        ** Protected methods
        /// <summary>Draw the overlay to the screen.</summary>
        /// <param name="batch">The sprite batch being drawn.</param>
        protected override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch)
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(this.Menu.xPositionOnScreen, this.Menu.yPositionOnScreen, this.Menu.width, this.Menu.height);

            // access mode
            if (!this.ActiveElement.HasFlag(Element.EditForm))
                // tabs

                // tab dropdowns
                if (this.ActiveElement == Element.ChestList)
                if (this.ActiveElement == Element.GroupList)

                // edit button

            // edit mode
                // get initial measurements
                SpriteFont font = Game1.smallFont;
                const int  gutter = 10;
                int        padding = Game1.pixelZoom * 10;
                float      topOffset = padding;
                int        maxLabelWidth = (int)new[] { "Location:", "Name:", "Category:", "Order:" }.Select(p => font.MeasureString(p).X).Max();

                // background
                batch.DrawMenuBackground(new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height));

                // Location name
                    string locationName = this.Chest.LocationName;
                    if (this.Chest.Tile != Vector2.Zero)
                        locationName += $" (tile {this.Chest.Tile.X}, {this.Chest.Tile.Y})";

                    Vector2 labelSize = batch.DrawTextBlock(font, "Location:", new Vector2(bounds.X + padding + (int)(maxLabelWidth - font.MeasureString("Location:").X), bounds.Y + topOffset), bounds.Width);
                    batch.DrawTextBlock(font, locationName, new Vector2(bounds.X + padding + maxLabelWidth + gutter, bounds.Y + topOffset), bounds.Width);
                    topOffset += labelSize.Y;

                // editable text fields
                var fields = new[] { Tuple.Create("Name:", this.EditNameField), Tuple.Create("Category:", this.EditCategoryField), Tuple.Create("Order:", this.EditOrderField) }.Where(p => p != null);
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    // get data
                    string           label   = field.Item1;
                    ValidatedTextBox textbox = field.Item2;

                    // draw label
                    Vector2 labelSize = batch.DrawTextBlock(font, label, new Vector2(bounds.X + padding + (int)(maxLabelWidth - font.MeasureString(label).X), bounds.Y + topOffset + 7), bounds.Width);
                    textbox.X = bounds.X + padding + maxLabelWidth + gutter;
                    textbox.Y = bounds.Y + (int)topOffset;

                    // update offset
                    topOffset += Math.Max(labelSize.Y + 7, textbox.Height);

                // hide chest checkbox
                    this.EditHideChestField.X     = bounds.X + padding;
                    this.EditHideChestField.Y     = bounds.Y + (int)topOffset;
                    this.EditHideChestField.Width = 24;
                    Vector2 labelSize = batch.DrawTextBlock(font, "Hide this chest" + (this.EditHideChestField.Value ? " (you'll need to find the chest to undo this!)" : ""), new Vector2(bounds.X + padding + 7 + this.EditHideChestField.Width, bounds.Y + topOffset), this.Menu.width, this.EditHideChestField.Value ? Color.Red : Color.Black);
                    topOffset += Math.Max(this.EditHideChestField.Width, labelSize.Y);

                // save button
                this.EditSaveButton.bounds = new Rectangle(bounds.X + padding, bounds.Y + (int)topOffset, this.EditSaveButton.bounds.Width, this.EditSaveButton.bounds.Height);

                // exit button

            // cursor
        ** Private methods
        /// <summary>Initialise the edit-chest overlay for rendering.</summary>
        private void ReinitialiseComponents()
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(this.Menu.xPositionOnScreen, this.Menu.yPositionOnScreen, this.Menu.width, this.Menu.height);

            // group dropdown
            if (this.ShowGroupTab)
                // tab
                Vector2 tabSize = Tab.GetTabSize(this.Font, this.SelectedGroup);
                this.GroupTab = new Tab(this.SelectedGroup, bounds.Right - (int)tabSize.X - Game1.tileSize, bounds.Y - Game1.pixelZoom * 25, true, this.Font);

                // dropdown
                this.GroupSelector = new DropList <string>(this.SelectedGroup, this.Groups, group => group, this.GroupTab.bounds.Right, this.GroupTab.bounds.Bottom, false, this.Font);

            // chest dropdown
                // tab
                this.ChestTab = new Tab(this.Chest.Name, bounds.X, bounds.Y - Game1.pixelZoom * 25, true, this.Font);

                // dropdown
                ManagedChest[] chests = this.Chests.Where(chest => !this.ShowGroupTab || chest.GetGroup() == this.SelectedGroup).ToArray();
                this.ChestSelector = new DropList <ManagedChest>(this.Chest, chests, chest => chest.Name, this.ChestTab.bounds.X, this.ChestTab.bounds.Bottom, true, this.Font);

