static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: DicomSeriesReader <input_directory> <output_file>"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Reading Dicom directory: " + args[0]); ImageSeriesReader reader = new ImageSeriesReader(); VectorString dicom_names = ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(args[0]); reader.SetFileNames(dicom_names); Image image = reader.Execute(); VectorUInt32 size = image.GetSize(); Console.WriteLine("Image size: " + size[0] + " " + size[1] + " " + size[2]); Console.WriteLine("Writing image: " + args[1]); ImageFileWriter writer = new ImageFileWriter(); writer.SetFileName(args[1]); writer.Execute(image); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SITK_NOSHOW") == null) { SimpleITK.Show(image, "Dicom Series"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: DicomSeriesReader <input_directory> <output_file>"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the reader asynchronous. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The location of the image.</param> /// <param name="ct">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Task" /> representing the asynchronous operation. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// path /// or /// ct /// </exception> /// <exception cref="AmiException">The ITK image could not be read.</exception> public async Task InitAsync(string path, CancellationToken ct) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (ct == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ct)); } await SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); try { Image = await itkUtil.ReadImageAsync(path, ct); if (Image == null) { throw new AmiException("The ITK image could not be read."); } size = Image.GetSize(); axisImages = new Dictionary <AxisType, Image>(); } finally { SemaphoreSlim.Release(); } }
public void OnDICOMLoaded(object obj = null) { DICOM dicom = obj as DICOM; if (dicom == null) { return; } if (dicom.dimensions != 3) { return; } Image volume = dicom.image; Debug.Log("Width: " + volume.GetWidth() + ", height: " + volume.GetHeight() + ", depth: " + volume.GetDepth()); VectorUInt32 position = new VectorUInt32 { volume.GetWidth() / 2, volume.GetHeight() / 2, volume.GetDepth() / 2 }; // Asumes that the pixel type stored in the image is grayscale int32: int value = volume.GetPixelAsInt16(position); Debug.Log("Value of center pixel: " + value); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Image ResampleImage2D(Image image, int outputSize) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(image, nameof(image)); var dimension = image.GetDimension(); if (dimension != 2) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported."); } var inputSize = image.GetSize(); var inputSpacing = image.GetSpacing(); var inputDirection = image.GetDirection(); var inputOrigin = image.GetOrigin(); double oldw = inputSize[0] * inputSpacing[0]; double oldh = inputSize[1] * inputSpacing[1]; double neww, newh = 0; double rw = oldw / outputSize; double rh = oldh / outputSize; if (rw > rh) { newh = oldh / rw; neww = outputSize; } else { neww = oldw / rh; newh = outputSize; } var outputSpacing = new VectorDouble() { inputSpacing[0] * inputSize[0] / neww, inputSpacing[1] * inputSize[1] / newh }; var actualSize = new VectorUInt32() { Convert.ToUInt32(neww), Convert.ToUInt32(newh) }; // ResampleImageFilter filter = new ResampleImageFilter(); filter.SetReferenceImage(image); filter.SetSize(actualSize); filter.SetOutputSpacing(outputSpacing); Image output = filter.Execute(image); filter.Dispose(); return(output); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Create an image PixelIDValueEnum pixelType = PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8; VectorUInt32 imageSize = new VectorUInt32(new uint[] { 128, 128 }); Image image = new Image(imageSize, pixelType); // Create a face image VectorDouble faceSize = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 64, 64 }); VectorDouble faceCenter = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 64, 64 }); Image face = SimpleITK.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter); // Create eye images VectorDouble eyeSize = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 5, 5 }); VectorDouble eye1Center = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 48, 48 }); VectorDouble eye2Center = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 80, 48 }); Image eye1 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150); Image eye2 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150); // Apply the eyes to the face face = SimpleITK.Subtract(face, eye1); face = SimpleITK.Subtract(face, eye2); face = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold(face, 200, 255, 255); // Create the mouth VectorDouble mouthRadii = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 30, 20 }); VectorDouble mouthCenter = new VectorDouble(new double[] { 64, 76 }); Image mouth = SimpleITK.