예제 #1
        private bool UserIsOnNavMesh(StepByStepComponent sbs, TeleportNavMesh tnm, VRRaycastOutputs raycastOutputs, LayerMask excludedLayers, out float3 newCameraRigPos)
            Transform vrCamTransform     = VRSF_Components.VRCamera.transform;
            Transform cameraRigTransform = VRSF_Components.CameraRig.transform;

            // We calculate the direction and the distance Vectors
            var   directionVector = raycastOutputs.RayVar.direction;
            float distanceVector  = cameraRigTransform.localScale.y * sbs.DistanceStepByStep;

            // Check if we hit a collider on the way. If it's the case, we reduce the distance.
            if (Physics.Raycast(vrCamTransform.position, directionVector, out RaycastHit hit, distanceVector, ~excludedLayers))
                distanceVector = hit.distance - 0.1f;

            // We multiply the direction vector by the distance to which the user should be going
            directionVector *= distanceVector;

            // We check the theoritic position for the cameraRig
            newCameraRigPos = GetNewTheoriticPos(directionVector, true);
            // We check the theoritic new user pos
            float3 newCameraPos = GetNewTheoriticPos(directionVector, false);

            // We calculate a vector down based on the new Camera Pos.
            var downVectorDistance = Mathf.Abs(vrCamTransform.localPosition.y + VRSF_Components.FloorOffset.transform.localPosition.y) + sbs.StepHeight;
            var downVector         = newCameraPos + (new float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f) * downVectorDistance);

            // We calculate the linecast between the newUserPos and the downVector and check if it hits the NavMesh
                out bool endOnNavmesh,
                out newCameraPos,
                out _,

            // We set the camera rig pos in y to the camera pos in y
            newCameraRigPos.y = newCameraPos.y;


            /// <summary>
            /// We get the theoritic position for the CameraRig and the VRCamera based on the scaled direction (direction * distance)
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="scaledDirection">The direction multiplied by the distance to go to</param>
            /// <param name="isCheckingCameraRig">Whether the check is for the CameraRig or the VRCamera</param>
            /// <returns>The new Theoritic position</returns>
            float3 GetNewTheoriticPos(Vector3 scaledDirection, bool isCheckingCameraRig)
                float3 origin = isCheckingCameraRig ? cameraRigTransform.position : vrCamTransform.position;

                return(origin + new float3(scaledDirection.x, 0.0f, scaledDirection.z));
 private float3 CheckEndPoint(LaserPointerLength laserLength, VRRaycastOutputs raycastOutputs)
     if (raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.collider != null && raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.collider.gameObject.layer == _uiLayer)
         return(laserLength.ShouldPointToUICenter ? (float3)raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.collider.bounds.center : (float3)raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.point);
         return(laserLength.ShouldPointTo3DObjectsCenter ? (float3)raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.collider.bounds.center : (float3)raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.point);
예제 #3
 private bool RaycastedObjectIsntUI(VRRaycastOutputs raycastOutputs)
     return(raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.IsNull || raycastOutputs.RaycastHitVar.Value.collider.gameObject.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"));