예제 #1
 protected SynchronizationContext(VaultCompiler compiler)
     lock (compiler._barrier)
         Compiler = compiler;
         WorkerSeq = compiler._nextWorkerSeq++;
         LastSuccessfulWorkerSeq = compiler._lastSuccessfulWorkerSeq;
         Revision = compiler.Vault.Revision;
예제 #2
        protected CumulationAwareContext(VaultCompiler compiler)
            : base(compiler)
            lock (compiler._barrier)
                Changeset = compiler._changeSet.ToArray();
                CompilingBaseline = compiler._compilingBaseline;

                if (CompilingBaseline)
                    // until we've compiled baseline, we're always instantly embracing all the changes
                    Changeset = new ElementChangedEventArgs[0];

                    // however, when the baseline is ready and we switch to cumulative mode, then
                    // changes should be deleted only when the worker has successfully incorporated them