예제 #1
        protected override VectorFloat GetCoordinateOffset(Matrix <float> jacobian, VectorFloat error)
            // get Jacobian pseudoinverse
            var JP = jacobian.PseudoInverse();

            // calculate the displacement
            return(-JP * error);  // TODO: check why minus should always be presented for dq in these methods!
예제 #2
파일: Tree.cs 프로젝트: scikodot/manipusim
            public Node(Node parent, Vector3 point, VectorFloat q)
                Parent = parent;
                Childs = new List <Node>();

                Point  = point;
                this.q = q;
예제 #3
 public void dmpGetYawPitchRoll(float[] data, Quaternion q, VectorFloat gravity)
     // yaw: (about Z axis)
     data[0] = (float)Math.Atan2(2 * q.x * q.y - 2 * q.w * q.z, 2 * q.w * q.w + 2 * q.x * q.x - 1);
     // pitch: (nose up/down, about Y axis)
     data[1] = (float)Math.Atan(gravity.x / Math.Sqrt(gravity.y * gravity.y + gravity.z * gravity.z));
     // roll: (tilt left/right, about X axis)
     data[2] = (float)Math.Atan(gravity.y / Math.Sqrt(gravity.x * gravity.x + gravity.z * gravity.z));
예제 #4
// uint8_t dmpGetGyroAndAccelSensor(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetGyroSensor(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetControlData(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetTemperature(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetGravity(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
        public VectorFloat dmpGetGravity(Quaternion q)
            VectorFloat v = new VectorFloat();

            v.x = 2 * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y);
            v.y = 2 * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z);
            v.z = q.w * q.w - q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z;
예제 #5
 public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt, float hz)
     float alpha = FilterUtil.Alpha(hz,dt);
     VectorFloat last = v * alpha + current * (1.0f - alpha);
     current.x = last.x;
     current.y = last.y;
     current.z = last.z;
     return last;
예제 #6
        protected override VectorFloat GetCoordinateOffset(Matrix <float> jacobian, VectorFloat error)
            // get Jacobian transpose and an identity matrix
            var jacobianTranspose = jacobian.Transpose();
            var identity          = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseIdentity(error.Count);

            // calculate the displacement
            return(-jacobianTranspose * (jacobian * jacobianTranspose + _damping * _damping * identity).Solve(error));
예제 #7
 public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt, float hz_x, float hz_y, float hz_z)
     VectorFloat alpha = new VectorFloat(FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_x,dt), FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_y,dt), FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_z,dt));
     VectorFloat last = v * alpha + current * (new VectorFloat(){x=1,y=1,z=1} - alpha);
     current.x = last.x;
     current.y = last.y;
     current.z = last.z;
     return last;
예제 #8
// uint8_t dmpSetLinearAccelFilterCoefficient(float coef);
// uint8_t dmpGetLinearAccel(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
        VectorInt16 dmpGetLinearAccel(VectorInt16 vRaw, VectorFloat gravity)
            // get rid of the gravity component (+1g = +4096 in standard DMP FIFO packet)
            VectorInt16 v = new VectorInt16();

            v.x = (short)(vRaw.x - gravity.x * 4096);
            v.y = (short)(vRaw.y - gravity.y * 4096);
            v.z = (short)(vRaw.z - gravity.z * 4096);
예제 #9
        protected bool ErrorExceedsThreshold(Manipulator manipulator, VectorFloat configuration, Vector3 goal, int joint,
                                             out ForwardKinematicsResult fkRes, out VectorFloat error)
            fkRes = manipulator.ForwardKinematics(configuration);
            var errorPos = goal - fkRes.JointPositions[joint];

            // TODO: integrate orientation goal somehow?
            error = VectorFloat.Build.Dense(new float[] { errorPos.X, errorPos.Y, errorPos.Z, 0, 0, 0 });

            return(errorPos.Length() > _threshold);
예제 #10
파일: PID.cs 프로젝트: brookpatten/MrGibbs
        public VectorFloat Update(VectorFloat error, float dtime)
            error_integral += error * dtime;
            error_derivate = (error - previous_error) / dtime;
            previous_error = error;

            error_integral.x = MathUtil.Clamp(error_integral.x, -I_max.x, I_max.x);
            error_integral.y = MathUtil.Clamp(error_integral.y, -I_max.y, I_max.y);
            error_integral.z = MathUtil.Clamp(error_integral.z, -I_max.z, I_max.z);

            return error * P + error_integral * I + error_derivate * D;
예제 #11
        protected bool JointLimitsExceeded(Manipulator manipulator, VectorFloat configuration)
            for (int i = 0; i < manipulator.Joints.Length; i++)
                if (configuration[i] < manipulator.Joints[i].CoordinateRange.X * MathUtil.SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG ||
                    configuration[i] > manipulator.Joints[i].CoordinateRange.Y * MathUtil.SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)