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter); mouth = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold(mouth, 200, 255, 255); mouth = SimpleITK.Subtract(255, mouth); // Paste the mouth onto the face VectorUInt32 mouthSize = new VectorUInt32(new uint[] { 64, 18 }); VectorInt32 mouthLoc = new VectorInt32(new int[] { 32, 76 }); face = SimpleITK.Paste(face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc); // Apply the face to the original image image = SimpleITK.Add(image, face); // Display the results if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SITK_NOSHOW") == null) { SimpleITK.Show(image, "Hello World: CSharp", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public Bitmap konwertujObraz(Image obraz1, int przekroj = 0) { uint r = obraz1.GetWidth(); // VectorUInt32 w = new VectorUInt32(new[] { r, 512, 4 + 1 }); VectorInt32 start = new VectorInt32(new[] { 0, 0, 0 }); VectorInt32 size1 = new VectorInt32(new[] { 512, 512, 1 }); obraz1 = WybierzPrzekroj(obraz1, przekroj); IntensityWindowingImageFilter normalize = new IntensityWindowingImageFilter(); normalize.SetOutputMinimum(0); normalize.SetOutputMaximum(255); obraz1 = normalize.Execute(obraz1); PixelIDValueEnum u = PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32; int len = 1; Image input = SimpleITK.Cast(obraz1, u); VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize(); for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++) { len *= (int)size[dim]; } IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat(); float bufferPtr = (float)buffer.ToInt32(); float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; float[,] newData = new float[size[0], size[1]]; Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len); obrazBitmap = new Bitmap(Convert.ToInt32(size[0]), Convert.ToInt32(size[1])); for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) { var bur = bufferAsArray[j * size[1] + i]; System.Drawing.Color newColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)bur, 0, 0, 0); obrazBitmap.SetPixel(j, i, newColor); } } Color s = obrazBitmap.GetPixel(34, 56); return(obrazBitmap); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Image ResampleImage3D(Image image, int outputSize) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(image, nameof(image)); var dimension = image.GetDimension(); if (dimension != 3) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported."); } var outputSizeConverted = Convert.ToUInt32(outputSize); var inputSize = image.GetSize(); var inputSpacing = image.GetSpacing(); var desiredSize = new VectorUInt32() { outputSizeConverted, outputSizeConverted, outputSizeConverted }; var outputSpacing = new VectorDouble() { inputSpacing[0] * inputSize[0] / desiredSize[0], inputSpacing[1] * inputSize[1] / desiredSize[1], inputSpacing[2] * inputSize[2] / desiredSize[2] }; // ResampleImageFilter filter = new ResampleImageFilter(); filter.SetReferenceImage(image); filter.SetTransform(new ScaleTransform(image.GetDimension())); filter.SetInterpolator(InterpolatorEnum.sitkLinear); filter.SetSize(desiredSize); filter.SetOutputSpacing(outputSpacing); Image output = filter.Execute(image); filter.Dispose(); return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Resamples the three-dimensional ITK image to the desired size. /// </summary> /// <param name="image">The three-dimensional ITK image.</param> /// <param name="desiredSize">The desired size.</param> /// <returns> /// The resampled three-dimensional ITK image. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">image</exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported.</exception> public Image ResampleImage3D(Image image, uint desiredSize) { if (image == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image)); } var dimension = image.GetDimension(); if (dimension != 3) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported."); } var inputSize = image.GetSize(); var inputSpacing = image.GetSpacing(); var outputSize = new VectorUInt32() { desiredSize, desiredSize, desiredSize }; var outputSpacing = new VectorDouble() { inputSpacing[0] * inputSize[0] / outputSize[0], inputSpacing[1] * inputSize[1] / outputSize[1], inputSpacing[2] * inputSize[2] / outputSize[2] }; // var filter = new ResampleImageFilter(); filter.SetReferenceImage(image); filter.SetTransform(new ScaleTransform(image.GetDimension())); filter.SetInterpolator(InterpolatorEnum.sitkLinear); filter.SetSize(outputSize); filter.SetOutputSpacing(outputSpacing); return(filter.Execute(image)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public async Task InitAsync(string path, CancellationToken ct) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(path, nameof(path)); Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(ct, nameof(ct)); await SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); try { Image = await itkUtil.ReadImageAsync(path, ct); if (Image == null) { throw new AmiException("The ITK image could not be read."); } size = Image.GetSize(); } finally { SemaphoreSlim.Release(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: ImageIOSelection image_input_file"); return; } // Find out which image IOs are supported ImageFileReader reader = new ImageFileReader(); itk.simple.VectorString image_ios = reader.GetRegisteredImageIOs(); Console.Write("The supported image IOs are: "); for (int i = 0; i < image_ios.Count; i++) { Console.Write(image_ios[i] + " "); } Console.WriteLine("\n--------------------"); // Another option is to just print the reader and see which // IOs are supported Console.WriteLine(reader.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); // Force the use of a specific IO. If the IO doesn't support // reading the image type it will throw an exception. reader.SetImageIO("PNGImageIO"); reader.SetFileName(args[0]); Image image = reader.Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Read image: " + args[0]); VectorUInt32 size = image.GetSize(); Console.WriteLine("Image size: " + size[0] + " " + size[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Read failed: " + ex); } }
