예제 #1
 private ControllerValue(AnimatorControllerPlayable playable, int paramId, ValueAccessor <T> accessor)
     this.playable = playable;
     this.paramId  = paramId;
     this.accessor = accessor;
     paramCache    = null;
예제 #2
        public AdsErrorCode TryRead(out object[] values, out AdsErrorCode[] returnCodes)
            IList <SumDataEntity> sumEntities = this.CreateSumEntityInfos();

            base.innerCommand = new SumRead(base.connection, sumEntities, TwinCAT.Ads.SumCommand.SumCommand.SumAccessMode.IndexGroupIndexOffset);
            values            = null;
            IList <byte[]> readData = null;
            AdsErrorCode   code     = base.innerCommand.TryReadRaw(out readData, out returnCodes);

            if (code == AdsErrorCode.NoError)
                values = new object[sumEntities.Count];
                IList <Symbol> unwrappedSymbols = base.UnwrappedSymbols;
                ValueAccessor  valueAccessor    = base.ValueAccessor;
                for (int i = 0; i < base.symbols.Count; i++)
                    ISymbol symbol = base.symbols[i];
                    if (returnCodes[i] == AdsErrorCode.NoError)
                        values[i] = valueAccessor.ValueFactory.CreateValue(symbol, readData[i], 0, DateTime.UtcNow);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new NdArray over an existing data block and optionally shapes it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to wrap in a NdArray</param>
        /// <param name="shape">The shape to view the array in</param>
        public NdArray(IDataAccessor <T> data, Shape shape = null)
            this.Shape = shape ?? new long[] { data.Length };
            if (data.Length < this.Shape.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dimensionsizes", string.Format("The length of the data is {0} but the shape requires {1} elements", data.Length, shape.Length));

            m_data = data;

            Value = new ValueAccessor(this);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback from WPF to tell us that one of the dependency properties has been changed.
        /// For the dependency properties that are registered here, this method generates a ValueContainer from the property value
        /// and then sets the ValueAccessor to contain the new value, if it is different than the IVA's current value.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Property == VCProperty || e.Property == ValueAsObjectProperty || e.Property == ValueAsDoubleProperty || e.Property == ValueAsBooleanProperty || e.Property == ValueAsInt32Property || e.Property == ValueAsStringProperty)
                ValueContainer newValueVC = new ValueContainer().SetFromObject(e.NewValue);

                // we only pass the newValueVC back to the ValueAccessor if the OnPropertyChanged callback is not a direct result of logic in the NotifyValueHasBeenUpdated method

                if (!inNotifyValueHasBeenUpdated)
                    if (!ValueAccessor.VC.IsEqualTo(newValueVC))
                        lastVC = newValueVC;
                else if (!lastVC.IsEqualTo(newValueVC))
                    lastVC = newValueVC;

                if (e.Property == VCProperty)
                    lastVC = newValueVC;
                else if (e.Property == ValueAsObjectProperty)
                    lastValueAsObject = e.NewValue;
                else if (e.Property == ValueAsDoubleProperty)
                    lastValueAsDouble = e.NewValue as double?;
                else if (e.Property == ValueAsBooleanProperty)
                    lastValueAsBoolean = e.NewValue as bool?;
                else if (e.Property == ValueAsInt32Property)
                    lastValueAsInt32 = e.NewValue as Int32?;
                else if (e.Property == ValueAsStringProperty)
                    lastValueAsString = e.NewValue as String;
예제 #5
    private void OnEnable()
        _initialized = false;
        accessor     = target as ValueAccessor;


        if (_sourceMembers.Count > 0)
            if (_sourceIndex >= _sourceMembers.Count)
                _sourceIndex = 0;

            _sourceIndex  = Array.IndexOf(_sourceMemberNames, accessor.SourceMemberName);
            _formatString = accessor.FormatString;
            _initialized  = true;
예제 #6
        protected override ConvertResult <IValueAccessor> ConvertSupportedItem(ItemModel source)
            var accessor = new ValueAccessor();

            // First - get overriden Value Reader / Writer
            accessor.ValueReader = GetValueReader(source);
            accessor.ValueWriter = GetValueWriter(source);