예제 #12
        public override InverseKinematicsResult Execute(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, int joint = -1)
            // use gripper if default joint
            if (joint == -1)
                joint = manipulator.Joints.Length - 1;

            VectorFloat configuration = manipulator.q, dq;
            VectorFloat error;

            // TODO: check for oscillations (the error starts increasing) and break if they appear
            int iterations = 0;

            while (ErrorExceedsThreshold(manipulator, configuration, goal, joint,
                                         out ForwardKinematicsResult fkRes, out error) && iterations < _maxIterations)

                // get generalized coordinates' offset
                dq = GetCoordinateOffset(CreateJacobian(fkRes, joint), error);

                // update configuration

                //for (int i = 0; i < manipulator.Joints.Length; i++)
                //    manipulator.Joints[i].InitialCoordinate = configuration[i];


            return(new InverseKinematicsResult
                Converged = iterations < _maxIterations && !JointLimitsExceeded(manipulator, configuration),
                Iterations = iterations,
                Configuration = configuration,
                Error = error
예제 #13
            }                                   // TODO: for unified usage of path consider replacing with "object Context" or something similar

            public Node(Node parent, Vector3[] points, VectorFloat q)
                // assign the parent to the current node's parent
                Parent = parent;

                if (parent != null)
                    if (parent.Child != null)
                        // assign the parent's child to the current node's child
                        Child = parent.Child;

                        // assign the current node to the child's parent
                        Child.Parent = this;

                    // assign the current node to the parent's child
                    parent.Child = this;

                Points = points;
                this.q = q;
예제 #14
 public void setTranslation ( VectorFloat vectorFloat ) {
     setTranslation( vectorFloat.Data );
예제 #15
 public void addTranslation ( VectorFloat vectorFloat ) {
     addTranslation( vectorFloat.Data );
예제 #16
 protected abstract VectorFloat GetCoordinateOffset(Matrix <float> jacobian, VectorFloat error);
예제 #17
 public void ChangeNode(Node node, Vector3[] points, VectorFloat config)
     node.Change(points, config);
예제 #18
// uint8_t dmpSetLinearAccelFilterCoefficient(float coef);
// uint8_t dmpGetLinearAccel(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
VectorInt16 dmpGetLinearAccel(VectorInt16 vRaw, VectorFloat gravity)
    // get rid of the gravity component (+1g = +4096 in standard DMP FIFO packet)
    VectorInt16 v = new VectorInt16(); 
    v.x = (short)(vRaw.x - gravity.x*4096);
    v.y = (short)(vRaw.y - gravity.y*4096);
    v.z = (short)(vRaw.z - gravity.z*4096);
    return v;
예제 #19
 public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt, float hz)
     return Filter(v, dt, hz, hz, hz);
예제 #20
        public void Update(float dtime)
            motion = mpu.GetMotion6();
            // these methods (and a few others) are also available
            //accelgyro.getAcceleration(&ax, &ay, &az);
            //accelgyro.getRotation(&gx, &gy, &gz);

            // display accel/gyro x/y/z values
            //Console.WriteLine("a/g: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", m.ax, m.ay, m.az, m.gx, m.gy, m.gz);

            if (use_dmp && dmpReady)
                ushort fifoCount = mpu.GetFIFOCount();

                if (fifoCount == 1024)
                    // reset so we can continue cleanly
                    _logger.Debug("MPU-6050 IMU FIFO overflow");

                    // otherwise, check for DMP data ready interrupt (this should happen frequently)
                else if (fifoCount >= 42)
                    // read a packet from FIFO
                    mpu.GetFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, (byte)packetSize);

                    q = mpu.DmpGetQuaternion(fifoBuffer);
                    gravity = mpu.DmpGetGravity(q);

                    mpu.DmpGetYawPitchRoll(ypr, q, gravity);
                    //Console.WriteLine("quat {0} {1} {2} {3} ", q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z);
                    //Console.WriteLine("ypr {0} {1} {2} ", ypr[0] * 180 / Math.PI, ypr[1] * 180 / Math.PI, ypr[2] * 180 / Math.PI);

예제 #21
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            _manipulator          = manipulator;
            _initialConfiguration = manipulator.q;
            _solver = solver;
            _goal   = goal;

            var generation = new List <Chromosome>();

            // get initial solution
            var bezierInitial     = ConstructBezier(_manipulator.GripperPos, goal, _bezierControlPointsCount);
            var pathInitial       = ConstructPath(bezierInitial, _bezierStep);
            var chromosomeInitial = new Chromosome(bezierInitial, pathInitial, Rate(pathInitial));


            Dominant = chromosomeInitial;
            Changed  = true;

            // evolve generations
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 10);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting genetic algorithm...");
            Iterations = 0;
            while (generation[0].Weight > 0 && Iterations++ < _maxIterations)

                // get new generation
                generation = Evolve(generation, _offspringSize, _survivalSize);

