예제 #1
        public static double Jasnosc(Vector3D zrodlo, Vector3D wierzcholek, Vector3D srodek)
            zrodlo      -= srodek;
            wierzcholek -= srodek;

            return(Math.Max(0, Math.Cos(zrodlo.AngleTo(wierzcholek).Radians)));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a catenoid, then move it to a point on the hemisphere in S^3.
        /// </summary>
        private static Mesh Catenoid(double scale, Vector3D loc, double rld_height, double waist)
            double h = waist * 3.5;
            //Mesh mesh = StandardCatenoid( waist, h );
            Mesh mesh = CatenoidSquared(waist, h);

            mesh.Scale(scale * rld_height * 2 / h);                     // To make the catenoid meet up with the RLD solution.

            // First move to north pole, then rotate down to the location.
            Func <Vector3D, Vector3D> transform = v =>
                v = H3Models.BallToUHS(v);
                Vector3D northPole = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
                Vector3D axis      = loc.Cross(northPole);
                if (!axis.Normalize())  // North or south pole?
                double anglXY = Euclidean2D.AngleToCounterClock(new Vector3D(1, 0), new Vector3D(loc.X, loc.Y));
                double angleDown = loc.AngleTo(northPole);
                v.RotateAboutAxis(axis, angleDown);

                if (v.DNE || Infinity.IsInfinite(v))
                    throw new System.Exception();

예제 #3
        private void OneChain()
            // Here are all unattached edges.
            var edgeKvps = m_edgeMap.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Count == 1).ToArray();

            Edge[] edges = edgeKvps.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray();

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Chain length {0}", edges.Length));

            // Find all the vertices connected to two polygons.
            // This will necessarily lie on the edges above.
            // These are vertices that are candidates for filling in with a polygon.
            Vector3D[]         vertices  = m_vertexMap.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Count > 1).Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray();
            HashSet <Vector3D> edgeVerts = new HashSet <Vector3D>();

            foreach (Edge e in edges)
            //Vector3D[] vertices = edgeVerts.ToArray();

            // XXX - Things that are hard.
            //	- How can we tell when a vertex is done?
            //  - How to avoid duplicating edges and vertices?

            // Attempt to fill those verts.
            foreach (Vector3D v in vertices)
                Edge[] connectedEdges = m_vertexToEdgeMap[v].Intersect(edges, new H3.Cell.EdgeEqualityComparer()).ToArray();

                // Is it on the chain?
                if (connectedEdges.Length != 2)

                Edge     e1     = connectedEdges[0];
                Edge     e2     = connectedEdges[1];
                Vector3D v1     = e1.Opp(v) - v;
                Vector3D v2     = e2.Opp(v) - v;
                double   angle  = v1.AngleTo(v2);
                int      nSides = PolyWithAngle(angle);
                if (nSides != 0)
                    Vector3D normal = v1.Cross(v2);
                    Polygon  poly   = Polygon.CreateEuclidean(nSides, v, e1.Opp(v), normal);

                    // Things may have changed, so we must double check.
                    if (m_edgeMap[e1].Count == 1 &&
                        m_edgeMap[e2].Count == 1)
                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Added {0}-gon", nSides));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="positive">正方向</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double GetRotationAngel(Vector3D source, Vector3D target, Vector3D positive)
            double   angel     = source.AngleTo(target);
            Vector3D thirdAxis = source.Cross(target).Normalize();

            if (thirdAxis.IsAlmostEqualTo(positive)) //如果是逆时针旋转得到则角度返号
                angel = -angel;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Assumes we are in the UHS model.
        /// Normal to the input sphere means we are along an arc orthogonal to that sphere.
        /// </summary>
        private static System.Tuple <Vector3D, Vector3D> Thicken(Vector3D v, Sphere normal)
            if (Tolerance.Zero(v.Z))
                Sphere   s         = SphereFuncUHS(v);
                Vector3D direction = v - normal.Center;
                direction *= s.Radius;
                return(new System.Tuple <Vector3D, Vector3D>(v + direction, v - direction));
                // We need to get the circle orthogonal to "normal" and z=0 and passing through v.
                // v is on normal.
                Vector3D z     = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1);
                Vector3D hypot = normal.Center - v;
                double   angle = hypot.AngleTo(z);
                double   d2    = v.Z / Math.Tan(angle);

                Vector3D cen = v;
                cen.Z = 0;
                Vector3D direction = cen - normal.Center;
                direction *= d2;
                cen       += direction;
                double   rad = v.Dist(cen);
                Vector3D n   = direction;
                n.RotateXY(Math.PI / 2);

