예제 #1
    public static Barracks GenerateBarracks(GenerationRandom genRan, Barracks barr, out BuildingVoxels vox, BuildingGenerationPlan plan)
        vox = new BuildingVoxels(barr.Width, World.ChunkHeight, barr.Height);
        ChooseWallBounds(genRan, barr);
        BuildingGenerator.ConnectBoundingWall(vox, barr.BoundingWall, Voxel.stone);
        Tile[,] tileMap = new Tile[barr.Width, barr.Height];
        BuildingGenerator.ChooseEntrancePoint(genRan, vox, barr, plan);
        BuildingGenerator.SetTiles(tileMap, 0, 0, barr.Width / 2, barr.Height - 1, Tile.STONE_FLOOR);
        BuildingGenerator.SetTiles(tileMap, barr.Width / 2, 0, barr.Width / 2 - 1, barr.Height - 1, Tile.DIRT);

        List <NPCJob> jobs = new List <NPCJob>();

        for (int x = 2; x < barr.Height; x += 3)
            Vector3       pos      = new Vector3(barr.Width - 2, 0, x);
            float         rotation = Vec2i.Angle(Vec2i.Forward, BuildingGenerator.GetWallPointDirection(barr, new Vec2i(barr.Width - 2, x)));
            TrainingDummy obj      = new TrainingDummy().SetPosition(pos).SetRotation(rotation) as TrainingDummy;
            if (BuildingGenerator.AddObject(barr, vox, obj))
                jobs.Add(new NPCJobSoldier(barr));

        WorkBuildingData wbd = new WorkBuildingData(jobs.ToArray());


예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="genRan">The RNG used for this building</param>
    /// <param name="obj">The object to place in the building</param>
    /// <param name="height">The height above the ground the object should sit</param>
    /// <param name="vox">The voxel data of this building. Only required if 'requireWallBacking' is true</param>
    /// <param name="build">The building to place the object in</param>
    /// <param name="distFromWall">The distance from a wall the object should be placed</param>
    /// <param name="wallIndex">Defines the wall we should attempt to place this object on. The 'i'th wall defines the wall
    /// connecting build.BoundingWall[i] -> build.BoundingWall[i+1]. If left as default value (-1), an index will be randomly generated</param>
    /// <param name="requireWallBacking">If true, then we will search for a point on the wall that is backed against a wall.
    /// Used to stop certain objects being placed in front of windows</param>
    /// <param name="forcePlace">If true, then we do not check for intersection with other objects in the building</param>
    /// <param name="attemptsCount">The number of attempts made to place the object on this wall</param>
    /// <returns>True if object is placed sucesfully, false otherwise</returns>
    public static bool PlaceObjectAgainstWall(GenerationRandom genRan, WorldObjectData obj, float height,
                                              BuildingVoxels vox, Building build, float distFromWall = 0, bool requireWallBacking = false, int distToEntr = 2,
                                              bool forcePlace = false, int attemptsCount = 5)
        if (build.InsideWallPoints == null)
            build.InsideWallPoints = FindInsideWallBoundryPoints(vox, build);

        //Check attempts count
        if (attemptsCount == 0)

        float wallDisp = genRan.Random();
        //Define the position as the start pos + lambda*dir
        //Select a random position from all wall points
        Vec2i pos = genRan.RandomFromArray(build.InsideWallPoints);

        //If too close to entrance, try another placement
        if (build.Entrance != null && pos.QuickDistance(build.Entrance) < distToEntr * distToEntr)
            return(PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, obj, height, vox, build, distFromWall, requireWallBacking, distToEntr, forcePlace, attemptsCount));
        //If the object is too close to any of the corners, try again
        foreach (Vec2i v in build.BoundingWall)
            if (v.QuickDistance(pos) < 2)
                return(PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, obj, height, vox, build, distFromWall, requireWallBacking, distToEntr, forcePlace, attemptsCount));

        Vec2i faceDirection = GetWallPointDirection(build, pos);

        //If we require a backing wall, we check the position
        if (requireWallBacking)
            Vec2i wPos = pos - faceDirection;
            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                VoxelNode vn = vox.GetVoxelNode(wPos.x, y, wPos.z);
                //If there is no node (nothing set) then this position is not valid
                if (!vn.IsNode)
                    return(PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, obj, height, vox, build, distFromWall, requireWallBacking, distToEntr, forcePlace, attemptsCount));
                if (vn.Voxel == Voxel.glass || vn.Voxel == Voxel.none)
                    return(PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, obj, height, vox, build, distFromWall, requireWallBacking, distToEntr, forcePlace, attemptsCount));
        Vector3 finPos   = pos.AsVector3() + faceDirection.AsVector3() * distFromWall + Vector3.up * height;
        float   rotation = Vec2i.Angle(Vec2i.Forward, faceDirection);

        if (!forcePlace)
            foreach (WorldObjectData obj_ in build.GetBuildingExternalObjects())
                if (obj.Intersects(obj_))
                    return(PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, obj, height, vox, build, distFromWall, requireWallBacking, distToEntr, forcePlace, attemptsCount));
