public void ValidationSummaryPeerInvoke()
            ValidationSummaryTestPage page = new ValidationSummaryTestPage();

            ValidationSummary vs = page.validationSummary;

            this.EnqueueConditional(() => { return(page.validationSummary.Initialized); });
            this.EnqueueCallback(() =>
                bool clicked = false;
                FocusingInvalidControlEventArgs eArgs = null;
                ValidationSummaryItem vsi             = null;
                vs.FocusingInvalidControl            += new EventHandler <FocusingInvalidControlEventArgs>(delegate(object o, FocusingInvalidControlEventArgs e)
                    clicked = true;
                    eArgs   = e;
                    vsi     = e.Item;

                ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer peer = new ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer(vs);
                Assert.IsFalse(clicked, "No error is selected, so the event should not fire");

                ValidationSummaryItem newEsi = new ValidationSummaryItem(null, "test error", ValidationSummaryItemType.ObjectError, new ValidationSummaryItemSource("property name", page.nameTextBox), this);
                vs.ErrorsListBoxInternal.SelectedItem = newEsi;
                Assert.IsTrue(clicked, "Invoking with a selected ESI triggers the event to fire");
                Assert.AreEqual(newEsi, vsi, "The ESI should match the selected item");
                Assert.AreEqual("property name", eArgs.Target.PropertyName, "The source should match the selected item");
예제 #2
        private void ExecuteClick(object sender)
            ListBox lb = sender as ListBox;

            if (lb != null)
                ValidationSummaryItem vsi = lb.SelectedItem as ValidationSummaryItem;
                if (vsi != null && this.FocusControlsOnClick)
                    int idx;
                    // Ensure the currently selected item source is valid
                    if (vsi.Sources.Count == 0)
                        // Clear the current ESI source if the ESI has none, such as when the ESI has changed
                        this._currentValidationSummaryItemSource = null;
                        // If the current ESI source is not part of the current set, select the first one by default.
                        idx = FindMatchingErrorSource(vsi.Sources, this._currentValidationSummaryItemSource);
                        if (idx < 0)
                            this._currentValidationSummaryItemSource = vsi.Sources[0];

                    // Raise the event
                    FocusingInvalidControlEventArgs e = new FocusingInvalidControlEventArgs(vsi, this._currentValidationSummaryItemSource);

                    // Raise the AutomationPeer event
                    ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer peer = ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer.FromElement(this) as ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer;
                    if (peer != null && AutomationPeer.ListenerExists(AutomationEvents.InvokePatternOnInvoked))

                    // Focus the target, which will usually be the current ESI source or the overwritten one
                    if (!e.Handled && e.Target != null && e.Target.Control != null)

                    // Update currently selected item, but only if there are multiple ESI sources.
                    if (vsi.Sources.Count > 0)
                        idx = FindMatchingErrorSource(vsi.Sources, e.Target);
                        idx = idx < 0 ? 0 : ++idx % vsi.Sources.Count;
                        this._currentValidationSummaryItemSource = vsi.Sources[idx];
        public void ValidationSummaryPeer()
            ValidationSummaryTestPage page = new ValidationSummaryTestPage();

            ValidationSummary vs = page.validationSummary;

            this.EnqueueConditional(() => { return(page.validationSummary.Initialized); });
            this.EnqueueCallback(() =>
                ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer peer = new ValidationSummaryAutomationPeer(vs);
                Assert.AreEqual(AutomationControlType.Group, peer.GetAutomationControlType());
                Assert.AreEqual("ValidationSummary", peer.GetClassName());
                Assert.AreEqual("0 Errors", peer.GetName());

                vs.Errors.Add(new ValidationSummaryItem("header1", "msg1", ValidationSummaryItemType.PropertyError, null, null));
                Assert.AreEqual("1 Error", peer.GetName());
                vs.Errors.Add(new ValidationSummaryItem("header2", "msg2", ValidationSummaryItemType.PropertyError, null, null));
                Assert.AreEqual("2 Errors", peer.GetName());