public void Intersects(ref BoundingCircle circle, out bool result) { float distSq; Vector2Helper.DistanceSq(ref Center, ref circle.Center, out distSq); result = distSq <= (Radius * Radius + circle.Radius * circle.Radius); }
public static void FromNormalVectors(Vector2[] vectors, ref Matrix4 matrix, out BoundingRectangle result) { Vector2 current; Vector2Helper.TransformNormal(ref vectors[0], ref matrix, out current); result.Max = current; result.Min = current; for (var index = 1; index < vectors.Length; ++index) { Vector2Helper.TransformNormal(ref vectors[index], ref matrix, out current); if (current.X > result.Max.X) { result.Max.X = current.X; } else if (current.X < result.Min.X) { result.Min.X = current.X; } if (current.Y > result.Max.Y) { result.Max.Y = current.Y; } else if (current.Y < result.Min.Y) { result.Min.Y = current.Y; } } result.Max.X += matrix.M13; result.Max.Y += matrix.M23; result.Min.X += matrix.M13; result.Min.Y += matrix.M23; }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { // Wait for the loader to complete before attempting to get backgrounds, etc. var babyPackpageProvider = this.Game.Services.GetService <IBabyPackageProvider>(); this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Clear(babyPackpageProvider.GetBackgroundColour()); // Show the background image. var background = babyPackpageProvider.GetBackground(); if (background != null) { // Resize to fit to the screen. var resized = Vector2Helper.ResizeKeepingAspectRatio(this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, background.Bounds); Rectangle r; if (resized.X == this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width) { r = new Rectangle(0, (int)((this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height - resized.Y) / 2), (int)resized.X, (int)resized.Y); } else { r = new Rectangle((int)((this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width - resized.X) / 2), 0, (int)resized.X, (int)resized.Y); } this._SpriteBatch.Begin(); this._SpriteBatch.Draw(background, r, Color.White); this._SpriteBatch.End(); } }
public static void GetDistanceSq(ref Vector2 vertex1, ref Vector2 vertex2, ref Vector2 point, out float result) { float edgeLength; Vector2 edge, local; Vector2.Subtract(ref point, ref vertex2, out local); Vector2.Subtract(ref vertex1, ref vertex2, out edge); Vector2Helper.Normalize(ref edge, out edgeLength, out edge); var nProj = local.Y * edge.X - local.X * edge.Y; var tProj = local.X * edge.X + local.Y * edge.Y; if (tProj < 0) { result = tProj * tProj + nProj * nProj; } else if (tProj > edgeLength) { tProj -= edgeLength; result = tProj * tProj + nProj * nProj; } else { result = nProj * nProj; } }
public bool Equals(BoundingPolygon other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } if (Vertices == null || other.Vertices == null || Vertices.Length != other.Vertices.Length) { return(false); } for (var index = 0; index < Vertices.Length; index++) { var vertex1 = Vertices[index]; var vertex2 = other.Vertices[index]; if (!Vector2Helper.Equals(ref vertex1, ref vertex2)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void GetInertia(Vector2[] vertices, out float result) { if (vertices.Length == 1) { result = 0; return; } float denom = 0; float numer = 0; var v1 = vertices[vertices.Length - 1]; Vector2 v2; for (var index = 0; index < vertices.Length; index++, v1 = v2) { v2 = vertices[index]; float a, b, c, d; Vector2.Dot(ref v2, ref v2, out a); Vector2.Dot(ref v2, ref v1, out b); Vector2.Dot(ref v1, ref v1, out c); Vector2Helper.ZCross(ref v1, ref v2, out d); d = MathF.Abs(d); numer += d; denom += (a + b + c) * d; } result = denom / (numer * 6); }
/// <summary>Returns current <see cref="Vector2" /> with absolute values.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current <see cref="Vector2" />.</param> /// <returns>Current <see cref="Vector2" /> with absolute values.</returns> public static Vector2 Abs(this Vector2 current) { Vector2 result; Vector2Helper.Abs(ref current, out result); return(result); }
protected override void Initialize() { camera.position = Vector2Helper.GetViewportCenter(GraphicsDevice.Viewport); Rectangle worldRect = camera.getWorldRect(Window); renderArea = new Rectangle(worldRect.Location.X - renderAreaExtend, worldRect.Y + renderAreaExtend, worldRect.Width + renderAreaExtend, worldRect.Height + renderAreaExtend); base.Initialize(); }
protected override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize() { var min = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var child in Children) { min = Vector2Helper.ComponentMax(min, child.CombinedMinimumSize); } return(min + ActualStyleBox.MinimumSize / UIScale); }