public static int[] fGetDatasetLength() { Class.manageImg managerView = HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] as Class.manageImg; String sPath = managerView.sCurrentImageFolder[0]; String[] sFilenames; if (sPath == null) { throw new ArgumentException("path variable in manageImg is not specified!"); } else { sFilenames = (System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(sPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => Constant.lsExtensions.Any(e => s.EndsWith(e)))).ToArray(); int[] iSize = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }; // get dataset length and set hiddenfield itk.simple.Image itkImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(sFilenames[0]); // Es wird nur das erste Listenelement ausgelesen? VectorUInt32 UInt32Size = itkImage.GetSize(); iSize[0] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[0]); iSize[1] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[1]); iSize[2] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[2]); return(iSize); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: RTKFirstReconstruction <output>"); return; } // Defines the RTK geometry object ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry geometry = new ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry(); uint numberOfProjections = 360; float firstAngle = 0; float angularArc = 360; float sid = 600; // source to isocenter distance in mm float sdd = 1200; // source to detector distance in mm float isox = 0; // X coordinate on the projection image of isocenter float isoy = 0; // Y coordinate on the projection image of isocenter for (int x = 0; x < numberOfProjections; x++) { float angle = firstAngle + x * angularArc / numberOfProjections; geometry.AddProjection(sid, sdd, angle, isox, isoy); } ConstantImageSource constantImageSource = new ConstantImageSource(); VectorDouble origin = new VectorDouble(3); origin.Add(-127.0); origin.Add(-127.0); origin.Add(-127.0); VectorUInt32 sizeOutput = new VectorUInt32(3); sizeOutput.Add(256); sizeOutput.Add(256); sizeOutput.Add(numberOfProjections); VectorDouble spacing = new VectorDouble(3); spacing.Add(1.0); spacing.Add(1.0); spacing.Add(1.0); constantImageSource.SetOrigin(origin); constantImageSource.SetSpacing(spacing); constantImageSource.SetSize(sizeOutput); constantImageSource.SetConstant(0.0); Image source = constantImageSource.Execute(); RayEllipsoidIntersectionImageFilter rei = new RayEllipsoidIntersectionImageFilter(); VectorDouble semiprincipalaxis = new VectorDouble(3); semiprincipalaxis.Add(50.0); semiprincipalaxis.Add(50.0); semiprincipalaxis.Add(50.0); VectorDouble center = new VectorDouble(3); center.Add(0.0); center.Add(0.0); center.Add(0.0); // Set GrayScale value, axes, center... rei.SetDensity(20); rei.SetAngle(0); rei.SetCenter(center); rei.SetAxis(semiprincipalaxis); rei.SetGeometry(geometry); Image reiImage = rei.Execute(source); // Create reconstructed image ConstantImageSource constantImageSource2 = new ConstantImageSource(); VectorUInt32 sizeOutput2 = new VectorUInt32(3); sizeOutput2.Add(256); sizeOutput2.Add(256); sizeOutput2.Add(256); constantImageSource2.SetOrigin(origin); constantImageSource2.SetSpacing(spacing); constantImageSource2.SetSize(sizeOutput2); constantImageSource2.SetConstant(0.0); Image source2 = constantImageSource2.Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Performing reconstruction"); FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter feldkamp = new FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter(); feldkamp.SetGeometry(geometry); feldkamp.SetTruncationCorrection(0.0); feldkamp.SetHannCutFrequency(0.0); Image image = feldkamp.Execute(source2, reiImage); ImageFileWriter writer = new ImageFileWriter(); writer.SetFileName(args[0]); writer.Execute(image); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Resamples the two-dimensional ITK image to the desired size. /// </summary> /// <param name="image">The two-dimensional ITK image.</param> /// <param name="desiredSize">The desired size.</param> /// <returns> /// The resampled two-dimensional ITK image. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">image</exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported.</exception> public Image ResampleImage2D(Image image, uint desiredSize) { if (image == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image)); } var dimension = image.GetDimension(); if (dimension != 2) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The dimension ({dimension}) of the provided image is not supported."); } var inputSize = image.GetSize(); var inputSpacing = image.GetSpacing(); var inputDirection = image.GetDirection(); var inputOrigin = image.GetOrigin(); var outputSize = new VectorUInt32() { desiredSize, desiredSize }; double oldw = inputSize[0] * inputSpacing[0]; double oldh = inputSize[1] * inputSpacing[1]; double neww, newh = 0; double rw = oldw / desiredSize; double rh = oldh / desiredSize; if (rw > rh) { newh = oldh / rw; neww = desiredSize; } else { neww = oldw / rh; newh = desiredSize; } var outputSpacing = new VectorDouble() { inputSpacing[0] * inputSize[0] / neww, inputSpacing[1] * inputSize[1] / newh }; var actualSize = new VectorUInt32() { (uint)neww, (uint)newh }; // var resampleFilter = new ResampleImageFilter(); resampleFilter.SetReferenceImage(image); resampleFilter.SetSize(actualSize); resampleFilter.SetOutputSpacing(outputSpacing); var outputImage = resampleFilter.Execute(image); return(outputImage); }
/// <summary>Main entry point.</summary> public static int Main(string[] args) { int success = ExitSuccess; try { Image image = new Image(100, 100, PixelId.sitkInt8); Image image2 = new Image(100, 100, PixelId.sitkInt8); image += 10; image -= 1; CheckHash(image, "1cda91cc1bf474a25d6365f7fa7ef1fc75b3c7c9", ref success); image *= 2; image /= 3; CheckHash(image, "856f68940ff670209aa9d60f38fc4cca1880f647", ref success); // image with just one 7 reset zero image *= 0; VectorUInt32 idx = new VectorUInt32(); idx.Add(0); idx.Add(0); image.SetPixelAsInt8( idx, 7 ); // Unary operators CheckHash(-image, "fe7e0c8ac8252189cf5766a352397bc62dd42e4d", ref success); CheckHash(+image, "6cccaa2d5c958e79ebd5ca4a0b00bee747797c8d", ref success); CheckHash(!image, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash(~image, "746470f03126f653cc23265e0b1c1fe16a952745", ref success); CheckHash(image, "6cccaa2d5c958e79ebd5ca4a0b00bee747797c8d", ref success); // Comparison operators CheckHash( image < 7, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash( image > 7, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); CheckHash( image <= 7, "cef864600fc947062ac359fe9a7cc049c7273b8e", ref success); CheckHash( image >= 7, "52f583bfeb07a6c4c5a26b28f8ae180bf8e0079b", ref success); CheckHash( image < image2, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); CheckHash( image > image2, "52f583bfeb07a6c4c5a26b28f8ae180bf8e0079b", ref success); CheckHash( image <= image2, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash( image >= image2, "cef864600fc947062ac359fe9a7cc049c7273b8e", ref success); // Binary bitwise operators image &= 5;; image |= 7; image ^= 8; CheckHash(image, "0c26e6610c876b83cf681688eb8e80b952a394ce", ref success); image &= image; image ^= image; image |= image; CheckHash( image, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); // just zeros // image of 1s image *= 0; image += 1; image += image; image -= image; image *= image; image /= image; CheckHash(image, "287046eafd10b9984977f6888ea50ea50fe846b5", ref success); } catch (Exception ex) { success = ExitFailure; Console.WriteLine(ex); } return success; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 6) { Console.WriteLine("Missing Parameters "); Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " inputImage outputImage" + " lowerThreshold upperThreshold seedX seedY [seed2X seed2Y ... ]"); return; } string inputFilename = args[0]; string outputFilename = args[1]; double lowerThreshold = double.Parse(args[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double upperThreshold = double.Parse(args[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // // Read the image // SitkImage inputImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32); // // Blur using CurvatureFlowImageFilter // CurvatureFlowImageFilter blurFilter = new sitk.CurvatureFlowImageFilter(); blurFilter.SetNumberOfIterations(5); blurFilter.SetTimeStep(0.125); inputImage = blurFilter.Execute(inputImage); // // Set up ConnectedThresholdImageFilter for segmentation // ConnectedThresholdImageFilter segmentationFilter = new sitk.ConnectedThresholdImageFilter(); segmentationFilter.SetLower(lowerThreshold); segmentationFilter.SetUpper(upperThreshold); segmentationFilter.SetReplaceValue(255); for (uint i = 4; i + 1 < args.Length; i += 2) { VectorUInt32 seed = new VectorUInt32(new uint[] { Convert.ToUInt32(args[i]), Convert.ToUInt32(args[i + 1]), 0 }); segmentationFilter.AddSeed(seed); Console.WriteLine("Adding a seed at: "); for (int j = 0; j + 1 < seed.Count; j++) { Console.WriteLine(seed[j] + " "); } } SitkImage outImage = segmentationFilter.Execute(inputImage); // // Write out the resulting file // SimpleITK.WriteImage(outImage, outputFilename); return; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 9) { Console.WriteLine("Missing Parameters "); Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " inputImage outputImage seedX seedY " + " Sigma SigmoidAlpha SigmoidBeta TimeThreshold"); return; } string inputFilename = args[0]; string outputFilename = args[1]; uint[] seedPosition = { Convert.ToUInt32(args[2]), Convert.ToUInt32(args[3]), 0 }; double sigma = double.Parse(args[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double alpha = double.Parse(args[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);; double beta = double.Parse(args[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double timeThreshold = double.Parse(args[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double stoppingTime = double.Parse(args[8], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Read input image SitkImage inputImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32); // The input image will be processed with a few iterations of // feature-preserving diffusion. We create a filter and set the // appropriate parameters. CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter smoothing = new CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter(); smoothing.SetTimeStep(0.125); smoothing.SetNumberOfIterations(5); smoothing.SetConductanceParameter(9.0); SitkImage smoothingOutput = smoothing.Execute(inputImage); SitkImage gradientMagnitudeOutput = SimpleITK.GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian(smoothingOutput, sigma); SitkImage sigmoidOutput = SimpleITK.Sigmoid(gradientMagnitudeOutput, alpha, beta, 1.0, 0.0); FastMarchingImageFilter fastMarching = new FastMarchingImageFilter(); //VectorUIntList trialPoints; Add trialPoints into list if using multiple seeds. Here we only use one seedpoint VectorUInt32 trialPoint = new VectorUInt32(3); trialPoint.Add(seedPosition[0]); trialPoint.Add(seedPosition[1]); trialPoint.Add(seedPosition[2]); fastMarching.AddTrialPoint(trialPoint); // Since the front representing the contour will propagate continuously // over time, it is desirable to stop the process once a certain time has // been reached. This allows us to save computation time under the // assumption that the region of interest has already been computed. The // value for stopping the process is defined with the method // SetStoppingValue(). In principle, the stopping value should be a // little bit higher than the threshold value. fastMarching.SetStoppingValue(stoppingTime); SitkImage fastmarchingOutput = fastMarching.Execute(sigmoidOutput); BinaryThresholdImageFilter thresholder = new BinaryThresholdImageFilter(); thresholder.SetLowerThreshold(0.0); thresholder.SetUpperThreshold(timeThreshold); thresholder.SetOutsideValue(0); thresholder.SetInsideValue(255); SitkImage result = thresholder.Execute(fastmarchingOutput); SimpleITK.WriteImage(result, outputFilename); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: N4BiasFieldCorrection inputImage outputImage" + " [shrinkFactor] [maskImage] [numberOfIterations]" + " [numberOfFittingLevels]\n"); return; } // Read input image Image inputImage = sitk.ReadImage(args[0], PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32); Image image = inputImage; Image maskImage; if (args.Length > 3) { maskImage = sitk.ReadImage(args[3], PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8); } else { maskImage = sitk.OtsuThreshold(image, 0, 1, 200); } if (args.Length > 2) { uint s = UInt32.Parse(args[2]); uint[] s_array = new uint[image.GetDimension()]; for (uint i = 0; i < image.GetDimension(); i++) { s_array[i] = s; } VectorUInt32 shrink = new VectorUInt32(s_array); image = sitk.Shrink(inputImage, shrink); maskImage = sitk.Shrink(maskImage, shrink); } N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter corrector = new N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter(); uint numFittingLevels = 4; if (args.Length > 5) { numFittingLevels = UInt32.Parse(args[5]); } if (args.Length > 4) { uint it = UInt32.Parse(args[4]); uint[] it_array = new uint[numFittingLevels]; for (uint i = 0; i < numFittingLevels; i++) { it_array[i] = it; } VectorUInt32 iterations = new VectorUInt32(it_array); corrector.SetMaximumNumberOfIterations(iterations); } Image corrected_image = corrector.Execute(image, maskImage); Image log_bias_field = corrector.GetLogBiasFieldAsImage(inputImage); Image bias_field = sitk.Divide(inputImage, sitk.Exp(log_bias_field)); sitk.WriteImage(corrected_image, args[1]); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SITK_NOSHOW") == null) { SimpleITK.Show(corrected_image, "N4 Corrected"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // image ID, brightness and contrast value Int32 iID, iBVal, iRot, iNoFiles; Double dCVal; String sPath; // response type context.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; // get and convert image parameters if (context.Request.QueryString["NqC3ke"] != null) // ID { iID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["NqC3ke"]); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No image id specified"); } if (context.Request.QueryString["tXt9X3"] != null) // brightness { iBVal = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["tXt9X3"]); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No image brightness specified"); } if (context.Request.QueryString["XwjRGm"] != null) // contrast { dCVal = Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.QueryString["XwjRGm"]); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No image contrast specified"); } if (context.Request.QueryString["WkYTCe"] != null) // path { string obscuredPath = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["WkYTCe"]); string unobscuredPath = ""; // old obfuscation //for (int z = 0; z < obscuredPath.Length; z++) //{ // int add = Constant.ceasarOdd; // if (z % 2 == 0) // { // add = Constant.ceasarEven; // } // char c = (char)(obscuredPath[z] - add); // unobscuredPath += c.ToString(); //} // new obfuscation string allowedChars = Constant.allowedCharacters; for (int p = 0; p < obscuredPath.Length; p++) { for (int c = 0; c < allowedChars.Length; c++) { if (obscuredPath[p] == allowedChars[c]) { // character is allowed int add = Constant.ceasarOdd; if (p % 2 == 0) { add = Constant.ceasarEven; } // remove unneccessary loops add = add % (allowedChars.Length - 1); int shift = c - add; if (shift > (allowedChars.Length - 1)) { shift = shift - (allowedChars.Length - 1); } else if ((shift) < 0) { shift = shift + (allowedChars.Length - 1); } char character = allowedChars[shift]; unobscuredPath += character.ToString(); break; } } } //Debug.Print("deobfuscation\t\t" + obscuredPath + " -> " + unobscuredPath); sPath = unobscuredPath; } else { sPath = ""; } if (context.Request.QueryString["Hsfke2"] != null) // rotate { iRot = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["Hsfke2"]); } else { iRot = 0; } if (context.Request.QueryString["yAR8st"] != null) // length { iNoFiles = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["yAR8st"]); } else { iNoFiles = 1; } // load image in byte array "bmVal" //var bOld = false; byte[] bmVal; int iWidth; int iHeight; int iDepth; itk.simple.Image itkImage; if (!File.Exists(sPath)) { // file was not found } try { itkImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(sPath, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32); } catch (System.StackOverflowException) { itk.simple.ImageFileReader reader = new itk.simple.ImageFileReader(); reader.SetFileName(sPath); itkImage = reader.Execute(); } // get image direction var iDir = itkImage.GetDirection(); // get spacing VectorDouble dSpacing = itkImage.GetSpacing(); // get size and number of dimension VectorUInt32 iSize = itkImage.GetSize(); int len = 1; for (int iDim = 0; iDim < itkImage.GetDimension(); iDim++) { len *= (int)iSize[iDim]; } iWidth = unchecked ((int)iSize[0]); iHeight = unchecked ((int)iSize[1]); iDepth = unchecked ((int)iSize[2]); // convert mm->dpi float fResolutionX = System.Convert.ToSingle(System.Convert.ToDouble(iWidth) * 25.4 / dSpacing[0]); float fResolutionY = System.Convert.ToSingle(System.Convert.ToDouble(iHeight) * 25.4 / dSpacing[1]); // 2D image size int iLength = iWidth * iHeight; // copy buffer to new array IntPtr ipBuffer = itkImage.GetBufferAsFloat(); float[] fArray = new float[iLength]; // no negative indices if (iID < 0) { iID = 0; } // multiple DICOM files int iOffset = 0; if (iNoFiles > 1) { if (iID >= (iNoFiles - 1)) { iID = iNoFiles - 1; } iOffset = 0; } else if (iNoFiles == 1) { // one DICOM file if (iDepth == 1) { iID = 1; iOffset = 0; } // one 3D MHD file else if (iDepth > 1) { if (iID > (iDepth - 1)) { iID = iDepth - 1; } iOffset = (iID - 1) * iLength; } } // new pointer to data (due to offset) Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(ipBuffer.ToInt64() + sizeof(float) * iOffset), fArray, 0, iLength); // convert floating point to 8 bit integer values - range:0 - 255 float fMax = fArray.Max(); float fMin = fArray.Min(); bmVal = new byte[iWidth * iHeight]; for (int iI = 0; iI < iLength; iI++) { var tmp = (float)(((fArray[iI] - fMin) / (fMax - fMin) * 255) + iBVal) * (float)dCVal; if (tmp > 255) { tmp = 255; } if (tmp < 0) { tmp = 0; } bmVal[iI] = (byte)tmp; } Bitmap bmOutput = fCreateBitmap(bmVal, new int[] { iWidth, iHeight }, new float[] { fResolutionX, fResolutionY }); // rotate image and flip in X direction due to different image orientation convention // corrects *.mhd orientation List <String> lsExtensions = new List <String> { ".mhd", ".MHD" }; foreach (var ext in lsExtensions) { if (sPath.EndsWith(ext)) { // *.mhd files have a different orientation (compared to *.ima) bmOutput.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); } } switch (iRot) { case 0: bmOutput.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX); break; case 90: bmOutput.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipX); break; case 180: bmOutput.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX); break; case 270: bmOutput.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipX); break; default: break; } // save new image to response stream bmOutput.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png); bmOutput.Dispose(); }
