예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper mehtod: Selects a pair of nurons at random from diffrent
        /// levels of the network. The nurons are always listed in order. It
        /// returns false if it was ubale to generate a valid pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rng">A random number generator</param>
        /// <param name="n1">The lower level nuron</param>
        /// <param name="n2">The upper level nuron</param>
        /// <returns>True if a vaild pair was generated</returns>
        private bool GetRandomPair(VRandom rng, out Nuron n1, out Nuron n2)
            //generates two random nurons
            n1 = GetRandomNuron(rng);
            n2 = GetRandomNuron(rng);

            int   count = 0;
            Nuron n3    = null;

            //keeps searching while the nurons are on the same level
            while (n1.Level == n2.Level && count < MAX_TRY)
                n3 = GetRandomNuron(rng);
                n1 = n2;
                n2 = n3;

            //swaps the nurons if they are out of order
            if (n1.Level > n2.Level)
                n3 = n1;
                n1 = n2;
                n2 = n3;

            //indicates if we found a valid pair
            return(n1.Level != n2.Level);
예제 #2
        public void Mutate1(VRandom rng, double rate)
            if (rng.RandBool(P_Insert * rate))
                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                mystr = mystr + (char)c;
                //converts the string to a char array
                char[] temp = mystr.ToCharArray();

                //increments or decrements a random character
                int  index = rng.RandInt(0, temp.Length);
                bool add   = rng.RandBool();
                int  c     = (int)temp[index] + (add ? 1 : -1);

                //makes shure the resulting character is valid
                if (c < 32)
                    c = 32;
                if (c > 126)
                    c = 126;
                temp[index] = (char)c;

                //sets the new mutated string
                mystr = new String(temp);
예제 #3
        public void Crossover(VRandom rng, GenString genome)
            int len1 = this.mystr.Length;
            int len2 = genome.mystr.Length;

            int min = Math.Min(len1, len2);
            int cp  = rng.RandInt(-min, min);

            string s1, s2;

            if (cp < 0)
                //corrects for the negative index
                cp = min + cp;

                s1 = genome.mystr.Substring(0, cp);
                s2 = this.mystr.Substring(cp, len1 - cp);
                s1 = this.mystr.Substring(0, cp);
                s2 = genome.mystr.Substring(cp, len2 - cp);

            //concatinates the two substrings
            mystr = s1 + s2;
예제 #4
        public override VInt3 RandomPointOnSurface()
            // Find a random point inside the triangle
            // This generates uniformly distributed trilinear coordinates
            // See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrianglePointPicking.html

            /*float r1;
             *          float r2;
             *          do {
             *                  r1 = Random.value;
             *                  r2 = Random.value;
             *          } while (r1+r2 > 1);*/
            int r1;
            int r2;

                r1 = VRandom.Random(0, 1000);
                r2 = VRandom.Random(0, 1000);
            } while (r1 + r2 > 1000);

            var holder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex);

            // Pick the point corresponding to the trilinear coordinate
            //return ((Vector3)(holder.GetVertex(v1)-holder.GetVertex(v0)))*r1 + ((Vector3)(holder.GetVertex(v2)-holder.GetVertex(v0)))*r2 + (Vector3)holder.GetVertex(v0);
            return(((holder.GetVertex(v1) - holder.GetVertex(v0))) * r1 / 1000 + ((holder.GetVertex(v2) - holder.GetVertex(v0))) * r2 / 1000 + holder.GetVertex(v0));
예제 #5
        private Axon GetRandomAxon(VRandom rng)
            //uses the RNG to select a random axon
            var list = axons.ListItems();

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the current nural net with some random mutation of its
        /// genotpye. The rate of mutaiton determins how many of the network
        /// connections are preturbed. For exampe, a mutation rate of 0.5
        /// indicates that half the weights will be perturbed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rng">Random number generator</param>
        /// <param name="rate">Rate of mutation</param>
        /// <returns>A mutated network</returns>
        public NetworkCPP Mutate(VRandom rng, double rate)
            //clones a child and then mutates it
            var child = new NetworkCPP(rng, this);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new nural net with more genes than its parent. This is
        /// diffrent from regular mutaiton, as the genotype becomes bigger,
        /// increasing the search space and opening new opertunites for
        /// diversification and improvment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rng">Random number generator</param>
        /// <returns>An organism with an expanded genotype</returns>
        public NetworkCPP Expand(VRandom rng)
            //clones a child and then expands it
            var child = new NetworkCPP(rng, this);

