingID = bookingId,
                        VehicleEnquiryID = ceinfo1.CustomerEnquiryID,
                        CustomerID = vb.CustomerID,
                        CustomerName = c.Name,
                        CommittedDate = vb.CommittedDate ?? DateTime.Now,
                        ReferenceBy = vb.Referenceby,
                        SalesExecutiveName = emp.FirstName,
                        SalesExecutiveId = vb.SalesExecutiveID,
                        ModelID = vb.ModelID,
                        ModelName = viInfo1.ModelName,
                        Color1 = vb.Color1,
                        Color2 = vb.Color2,
                        Color3 = vb.Color3,
                        CustomerRemark = vb.CustomerRemark,
                        IsCash = vb.isCash,
                        AdvanceAmount = vb.AdvanceAmount,
                        AdvanceMode = vb.AdvanceAmountModeBit ?? false,
                        AdvanceChequeNo = vb.AdvanceChequeno,
                        FinancierInfoId = fiInfo1.FinanceInfoID,
                        FinancierName = fiInfo1.Name ?? "",
                        FinancierRemark = vb.FinancierRemark,
                        FinanceDealer = fiInfo1.IsDealer ?? false,
                        ReadyToDeliver = vb.ReadytoDelivery,
                        StatusId = vb.StatusID,
                        StatusDescription = vs.Description,
                        ClosingRemark = vb.ClosingRemark,
                        VehicleBookingAllotmentId = vba1Info1.VehicleBookingAllotmentID,
                        FinanceAllotmentId = vfa1Info1.VehicleBookingFinanceAllotmentID,
                        InsuranceAllotmentId = vfia1Info1.VehicleBookingInsuranceAllotmentID,
                        RTOAllotmentId = vfra1Info1.VehicleBookingRTOAllotmentID,
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #3
        public InvoiceDTO GetInvoiceDetails(int VehicleBookingId)
            var Invoicedto     = new InvoiceDTO();
            var vBL            = new VehicleBookingBL();
            var viBL           = new VehicleInventoryBL();
            var vABL           = new VehicleAllotmentBL();
            var spABL          = new SparePartsAllotmentBL();
            var spInventory    = new SparePartsInventoryBL();
            var fABL           = new FinanceAllotmentBL();
            var vehicleBooking = vBL.GetVehicleBooking(VehicleBookingId);
            //Customer Information
            var ctmrDTO = new CustomerDTO();
            var vIDTO = new VehicleInventoryDTO();
            var vBDTO = new VehicleBookingDTO();
            //SpareParts Inventory
            var spInvDTOlist = new List <SparePartsInventoryDTO>();
            //Finance Allotment
            var fDTO = new FinanceAllotmentDTO();

            if (vehicleBooking != null)
                vBDTO = vehicleBooking;
                Invoicedto.VclBooking = vBDTO;
                ctmrDTO.CustomerID    = vehicleBooking.CustomerID;
                ctmrDTO.Name          = vehicleBooking.CustomerName;
                Invoicedto.Customer   = ctmrDTO;
                //Get Vehicle Inventory ID from VehicleAllotment Id
                int vInventoryId = vABL.GeInventoryId(vehicleBooking.VehicleBookingAllotmentId ?? 0);

                if (vInventoryId != 0)
                    var invDTO = viBL.GetVehicleInventory(vInventoryId);
                    vIDTO.EngineNo           = invDTO.EngineNo;
                    vIDTO.ChasisNo           = invDTO.ChasisNo;
                    vIDTO.VehicleModelName   = invDTO.VehicleModelName;
                    vIDTO.ExShowRoomPrice    = invDTO.ExShowRoomPrice;
                    vIDTO.LT_RT_OtherExp     = invDTO.LT_RT_OtherExp;
                    vIDTO.InsurancePrice     = invDTO.InsurancePrice;
                    vIDTO.OnRoadPrice        = invDTO.OnRoadPrice;
                    vIDTO.WarrantyPrice      = invDTO.WarrantyPrice;
                    vIDTO.VehicleInventoryID = vInventoryId;
                    if (invDTO.Is70PerMarginPrice)
                        vIDTO.MarginPrice = invDTO.Margin70;
                    if (invDTO.Is50PerMarginPrice)
                        vIDTO.MarginPrice = invDTO.Margin50;
                    Invoicedto.VehicleInventory = vIDTO;

