private void vGridControl2_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var hitInfo = vGridControl2.CalcHitInfo(e.Location).RecordIndex; if (hitInfo < 0) { return; } VGridControl cn = sender as VGridControl; string a = cn.FocusedRow.Name; //string q; foreach (BaseRow row in vGridControl2.Rows) { if (row is EditorRow) { if (a == row.Name) { q = cn.GetCellDisplayText(row, hitInfo).ToString(); vGridControl1.DataSource = Dao.Dao.fakeAccountInfo.GetInfoReorganized() .Where(x => x.InfoId == int.Parse(q)) .Select(x => x).ToList(); chartControl2.Series[0].DataSource = DataPoint.GetDataPoints(Dao.Dao.fakeAccountInfo.GetInfoReorganized().ToList()[int.Parse(q) - 1]); } } } }
public static bool CheckRequired(VGridControl gridControl, string[] allowColumn = null) { DataTable dt = (DataTable)gridControl.DataSource; VGridRows columnList = gridControl.Rows; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { bool allowNull = false; if (allowColumn != null) { allowNull = Array.IndexOf(allowColumn, col.ColumnName) >= 0; } if (dt.Rows[i].RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[i][col].ToString()) && allowNull == false) { string warnText = "還有第{0}筆資料[{1}]尚未填寫!"; var column = columnList.ColumnByFieldName(col.ColumnName); string caption = column.Properties.Caption.Trim().Replace("\r\n", ""); MessageDisplay.Warning(string.Format(warnText, i + 1, caption)); gridControl.FocusedRow = columnList.GetRowByFieldName(col.ColumnName); gridControl.FocusedRecord = 2; return(false); } } } return(true); }
void ProcessMouseMove(VGridControl vGrid, MouseEventArgs e) { if (vGrid == null || captureHitInfo == null) { return; } if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { return; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Location); Rectangle dragRect = new Rectangle(new Point( captureHitInfo.PtMouse.X - SystemInformation.DragSize.Width / 2, captureHitInfo.PtMouse.Y - SystemInformation.DragSize.Height / 2), SystemInformation.DragSize); if (!dragRect.Contains(new Point(e.X, e.Y))) { if (captureHitInfo.HitInfoType == HitInfoTypeEnum.ValueCell) { vGrid.DoDragDrop( new DragInfo() { Grid = vGrid, Data = vGrid.GetRecordObject(captureHitInfo.RecordIndex) }, DragDropEffects.Copy); } } }
public static void SetCommonGrid(VGridControl gridControl) { gridControl.LookAndFeel.Style = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.LookAndFeelStyle.Flat; gridControl.Appearance.RowHeaderPanel.BackColor = Color.LightGray; gridControl.Appearance.VertLine.BackColor = Color.Gray; gridControl.Appearance.HorzLine.BackColor = Color.Gray; gridControl.Appearance.BandBorder.BackColor = Color.Gray; // 欄位置中 gridControl.Appearance.RowHeaderPanel.TextOptions.HAlignment = HorzAlignment.Center; // 關閉某些功能 foreach (var row in gridControl.Rows) { // 關閉移動欄位 row.OptionsRow.AllowMove = false; row.Properties.OptionsFilter.AllowFilter = false; } // 設定欄位Trim TrimWhenEditCell(gridControl); //隱藏Popup Menu gridControl.OptionsMenu.EnableContextMenu = false; // 如果Grid被Disabled的話,不要變成一片灰色 gridControl.UseDisabledStatePainter = false; }
protected bool IsDataModify(Object grid) { DataTable dt = null; if (grid is GridControl) { GridControl gridControl = ((GridControl)grid); gridControl.MainView.CloseEditor(); gridControl.MainView.UpdateCurrentRow(); dt = (DataTable)gridControl.DataSource; } else if (grid is VGridControl) { VGridControl gridControl = ((VGridControl)grid); gridControl.CloseEditor(); gridControl.UpdateFocusedRecord(); dt = (DataTable)gridControl.DataSource; } if (dt == null || dt.GetChanges() == null || dt.GetChanges().Rows.Count == 0) { MessageDisplay.Error(MessageDisplay.MSG_NO_DATA_FOR_MODIFY); return(false); } return(true); }
void ProcessMouseDown(VGridControl vGrid, MouseEventArgs e) { if (vGrid == null) { return; } captureHitInfo = vGrid.CalcHitInfo(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); }
public static void SetError(VGridControl vgrid, string FieldName, string ErrMsg, OutputError Output) { switch (Output) { case OutputError.ERROR_PROVIDER: vgrid.SetRowError(vgrid.GetRowByFieldName(FieldName).Properties, ErrMsg); break; } }
static public void RestoreStateVGrid(string appname, string formname, ref VGridControl grid, ref GroupControl group) { if (grid == null) { return; } string regkey = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", appname, formname, grid.Name); grid.RowHeaderWidth = Static.ToInt(Static.RegisterGet(regkey, string.Format("HeaderWidth"), grid.RowHeaderWidth)); group.Width = Static.ToInt(Static.RegisterGet(regkey, string.Format("GroupWidth"), group.Width)); }
public static bool UpdateDataRow(DataRow row, VGridControl vgrid) { try { foreach (BaseRow br in vgrid.Rows) row[br.Properties.FieldName] = br.Properties.Value == null ? DBNull.Value : br.Properties.Value; return true; } catch { return false; } }