            // Than if no custom Value Reader is set - use JsonNode Reader
            if (accessor.ValueReader == null)
                accessor.ValueReader = new JsonNodeValueReader()
                    JPath = GetStringValue(source, JPathFieldName)

            return(new ConvertResult <IValueAccessor>()
                ConvertedValue = accessor, WasConverted = true
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The parent.</param>
        private void InitializeNode(object context)
            var contextType = (context == null || context is Type ? context as Type : context.GetType());

            if (_accessor == null || _accessor.RequiresRefresh(contextType))
                _memberName = getText();

                // clear cached member info if context type has changed (for example, when ASP.NET page is recompiled)
                if (_accessor != null && _accessor.RequiresRefresh(contextType))
                    _accessor = null;

                // initialize this node if necessary
                if (contextType != null && _accessor == null)
                    // try to initialize node as ExpandoObject value
                    if (contextType == typeof(ExpandoObject))
                        _accessor = new ExpandoObjectValueAccessor(_memberName);
                    else if (contextType.IsEnum)
                        // try to initialize node as enum value first
                            _accessor = new EnumValueAccessor(Enum.Parse(contextType, _memberName, true));
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            // ArgumentException will be thrown if specified member name is not a valid
                            // enum value for the context type. We should just ignore it and continue processing,
                            // because the specified member could be a property of a Type class (i.e. EnumType.FullName)

                    // then try to initialize node as property or field value
                    if (_accessor == null)
                        // check the context type first
                        _accessor = GetPropertyOrFieldAccessor(contextType, _memberName, DefaultBindingFlags);

                        // if not found, probe the Type type
                        if (_accessor == null && context is Type)
                            _accessor = GetPropertyOrFieldAccessor(typeof(Type), _memberName, DefaultBindingFlags);

                // if there is still no match, try to initialize node as type accessor
                if (_accessor == null)
                        _accessor = new TypeValueAccessor(TypeResolutionUtils.ResolveType(_memberName));
                    catch (TypeLoadException)
                        if (context == null)
                            throw new NullValueInNestedPathException("Cannot initialize property or field node '" +
                                                                     _memberName +
                                                                     "' because the specified context is null.");
                        throw new InvalidPropertyException(contextType, _memberName,
                            "'" + _memberName +
                            "' node cannot be resolved for the specified context [" +
                            context + "].");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal helper for reading data from USD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attrName">The USD attribute name.</param>
        /// <param name="csType">The C# type.</param>
        /// <param name="csValue">The C# value to populate.</param>
        /// <param name="usdTime">The time at which to sample key frames.</param>
        /// <param name="prim">The USD prim from which to read data.</param>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The field/property providing serialization metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="usdNamespace">The optional USD namespace at which values live.</param>
        /// <param name="accessMap">A map of members to include when reading.</param>
        /// <param name="mayVary">When not null, is populated with variability.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note that "success" in the return value does not indicate data was read, rather it
        /// indicates that no unexpected states were encountered. E.g. calling ReadAttr on a field
        /// with no value stored in USD will not return false, since that is not considered a failure
        /// state.
        /// </remarks>
        bool ReadAttr(string attrName, Type csType, ref object csValue, pxr.UsdTimeCode usdTime,
                      pxr.UsdPrim prim, MemberInfo memberInfo,
                      HashSet <MemberInfo> accessMap, ref bool?mayVary,
                      string usdNamespace)
            bool isNewPrimvar = csValue != null &&
                                csType.IsGenericType &&
                                csType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Primvar <>); // This is true for Primvar type only
            bool   isPrimvar = Reflect.IsPrimvar(memberInfo) || isNewPrimvar;            // This is true for VertexData + Primvar type...
            string ns        = IntrinsicTypeConverter.JoinNamespace(usdNamespace,

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Dictionaries, read, early exit, recurse.
            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // If holding a dictionary, immediately recurse and write keys as attributes.
            if (csValue != null &&
                csType.IsGenericType &&
                csType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>) &&
                csType.GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof(string))
                Type genericTypeDef = csType.GetGenericArguments()[1].IsGenericType
                    ? csType.GetGenericArguments()[1].GetGenericTypeDefinition()
                    : null;

                isNewPrimvar = genericTypeDef == typeof(Primvar <>);
                bool isRelationship = csType.GetGenericArguments()[1] == typeof(Relationship);
                bool isConnection   = genericTypeDef == typeof(Connectable <>);

                // String dictionaries are unrolled directly into the object.
                // So the namespace is either the incoming namespace or empty, meaning each string value in
                // the dictionary becomes an attribute on the prim.

