예제 #1
    void Start()
        HandController[] allControllers = FindObjectsOfType<HandController> ();
        foreach (HandController controller in allControllers) {
          if (controller.isActiveAndEnabled) {
        handController = controller;
        if (handController == null) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("Camera alignment requires an active HandController in the scene -> enabled = false");
          enabled = false;

        LeapImageRetriever[] allRetrievers = FindObjectsOfType<LeapImageRetriever> ();
        foreach (LeapImageRetriever retriever in allRetrievers) {
          if (retriever.isActiveAndEnabled) {
        imageRetriever = retriever;
        /*if (imageRetriever == null) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("Camera alignment requires an active LeapImageRetriever in the scene -> enabled = false");
          enabled = false;

        hasCameras = VRCameras.NONE;
        if (centerCamera != null) {
          Camera center = centerCamera.GetComponent<Camera>();
          if (center != null && center.isActiveAndEnabled) {
        hasCameras = VRCameras.CENTER;
        if (hasCameras == VRCameras.NONE) {
          Camera left = leftCamera.GetComponent<Camera>();
          Camera right = rightCamera.GetComponent<Camera>();
          if (left != null && left.isActiveAndEnabled &&
          right != null && right.isActiveAndEnabled) {
        hasCameras = VRCameras.LEFT_RIGHT;
        if (hasCameras == VRCameras.NONE) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("Either a central Camera for both eyes, or a Left and Right cameras must be referenced -> enabled = false");
          enabled = false;

        if (transform.parent == null) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("Alignment requires a parent object to define the location of the player in the world. enabled -> false");
          enabled = false;

        if (transform != leftCamera.parent ||
        transform != centerCamera.parent ||
        transform != rightCamera.parent) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("LeapCameraAlignment must be a component of the parent of the camera tranasforms -> enabled = false");
          enabled = false;

        deviceInfo = (overrideDeviceType) ? new LeapDeviceInfo(overrideDeviceTypeWith) : handController.GetDeviceInfo ();
        if (deviceInfo.type == LeapDeviceType.Invalid) {
          Debug.LogWarning ("Invalid Leap Device -> enabled = false");
          enabled = false;

        if (VRDevice.isPresent &&
        VRSettings.loadedDevice == VRDeviceType.Oculus) {
          eyeAlignment = new UserEyeAlignment() {
        use = true,
        ipd = OVRPlugin.ipd,
        eyeDepth = OVRPlugin.eyeDepth,
        eyeHeight = OVRPlugin.eyeHeight
          Debug.Log ("Unity VR Support with Oculus");
        } else {
          eyeAlignment = new UserEyeAlignment() {
        use = false,
        ipd = 0f,
        eyeDepth = 0f,
        eyeHeight = 0f
          Debug.Log ("Two-camera stereoscopic alignment");
예제 #2
    void Start()
        HandController[] allControllers = FindObjectsOfType <HandController> ();
        foreach (HandController controller in allControllers)
            if (controller.isActiveAndEnabled)
                handController = controller;
        if (handController == null)
            //Debug.LogWarning ("Camera alignment requires an active HandController in the scene -> enabled = false");
            enabled = false;

        LeapImageRetriever[] allRetrievers = FindObjectsOfType <LeapImageRetriever> ();
        foreach (LeapImageRetriever retriever in allRetrievers)
            if (retriever.isActiveAndEnabled)
                imageRetriever = retriever;

        /*if (imageRetriever == null) {
         * //Debug.LogWarning ("Camera alignment requires an active LeapImageRetriever in the scene -> enabled = false");
         * enabled = false;
         * return;
         * }*/

        hasCameras = VRCameras.NONE;
        if (centerCamera != null)
            Camera center = centerCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();
            if (center != null && center.isActiveAndEnabled)
                hasCameras = VRCameras.CENTER;
        if (hasCameras == VRCameras.NONE)
            Camera left  = leftCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();
            Camera right = rightCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();
            if (left != null && left.isActiveAndEnabled &&
                right != null && right.isActiveAndEnabled)
                hasCameras = VRCameras.LEFT_RIGHT;
        if (hasCameras == VRCameras.NONE)
            //Debug.LogWarning ("Either a central Camera for both eyes, or a Left and Right cameras must be referenced -> enabled = false");
            enabled = false;

        if (transform.parent == null)
            //Debug.LogWarning ("Alignment requires a parent object to define the location of the player in the world. enabled -> false");
            enabled = false;

        if (transform != leftCamera.parent ||
            transform != centerCamera.parent ||
            transform != rightCamera.parent)
            //Debug.LogWarning ("LeapCameraAlignment must be a component of the parent of the camera tranasforms -> enabled = false");
            enabled = false;

        deviceInfo = (overrideDeviceType) ? new LeapDeviceInfo(overrideDeviceTypeWith) : handController.GetDeviceInfo();
        if (deviceInfo.type == LeapDeviceType.Invalid)
            //Debug.LogWarning ("Invalid Leap Device -> enabled = false");
            enabled = false;

        if (VRDevice.isPresent &&
            VRSettings.loadedDevice == VRDeviceType.Oculus)
            eyeAlignment = new UserEyeAlignment()
                use       = true,
                ipd       = OVRPlugin.ipd,
                eyeDepth  = OVRPlugin.eyeDepth,
                eyeHeight = OVRPlugin.eyeHeight
            //Debug.Log ("Unity VR Support with Oculus");
            eyeAlignment = new UserEyeAlignment()
                use       = false,
                ipd       = 0f,
                eyeDepth  = 0f,
                eyeHeight = 0f
            //Debug.Log ("Two-camera stereoscopic alignment");