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 11);
                Console.WriteLine($"Generations passed: {Iterations}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Best fit: {generation[0].Weight}");

                if (!Locked)
                    Dominant = generation[0];  // TODO: it seems like previous dominant is not disposed properly; fix!!
                    Changed  = true;

            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 15);
            Console.WriteLine("Found path's Bezier curve:");
            foreach (var point in generation[0].BezierCurve.Points)

            var path = generation[0].Path;


            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations - 1,
                Path = path
예제 #22
 public void Change(Vector3[] point, VectorFloat config)
     Points = point;
     q      = config;
예제 #23
 public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt)
     integral += v * dt;
     return integral;
예제 #24
// uint8_t dmpGetGyroAndAccelSensor(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetGyroSensor(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetControlData(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetTemperature(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
// uint8_t dmpGetGravity(long *data, uint8_t* packet);
public VectorFloat dmpGetGravity(Quaternion q)
    VectorFloat v = new VectorFloat();
    v.x = 2 * (q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y);
    v.y = 2 * (q.w*q.x + q.y*q.z);
    v.z = q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z;
    return v;
예제 #25
        public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt)
            if (first)
                first = false;
                last = v;

            VectorFloat ret = (v - last) / dt;

            last = v;

            return ret;
예제 #26
public void dmpGetYawPitchRoll(float[] data, Quaternion q, VectorFloat gravity) {
    // yaw: (about Z axis)
    data[0] = (float)Math.Atan2(2 * q.x * q.y - 2 * q.w * q.z, 2 * q.w * q.w + 2 * q.x * q.x - 1);
    // pitch: (nose up/down, about Y axis)
    data[1] = (float)Math.Atan(gravity.x / Math.Sqrt(gravity.y * gravity.y + gravity.z * gravity.z));
    // roll: (tilt left/right, about X axis)
    data[2] = (float)Math.Atan(gravity.y / Math.Sqrt(gravity.x * gravity.x + gravity.z * gravity.z));

예제 #27
 public void Calibrate()
     gyro_calibration = GetUncalibratedGyro() * -1;
     accel_calibration = new VectorFloat(0, 0, 1) - GetUncalibratedAccel();
예제 #28
 public void AddLast(Vector3[] points, VectorFloat configuration)
     AddNode(new Node(Last, points, configuration));
예제 #29
     public VectorFloat Filter(VectorFloat v, float dt, float hz_x, float hz_y, float hz_z)
             first = false;
             last = v;
         VectorFloat d = (v - last) / dt;
         last = v;
         VectorFloat alpha = new VectorFloat(FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_x,dt), FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_y,dt), FilterUtil.Alpha(hz_z,dt));
         current = alpha * (current + d);
         return current;
예제 #30
        public override InverseKinematicsResult Execute(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, int joint = -1)  // TODO: refactor
            // use gripper if default joint
            if (joint == -1)
                joint = manipulator.Joints.Length - 1;

            VectorFloat configuration = manipulator.q, dq = VectorFloat.Build.Dense(manipulator.Joints.Length);
            var         errorPos = goal - manipulator.Joints[joint].Position;
            var         error = VectorFloat.Build.Dense(new float[] { errorPos.X, errorPos.Y, errorPos.Z, 0, 0, 0 });
            float       distance = errorPos.Length();
            float       maxStepSize = _maxStepSize, scale = 1;

            int iterations = 0;

            while (distance > _threshold && iterations < _maxIterations)

                float range, stepNeg, stepPos;
                for (int i = 0; i <= joint; i++)
                    // checking coordinate constraints
                    range   = manipulator.Joints[i].CoordinateRange.X - configuration[i] * MathUtil.SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD;
                    stepNeg = range <= -maxStepSize ? -maxStepSize : range;

                    range   = manipulator.Joints[i].CoordinateRange.Y - configuration[i] * MathUtil.SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD;
                    stepPos = range >= maxStepSize ? maxStepSize : range;

                    // generating random coordinate offset
                    dq[i] = (stepNeg + (float)RandomThreadStatic.NextDouble() * (stepPos - stepNeg)) * MathUtil.SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;

                // get the new configuration
                var configurationNew = VectorFloat.Build.DenseOfVector(configuration);
                var fkRes = manipulator.ForwardKinematics(configurationNew);

                float distanceNew = fkRes.JointPositions[joint].DistanceTo(goal);
                if (distanceNew < distance)
                    // update configuration, distance and scale
                    configuration = configurationNew;
                    errorPos      = goal - fkRes.JointPositions[joint];
                    error         = VectorFloat.Build.Dense(new float[] { errorPos.X, errorPos.Y, errorPos.Z, 0, 0, 0 });

                    scale   *= distanceNew / distance;
                    distance = distanceNew;

                    maxStepSize = _maxStepSize * scale;


            return(new InverseKinematicsResult
                Converged = iterations < _maxIterations && !JointLimitsExceeded(manipulator, configuration),
                Iterations = iterations,
                Configuration = configuration,
                Error = error