예제 #8
        //NOTE: Add an OnEvaluate event that trigers whenever the fitness funciton
        //is called. That way we display the progress between generations.

        public EvolMonogen(int popsize, double rate, Fitness <T> fitness)
            //uses the Mersin Twister for RNG
            this.rng = new RandMT();

            this.pop  = new T[popsize];
            this.rate = rate;
            this.fit  = fitness;
예제 #9
        //public override Vector3 RandomPointOnSurface () {
        public override VInt3 RandomPointOnSurface()
            GridGraph gg = GridNode.GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            //var graphSpacePosition = gg.transform.InverseTransform((Vector3)position);
            var graphSpacePosition = gg.transform.InverseTransform(position);

            //return gg.transform.Transform(graphSpacePosition + new Vector3(Random.value - 0.5f, 0, Random.value - 0.5f));
            return(gg.transform.Transform(graphSpacePosition + new VInt3(VRandom.Random(1, 1000) - 500, 0, VRandom.Random(1, 1000) - 500)));
예제 #10
        void Reset()
            // Create a new random 64 bit value (62 bit actually because we skip negative numbers, but that's still enough by a huge margin)

            /*var rnd1 = (ulong)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue);
             *          var rnd2 = ((ulong)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue) << 32);*/
            var rnd1 = (ulong)VRandom.Random(0, int.MaxValue);
            var rnd2 = ((ulong)VRandom.Random(0, int.MaxValue) << 32);

            uniqueID          = rnd1 | rnd2;
            usedIDs[uniqueID] = this;
예제 #11
        public void Randomize(VRandom rng)
            char[] temp = new char[mystr.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                temp[i] = (char)c;

            //sets the new random string
            mystr = new String(temp);
예제 #12
        public void Randomize(VRandom rng)
            //used to list all the axons
            var ittr = axons.ListItems();

            //sets the weight of each axon to a random value
            foreach (Axon ax in ittr)
                if (!ax.Enabled)
                ax.Weight = rng.RandGauss() * SD_NEW;
예제 #13
        //In this method we assume a standard mutation rate of 1.0;
        public void Mutate(VRandom rng, double rate)
            //makes shure the rate is positive
            rate = Math.Abs(rate);

            double selector = rng.NextDouble();

            if (selector < P_EXPAND)
                //expands the network
            else if (selector < P_TOGGEL)
                Axon ax = GetRandomAxon(rng);

                if (ax.Enabled)
                    //outright disables the nuron
                    ax.Enabled = false;
                    //resets the neuron to a large weight
                    ax.Weight  = rng.RandGauss() * SD_NEW;
                    ax.Enabled = true;
                Axon ax = GetRandomAxon(rng);

                if (ax.Enabled)
                    //permutes the weight by a small amount
                    double delta = rng.RandGauss() * SD_SHIFT;
                    ax.Weight = ax.Weight + delta;
                    //resets the nuron to a small weight
                    double delta = rng.RandGauss() * SD_SHIFT;
                    ax.Weight  = delta;
                    ax.Enabled = true;
예제 #14
        //This is the (Old) One. It assumes a rate between 0.0 and 1.0
        public void MutateAlt(VRandom rng, double rate)
            //clamps the rate to be between zero and one
            rate = VMath.Clamp(rate);

            //expands the size of the network at random
            //if (rng.RandBool(P_EXPAND)) Expand(rng);
            if (rng.RandBool(rate))

            //used in itterating the structure
            var ittr1 = nurons.ListItems();
            var ittr2 = axons.ListItems();

            //foreach (Nuron n in ittr1)
            //    //skips over input nurons
            //    if (n.IsInput) continue;

            //    //mutates nodes based on the augmented mutation rate
            //    if (!rng.RandBool(P_NODE * rate)) continue;