private void vGridControl1_CustomDrawSeparator(object sender, DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Events.CustomDrawSeparatorEventArgs e) { VGridControl grid = sender as VGridControl; if (!e.IsHeaderSeparator) { Color vertLineColor = grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.VertLine.BackColor; Pen pen = new Pen(vertLineColor, 2); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, e.Bounds); e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, e.Bounds.Right, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Right, e.Bounds.Bottom); } e.Handled = true; }
public static void AcceptText(Control control) { if (control is GridControl) { GridControl gridControl = (GridControl)control; gridControl.MainView.CloseEditor(); gridControl.MainView.UpdateCurrentRow(); } else if (control is VGridControl) { VGridControl vGridControl = (VGridControl)control; vGridControl.CloseEditor(); vGridControl.UpdateFocusedRecord(); } }
public static void SetReadOnly(VGridControl vGrid, bool enable) { foreach (var item in vGrid.Rows) { if (item is EditorRow) { var editorRow = item as EditorRow; editorRow.Properties.ReadOnly = !enable; } else if (item is MultiEditorRow) { var multiEditorRow = item as MultiEditorRow; multiEditorRow.Properties.ReadOnly = !enable; } } }
private void vGridControl1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { VGridControl grid = vGridControl1; if (e.KeyData == Keys.Tab && grid.FocusedRow == grid.GetLastVisible()) { bool needShowEditor = (grid.State == VGridState.Editing); grid.FocusedRow = grid.Rows.FirstVisible; if (needShowEditor) { grid.ShowEditor(); } //SelectNextControl(grid, true, true, false, true); e.Handled = true; } }
//Initialize the new instance public CustomEdit() { grid = new VGridControl(); grid.OptionsBehavior.DragRowHeaders = false; grid.OptionsBehavior.ResizeHeaderPanel = false; grid.OptionsBehavior.ResizeRowHeaders = false; grid.OptionsBehavior.ResizeRowValues = false; grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; grid.RowHeaderWidth = RepositoryItemCustomEdit.RowHeaderWidth; grid.RecordWidth = RepositoryItemCustomEdit.RecordWidth; grid.CellValueChanged += OnCellValueChanged; grid.CellValueChanging += OnCellValueChanging; CreateRows(); Controls.Add(grid); }
void ProcessDragDrop(VGridControl target, DragEventArgs e) { DragInfo dragInfo = (DragInfo)e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragInfo)); VGridControl source = dragInfo.Grid; DataItem item = (DataItem)dragInfo.Data; if (item == null || source == null || target == null) { return; } VGridHitInfo dropHitInfo = target.CalcHitInfo(target.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y))); int targetRecordIndex = GetRecordIndex(dropHitInfo); RemoveRecord(source, item); AddRecord(target, item, targetRecordIndex); source.RefreshDataSource(); target.RefreshDataSource(); }
public static void TrimWhenEditCell(VGridControl gridControl) { TrimFormatter formatter = new TrimFormatter(); gridControl.ShownEditor += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { VGridControl control = sender as VGridControl; if (control.ActiveEditor is TextEdit && !(control.ActiveEditor is LookUpEdit)) { TextEdit myTextEdit = ((TextEdit)control.ActiveEditor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myTextEdit.Text.Trim())) { myTextEdit.Properties.EditFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Custom; myTextEdit.Properties.EditFormat.Format = formatter; } } ; }; }
private void vGridControl1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (isDragging) { VGridControl vGrid = sender as VGridControl; VGridHitInfo info = vGrid.CalcHitInfo(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); if (((info.HitInfoType == HitInfoTypeEnum.HeaderCell) || (info.HitInfoType == HitInfoTypeEnum.Row)) && (info.Row != dragOverRow) && (info.Row != draggedRow)) { DragOverRow = info.Row; } else if ((info.HitInfoType == HitInfoTypeEnum.Empty) || (info.HitInfoType == HitInfoTypeEnum.ValueCell)) { DragOverRow = null; } } }
private void vGridControl1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { VGridControl vGrid = sender as VGridControl; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) { //VGridControl vGrid = vGridControl1 as VGridControl; BindingSource bindingSource = vGrid.DataSource as BindingSource; if (bindingSource != null) { DataRowView sourceView = bindingSource.Current as DataRowView; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete record?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { sourceView.Delete(); update_db(); } } } }