                //Get SpareParts Allotment Details
                var sPAltList = spABL.GetSparePartsAllotmentbyBookingId(VehicleBookingId);
                if (sPAltList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var sp in sPAltList)
                        var spIDTO = new SparePartsInventoryDTO();
                        if (sp.SparePartsInventoryID != 0)
                            var spI = spInventory.GetSparePartsInventory(sp.SparePartsInventoryID);
                            //SpareParts Inventory
                            SparePartsInventoryDTO spidto = new SparePartsInventoryDTO();
                            spidto.SparePartsInventoryID = sp.SparePartsInventoryID;
                            spidto.ShowRoomPrice         = spI.ShowRoomPrice;
                            spidto.MarginPrice           = spI.MarginPrice;
                            spidto.SparePartsModelName   = spI.SparePartsModelName;
                            spidto.SparePartsInfoID      = spI.SparePartsInfoID;
                    Invoicedto.lstSparePartsInventory = spInvDTOlist;

                //Finance Allotment

                if (vehicleBooking.FinanceAllotmentId != null && vehicleBooking.FinanceAllotmentId != 0)
                    fDTO = fABL.GetFinanceAllotment(vehicleBooking.FinanceAllotmentId ?? 0);
                    Invoicedto.FinanceAllotment = fDTO;

예제 #4
        public bool SaveVehicleBooking(VehicleBookingDTO dto, string mode = "")
            var flag = false;

                using (var entities = new ManiMotorsEntities1())
                    using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                            if (mode != "EDIT" && mode != "DELIVERY")
                                //Populate VehicleBooking
                                VehicleBooking ent = new VehicleBooking()
                                    VehicleEnquiryID     = dto.VehicleEnquiryID,
                                    CustomerID           = dto.CustomerID,
                                    CommittedDate        = dto.CommittedDate,
                                    ModelID              = dto.ModelID,
                                    Color1               = dto.Color1,
                                    Color2               = dto.Color2,
                                    Color3               = dto.Color3,
                                    CustomerRemark       = dto.CustomerRemark,
                                    Referenceby          = dto.ReferenceBy,
                                    SalesExecutiveID     = dto.SalesExecutiveId,
                                    isCash               = dto.IsCash,
                                    AdvanceAmount        = dto.AdvanceAmount,
                                    AdvanceAmountModeBit = dto.AdvanceMode,
                                    AdvanceChequeno      = dto.AdvanceChequeNo,
                                    FinancierID          = dto.FinancierInfoId,
                                    FinancierRemark      = dto.FinancierRemark,
                                    ReadytoDelivery      = dto.ReadyToDeliver,
                                    StatusID             = dto.StatusId,
                                    ClosingRemark        = dto.ClosingRemark,
                                    CreatedDate          = dto.CreatedDate,
                                    Createdby            = dto.CreatedBy,
                                    Modifiedby           = dto.ModifiedBy,
                                    ModifiedDate         = dto.ModifiedDate

                                //Populate VehicleBookingFollowup
                                VehicleBookingFollowUp entF = new VehicleBookingFollowUp()
                                    VehicleBookingID = dto.VehicleBookingID,
                                    CustomerID       = dto.CustomerID,
                                    Description      = dto.FollowupDescription,
                                    FollowupDate     = dto.FollowupDate,
                                    isActive         = dto.FollowupIsActive,
                                    CreatedDate      = dto.CreatedDate,
                                    Createdby        = dto.CreatedBy,
                                    Modifiedby       = dto.ModifiedBy,
                                    ModifiedDate     = dto.ModifiedDate
                                int vehicleBookingId = ent.VehicleBookingID;

                                //Invalid previous booking followup for the same booking id

                                foreach (var bf in entities.VehicleBookingFollowUps.Where(vf => vf.VehicleBookingID == vehicleBookingId))
                                    bf.isActive = false;
                                entF.VehicleBookingID = vehicleBookingId;
                                //Update Customer enquiry status to booked
                                var enquiry = entities.CustomerEnquiries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerEnquiryID == dto.VehicleEnquiryID);
                                if (enquiry != null)
                                    enquiry.VehicleStatusID = 4; //update to booked
                                    enquiry.Modifiedby      = GlobalSetup.Userid;
                                    enquiry.ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                                var entVehicleBooking = entities.VehicleBookings.FirstOrDefault(vb => vb.VehicleBookingID == dto.VehicleBookingID);