                // Sphere with non-euclidean center v;
                Sphere s = SphereFuncUHS(v);

                // Two points where this sphere intersects circle.
                var result = s.Intersection(new Circle3D()
                    Center = cen, Radius = rad, Normal = n

                // Our artificial thickening can cause this when s is too big relative to the circle.
                // In this case, we are very close to the boundary, so we can do a different calc.
                if (result == null)
                    direction = v - normal.Center;
                    direction *= s.Radius;
                    result     = new System.Tuple <Vector3D, Vector3D>(v + direction, v - direction);

예제 #6
        //The ToNative() method is in the new schema conversion folder hierarchy

        public static SpeckleObject ToSpeckle(this GSA1DLoad dummyObject)
            var newLines = ToSpeckleBase <GSA1DLoad>();
            var typeName = dummyObject.GetType().Name;
            var loads    = new List <GSA1DLoad>();
            var elements = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSA1DElement>();
            var members  = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSA1DMember>();
            var keyword  = dummyObject.GetGSAKeyword();

            foreach (var k in newLines.Keys)
                var p           = newLines[k];
                var loadSubList = new List <GSA1DLoad>();

                // Placeholder load object to get list of elements and load values
                // Need to transform to axis so one load definition may be transformed to many
                var initLoad = new GSA1DLoad()
                    GWACommand = p, GSAId = k
                    initLoad.ParseGWACommand(elements, members);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Initialiser.AppResources.Messenger.Message(MessageIntent.TechnicalLog, MessageLevel.Error, ex,
                                                               "Keyword=" + keyword, "Index=" + k);

                // Create load for each element applied
                foreach (var nRef in initLoad.Value.ElementRefs)
                    var load = new GSA1DLoad
                        GWACommand = initLoad.GWACommand,

                    load.Value.Name          = initLoad.Value.Name;
                    load.Value.ApplicationId = initLoad.Value.ApplicationId;
                    load.Value.LoadCaseRef   = initLoad.Value.LoadCaseRef;

                    if (Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.TargetLayer == GSATargetLayer.Analysis)
                        // Transform load to defined axis
                        var gsaElem  = elements.Where(e => e.Value.ApplicationId == nRef).First();
                        var elem     = gsaElem.Value;
                        var loadAxis = load.Axis == 0 ? new StructuralAxis(
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }),
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 })) :
                                       Helper.LocalAxisEntity1D(elem.Value.ToArray(), elem.ZAxis); // Assumes if not global, local
                        load.Value.Loading = initLoad.Value.Loading;

                        // Perform projection
                        if (load.Projected)
                            var loadDirection = new Vector3D(

                            if (loadDirection.Length > 0)
                                var axisX  = new Vector3D(elem.Value[5] - elem.Value[0], elem.Value[4] - elem.Value[1], elem.Value[3] - elem.Value[2]);
                                var angle  = loadDirection.AngleTo(axisX);
                                var factor = Math.Sin(angle.Radians);
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[0] *= factor;
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[1] *= factor;
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[2] *= factor;

                        // If the loading already exists, add element ref to list
                        var match = loadSubList.Count() > 0 ? loadSubList.Where(l => ((l.Value).Loading.Value as List <double>)
                                                                                .SequenceEqual((load.Value).Loading.Value as List <double>)).First() : null;
                        if (match != null)
                            load.Value.ElementRefs = new List <string>()
                        // Transform load to defined axis
                        var gsaMemb  = members.Where(e => (e.Value).ApplicationId == nRef).First();
                        var memb     = gsaMemb.Value;
                        var loadAxis = load.Axis == 0 ? new StructuralAxis(
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }),
                            new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 })) :
                                       Helper.LocalAxisEntity1D(memb.Value.ToArray(), memb.ZAxis); // Assumes if not global, local
                        load.Value.Loading = initLoad.Value.Loading;

                        // Perform projection
                        if (load.Projected)
                            var loadDirection = new Vector3D(

                            if (loadDirection.Length > 0)
                                var axisX  = new Vector3D(memb.Value[5] - memb.Value[0], memb.Value[4] - memb.Value[1], memb.Value[3] - memb.Value[2]);
                                var angle  = loadDirection.AngleTo(axisX);
                                var factor = Math.Sin(angle.Radians);
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[0] *= factor;
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[1] *= factor;
                                load.Value.Loading.Value[2] *= factor;