            //    //updates the activation funciton
            //    n.Func = GetRandomActivation(rng);

            foreach (Axon ax in ittr2)
                if (rng.RandBool(P_TOGGEL * rate))
                    //toggeles the enabled state
                    ax.Enabled = !ax.Enabled;
                    if (ax.Enabled)
                        ax.Weight = 0.0;

                if (ax.Enabled)
                    //permutes the weight by a small amount
                    double delta = rng.RandGauss() * SD_NEW;
                    ax.Weight = ax.Weight + (delta * rate);
예제 #15
        public void Mutate(VRandom rng, double rate)
            if (rng.RandBool(P_Insert * rate))
                int index = rng.RandInt(1, mystr.Length);
                int len   = mystr.Length;

                //splits the string at the instertion point
                string s1 = mystr.Substring(0, index);
                string s2 = mystr.Substring(index, len - index);

                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                mystr = s1 + (char)c + s2;

            //converts the string to a char array
            char[] temp = mystr.ToCharArray();

            if (rng.RandBool(P_Swap * rate))
                //select two random indicies
                int i = rng.RandInt(0, temp.Length);
                int j = rng.RandInt(0, temp.Length);

                //swaps the characters at the two incicies
                char c = temp[i];
                temp[i] = temp[j];
                temp[j] = c;

            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                //skips over characters with the inverse rate
                if (!rng.RandBool(rate))

                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                temp[i] = (char)c;

            //sets the new mutated string
            mystr = new String(temp);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a given network by make a deep copy of the internal
        /// structor, so that the clone may be manipulated without effecting
        /// the original. It also replaces the internal random number generator
        /// with a potentialy diffrent generator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rng">Random number generator</param>
        /// <param name="other">Network to clone</param>
        private NetworkCPP(VRandom rng, NetworkCPP other)
            //copies the RNG by refrence
            this.rng = rng;

            //creates a new table with the same size
            int size = other.nurons.Buckets;

            nurons = new TableOpen <Int32, NuronOld>(size);

            //makes a deep copy of the former network's structor
            foreach (var pair in other.nurons)
                NuronOld copy = new NuronOld(this, pair.Item);
                nurons.Add(pair.Key, copy);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Combines the genes of the curent nural net with the genes of
        /// another network to create a brand new offspring. The idea is
        /// that the child network will possess trates from both its
        /// parents, similar to sexual reproduction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rng">Random number generator</param>
        /// <param name="mate">Mate of the curent network</param>
        /// <returns>The child of both networks</returns>
        public NetworkCPP Combine(VRandom rng, NetworkCPP mate)
            //makes a clone of the dominate parent
            NetworkCPP child = new NetworkCPP(rng, this);

            //determins weather or not to do liniar crossover
            bool   liniar = rng.RandBool(P_Linear);
            double a      = rng.NextDouble();

            //lists all the axons in the mate
            var axons = mate.ListAxons();

            foreach (Axon ax in axons)
                //obtains the matching child axon
                Axon axc = child.FindMatch(ax);
                if (axc == null)

                if (liniar)
                    //chooses a value between the two weights
                    double weight = axc.Weight * (1.0 - a);
                    axc.Weight = weight + (ax.Weight * a);
                    //determins the new weight based on crossover
                    bool cross = rng.RandBool();
                    if (cross)
                        axc.Weight = ax.Weight;

                //has a chance of enabling if either are disabled
                bool en = ax.Enabled && axc.Enabled;
                axc.Enabled = en || rng.RandBool(0.25);

예제 #18
        public void Mutate2(VRandom rng, double rate)
            if (rng.RandBool(P_Insert * rate))
                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                mystr = mystr + (char)c;
                //converts the string to a char array
                char[] temp = mystr.ToCharArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                    //alters each character with a chance of 'rate'
                    if (!rng.RandBool(rate))

                    //increments or decrements the character
                    bool add = rng.RandBool();
                    int  c   = (int)temp[i] + (add ? 1 : -1);

                    //makes shure the resulting character is valid
                    if (c < 32)
                        c = 32;
                    if (c > 126)
                        c = 126;
                    temp[i] = (char)c;