            // edit chest button overlay (based on chest dropdown position)
                Rectangle sprite       = Sprites.Icons.SpeechBubble;
                float     zoom         = Game1.pixelZoom / 2f;
                Rectangle buttonBounds = new Rectangle(this.ChestTab.bounds.X + this.ChestTab.bounds.Width, this.ChestTab.bounds.Y, (int)(sprite.Width * zoom), (int)(sprite.Height * zoom));
                this.EditButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("edit-chest", buttonBounds, null, "edit chest", Sprites.Icons.Sheet, sprite, zoom);

            // sort inventory button overlay (based on OK button position)
                Rectangle sprite = Sprites.Buttons.Organize;
                ClickableTextureComponent okButton = this.Menu.okButton;
                float     zoom         = Game1.pixelZoom;
                Rectangle buttonBounds = new Rectangle(okButton.bounds.X, (int)(okButton.bounds.Y - sprite.Height * zoom - 5 * zoom), (int)(sprite.Width * zoom), (int)(sprite.Height * zoom));
                this.SortInventoryButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("sort-inventory", buttonBounds, null, "sort inventory", Sprites.Icons.Sheet, sprite, zoom);

            // edit form
            int longTextWidth = (int)Game1.smallFont.MeasureString("A sufficiently, reasonably long string").X;

            this.EditNameField = new ValidatedTextBox(Game1.smallFont, Color.Black, ch => ch != '|')
                Width = longTextWidth, Text = this.Chest.Name
            this.EditCategoryField = new ValidatedTextBox(Game1.smallFont, Color.Black, ch => ch != '|')
                Width = longTextWidth, Text = this.Chest.Category
            this.EditOrderField = new ValidatedTextBox(Game1.smallFont, Color.Black, char.IsDigit)
                Width = (int)Game1.smallFont.MeasureString("9999999").X, Text = this.Chest.Order?.ToString()
            this.EditHideChestField = new Checkbox(this.Chest.IsIgnored);
            this.EditSaveButton     = new ClickableTextureComponent("save-chest", new Rectangle(0, 0, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, "OK", Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, IClickableMenu.borderWithDownArrowIndex), 1f);
            this.EditExitButton     = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(bounds.Right - 9 * Game1.pixelZoom, bounds.Y - Game1.pixelZoom * 2, Sprites.Icons.ExitButton.Width * Game1.pixelZoom, Sprites.Icons.ExitButton.Height * Game1.pixelZoom), Sprites.Icons.Sheet, Sprites.Icons.ExitButton, Game1.pixelZoom);

            // adjust menu to fit
            this.Menu.trashCan.bounds.Y = this.SortInventoryButton.bounds.Y - this.Menu.trashCan.bounds.Height - 2 * Game1.pixelZoom;
예제 #3
        IControl CreateContent(Template template, IDialog <bool> dialog)
            var projectLocation =
                .Convert(v => v.Or(Optional.Some(_fuse.ProjectsDir)), d => d)
            var validatedLocation = projectLocation.Validate(v => v.NativePath, ValidateExistingDirectory);

            var projectName = Property.Create(
                Optional.Some(_shell.MakeUnique(projectLocation.Latest().First().Value / "App").Name));
            var validatedName =
                projectName.Validate(v => v.ToString(), DirectoryName.Validate);

            var possibleProjectName = projectLocation.CombineLatest(
                (loc, pro) => { return(loc.SelectMany(l => pro.Select(n => l / n))); })
                d => d.HasValue && Directory.Exists(d.Value.NativePath) ?
                Optional.Some("Project '" + d.Value.Name + "' already exists in " + d.Value.ContainingDirectory.NativePath) :

                                 text: "Create",
                                 cmd: Observable.CombineLatest(
                                     projectName, projectLocation,
                                     (name, location) =>
                var projectDirectory =
                    location.SelectMany(l =>
                                        name.Select(n => l / n))
                    .Where(d => !_shell.Exists(d));

                return Command.Create(
                    isEnabled: projectDirectory.HasValue,
                    action: async() =>
                    var spawnTemplate = new SpawnTemplate(_shell);
                    var resultPath = spawnTemplate.CreateProject(name.Value.ToString(), template, location.Value);
                    var projectPath = resultPath / new FileName(name.Value + ".unoproj");

                    await Application.OpenDocument(projectPath, showWindow: true);
                         .Right(Buttons.DefaultButton(text: "Cancel", cmd: Command.Enabled(() => dialog.Close(false)))
                                .WithPadding(right: new Points(16)))

                         Label.Create("Name:", color: Theme.DefaultText)
                         Label.Create("Location:", color: Theme.DefaultText)
                             Buttons.DefaultButton(text: "Browse", cmd: Command.Enabled(async() =>
                var directory = await dialog.BrowseForDirectory(await projectLocation.FirstAsync().Or(DirectoryPath.GetCurrentDirectory()));
                if (directory.HasValue)
                    projectLocation.Write(directory.Value, save: true);