                        // If the loading already exists, add element ref to list
                        var match = loadSubList.Count() > 0 ? loadSubList.Where(l => (l.Value).Loading.Equals(load.Value.Loading)).First() : null;
                        if (match != null)
                            load.Value.ElementRefs = new List <string>()


            if (loads.Count() > 0)

            return((loads.Count() > 0) ? new SpeckleObject() : new SpeckleNull());
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns the solution using the specified planets
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>WARNING!!! 3D MATH!!!</remarks>
        /// <param name="alignment">The planets to align using.</param>
        /// <param name="planetLocations">The planet location data.</param>
        private void FlattenAlignment(string[] alignment, Dictionary <string, PlanetInfo> planetLocations)
            // ** STEP ONE **
            // Translate everything such that the first alignment planet is at { 0, 0, 0 }
            Vector3D offset = planetLocations[alignment[0]].Location;

            if (offset.Length > 0)
                foreach (PlanetInfo curInfo in planetLocations.Values)
                    curInfo.Location -= offset;

            // ** STEP TWO **
            // Rotate everything such that the second alignment planet is on the x-axis (without translating the previous alignment planets)
            Vector3D xAxis = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);

            Angle    angle        = planetLocations[alignment[1]].Location.AngleTo(xAxis);
            Vector3D rotationAxis = xAxis.CrossProduct(planetLocations[alignment[1]].Location);

            if (rotationAxis.Length > 0)
                rotationAxis = rotationAxis.Normalize().ToVector3D();

                foreach (PlanetInfo curInfo in planetLocations.Values)
                    curInfo.Location = curInfo.Location.Rotate(rotationAxis, -angle);

            // ** STEP THREE **
            // Rotate everything such that the third alignment planet is on the x/y-plane (without translating the previous alignment planets)
            Point3D planetOne   = planetLocations[alignment[0]].Location.ToPoint3D();
            Point3D planetTwo   = planetLocations[alignment[1]].Location.ToPoint3D();
            Point3D planetThree = planetLocations[alignment[2]].Location.ToPoint3D();

            Line3D oneTwoLine  = new Line3D(planetOne, planetTwo);
            Line3D lineToThird = oneTwoLine.LineTo(planetThree, false);

            Vector3D vectorToThird = (lineToThird.EndPoint - lineToThird.StartPoint);
            Vector3D destLine      = new Vector3D(vectorToThird.Y < 0 ? -vectorToThird.X : vectorToThird.X, vectorToThird.Y < 0 ? -vectorToThird.Y : vectorToThird.Y, 0);

            angle        = destLine.AngleTo(vectorToThird);
            rotationAxis = destLine.CrossProduct(vectorToThird);

            if (rotationAxis.Length > 0)
                rotationAxis = rotationAxis.Normalize().ToVector3D();

                foreach (PlanetInfo curInfo in planetLocations.Values)
                    curInfo.Location = curInfo.Location.Rotate(rotationAxis, -angle);

            // ** STEP FOUR **
            // Invert the Z coordinates of all planets to ensure the first non-aligned planet has a positive Z location
            if (planetLocations.Values.First(cur => !alignment.Contains(cur.Name)).Location.Z < 0)
                foreach (PlanetInfo curInfo in planetLocations.Values)
                    curInfo.Location = new Vector3D(curInfo.Location.X, curInfo.Location.Y, -curInfo.Location.Z);

            // Just double check the alignment worked...
            foreach (string curAlignment in alignment)
                if (Math.Round(planetLocations[curAlignment].Location.Z, 4) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Alignment Failed!!!");
예제 #8
        public static void CatenoidBasedSurface()
            RLD_outputs outputs;

            SurfaceInternal(out outputs);
            double scale = m_params.Scale;

            // Map a point for a given k/m from the hemihypersphere to the complex plane.
            // You can also pass in -1 for k to get a point on the equator of the hemihypersphere.
            double mInc = Math.PI * 2 / m_params.M;
            Func <RLD_outputs, int, int, Vector3D> onPlane = (o, k, m) =>
                double theta = k == -1 ? 0 : outputs.x_i[k];
                theta += Math.PI / 2;
                             new Vector3D(1, theta, m * mInc)

            // Setup texture coords on fundamental triangle.
            // We'll use a fundamental triangle in the southern hemisphere,
            // with stereographically projected coords at (0,0), (1,0), and CCW on the unit circle depending on M.
            Polygon p = new Polygon();

            p.Segments.Add(Segment.Line(new Vector3D(), new Vector3D(1, 0)));
            p.Segments.Add(Segment.Arc(new Vector3D(1, 0), onPlane(outputs, 1, 1), onPlane(outputs, -1, 1)));
            p.Segments.Add(Segment.Line(onPlane(outputs, -1, 1), new Vector3D()));
            int levels = 9;