/// <summary>Main entry point.</summary> public static int Main(string[] args) { int success = ExitSuccess; try { Image image = new Image(100, 100, PixelId.sitkInt8); Image image2 = new Image(100, 100, PixelId.sitkInt8); image += 10; image -= 1; CheckHash(image, "1cda91cc1bf474a25d6365f7fa7ef1fc75b3c7c9", ref success); image *= 2; image /= 3; CheckHash(image, "856f68940ff670209aa9d60f38fc4cca1880f647", ref success); // image with just one 7 reset zero image *= 0; VectorUInt32 idx = new VectorUInt32(); idx.Add(0); idx.Add(0); image.SetPixelAsInt8(idx, 7); // Unary operators CheckHash(-image, "fe7e0c8ac8252189cf5766a352397bc62dd42e4d", ref success); CheckHash(+image, "6cccaa2d5c958e79ebd5ca4a0b00bee747797c8d", ref success); CheckHash(!image, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash(~image, "746470f03126f653cc23265e0b1c1fe16a952745", ref success); CheckHash(image, "6cccaa2d5c958e79ebd5ca4a0b00bee747797c8d", ref success); // Comparison operators CheckHash(image < 7, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash(image > 7, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); CheckHash(image <= 7, "cef864600fc947062ac359fe9a7cc049c7273b8e", ref success); CheckHash(image >= 7, "52f583bfeb07a6c4c5a26b28f8ae180bf8e0079b", ref success); CheckHash(image < image2, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); CheckHash(image > image2, "52f583bfeb07a6c4c5a26b28f8ae180bf8e0079b", ref success); CheckHash(image <= image2, "f4695dbf5bc9ea2796b2e4f360ea4b5ecbf70c37", ref success); CheckHash(image >= image2, "cef864600fc947062ac359fe9a7cc049c7273b8e", ref success); // Binary bitwise operators image &= 5;; image |= 7; image ^= 8; CheckHash(image, "0c26e6610c876b83cf681688eb8e80b952a394ce", ref success); image &= image; image ^= image; image |= image; CheckHash(image, "f907b7bf318b79fd6b9da589646f8b1dac77d0c8", ref success); // just zeros // image of 1s image *= 0; image += 1; image += image; image -= image; image *= image; image /= image; CheckHash(image, "287046eafd10b9984977f6888ea50ea50fe846b5", ref success); } catch (Exception ex) { success = ExitFailure; Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(success); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: inputImage outputImage"); return; } string inputFilename = args[0]; string outputFilename = args[1]; // Read input image SitkImage input = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename); // Cast so we know the the pixel type input = SimpleITK.Cast(input, PixelId.sitkFloat32); // calculate the number of pixels VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize(); int len = 1; for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++) { len *= (int)size[dim]; } IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat(); // There are two ways to access the buffer: // (1) Access the underlying buffer as a pointer in an "unsafe" block // (note that in C# "unsafe" simply means that the compiler can not // perform full type checking), and requires the -unsafe compiler flag // unsafe { // float* bufferPtr = (float*)buffer.ToPointer(); // // Now the byte pointer can be accessed as per Brad's email // // (of course this example is only a 2d single channel image): // // This is a 1-D array but can be access as a 3-D. Given an // // image of size [xS,yS,zS], you can access the image at // // index [x,y,z] as you wish by image[x+y*xS+z*xS*yS], // // so x is the fastest axis and z is the slowest. // for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) { // for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) { // float pixel = bufferPtr[i + j*size[1]]; // // Do something with pixel here // } // } // } // (2) Copy the buffer to a "safe" array (i.e. a fully typed array) // (note that this means memory is duplicated) float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; // Allocates new memory the size of input Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len); double total = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) { float pixel = bufferAsArray[i + j * size[1]]; total += pixel; } } Console.WriteLine("Pixel value total: {0}", total); // Set buffer of new SimpleITK Image from managed array. // bufferAsArray could also have come from a bmp,png,etc... uint width = input.GetWidth(); uint height = input.GetHeight(); SitkImage outImage = new SitkImage(width, height, PixelId.sitkFloat32); IntPtr outImageBuffer = outImage.GetBufferAsFloat(); Marshal.Copy(bufferAsArray, 0, outImageBuffer, (int)(size[0] * size[1])); // // Write out the resulting file // outImage = SimpleITK.RescaleIntensity(outImage, 0, 255); outImage = SimpleITK.Cast(outImage, PixelId.sitkUInt8); SimpleITK.WriteImage(outImage, outputFilename); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleGaussian <input>"); return; } // Read input image itk.simple.Image input = SimpleITK.ReadImage(args[0]); // Cast to we know the the pixel type input = SimpleITK.Cast(input, PixelId.sitkFloat32); // calculate the number of pixels VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize(); int len = 1; for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++) { len *= (int)size[dim]; } IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat(); // Note: C# also has a GetConstBufferAs... methods which do not // implicitly call MakeUnique. // There are two ways to access the buffer: // (1) Access the underlying buffer as a pointer in an "unsafe" block // (note that in C# "unsafe" simply means that the compiler can not // perform full type checking), and requires the -unsafe compiler flag // unsafe { // float* bufferPtr = (float*)buffer.ToPointer(); // // Now the byte pointer can be accessed as per Brad's email // // (of course this example is only a 2d single channel image): // // This is a 1-D array but can be access as a 3-D. Given an // // image of size [xS,yS,zS], you can access the image at // // index [x,y,z] as you wish by image[x+y*xS+z*xS*yS], // // so x is the fastest axis and z is the slowest. // for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) { // for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) { // float pixel = bufferPtr[i + j*size[1]]; // // Do something with pixel here // } // } // } // (2) Copy the buffer to a "safe" array (i.e. a fully typed array) // (note that this means memory is duplicated) float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; // Allocates new memory the size of input Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len); double total = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) { float pixel = bufferAsArray[i + j * size[1]]; total += pixel; } } Console.WriteLine("Pixel value total: {0}", total); }
public static string getListOfPackageImage(int index) { Class.manageImg managerView = HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] as Class.manageImg; managerView.currentPageIndex = index; HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] = managerView; ViewImage_ that = HttpContext.Current.Session["viewImage"] as ViewImage_; that.updateReference(index); // set default values managerView.allImages[index][0].getUnlabelled = new int[] { -1, -1 }; managerView.allImages[index][0].getPercentage = "-"; if ( // when active learning is enabled, check if threshold is reached { if (DataAccess.DataAccessTestCase.checkThreshold(managerView)) { return("alert('Active learning procedure has been executed, page index will be reset'); setTimeout(function(){ Reset=true; }, 3000);"); } } if (index >= 0 && index <= managerView.iNGroups) { managerView.sCurrentImageFolder = new List <String>(managerView.allImages[index].Count); for (var i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++) { managerView.sCurrentImageFolder.Add(null); managerView.sCurrentImageFolder[i] = + "\\" + managerView.allImages[index][i].Path.Replace('/', '\\'); //- Martin } // get the labelscales for (int i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++) { if ( { managerView.allImages[index][i].LableDiscrete = DataAccessTestCase.GetDiscreteLabel(managerView.IDUser, managerView.allImages[index][i].IdGroupImage);//pcw } else { managerView.allImages[index][i].LableContinuous = DataAccessTestCase.GetLableContinuous(managerView.allImages[index][i].IdGroupImage, managerView.IDUser, managerView.allImages[index][i].TypeScaleContinuous);//pcw } } List <String> sPath = managerView.sCurrentImageFolder; if (sPath == null) { throw new ArgumentException("path variable in manageImg is not specified!"); } else { // get paths and dimension of every individual image for (int i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++) { managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths = (System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(sPath[i], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => Constant.lsExtensions.Any(e => s.EndsWith(e)))).ToArray(); Array.Sort(managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths); int[] iSize = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }; string pfad = managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths[0]; itk.simple.Image itkImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(pfad); // bei DICOM werden nur die Dimensionen des ersten Bildes ausgelesen, diese sind bei den anderen Schichten identisch VectorUInt32 UInt32Size = itkImage.GetSize(); iSize[0] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[0]); iSize[1] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[1]); if (managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length > 1)// for DICOM files { iSize[2] = managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length; } else if (managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length == 1)// { iSize[2] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[2]); iSize[2]--; } managerView.allImages[index][i].imageDimensions = iSize; } } // get index of the next/previous page with not completely labelled images try { managerView.allImages[index][0].getNumOfPages = managerView.allImages.Count(); managerView.allImages[index][0].getUnlabelled = getUnlabelled(index); managerView.allImages[index][0].getPercentage = getCurrPercentage(); }catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { return("alert('An error occurred while trying to load the image package, please contact the administrator');"); } //Obfuscate image paths for (int c = 0; c < managerView.allImages[index].Count; c++) { for (int z = 0; z < managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths.Length; z++) { managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths[z] = obfuscate(managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths[z]); } } // put the array in the JSON format var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(managerView.allImages[index]); return(json); //return managerView.allImages[index]; } else { return(null); } }