예제 #1
        //==== TERRAIN ====

        public static int DotTerrain(VMArchitecture target, Point pos, short mod)
            var bounds = target.DisableClip ? new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height) : target.BuildableArea;

            bounds.X--; bounds.Y--; bounds.Width++; bounds.Height++;
            if (!bounds.Contains(pos))
            var current = target.GetTerrainGrass((short)pos.X, (short)pos.Y);
            var n       = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, current + mod));

            target.SetTerrainGrass((short)pos.X, (short)pos.Y, n);
            return((Math.Abs(current - n) + 31) / 32);
예제 #2
        public static int RaiseTerrain(VMArchitecture target, Rectangle pos, short height, bool smoothMode)
            //does a sort of flood fill from the start point to ensure the raise is valid
            //when any point height is changed its neighbours are checked for the height difference constraint
            int constrain = 5 * 10;

            if (smoothMode)
                constrain = 1 * 10;
            var bounds = target.DisableClip ? new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height) : target.BuildableArea;
            var tl     = target.TerrainLimit;

            bounds = Rectangle.Intersect(bounds, tl);
            bounds.Width--; bounds.Height--;

            if (!pos.Intersects(bounds))
                pos = Rectangle.Intersect(pos, bounds);

            var considered = new Dictionary <Point, short>();
            var stack      = new Stack <Point>();

            for (int x = 0; x <= pos.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= pos.Height; y++)
                    var p = pos.Location + new Point(x, y);
                    considered.Add(p, height);
                    if (!(target.DisableClip || target.Context.SlopeVertexCheck(p.X, p.Y)))
            var tr        = target.Terrain;
            var firstDiff = tr.Heights[pos.Y * tr.Width + pos.X] - height;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var p = stack.Pop();
                //check adjacent points
                var adj = new Point[]
                    p + new Point(-1, 0),
                    p + new Point(1, 0),
                    p + new Point(0, -1),
                    p + new Point(0, 1),

                //if any of these are OOB exit early. TODO

                var myHeight = considered[p];

                // check each adjacent height. if it has to be changed, first check if it can be:
                // - if a wall, floor (on any level) or object is preventing this from happening, fail.
                // - else queue its height to be changed and check its adjacent.

                foreach (var a in adj)
                    if (a.X < 0 || a.Y < 0 || a.X >= tr.Width || a.Y >= tr.Height)
                    short ht;
                    if (!considered.TryGetValue(a, out ht))
                        ht = tr.Heights[a.Y * tr.Width + a.X];
                    var diff  = myHeight - ht;
                    var first = height - ht;

                    if (!target.TerrainLimit.Contains(a))
                        if (!target.DisableClip && Math.Abs(diff) > 100 * 10)

                    if (diff * first <= 0)

                    if (smoothMode)
                        constrain = Math.Min(5, Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Round(DistanceToRect(a, pos)))) * 10;

                    if (diff > constrain)
                        //lower the terrain
                        ht = (short)(myHeight - constrain);
                    else if (diff < -constrain)
                        //raise the terrain
                        ht = (short)(myHeight + constrain);

                    if (!(target.DisableClip || target.Context.SlopeVertexCheck(a.X, a.Y)))

                    //we needed to change the height. verify that that is a legal move. (walls, floors, objects demand no slope change)

                    considered[a] = ht; //this can overwrite previous expectations

            //actually change the terrain
            int cost = 0;

            foreach (var change in considered)
                var changedBy = Math.Abs(target.GetTerrainHeight((short)change.Key.X, (short)change.Key.Y) - change.Value);
                cost += (changedBy + 9) / 10;
                target.SetTerrainHeight((short)change.Key.X, (short)change.Key.Y, change.Value);
                if (change.Key.X > 0 && change.Key.Y > 0)
                    target.SetTerrainGrass((short)(change.Key.X - 1), (short)(change.Key.Y - 1),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, target.GetTerrainGrass((short)(change.Key.X - 1), (short)(change.Key.Y - 1)) + changedBy * 6));