/// <summary>Hiển thị thông báo lỗi trên lưới /// </summary> public static void ShowVGridError(VGridControl vgrid, string ErrorMsg) { if (vgrid.Controls.ContainsKey("picErrorIcon") == false) { Icon icon = System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Error; PictureBox pictureBoxTemp = new PictureBox(); pictureBoxTemp.Name = "picErrorIcon"; pictureBoxTemp.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pictureBoxTemp.Image = icon.ToBitmap(); pictureBoxTemp.Location = new Point(vgrid.Width - 50, 3); vgrid.Controls.Add(pictureBoxTemp); System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip toolTip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(); toolTip1.SetToolTip(pictureBoxTemp, ErrorMsg); } else { vgrid.Controls["picErrorIcon"].Visible = true; } }
public void CreateVGrid(VGridControl vgrid) { EditorRow[] Rows = HelpEditorRow.CreateEditorRow( new string[] { "ID", "Mã khách hàng", "Tên khách hàng", "Địa chỉ", "Điện thoại", "Fax", "Email", "Trang web", "Mã số thuế", "Người đại diện", "Chiết khấu", GlobalConst.VISIBLE_TITLE }, new bool[] { false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true }, new int[] { 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 }); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[0], "ID"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[1], "MA_KH"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[2], "NAME"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[3], "DIA_CHI"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[4], "DIEN_THOAI"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[5], "FAX"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[6], "EMAIL"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[7], "WEBSITE"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[8], "MA_SO_THUE"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[9], "NGUOI_DAI_DIEN"); HelpEditorRow.DongTextLeft(Rows[10], "CHIET_KHAU"); HelpEditorRow.DongCheckEdit(Rows[11], "VISIBLE_BIT"); vgrid.Rows.AddRange(Rows); }
private void vGridControl1_CustomDrawRowHeaderCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Events.CustomDrawRowHeaderCellEventArgs e) { if (!checkEdit1.Checked) { return; } if (e.Row is MultiEditorRow) { VGridControl grid = sender as VGridControl; if (e.CellIndex == 0) { Brush backBrush; Brush brush; Font textFont; if (e.Focused) { backBrush = e.Cache.GetSolidBrush(grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.FocusedRow.BackColor); brush = e.Cache.GetSolidBrush(grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.FocusedRow.ForeColor); textFont = grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.FocusedRow.Font; } else { backBrush = e.Cache.GetSolidBrush(grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.RowHeaderPanel.BackColor); brush = e.Cache.GetSolidBrush(grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.RowHeaderPanel.ForeColor); textFont = grid.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance.RowHeaderPanel.Font; } Rectangle backRectangle = e.Bounds; backRectangle.Width = grid.Width; e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, backRectangle); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(e.CaptionRect.X, e.CaptionRect.Y, e.Row.HeaderInfo.HeaderCellsRect.Width, e.CaptionRect.Height); e.Appearance.DrawString(e.Cache, e.Caption, r); } e.Handled = true; } }
private void OnCustomDrawRowHeaderCell(object sender, CustomDrawRowHeaderCellEventArgs e) { Point hitPoint = MousePosition; //if (!(e.Row is CategoryRow)) return; VGridControl grid = (VGridControl)sender; VGridHitInfo hitInfo = ((VGridControl)sender).CalcHitInfo(grid.PointToClient(hitPoint)); if (hitInfo.Row != e.Row) { return; } BaseRowViewInfo rowInfo = null; foreach (BaseRowViewInfo info in grid.ViewInfo.RowsViewInfo) { if (info is CategoryRowViewInfo) { continue; } rowInfo = info; break; } if (rowInfo == null) { return; } RowValueInfo valueInfo = null; foreach (RowValueInfo info in rowInfo.ValuesInfo) { if (info.Bounds.X < hitInfo.PtMouse.X && info.Bounds.Right > hitInfo.PtMouse.X) { valueInfo = info; break; } } if (valueInfo == null) { return; } e.Handled = true; e.Appearance.DrawBackground(e.Cache, e.Bounds); e.Appearance.DrawString(e.Cache, e.Caption, e.CaptionRect); if (e.ImageIndex > 0) { ImageCollection.DrawImageListImage(e.Cache, e.Row.Properties.Images, e.ImageIndex, e.ImageRect); } if (e.Focused) { XPaint.Graphics.DrawFocusRectangle(e.Graphics, e.FocusRect, e.Appearance.ForeColor, e.Appearance.BackColor); } Rectangle hotTrackRect = new Rectangle(valueInfo.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, valueInfo.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height); hotTrackRect.Inflate(-1, -1); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, hotTrackRect); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, hotTrackRect); }