                // Ensure there is always a namespace immediately around this member.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reflect.GetNamespace(memberInfo)))
                    ns           = IntrinsicTypeConverter.JoinNamespace(ns, attrName);
                    usdNamespace = IntrinsicTypeConverter.JoinNamespace(usdNamespace, attrName);

                // Unfortunately, the primvars prefixing logic must be replicated here so we can discover
                // the dictionary member from USD.
                if (isPrimvar || isNewPrimvar)
                    ns = IntrinsicTypeConverter.JoinNamespace("primvars", ns);

                var             dict = csValue as System.Collections.IDictionary;
                ConstructorInfo ctor = (isNewPrimvar || isConnection || isRelationship)
                    ? csType.GetGenericArguments()[1].GetConstructor(new Type[0])
                    : null;
                foreach (var prop in prim.GetAuthoredPropertiesInNamespace(ns))
                    object value = null;
                    if (ctor != null)
                        value = ctor.Invoke(new object[0]);
                    // The recursive call will also discover that this is a primvar and any associated namespace.
                    if (ReadAttr(prop.GetBaseName(),
                                 ref value,
                                 ref mayVary,
                        if (value != null)
                            dict.Add(prop.GetBaseName().ToString(), value);

            pxr.TfToken sdfAttrName = sm_tokenCache[ns, attrName];

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Relationship, read + early exit.
            // ----------------------------------------- //

            if (csType == typeof(Relationship))
                // mayVary is explicitly not set here because it has accumulation semantics:
                //   mayVary = mayVary || false;
                // Which is equivalent to the no-op:
                //   mayVary = mayVary;

                pxr.UsdRelationship rel = null;
                lock (m_stageLock) {
                    rel = prim.GetRelationship(sm_tokenCache[sdfAttrName]);

                var relationship = new Relationship();
                csValue = relationship;

                if (rel == null || !rel.IsValid())

                pxr.SdfPathVector paths  = rel.GetTargets();
                string[]          result = new string[paths.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
                    result[i] = paths[i].ToString();

                relationship.targetPaths = result;

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Connection Setup.
            // ----------------------------------------- //

            Connectable conn = null;

            if (csValue != null &&
                csType.IsGenericType &&
                csType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Connectable <>))
                conn = csValue as Connectable;
                if (conn != null)
                    // Since this is a Connectable<T>, the held value T is what's being read from USD,
                    // so replace csValue with the held T value itself. csValue must be restored before
                    // returning.
                    csValue = conn.GetValue();

                    // Same treatment for the type.
                    csType = conn.GetValueType();

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Primvar Setup.
            // ----------------------------------------- //

            ValueAccessor pvAccessor = null;
            PrimvarBase   pvBase     = null;

            if (isNewPrimvar)
                pvAccessor = csValue as ValueAccessor;
                pvBase     = (PrimvarBase)csValue;
                // Since this is a Primvar<T>, the held value T is what's being read from USD,
                // so replace csVAlue with the held T value itself. csValue must be restored before
                // returning.
                csValue = pvAccessor.GetValue();

                // Same treatment for the type.
                csType = pvAccessor.GetValueType();

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Lookup Type Conversion Delegate.
            // ----------------------------------------- //
            UsdTypeBinding binding;

            if (!sm_bindings.GetBinding(csType, out binding) &&
                !csType.IsEnum &&
                csType != typeof(object))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))

                var sample = csValue as SampleBase;
                if (csValue == null)
                    // This could attempt to automatically constuct the needed object, then nullable objects
                    // could be used instead to drive deserialization.
                else if (sample == null)
                    // In this case, csValue is not null, but also cannot be converted to SampleBase.
                    throw new ArgumentException("Type does not inherit from SampleBase: " + attrName);

                Deserialize((SampleBase)csValue, prim, usdTime, accessMap, ref mayVary, usdNamespace: ns);

            // ----------------------------------------- //
            // Prep to Read.
            // ----------------------------------------- //

            // Restore C# value to the actual property value.
            if (conn != null)
                csValue = conn;
            else if (pvAccessor != null)
                csValue = pvAccessor;