            Vector3D[] coords         = TextureHelper.TextureCoords(p, Geometry.Spherical, doGeodesicDome: true);
            int[]      elementIndices = TextureHelper.TextureElements(1, levels);

            // Setup a nearTree for the catenoid locations (on the plane).
            NearTree nearTree = new NearTree(Metric.Spherical);

            for (int k = 1; k < outputs.x_i.Length; k++)
                for (int m = 0; m <= 1; m++)
                    Vector3D loc = onPlane(outputs, k, m);
                    nearTree.InsertObject(new NearTreeObject()
                        ID = k, Location = loc

            // Given a point on the plane, find the nearest catenoid center and calculate the height of the surface based on that.
            // This also calculates the locking of the point.
            Func <Vector3D, Tuple <double, Vector3D, Vector3D> > heightAndLocking = coord =>
                NearTreeObject closest;
                if (!nearTree.FindNearestNeighbor(out closest, coord, double.MaxValue))
                    throw new System.Exception();

                Vector3D locked = new Vector3D();
                if (p.Segments[0].IsPointOn(coord) ||
                    locked = new Vector3D(1, 1, 0, 0);
                //if( p.Segments[1].IsPointOn( v ) )		// Not working right for some reason, but line below will work.
                if (Tolerance.Equal(coord.Abs(), 1))
                    locked = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1, 0);

                Vector3D vSphere = Sterographic.PlaneToSphere(coord);
                Vector3D cSphere = Sterographic.PlaneToSphere(closest.Location);
                double   dist    = vSphere.AngleTo(cSphere);

                int    k          = (int)closest.ID;
                double waist      = outputs.t_i[k];
                double rld_height = outputs.phi_i[k];

                double h      = waist * 3.5 * 2;                                        // height where catenoid will meet rld_height.
                double factor = scale * rld_height * 2 / h;                             // Artifical scaling so we can see things.
                dist /= factor;

                double z = double.NaN;
                if (dist >= waist)
                    z = waist * DonHatch.acosh(dist / waist);
                else if (dist >= 0.7 * waist)
                    z = 0;

                    // Move the coord to the thinnest waist circle.
                    Mobius m = new Mobius();
                    m.Hyperbolic(Geometry.Spherical, coord.ToComplex(), waist / dist);
                    coord = m.Apply(coord);

                if (dist < waist * 20)
                    locked = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1, 1);

                return(new Tuple <double, Vector3D, Vector3D>(z * factor, locked, coord));

            // Calculate all the coordinates.
            Vector3D[] locks = new Vector3D[coords.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                Vector3D coord = coords[i];
                var      hl    = heightAndLocking(coord);
                locks[i]  = hl.Item2;
                coord     = hl.Item3;
                coords[i] = Normal(Sterographic.PlaneToSphere(coord), (double)hl.Item1);

            // Relax it.
            Relax(coords, elementIndices, locks);

            Mesh   mesh = new Mesh();
            Sphere s    = new Sphere();

            for (int i = 0; i < elementIndices.Length; i += 3)
                Vector3D a = coords[elementIndices[i]];
                Vector3D b = coords[elementIndices[i + 1]];
                Vector3D c = coords[elementIndices[i + 2]];
                if (a.DNE || b.DNE || c.DNE)

                for (int m = 0; m <= 0; m++)
                    mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(a, b, c));
                    mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(

            PovRay.WriteMesh(mesh, "RLD.pov");
 public Angle AngleTo()
예제 #10
        private static void CompoundOfFive24Cells(ref H3.Cell.Edge[] edges)
            List <H3.Cell.Edge> allEdges = new List <H3.Cell.Edge>();

            Vector3D v600 = Sterographic.R3toS3(SimplexCalcs.VertexSpherical(3, 3, 5));
            Vector3D v24  = Sterographic.R3toS3(SimplexCalcs.VertexSpherical(3, 4, 3));

            Sphere[] mirrors600 = SimplexCalcs.MirrorsSpherical(3, 3, 5);

            double a24  = v24.AngleTo(Sterographic.R3toS3(new Vector3D()));
            double a600 = v600.AngleTo(Sterographic.R3toS3(new Vector3D()));

