public void WriteVariableVal(int variableType, string varName, object[] valArray) { VariableWr var = null; for (int j = 0; j < this.varList.Count; ++j) { if (varName == this.varList[j].varName) { var = this.varList[j]; break; } } // Get the offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.WriteIntNumber(this.GetByteSize(variableType)); this.WriteIntNumber((int); // If this is a record var then update record count if (false == this.isRecordWritten) { UpdateRecordCount(ref var, valArray.Length); this.isRecordWritten = true; } // Now move to the end of the file and start writing values, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int i = 0; i < valArray.Length; ++i) { this.WriteVal(variableType, valArray[i]); } }
private void UpdateRecordCount(ref VariableWr var, int dataLength) { int divisor = 1; for (int i = 0; i < var.dimList.Count; ++i) { if (false == var.dimList[i].isRecord) { divisor = divisor * var.dimList[i].size; } } int recCount = dataLength / divisor;, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.WriteIntNumber(recCount); }
public void WriteVariable(int variableType, string varName, List <NcDim> dimArray, int[] attribTypeArray, string[] attribNamrArr, string[] AttribVal) { // Start with writing the variable name this.WriteIntNumber(varName.Length); this.WriteStringVal(varName); VariableWr varWr = new VariableWr(); varWr.varName = varName; varWr.dimList = new List <DimensionWr>(); // Write the dimensions this.WriteIntNumber(dimArray.Count); for (int i = 0; i < dimArray.Count; ++i) { foreach (DimensionWr d in this.dimList) { if (d.valName == dimArray[i].Name) { this.WriteIntNumber(d.dimIndex); varWr.dimList.Add(d); } } } this.AddGlobalAttHeader(attribNamrArr.Length); for (int i = 0; i < attribNamrArr.Length; ++i) { this.WriteAttribute(attribTypeArray[i], attribNamrArr[i], AttribVal[i]); } // Write the variable type. Write two bytes with values zero // for size and offset. They will be overwritten when writing values // for this variable. this.WriteType(variableType); // Add this to the internal var list varWr.varOffset =; this.WriteIntNumber(0); this.WriteIntNumber(0); this.varList.Add(varWr); }