/*private string GetCodeWord(string controlname) * { * * if (controlname != null) * { * * int pos = controlname.IndexOf('_'); * * if (pos > 0) * { * return controlname.Substring(pos + 1).ToLower(); * } * } * return null; * }*/ private void AssignControlsStyle(ControlCollection controls) { Color backColor = Color.FromArgb(122, 150, 223); foreach (object var in controls) { PropertyInfo pr = var.GetType().GetProperty("ToolTipController"); if (pr != null) { pr.SetValue(var, toolTip, null); } GridControl gridc = var as GridControl; if (gridc != null) { gridc.ToolTipController = toolTip; foreach (ColumnView bview in gridc.Views) { foreach (GridColumn column in bview.Columns) { string key = column.Name + "_Tip"; string tip = GetLocalized(key); if (tip != null) { column.ToolTip = tip; } else { string caption = GetLocalized(column.Name); if (caption != null) { column.ToolTip = caption; } } } GridView gview = bview as GridView; if (gview != null) { gview.Appearance.FocusedCell.BackColor = backColor; gview.Appearance.FocusedRow.BackColor = backColor; gview.Appearance.SelectedRow.BackColor = backColor; } } } else { VGridControl vgrid = var as VGridControl; if (vgrid != null) { vgrid.ToolTipController = toolTip; vgrid.Appearance.FocusedCell.BackColor = backColor; vgrid.Appearance.FocusedRecord.BackColor = backColor; } else { TreeList tlist = var as TreeList; if (tlist != null) { tlist.Appearance.FocusedCell.BackColor = backColor; tlist.Appearance.FocusedRow.BackColor = backColor; tlist.Appearance.SelectedRow.BackColor = backColor; } else { LayoutControl lcontr = var as LayoutControl; if (lcontr != null) { AssignControlsStyle(lcontr.Controls); //lcontr.Root.GroupBordersVisible = false; } else { PanelControl panel = var as PanelControl; if (panel != null) { AssignControlsStyle(panel.Controls); //panel.BorderStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BorderStyles.NoBorder; } } } } } } }
/// <summary>Kiểm tra và đánh dấu lỗi /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ValidateRecord(VGridControl vgrid, FieldNameCheck[] CheckList) { if (CheckList == null) return true; bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < CheckList.Length; i++) { string FieldName = CheckList[i].FieldName; string Data = null; BaseRow br = vgrid.GetRowByFieldName(FieldName); Data = vgrid.GetCellDisplayText(br, 0); for (int j = 0; j < CheckList[i].Types.Length; j++) { string ErrMsg = ""; if (CheckList[i].Subject != null) ErrMsg = GetErrMsg(CheckList[i].Types[j], CheckList[i].Subject); else ErrMsg = CheckList[i].ErrMsgs[j]; switch (CheckList[i].Types[j]) { #region 1. Số thực case CheckType.DecGreaterZero: if (HelpIsCheck.isDecGreater0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.DecGreater0: if (HelpIsCheck.isDecGreater0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.DecGreaterEqual0: if (HelpIsCheck.isDecGreaterEqual0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Số nguyên case CheckType.IntGreaterZero: if (HelpIsCheck.isIntGreater0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.IntGreater0: if (HelpIsCheck.isIntGreater0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.IntGreaterEqual0: if (HelpIsCheck.isIntGreaterEqual0(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Email case CheckType.RequireEmail: if (Data != null && Data != "" && HelpIsCheck.isValidEmail(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.OptionEmail: if (Data == null || Data == "" || HelpIsCheck.isValidEmail(Data)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Chuỗi case CheckType.RequireMaxLength: if (Data != null && Data != "" && HelpIsCheck.IsMaxLength(Data, (int)CheckList[i].Params[j])) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.OptionMaxLength: if (Data == null || Data == "" || HelpIsCheck.IsMaxLength(Data, (int)CheckList[i].Params[j])) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Date case CheckType.RequireDate: if (Data != null && Data != "" && br.Properties.Value is DateTime && !HelpIsCheck.isBlankDate((DateTime)br.Properties.Value)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.OptionDate: if (Data == null || Data == "" || br.Properties.Value is DateTime) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.DateALessB: DateTime B; if (CheckList[i].Params[j] is DateTime) B = (DateTime)CheckList[i].Params[j]; else B = (DateTime)vgrid.GetRowByFieldName(CheckList[i].Params[j].ToString()).Properties.Value; if (HelpIsCheck.IsALessB((DateTime)br.Properties.Value, B)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; case CheckType.DateALessEqualB: DateTime C; if (CheckList[i].Params[j] is DateTime) C = (DateTime)CheckList[i].Params[j]; else C = (DateTime)vgrid.GetRowByFieldName(CheckList[i].Params[j].ToString()).Properties.Value; if (HelpIsCheck.IsALessEqualB((DateTime)br.Properties.Value, C)) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Danh mục case CheckType.RequiredID: long ID = HelpNumber.DecimalToInt64(Data); if (ID > 0) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } break; #endregion #region 1. Other case CheckType.Required: if (Data != null && Data != "" && Data != "-1") { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } else { //PHUOCNT TODO Kiem tra lai if (vgrid.GetCellValue(br, 0) == null) { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg); flag = false; } else { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName); } } break; #endregion } if (vgrid.HasRowErrors) break; } } return flag; }
/// <summary> /// Method to display the Outputs of Each Setup Change. If a particular param is not requested the initial value is shown /// </summary> /// <param name="_oc"></param> /// <param name="_setupOP"></param> /// <param name="_cv"></param> /// <param name="_resultsGUI"></param> /// <param name="_resultsGrid"></param> /// <param name="_converged"></param> public void DisplayIndividualOutputs(OutputClass _oc, SetupChange_Outputs _setupOP, SetupChange_CornerVariables _cv, XUC_SetupChangeResults _resultsGUI, VGridControl _resultsGrid, ref bool _converged) { string test = _cv.kpiAdjustmentTool.ToString(); ///<summary>Assining the KPI Outputs</summary> _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowKPIAngle, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Angle.FromRadians(_oc.KPI).Degrees, 2)) + " | " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.Calc_KPI.Degrees, 2))); if (_cv.KPIChangeRequested || _cv.constKPI || _cv.CasterChangeRequested || _cv.constCaster) { if (_cv.Master_Adj["Caster/KPI"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.TopFrontArm.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowTopFrontAdj, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.TopFrontLength, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowTopFrontAdj.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowTopFrontAdj.Visible = false; } if (_cv.Master_Adj["Caster/KPI"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.TopRearArm.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowTopRearAdj, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.TopRearLength, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowTopRearAdj.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowTopRearAdj.Visible = false; } if (_cv.Master_Adj["Caster/KPI"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.BottomFrontArm.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowBottomFrontAdj, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.BottomFrontLength, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowBottomFrontAdj.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowBottomFrontAdj.Visible = false; } if (_cv.Master_Adj["Caster/KPI"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.BottomRearArm.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowBottomRearAdj, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.BottomRearLength, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowBottomRearAdj.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowBottomRearAdj.Visible = false; } } else { _resultsGUI.rowTopFrontAdj.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowTopRearAdj.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowBottomFrontAdj.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowBottomRearAdj.Visible = false; } _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowKPIConvergance, 1, _setupOP.KPI_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); ///<summary>Assingint the Caster Outputs</summary> _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowCasterAngle, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Angle.FromRadians(_oc.Caster).Degrees, 2)) + " | " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.Calc_Caster.Degrees, 2))); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowCasterConvergance, 1, _setupOP.Caster_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); ///<summary>Assining the Camber Outputs</summary> _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowCamberAngle, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Angle.FromRadians(_oc.waOP.StaticCamber).Degrees, 3)) + " | " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.Calc_Camber.Degrees, 3))); if (_cv.CamberChangeRequested || _cv.constCamber) { if (_cv.Master_Adj["Camber"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.TopCamberMount.