public void Intersects(ref BoundingRectangle rect, out bool result) { // Find the closest point to the circle within the rectangle var x = MathF.Clamp(Center.X, rect.Min.X, rect.Max.X); var y = MathF.Clamp(Center.Y, rect.Min.Y, rect.Max.Y); Vector2 closest = new Vector2(x, y); // Calculate the distance between the circle's center and this closest point float distanceSquared; Vector2Helper.DistanceSq(ref Center, ref closest, out distanceSquared); // If the distance is less than the circle's radius, an intersection occurs result = (distanceSquared < Radius * Radius); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the area of a polygon. /// </summary> /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon.</param> /// <param name="result">the area.</param> public static void GetArea(Vector2[] vertices, out float result) { float area = 0; var v1 = vertices[vertices.Length - 1]; Vector2 v2; for (var index = 0; index < vertices.Length; ++index, v1 = v2) { v2 = vertices[index]; float temp; Vector2Helper.ZCross(ref v1, ref v2, out temp); area += temp; } result = MathF.Abs(area * .5f); }
public void Initialize() { for (int i = 0; i < ContactCount; ++i) { Vector2 ra = Contacts[i] - (Vector2)A.transform.position; Vector2 rb = Contacts[i] - (Vector2)B.transform.position; Vector2 rv = B.Velocity + Vector2Helper.Cross(B.AngularVelocity, rb) - A.Velocity - Vector2Helper.Cross(A.AngularVelocity, ra); if (rv.sqrMagnitude - (Core.PhysicsEngine.DeltaTime * Core.PhysicsEngine.Gravity).sqrMagnitude < Mathf.Epsilon) { AverageRestitution = 0.0f; } } }
protected override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize() { var top = MarginTopOverride ?? 0; var bottom = MarginBottomOverride ?? 0; var left = MarginLeftOverride ?? 0; var right = MarginRightOverride ?? 0; var childMinSize = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var child in Children) { childMinSize = Vector2Helper.ComponentMax(child.CombinedMinimumSize, childMinSize); } return(childMinSize + new Vector2(left + right, top + bottom)); }
public override IEnumerator Begin(ProjectileSpawner projectileSpawner) { yield return(WaitYieldInstruction.Create(_delay)); while (true) { var degreesPerSpawn = 360 / _count; for (int r = 0; r < _count; r++) { var a = degreesPerSpawn * r; projectileSpawner.Spawn(Vector2Helper.FromAngle(MathHelper.ToRadians(a))); yield return(WaitYieldInstruction.Create(_sequenceFrequencyInMS)); } yield return(WaitYieldInstruction.Create(_frequencyInMS)); } }
public static void FromVectors(Vector2[] vertices, out BoundingCircle result) { BoundingPolygon.GetCentroid(vertices, out result.Center); result.Radius = -1; for (var index = 0; index < vertices.Length; ++index) { float distSq; Vector2Helper.DistanceSq(ref result.Center, ref vertices[index], out distSq); if (result.Radius == -1 || (distSq < result.Radius)) { result.Radius = distSq; } } result.Radius = MathF.Sqrt(result.Radius); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { this.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); this._SpriteBatch.Begin(); var drawingPosition = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X + 20, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y + 20); if (this._State == ScreenState.GeneralMessageCountdown) { // Draw the message. this._SpriteBatch.DrawString(this._LargeFont, this._Message, drawingPosition, Color.White); // And the bug! var resized = Vector2Helper.ResizeKeepingAspectRatio(Vector2Helper.GetProportionalSize(0.5f, this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport), this._Bug.Bounds); var location = new Vector2((float)this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Center.X, (float)(this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Bottom - (resized.Y + 10))); var rect = new Rectangle((int)location.X, (int)location.Y, (int)resized.X, (int)resized.Y); var centre = new Vector2((float)this._Bug.Width, (float)this._Bug.Height) / 2; this._SpriteBatch.Draw(this._Bug, rect, null, Color.White, 0f, centre, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } else if (this._State == ScreenState.TechnicalDisplay) { // Draw the exception message. this._SpriteBatch.DrawString(this._LargeFont, this._Message, drawingPosition, Color.White); this._SpriteBatch.DrawString(this._SmallFont, this._TheExceptionDump, drawingPosition + new Vector2(0, 30), Color.White); } else if (this._State == ScreenState.PublishException) { // Draw the publishing message. this._SpriteBatch.DrawString(this._LargeFont, this._Message, drawingPosition, Color.White); // And the bug! var resized = Vector2Helper.ResizeKeepingAspectRatio(Vector2Helper.GetProportionalSize(0.5f, this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport), this._Bug.Bounds); var location = new Vector2((float)this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Center.X, (float)(this.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Bottom - (resized.Y + 10))); var rect = new Rectangle((int)location.X, (int)location.Y, (int)resized.X, (int)resized.Y); var centre = new Vector2((float)this._Bug.Width, (float)this._Bug.Height) / 2; this._SpriteBatch.Draw(this._Bug, rect, null, Color.White, 0f, centre, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } this._SpriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
