// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { commandDict.Add('a', SpawnTarget(0)); commandDict.Add('b', SpawnTarget(1)); commandDict.Add('c', SpawnTarget(2)); commandDict.Add('d', SpawnTarget(3)); commandDict.Add('e', SpawnTarget(4)); commandDict.Add('f', SpawnTarget(5)); commandDict.Add('g', SpawnTarget(6)); commandDict.Add('h', SpawnTarget(7)); photodiodeTarget = PhotodiodeTargetObject.GetComponent <PhotodiodeTarget>(); QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Application.targetFrameRate = CommonUtils.frameRate; // Retrieve a reference for the scripts, starting from the GameObjects of the scene targetScript = Target.GetComponentInChildren <VGOTarget>(); serialPort = new SerialPort(pyControlPortName, 9600, 0, 8, StopBits.One); try { serialPort.Open(); // open the port serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1; //define the timeout } catch (IOException e) { } StartCoroutine(WaitForCommand()); }
void Start() { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Application.targetFrameRate = CommonUtils.frameRate; // Call all the functions to setup the environment SetupBackgroundColor(); SetupIndicatorSize(); SetupInterTrialTime(); SetupCollisionTime(); SetupTargetTimeout(); SetupNumberOfTrials(); SetupTargetSize(); SetupAnimalName(); SetupLickToReward(); SetupWhiteNoise(); SetupLaser(); // Print the configuration, if needed PrintStartingConfiguration(); // Retrieve a reference for the scripts, starting from the GameObjects of the scene sensorScript = Sensor.GetComponentInChildren <SensorScript>(); targetScript = Target.GetComponentInChildren <VGOTarget>(); // Init a new DataCollector dc = new DataCollector { taskName = "Habituation", AnimalName = animalName }; // Start a thread the waits for the user to start the experiment StartCoroutine(WaitForStart()); }