            // Append "primvars:" namespace to primvars.
            if (isPrimvar)
                var joinedName = IntrinsicTypeConverter.JoinNamespace(ns, attrName);
                sdfAttrName = sm_tokenCache["primvars", joinedName];

            // Adjust time for variability.
            pxr.SdfVariability variability = Reflect.GetVariability(memberInfo);
            pxr.UsdTimeCode    time        = variability == pxr.SdfVariability.SdfVariabilityUniform
                ? kDefaultUsdTime
                : usdTime;

            // Allocate a temp VtValue.
            pxr.VtValue vtValue = (pxr.VtValue)ArrayAllocator.MallocHandle(typeof(pxr.VtValue));

                // ----------------------------------------- //
                // Read Connected Paths.
                // ----------------------------------------- //
                if (conn != null)
                    // Connection paths cannot be animated, so mayVary is not affected.
                    var sources = new pxr.SdfPathVector();
                    if (prim.GetAttribute(sdfAttrName).GetConnections(sources))
                        if (sources.Count > 0)

                // ----------------------------------------- //
                // Read Associated Primvar Data.
                // ----------------------------------------- //
                // If this is a Primvar<T>, read the associated primvar metadata and indices.
                if (pvBase != null)
                    UsdAttribute attr = null;
                    if (Reflect.IsFusedDisplayColor(memberInfo))
                        var gprim = new pxr.UsdGeomGprim(prim);
                        if (gprim)
                            attr = gprim.GetDisplayColorAttr();
                        attr = prim.GetAttribute(sdfAttrName);

                    if (attr)
                        var pv = new pxr.UsdGeomPrimvar(attr);
                        // ElementSize and Interpolation are not animatable, so they do not affect mayVary.
                        pvBase.elementSize = pv.GetElementSize();

                        // Primvars can be indexed and indices are a first class attribute and may vary over time.
                        var indices = pv.GetIndicesAttr();
                        if (indices)
                            if (accessMap != null)
                                if (indices.GetVariability() == pxr.SdfVariability.SdfVariabilityVarying &&
                                    mayVary |= true;
                            indices.Get(vtValue, time);
                            if (!vtValue.IsEmpty())
                                var vtIntArray = pxr.UsdCs.VtValueToVtIntArray(vtValue);
                                pvBase.indices = IntrinsicTypeConverter.FromVtArray(vtIntArray);

                // ----------------------------------------- //
                // Read the value of csValue.
                // ----------------------------------------- //

                if (Reflect.IsMetadata(memberInfo))
                    vtValue = prim.GetMetadata(sdfAttrName);
                    // Metadata cannot vary over time.
                else if (Reflect.IsCustomData(memberInfo))
                    vtValue = prim.GetCustomDataByKey(sdfAttrName);
                    // Custom data is metadata, which cannot vary over time.
                else if (Reflect.IsFusedDisplayColor(memberInfo))
                    vtValue = pxr.UsdCs.GetFusedDisplayColor(prim, time);

                    if (accessMap != null)
                        // Display color is actually two attributes, primvars:displayColor and
                        // primvars:displayOpacity.
                        var gprim = new pxr.UsdGeomGprim(prim);
                        if (gprim && gprim.GetDisplayColorAttr().ValueMightBeTimeVarying())
                            mayVary |= true;
                else if (Reflect.IsFusedTransform(memberInfo))
                    vtValue = pxr.UsdCs.GetFusedTransform(prim, time);

                    if (accessMap != null)
                        // Transforms are complicated :/
                        var xformable = new pxr.UsdGeomXformable(prim);
                        if (xformable)
                            bool dummy;
                            var  orderAttr = xformable.GetXformOpOrderAttr();
                            if (orderAttr)
                                if (orderAttr.GetVariability() == pxr.SdfVariability.SdfVariabilityVarying &&
                                    mayVary |= true;
                                    foreach (var op in xformable.GetOrderedXformOps(out dummy))
                                        var opAttr = op.GetAttr();
                                        if (!opAttr)
                                        if (opAttr.GetVariability() == pxr.SdfVariability.SdfVariabilityVarying &&
                                            mayVary |= true;
                                    } // foreach
                            }         // orderAttr
                        }             // xformable
                    }                 // mayVary
                    if (accessMap != null)
                        var attr = prim.GetAttribute(sdfAttrName);
                        if (attr.GetVariability() == pxr.SdfVariability.SdfVariabilityVarying &&
                            mayVary |= true;
                    if (!prim.GetAttributeValue(sdfAttrName, vtValue, time))
                        // Object has no value, still considered success.

                if (vtValue.IsEmpty())
                    // Object has no value, still considered success.