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowTopCamberMount, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.TopCamberShimsLength, 3))); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowShimsTopCamberMount, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.TopCamberShimsNo, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowTopCamberMount.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowTopCamberMount.Visible = false; } if (_cv.Master_Adj["Camber"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.BottomCamberMount.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowBottomCamberMount, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.BottomCamberShimsLength, 3))); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowShimsBottomCamberMount, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.BottomCamberShimsNo, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowBottomCamberMount.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowBottomCamberMount.Visible = false; } } else { _resultsGUI.rowTopCamberMount.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowBottomCamberMount.Visible = false; } _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowCamberConvergance, 1, _setupOP.Camber_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); ///<summary>Assigning the Toe Outputs</summary> _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowToeAngle, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Angle.FromRadians(_oc.waOP.StaticToe).Degrees, 3)) + " | " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.Calc_Toe.Degrees, 3))); if (_cv.ToeChangeRequested || _cv.constToe) { if (_cv.Master_Adj["Toe"].ContainsKey(AdjustmentTools.ToeLinkLength.ToString())) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowToeLink, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.ToeLinklength, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowToeLink.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowToeLink.Visible = false; } } else { _resultsGUI.rowToeLink.Visible = false; } _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowToeConvergance, 1, _setupOP.Toe_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); ///<summary>Assigning the Ride Height</summary> _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowRideHeight, 1, _setupOP.Calc_RideHeight); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowLinkRHName, 1, _cv.rideheightAdjustmentTool.ToString()); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(rowLinkRHDelta, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.PushrodLength, 3))); _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(_resultsGUI.rowRHConvergance, 1, _setupOP.RideHeight_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); ///<summary>Setting the results of the Bump Steer</summary> if (_cv.BumpSteerChangeRequested) { _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(rowToeLinkInboard_x, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.ToeLinkInboard.X, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_x.Visible = true; _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(rowToeLinkInboard_y, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.ToeLinkInboard.Y, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_y.Visible = true; _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(rowToeLinkInboard_z, 1, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(_setupOP.ToeLinkInboard.Z, 3))); _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_z.Visible = true; } else { _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_x.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_y.Visible = false; _resultsGUI.rowToeLinkInboard_z.Visible = false; } _resultsGrid.SetCellValue(rowBSConvergence, 1, _setupOP.BumpSteer_Conv.ConvergenceStatus); }
public static void SetError(VGridControl vgrid, string FieldName, string ErrMsg) { SetError(vgrid, FieldName, ErrMsg, OutputError.ERROR_PROVIDER); }
public static void NotAllowValidateVGrid(VGridControl vgrid) { vgrid.InvalidRecordException -= AllowValidateVGrid_Event; }
public static void ClearVGridError(VGridControl vgrid) { if (vgrid.Controls.ContainsKey("picErrorIcon") == true) vgrid.Controls["picErrorIcon"].Visible = false; }
public static void ClearError(VGridControl vgrid, string FieldName) { ClearError(vgrid, FieldName, OutputError.ERROR_PROVIDER); }
void ProcessDragOver(VGridControl vGrid, DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; }
void RemoveRecord(VGridControl source, DataItem item) { ((List <DataItem>)source.DataSource).Remove(item); }
void AddRecord(VGridControl target, DataItem item, int targetRecordIndex) { ((List <DataItem>)target.DataSource).Insert(targetRecordIndex == -1 ? target.RecordCount : targetRecordIndex, item); }
public VGridControlHelper(VGridControl vGridControl) { this.vGridControl = vGridControl; }