public static bool Collide(BoundingCircle circle1, BoundingCircle circle2, out Vector2 contactPoint, out float distance, out Vector2 normal) { Vector2.Subtract(ref circle2.Center, ref circle1.Center, out normal); Vector2Helper.Normalize(ref normal, out distance, out normal); distance = distance - (circle1.Radius + circle2.Radius); bool collision = (distance <= 0); if (collision) { contactPoint.X = circle2.Center.X - normal.X * circle2.Radius; contactPoint.Y = circle2.Center.Y - normal.Y * circle2.Radius; } else { contactPoint = Vector2.Zero; } return(collision); }
/// <summary> Calculates the centroid of a polygon.</summary> /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon.</param> /// <param name="centroid">The centroid of a polygon.</param> /// <remarks>This is also known as center of gravity/mass.</remarks> public static void GetCentroid(Vector2[] vertices, out Vector2 centroid) { centroid = Vector2.Zero; float temp; float area = 0; var v1 = vertices[vertices.Length - 1]; Vector2 v2; for (var index = 0; index < vertices.Length; ++index, v1 = v2) { v2 = vertices[index]; Vector2Helper.ZCross(ref v1, ref v2, out temp); area += temp; centroid.X += ((v1.X + v2.X) * temp); centroid.Y += ((v1.Y + v2.Y) * temp); } temp = 1 / (MathF.Abs(area) * 3); centroid.X *= temp; centroid.Y *= temp; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates an axis aligned rectangle which fully contains an arbitrarily transformed axis aligned rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangle">Original bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="transform">World transform of the rectangle.</param> /// <returns>A new rectangle which contains the trasnformed rectangle.</returns> public static void CalculateBoundingRectangle(ref RectangleF rectangle, ref Matrix transform, out RectangleF boundingRect) { // Get all four corners in local space Vector2 leftTop; leftTop.X = rectangle.Left; leftTop.Y = rectangle.Top; Vector2 rightTop; rightTop.X = rectangle.Right; rightTop.Y = rectangle.Top; Vector2 leftBottom; leftBottom.X = rectangle.Left; leftBottom.Y = rectangle.Bottom; Vector2 rightBottom; rightBottom.X = rectangle.Right; rightBottom.Y = rectangle.Bottom; // Transform all four corners into work space Vector2Helper.Transform(ref leftTop, ref transform, out leftTop); Vector2Helper.Transform(ref rightTop, ref transform, out rightTop); Vector2Helper.Transform(ref leftBottom, ref transform, out leftBottom); Vector2Helper.Transform(ref rightBottom, ref transform, out rightBottom); // Find the minimum and maximum extents of the rectangle in world space Vector2 min = Vector2.Min(Vector2.Min(leftTop, rightTop), Vector2.Min(leftBottom, rightBottom)); Vector2 max = Vector2.Max(Vector2.Max(leftTop, rightTop), Vector2.Max(leftBottom, rightBottom)); // Return that as a rectangle boundingRect = new RectangleF(); boundingRect.X = min.X; boundingRect.Y = min.Y; boundingRect.Width = (max.X - min.X); boundingRect.Height = (max.Y - min.Y); }
public override Vector2 Calculate() { // The detection box is the current velocity divided by the max velocity of the entity // range is the maximum size of the box Vector2 viewBox = this.Entity.Velocity / this.Entity.MaxSpeed * this.range; // Add the check points in front of the entity IEnumerable <Vector2> checkpoints = new[] { this.Entity.Position, this.Entity.Position + viewBox / 2f, // Halfway this.Entity.Position + viewBox, // At the end this.Entity.Position + viewBox * 2 // Double }; foreach (Rock o in <Rock>()) { // Add a circle around the obstacle which can't be crossed CircleF notAllowedZone = new CircleF(o.Position, o.Scale); if (checkpoints.Any(checkpoint => notAllowedZone.Contains(checkpoint))) { Vector2 dist = new Vector2(o.Position.X - this.Entity.Position.X, o.Position.X - this.Entity.Position.Y); Vector2 perpendicular = Vector2Helper.PerpendicularRightAngleOf(dist); Vector2 perpendicularPositivePos = o.Position + perpendicular; Vector2 perpendicularNegativePos = o.Position - perpendicular; float perpDistPositive = Vector2.DistanceSquared(this.Entity.Position + this.Entity.Velocity, perpendicularPositivePos); float perpDistNegative = Vector2.DistanceSquared(this.Entity.Position + this.Entity.Velocity, perpendicularNegativePos); Vector2 targetRelative = (perpDistPositive > perpDistNegative ? perpendicularNegativePos : perpendicularPositivePos) - this.Entity.Position; return(Vector2Helper.PerpendicularRightAngleOf(targetRelative)); } } // Return identity vector if there will be no collision return(new Vector2()); }