                // ------------------------------------------ //
                // Infer C# type from USD when Type == Object
                // ------------------------------------------ //
                if (csType == typeof(object))
                    // Blind object serialization needs special handling, since we won't know the C# type a priori.
                    // Instead, do a reverse lookup on the SdfTypeName and let USD dictate the C# type.
                    pxr.UsdAttribute attr = prim.GetAttribute(sdfAttrName);
                    if (attr != null && attr.IsValid())
                        // TODO: Assuming the reverse lookup is successful for the binding, the caller may be
                        // surprised by the result, since the USD <-> C# types are not 1-to-1. For example,
                        // a List<Vector2> may have been serialized, but Vector2[] may be read.
                        if (!sm_bindings.GetReverseBinding(attr.GetTypeName(), out binding))
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))

                            // TODO: readback nested object declared as object -- maybe just disable this?
                            //Deserialize(ref csValue, prim, usdTime, usdNamespace: ns);
                            //return true;
                        // TODO: Allow reading metadata declared as object in C#

                // ------------------------------------------ //
                // Convert USD's VtValue -> Strong C# Type.
                // ------------------------------------------ //
                csValue = binding.toCsObject(vtValue);

                // ------------------------------------------ //
                // Restore csValue.
                // ------------------------------------------ //
                if (conn != null && csValue != null)
                    csValue = conn;
                if (pvAccessor != null)
                    csValue = pvAccessor;
                // Would prefer RAII handle, but introduces garbage.

예제 #9
 public virtual T GetValue()
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The parent.</param>
        private void InitializeNode(object context)
            var contextType = (context == null || context is Type ? context as Type : context.GetType());

            if (_accessor == null || _accessor.RequiresRefresh(contextType))
                _memberName = getText();

                // clear cached member info if context type has changed (for example, when ASP.NET page is recompiled)
                if (_accessor != null && _accessor.RequiresRefresh(contextType))
                    _accessor = null;

                // initialize this node if necessary
                if (contextType != null && _accessor == null)
                    // try to initialize node as ExpandoObject value
                    if (contextType == typeof(ExpandoObject))
                        _accessor = new ExpandoObjectValueAccessor(_memberName);
                    else if (contextType.IsEnum)
                        // try to initialize node as enum value first
                            _accessor = new EnumValueAccessor(Enum.Parse(contextType, _memberName, true));
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            // ArgumentException will be thrown if specified member name is not a valid
                            // enum value for the context type. We should just ignore it and continue processing,
                            // because the specified member could be a property of a Type class (i.e. EnumType.FullName)

                    // then try to initialize node as property or field value
                    if (_accessor == null)
                        // check the context type first
                        _accessor = GetPropertyOrFieldAccessor(contextType, _memberName, DefaultBindingFlags);

                        // if not found, probe the Type type
                        if (_accessor == null && context is Type)
                            _accessor = GetPropertyOrFieldAccessor(typeof(Type), _memberName, DefaultBindingFlags);

                // if there is still no match, try to initialize node as type accessor
                if (_accessor == null)
                        _accessor = new TypeValueAccessor(TypeResolutionUtils.ResolveType(_memberName));
                    catch (TypeLoadException)
                        if (context == null)
                            throw new NullValueInNestedPathException("Cannot initialize property or field node '" +
                                                                     _memberName +
                                                                     "' because the specified context is null.");
                        throw new InvalidPropertyException(contextType, _memberName,
                                                           "'" + _memberName +
                                                           "' node cannot be resolved for the specified context [" +
                                                           context + "].");
예제 #11
 public ConvertContext(int columnIndex, ValueAccessor accessor)
     ColumnIndex = columnIndex;
     Accessor    = accessor;
예제 #12
 public ConstantValueExpression(TValue value)
     Value    = value;
     Accessor = new ValueAccessor(value);