private void PingThread() { Vars.Set("WF_PingDelay", 15000); while (true) { if (Automate) { if (Connected) { if (!pingrecv) //didn't receive last ping (15 seconds) disconnect { if (this.OnDisconnect != null) { this.OnDisconnect(this); } } pingrecv = false; LastPing = DateTime.Now; this.Send(new Packet("Ping")); } } else { Thread.Sleep(2000); } Thread.Sleep(Vars.GetI("WF_PingDelay")); } }
private void BtnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LastSent = TxtSend.Text; TxtSend.Text = ""; SentMem.Add(LastSent); if (LastSent.StartsWith("/")) { int endindex = LastSent.IndexOf(" "); if (endindex == -1) { endindex = LastSent.Length; } string cmd = LastSent.Substring(1, endindex - 1); cmd = cmd.ToLower(); string args = LastSent.Replace("/" + cmd, "").Trim(); if (cmd == "connect") { CS.SysLog("Attempting to connect to '" + args + "'."); LblStatus.Text = "Status: Connecting"; if (C.Connect(args, Vars.GetI("Hostport"), true)) { LblStatus.Text = "Status: Connected"; C.Send(new Packet("Name")); } } else { C.Send(new Packet(cmd, args)); } //Cmd.Process(cmd, args); } else { LastSent = "/Msg " + LastSent; int endindex = LastSent.IndexOf(" "); if (endindex == -1) { endindex = LastSent.Length; } string cmd = LastSent.Substring(1, endindex - 1); string args = LastSent.Replace("/" + cmd, "").Trim(); if (C.Connected) { C.Send(new Packet(cmd, args)); //TryChat(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", username, args)); } else { TryChat("You are not connected to any servers."); } } }