public static void Intersects(ref Vector2 vertex1, ref Vector2 vertex2, ref Ray2D ray, out float result, float tolerance = 0.0001f) { Vector2 tangent, normal; float edgeMagnitude; Vector2.Subtract(ref vertex1, ref vertex2, out tangent); Vector2Helper.Normalize(ref tangent, out edgeMagnitude, out tangent); Vector2Helper.RightPerp(ref tangent, out normal); float dir; Vector2.Dot(ref normal, ref ray.Direction, out dir); if (MathF.Abs(dir) >= tolerance) { Vector2 originDiff; Vector2.Subtract(ref ray.Origin, ref vertex2, out originDiff); float actualDistance; Vector2.Dot(ref normal, ref originDiff, out actualDistance); var distanceFromOrigin = -(actualDistance / dir); if (distanceFromOrigin >= 0) { Vector2 intersectPos; Vector2.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, distanceFromOrigin, out intersectPos); Vector2.Add(ref intersectPos, ref originDiff, out intersectPos); float distanceFromSecond; Vector2.Dot(ref intersectPos, ref tangent, out distanceFromSecond); if (distanceFromSecond >= 0 && distanceFromSecond <= edgeMagnitude) { // Hit! result = distanceFromOrigin; return; } } } // No hit. result = -1; }
private Vector2 GetVelocity() { return(_dataController.Config.GameConfig.ballSpeed * Vector2Helper.GetRandomDirection()); }
public static bool Equals(ref LineSegment line1, ref LineSegment line2) { return(Vector2Helper.Equals(ref line1.Start, ref line2.Start) && Vector2Helper.Equals(ref line1.End, ref line2.End)); }
public void ApplyImpulse(Vector2 impulse, Vector2 contact) { Velocity += (InverseMass * impulse); AngularVelocity += InverseInertia * Vector2Helper.Cross(contact, impulse); }
public static bool Equals(ref BoundingRectangle rect1, ref BoundingRectangle rect2) { return(Vector2Helper.Equals(ref rect1.Min, ref rect2.Min) && Vector2Helper.Equals(ref rect1.Max, ref rect2.Max)); }
public static bool Equals(ref Line line1, ref Line line2) { return(Vector2Helper.Equals(ref line1.Normal, ref line2.Normal) && line1.D.NearlyEquals(line2.D)); }
/// <summary>Clamps the specified point to be contained within the box.</summary> /// <param name="target">The target point.</param> /// <param name="clamped">The clamped point.</param> public void Clamp(ref Vector2 target, out Vector2 clamped) { Vector2Helper.Clamp(ref target, ref Min, ref Max, out clamped); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game component to update itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (this.FadeInTime > TimeSpan.Zero && this.SpinTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to Fade In and Spin In at the same time. Set FadeInTime or SpinTime to TimeSpan.Zero."); } if (this.ActualSize == Vector2.Zero) { this.ActualSize = Vector2Helper.ResizeKeepingAspectRatio(this.Size, this.Texture.Bounds); } if (this.Location == Vector2.Zero) { // Choose a location for the shape to appear. this.Location = new Vector2( (float)this.Game.RandomGenerator.Next(this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.X + (int)(this.ActualSize.X * 0.2f), this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - (int)(this.ActualSize.X * 0.2f)) , (float)this.Game.RandomGenerator.Next(this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Y + (int)(this.ActualSize.Y * 0.2f), this.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - (int)(this.ActualSize.Y * 0.2f)) ); } // Update the state machine for this lifespan of this object. while (this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState <= TimeSpan.Zero && this.State != DrawingState.PostShow) { switch (this.State) { case DrawingState.PreShow: if (this.FadeInTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { this.State = DrawingState.FadeIn; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.FadeInTime; } else if (this.SpinTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { this.State = DrawingState.SpinIn; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.SpinTime; } else { this.State = DrawingState.Solid; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.SolidTime; } break; case DrawingState.FadeIn: this.State = DrawingState.Solid; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.SolidTime; break; case DrawingState.SpinIn: this.State = DrawingState.Solid; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.SolidTime; break; case DrawingState.Solid: this.State = DrawingState.FadeOut; this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.FadeOutTime; break; case DrawingState.FadeOut: this.State = DrawingState.PostShow; break; case DrawingState.PostShow: break; default: throw new ApplicationException("Forgot a DrawingState."); } } this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState = this.RemainingTimeInCurrentState.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
public static bool Equals(ref Ray2D ray1, ref Ray2D ray2) { return(Vector2Helper.Equals(ref ray1.Origin, ref ray2.Origin) && Vector2Helper.Equals(ref ray1.Direction, ref ray2.Direction)); }
protected override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize() { return(Vector2Helper.ComponentMax(ContentsMinimumSize, base.CalculateMinimumSize())); }