                                //Populate VehicleBooking
                                entVehicleBooking.VehicleEnquiryID     = dto.VehicleEnquiryID;
                                entVehicleBooking.CustomerID           = dto.CustomerID;
                                entVehicleBooking.CommittedDate        = dto.CommittedDate;
                                entVehicleBooking.ModelID              = dto.ModelID;
                                entVehicleBooking.Color1               = dto.Color1;
                                entVehicleBooking.Color2               = dto.Color2;
                                entVehicleBooking.Color3               = dto.Color3;
                                entVehicleBooking.CustomerRemark       = dto.CustomerRemark;
                                entVehicleBooking.Referenceby          = dto.ReferenceBy;
                                entVehicleBooking.SalesExecutiveID     = dto.SalesExecutiveId;
                                entVehicleBooking.isCash               = dto.IsCash;
                                entVehicleBooking.AdvanceAmount        = dto.AdvanceAmount;
                                entVehicleBooking.AdvanceAmountModeBit = dto.AdvanceMode;
                                entVehicleBooking.AdvanceChequeno      = dto.AdvanceChequeNo;
                                entVehicleBooking.FinancierID          = dto.FinancierInfoId;
                                entVehicleBooking.FinancierRemark      = dto.FinancierRemark;
                                entVehicleBooking.ReadytoDelivery      = dto.ReadyToDeliver;
                                entVehicleBooking.StatusID             = dto.StatusId;
                                entVehicleBooking.ClosingRemark        = dto.ClosingRemark;
                                entVehicleBooking.CreatedDate          = dto.CreatedDate;
                                entVehicleBooking.Createdby            = dto.CreatedBy;
                                entVehicleBooking.Modifiedby           = dto.ModifiedBy;
                                entVehicleBooking.ModifiedDate         = dto.ModifiedDate;

                                //Populate VehicleBookingFollowup
                                VehicleBookingFollowUp entF = new VehicleBookingFollowUp()
                                    VehicleBookingID = dto.VehicleBookingID,
                                    CustomerID       = dto.CustomerID,
                                    Description      = dto.FollowupDescription,
                                    FollowupDate     = dto.FollowupDate,
                                    isActive         = dto.FollowupIsActive,
                                    CreatedDate      = dto.CreatedDate,
                                    Createdby        = dto.CreatedBy,
                                    Modifiedby       = dto.ModifiedBy,
                                    ModifiedDate     = dto.ModifiedDate

                                //Invalid previous booking followup for the same booking id

                                foreach (var bf in entities.VehicleBookingFollowUps.Where(vf => vf.VehicleBookingID == dto.VehicleBookingID))
                                    bf.isActive = false;
                                entF.VehicleBookingID = dto.VehicleBookingID;

                                if (mode == "DELIVERY")
                                    // Mark all inventories to Delivered

                                    var vehicleBookingAlt = entities.VehicleBookingAllotments.FirstOrDefault(vba => vba.VehicleBookingID == dto.VehicleBookingID);
                                    if (vehicleBookingAlt != null)
                                        var vehInv = entities.VehicleInventoryStatus.FirstOrDefault(vis => vis.VehicleInventoryID == vehicleBookingAlt.VehicleInventoryID);
                                        vehInv.VehicleInventoryStatusTypeID = 3;// Delivered
                                        vehInv.Modifiedby   = GlobalSetup.Userid;
                                        vehInv.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                                    var sparePartsBookingAlt = entities.SparePartsBookingAllotments.Where(spba => spba.VehicleBookingID == dto.VehicleBookingID);
                                    foreach (var spaltid in sparePartsBookingAlt)
                                        var spInv = entities.SparePartsInventoryStatus.FirstOrDefault(spi => spi.SparePartsInventoryID == spaltid.SparePartsInventoryID);
                                        spInv.SparePartsInventoryStatusTypeID = 3; //Delivered
                                        spInv.Modifiedby   = GlobalSetup.Userid;
                                        spInv.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                                    var custEnquiry = entities.CustomerEnquiries.FirstOrDefault(ce => ce.CustomerEnquiryID == dto.VehicleEnquiryID);
                                    if (custEnquiry != null)
                                        custEnquiry.VehicleStatusID = 5; //Delivered -- Table VehicleSalesStatus
                                        custEnquiry.Modifiedby      = GlobalSetup.Userid;
                                        custEnquiry.ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                flag = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;