                //sets the new mutated string
                mystr = new String(temp);
예제 #19
        private int GetRandomIndex(VRandom rng)
            int index = -1;
            int count = 0;

            while (index < 0 && count < MAX_TRY)
                //chooses a ranom positive interger
                index = rng.RandInt(MAX_ID);

                //invalidates the index if we have a collision
                if (nurons.HasKey(index))
                    index = -1;


예제 #20
        private int species_target; // = 30; //10

        public EvolSpecies(int popsize, double rate, Fitness <T> fitf)
            this.rng = new RandMT();

            this.fitf = fitf;
            this.rate = rate;

            this.pop     = new Organism <T> [popsize];
            this.species = new List <Species <T> >(popsize / 2);

            int death = (int)(popsize * DeathRate) + 1;

            this.deadpool = new Stack <Organism <T> >(death);
            this.babies   = new HeepArray <Double, Organism <T> >(death, true);

            generation = 0;
            champ      = 0;

            //species_target = (int)Math.Sqrt(popsize) + 1;
            species_target = 20; //20
예제 #21
        public void Crossover(VRandom rng, NetworkComp genome)
            //determins the rate of crossover
            double rate = rng.RandDouble(0.25, 0.75);

            //calculates the maximum number of nurons and axons
            //this is nessary incase the genomes have diffrent numbers
            int nmax = Math.Min(this.NuronCount, genome.NuronCount);
            int amax = Math.Min(this.AxonCount, genome.AxonCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++)
                if (rng.NextDouble() > rate)

                NuronComp copy = genome.nurons[i];
                nurons[i].Funciton = copy.Funciton;

            for (int i = 0; i < amax; i++)
                if (rng.NextDouble() > rate)

                //NOTE: should we copy the entier axon or just the weight?

                AxonComp copy = genome.axons[i];
                axons[i].Weight  = copy.Weight;
                axons[i].Enabled = copy.Enabled;

                axons[i].Input  = copy.Input;
                axons[i].Output = copy.Output;

            throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #22
        internal Organism <T> GetRandMember(VRandom rng)
            //int index = rng.RandInt(members.Count);
            //int id = members[index];
            //return pop.GetMember(id);

            //creates a vector to store the probablity distribution
            Vector pd = new Vector(members.Count);

            //uses the fitness of each member as the weight
            for (int i = 0; i < pd.Length; i++)
                var mem = pop.GetMember(members[i]);
                pd[i] = mem.Fitness;

            //returns a random member based on fitness
            int index = rng.SampleDesc(pd);
            int id    = members[index];

예제 #23
        public void Mutate4(VRandom rng, double rate)
            if (rng.RandBool(P_Insert * rate))
                //selects a random character in the ASCII range
                int c = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                mystr = mystr + (char)c;
                //converts the string to a char array
                char[] temp = mystr.ToCharArray();

                //increments or decrements a random character
                int index = rng.RandInt(0, temp.Length);
                int c     = rng.RandInt(32, 127);
                temp[index] = (char)c;

                //sets the new mutated string
                mystr = new String(temp);
예제 #24
        private ActFunc GetRandomActivation(VRandom rng)
            //generates a random nuber to select the fuciton
            int test = rng.RandInt(6);

            switch (test)
            case 0: return(ActFunc.Identity);

            case 1: return(ActFunc.Sine);

            case 2: return(ActFunc.Cosine);

            case 3: return(ActFunc.Gaussian);

            case 4: return(ActFunc.Sigmoid);

            case 5: return(ActFunc.Sinc);

            //we should never reach this point
            throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #25
 public void Mutate(VRandom rng, double rate)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #26
 public NetworkComp SpawnRandom(VRandom rng)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #27
 public void Randomize(VRandom rng)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #28
 public void Crossover(VRandom rng, CPPN genome)
     network.Crossover(rng, genome.network);
예제 #29
 public void Mutate(VRandom rng, double rate)
     network.Mutate(rng, rate);
예제 #30
        //public CPPN SpawnRandom(VRandom rng)
        //    //throw new NotImplementedException();

        //    var next = network.SpawnRandom(rng);
        //    return new CPPN(next);

        public void Randomize(VRandom rng)