            Matrix4D m600  = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(a600, 2, 3);
            Matrix4D m600_ = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(-a600, 2, 3);
            Matrix4D m24   = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(a24, 2, 3);
            Matrix4D m24_  = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(-a24, 2, 3);

            double eLength = 2 * Math.PI / 10;                  // 600-cell edge length
            double a_id    = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(eLength / 2) / Math.Sin(Math.PI / 3) * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2));

            eLength = 1.0 / Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI / 5);                  // icosahedron edge length
            double a_i = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(eLength / 2) / Math.Sin(Math.PI / 3) * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 5));

            Func <Vector3D, Vector3D> rot600 = v =>
                v = Sterographic.R3toS3(v);
                v = m600.RotateVector(v);
                v = Sterographic.S3toR3(v);

            Func <Vector3D, int, Vector3D> rotOne = (v, idx) =>
                v = Sterographic.R3toS3(v);
                v = m24.RotateVector(v);
                v = Sterographic.S3toR3(v);
                v.RotateAboutAxis(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), -a_id);

                // Vertex to cell center.
                v = Sterographic.R3toS3(v);
                v = m600_.RotateVector(v);
                v = Sterographic.S3toR3(v);

                List <int> reflections = new List <int>();
                if (idx == 0)

                if (idx != 0)
                if (idx == 2)
                if (idx == 3)
                if (idx == 4)

                foreach (int reflection in reflections)
                    v = mirrors600[reflection].ReflectPoint(v);

                v = Sterographic.R3toS3(v);
                v = m600.RotateVector(v);
                v = Sterographic.S3toR3(v);

                //v.RotateAboutAxis( new Vector3D( 0, 0, 1 ), Math.PI/3 );
                //v.RotateAboutAxis( new Vector3D( 1, 0, 0 ), -a_i*2 );
                v = Sterographic.R3toS3(v);
                //v = m24_.RotateVector( v );
                v = Sterographic.S3toR3(v);


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                //if( i == 0 )
                //	continue;

                allEdges.AddRange(edges.Select(e =>
                    H3.Cell.Edge newEdge = new H3.Cell.Edge(rotOne(e.Start, i), rotOne(e.End, i));
                    //H3.Cell.Edge newEdge = new H3.Cell.Edge( rot600( e.Start ), rot600( e.End ) );
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        newEdge.Color = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0, 1);
                        //newEdge.Color = new Vector3D( 1, 1, 1, 0 );

                    case 1:
                        newEdge.Color = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0, 2);

                    case 2:
                        newEdge.Color = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1, 3);

                    case 3:
                        newEdge.Color = new Vector3D(1, 0, 1, 4);

                    case 4:
                        newEdge.Color = new Vector3D(0, 1, 1, 5);

            edges = allEdges.ToArray();

            //edges = edges.Where( e => Tolerance.Equal( 1, e.Start.Abs() ) || Tolerance.Equal( 1, e.End.Abs() ) ).ToArray();

            HashSet <Vector3D> uniqueVerts = new HashSet <Vector3D>();

            foreach (H3.Cell.Edge e in edges)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Number of verts = " + uniqueVerts.Count);

            /*edges = edges.Where( e =>
             * {
             *      Vector3D v = Tolerance.Equal( 1, e.Start.Abs() ) ? e.End : e.Start;
             *      if( v.Abs() >= 0.8 || v.Abs() <= 0.7 )
             *              return false;
             *      if( Tolerance.LessThanOrEqual( v.X, 0 ) || Tolerance.GreaterThanOrEqual( v.Y, 0 ) || Tolerance.GreaterThanOrEqual( v.Z, 0 ) )
             *              return false;
             *      return true;
             * } ).ToArray();
             * edges = edges.OrderBy( e => Tolerance.Equal( 1, e.Start.Abs() ) ? e.End.Abs() : e.Start.Abs() ).ToArray();*/
예제 #11
            /// <summary>
            /// Given 2 points on the surface of the ball, calculate the center and radius of the orthogonal circle.
            /// </summary>
            public static void OrthogonalCircle( Vector3D v1, Vector3D v2, out Vector3D center, out double radius )
                // Picture at http://planetmath.org/OrthogonalCircles.html helpful for what I'm doing here.
                double sectorAngle = v1.AngleTo( v2 );
                if( Tolerance.Equal( sectorAngle, Math.PI ) )
                    center = Infinity.InfinityVector;
                    radius = double.PositiveInfinity;

                double distToCenter = m_pRadius / Math.Cos( sectorAngle / 2 );
                center = v1 + v2;
                center *= distToCenter;

