예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts 'dotNetObj' to 'Vector' Magic type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dotNetObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string convertDotNetToVector(object dotNetObj)
            String retObject  = "";
            Type   dotNetType = dotNetObj.GetType();

            if (dotNetType.IsArray)
                Array            arrObj      = (Array)dotNetObj;
                Type             arrCellType = arrObj.GetType().GetElementType();
                StorageAttribute vecCellType = getDefaultVecCellTypeForDotNet(arrCellType);

                if (vecCellType != StorageAttribute.NONE)
                    VectorType vector;
                    String[]   magicVals = new String[arrObj.Length];
                    long       maxLength = 0;

                    // convert each element of array into magic equivalent and store it in temp string array.
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < arrObj.Length; idx++)
                        magicVals[idx] = convertDotNetToMagic(arrObj.GetValue(idx), vecCellType);

                        // evaluate max length
                        if (magicVals[idx].Length > maxLength)
                            maxLength = magicVals[idx].Length;

                    if (vecCellType == StorageAttribute.BLOB)
                        maxLength = 28; // length for a blob is always 28
                    // find cellContentType and create a vector
                    char cellContentType = BlobType.CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
                    if (vecCellType == StorageAttribute.BLOB && magicVals.Length > 0)
                        cellContentType = BlobType.getContentType(magicVals[0]);
                    vector = new VectorType(vecCellType, cellContentType, "", true, true, maxLength);

                    // set the temp string array into vector
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < arrObj.Length; idx++)
                        vector.setVecCell(idx + 1, magicVals[idx], false);

                    // get the flattened string
                    retObject = vector.ToString();

예제 #2
        public void TestEqualAndGetHashCode()
            var dict = new Dictionary <ColumnType, string>();
            // add PrimitiveTypes, KeyType & corresponding VectorTypes
            VectorType tmp1, tmp2;
            var        types = new PrimitiveType[] { NumberType.I1, NumberType.I2, NumberType.I4, NumberType.I8,
                                                     NumberType.U1, NumberType.U2, NumberType.U4, NumberType.U8, NumberType.UG,
                                                     TextType.Instance, BoolType.Instance, DateTimeType.Instance, DateTimeOffsetType.Instance, TimeSpanType.Instance };

            foreach (var type in types)
                var tmp = type;
                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                    tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                    for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                        tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

                // KeyType & Vector
                var rawType = tmp.RawType;
                if (!KeyType.IsValidDataType(rawType))
                for (ulong min = 0; min < 5; min++)
                    for (var count = 0; count < 5; count++)
                        tmp = new KeyType(rawType, min, count);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                        for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                            tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                            for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                                tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                                dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();
                    tmp = new KeyType(rawType, min, 0, false);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                    for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                        tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                        for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                            tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

            // add ImageTypes
            for (int height = 1; height < 5; height++)
                for (int width = 1; width < 5; width++)
                    var tmp4 = new ImageType(height, width);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp4))
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp4] + " and " + tmp4.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp4] = tmp4.ToString();
예제 #3
        public void TestEqualAndGetHashCode()
            var dict = new Dictionary <DataViewType, string>();
            // add PrimitiveTypes, KeyType & corresponding VectorTypes
            VectorType tmp1, tmp2;
            var        types = new PrimitiveDataViewType[] { NumberDataViewType.SByte, NumberDataViewType.Int16, NumberDataViewType.Int32, NumberDataViewType.Int64,
                                                             NumberDataViewType.Byte, NumberDataViewType.UInt16, NumberDataViewType.UInt32, NumberDataViewType.UInt64, RowIdDataViewType.Instance,
                                                             TextDataViewType.Instance, BooleanDataViewType.Instance, DateTimeDataViewType.Instance, DateTimeOffsetDataViewType.Instance, TimeSpanDataViewType.Instance };

            foreach (var type in types)
                var tmp = type;
                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                    tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                    for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                        tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

                // KeyType & Vector
                var rawType = tmp.RawType;
                if (!KeyType.IsValidDataType(rawType))
                for (ulong min = 0; min < 5; min++)
                    for (var count = 1; count < 5; count++)
                        tmp = new KeyType(rawType, count);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                        for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                            tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                            for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                                tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                                dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();
                    Assert.True(rawType.TryGetDataKind(out var kind));
                    tmp = new KeyType(rawType, kind.ToMaxInt());
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                    for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                        tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                        for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                            tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

            // add ImageTypes
            for (int height = 1; height < 5; height++)
                for (int width = 1; width < 5; width++)
                    var tmp4 = new ImageType(height, width);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp4))
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp4] + " and " + tmp4.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp4] = tmp4.ToString();
예제 #4
        public void TestEqualAndGetHashCode()
            var dict = new Dictionary <ColumnType, string>();
            // add PrimitiveTypes, KeyType & corresponding VectorTypes
            PrimitiveType tmp;
            VectorType    tmp1, tmp2;

            foreach (var kind in (DataKind[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(DataKind)))
                tmp = PrimitiveType.FromKind(kind);
                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                    tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                    for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                        tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

                // KeyType & Vector
                if (!KeyType.IsValidDataKind(kind))
                for (ulong min = 0; min < 5; min++)
                    for (var count = 0; count < 5; count++)
                        tmp = new KeyType(kind, min, count);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                        for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                            tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                            for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                                tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                                if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                    Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                                dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();
                    tmp = new KeyType(kind, min, 0, false);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp) && dict[tmp] != tmp.ToString())
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp] + " and " + tmp.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp] = tmp.ToString();
                    for (int size = 0; size < 5; size++)
                        tmp1 = new VectorType(tmp, size);
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp1) && dict[tmp1] != tmp1.ToString())
                            Assert.True(false, dict[tmp1] + " and " + tmp1.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                        dict[tmp1] = tmp1.ToString();
                        for (int size1 = 0; size1 < 5; size1++)
                            tmp2 = new VectorType(tmp, size, size1);
                            if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp2) && dict[tmp2] != tmp2.ToString())
                                Assert.True(false, dict[tmp2] + " and " + tmp2.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                            dict[tmp2] = tmp2.ToString();

            // add ImageTypes
            for (int height = 1; height < 5; height++)
                for (int width = 1; width < 5; width++)
                    var tmp4 = new ImageType(height, width);
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(tmp4))
                        Assert.True(false, dict[tmp4] + " and " + tmp4.ToString() + " are duplicates.");
                    dict[tmp4] = tmp4.ToString();
예제 #5
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("{0}-{1}", Type.ToString(), RecordIdentificationNumber));