                radius = distToCenter * Math.Sin( sectorAngle / 2 );
예제 #12
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the hyperbolic midpoint of an edge.
            /// Only works for non-ideal edges at the moment.
            /// </summary>
            public static Vector3D Midpoint( H3.Cell.Edge edge )
                // Special case if edge has endpoint on origin.
                // XXX - Really this should be special case anytime edge goes through origin.
                Vector3D e1 = edge.Start;
                Vector3D e2 = edge.End;
                if( e1.IsOrigin || e2.IsOrigin )
                    if( e2.IsOrigin )
                        Utils.Swap<Vector3D>( ref e1, ref e2 );

                    return HalfTo( e2 );

                // No doubt there is a much better way, but
                // work in H2 slice transformed to xy plane, with e1 on x-axis.

                double angle = e1.AngleTo( e2 );	// always <= 180
                e1 = new Vector3D( e1.Abs(), 0 );
                e2 = new Vector3D( e2.Abs(), 0 );
                e2.RotateXY( angle );

                // Mobius that will move e1 to origin.
                Mobius m = new Mobius();
                m.Isometry( Geometry.Hyperbolic, 0, -e1 );
                e2 = m.Apply( e2 );

                Vector3D midOnPlane = HalfTo( e2 );
                midOnPlane= m.Inverse().Apply( midOnPlane );
                double midAngle = e1.AngleTo( midOnPlane );

                Vector3D mid = edge.Start;
                mid.RotateAboutAxis( edge.Start.Cross( edge.End ), midAngle );
                mid.Normalize( midOnPlane.Abs() );
                return mid;
예제 #13
        public void DoCommand(int cmd_id)
            IRobotStructure structure = robot_app.Project.Structure;

            // Get bars and nodes
            IRobotCollection bars  = structure.Bars.GetAll();
            IRobotCollection nodes = structure.Nodes.GetAll();

            // Create 3D points at nodes
            var points = new Dictionary <int, Point3D>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= nodes.Count; i++)
                var node = (IRobotNode)nodes.Get(i);
                points[i] = new Point3D(node.X, node.Y, node.Z);

            // Create 3D vectors for each bar and index of bars connected to a node
            var vectors    = new Dictionary <int, Vector3D>();
            var vect_by_pt = new DefaultDict <int, List <Vector3D> >();

            for (int i = 1; i <= bars.Count; i++)
                var bar      = (IRobotBar)bars.Get(i);
                var start_pt = points[bar.StartNode];
                var end_pt   = points[bar.EndNode];
                vectors[i] = end_pt - start_pt;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vector3D> vector in vectors)
                // `u` is the vector corresponding to the bar
                Vector3D     u      = vector.Value;
                UnitVector3D u_norm = u.Normalize();
                int          start  = bars.Get(vector.Key).StartNode;
                // TODO: How about the other end?

                // Find the most orthogonal vector `v`
                Vector3D most_orth_v = u;
                double   cur_min     = 1;
                foreach (Vector3D x in vect_by_pt[start])
                    UnitVector3D x_norm   = x.Normalize();
                    double       dot_prod = Math.Abs(u_norm.DotProduct(x_norm));
                    if (dot_prod < cur_min)
                        most_orth_v = x;
                        cur_min     = dot_prod;

                if (cur_min > 0.95)

                var v      = most_orth_v;
                var v_norm = v.Normalize();

                // Vector `a` is vector a orthogonal to `u` in (u,v) plane
                Vector3D     a      = v - u_norm.DotProduct(v) * u;
                UnitVector3D a_norm = a.Normalize();

                // Vector `c` is orthogonal to `u` in the global (X,Y) plane
                UnitVector3D c = u_norm.CrossProduct(UnitVector3D.ZAxis);
                // Vector `d` is orthogonal to `c` and `u`
                UnitVector3D d = c.CrossProduct(u_norm);

                // Calculate the angles of `a` with `d` and `c`
                Angle theta1 = a.AngleTo(d);
                Angle theta2 = a.AngleTo(c);

                // Calculate gamma from `theta1` and `theta2`
                Angle  gamma    = (theta2.Degrees < 90) ? theta1 : -theta1;
                double gamma_up = (gamma.Degrees < 0) ? gamma.Degrees + 90 : gamma.Degrees - 90;

                // Set `Gamma` attribute of bar
                IRobotBar bar = bars.Get(vector.Key);
                bar.Gamma = gamma_up;

            // Redraw all views