예제 #1
    protected void movesToward(VGDLSprite target)
        double distance = physics.distance(rect, target.rect);

        if (maxDistance >= 0 && distance > maxDistance)
            //We have a maximum distance set up, and the target is further than that.
            // -> We don't react to this target.

        foreach (var act in VGDLUtils.BASEDIRS)
            //Calculate the distance if I'd apply this move.
            var r = new Rect(rect);
            r = r.translate(act.x, act.y);
            var newDist = physics.distance(r, target.rect);

            //depending on getting me closer/farther, if I'm fleeing/chasing, add move:
            if (fleeing && distance < newDist)

            if (!fleeing && distance > newDist)
예제 #2
    public override VGDLMovementTypes passiveMovement(VGDLSprite sprite)
        if (sprite.isFirstTick)
            sprite.isFirstTick = false;

        //This needs to be thoroughly tested when continuous physics are added
        //Specially the returned type.

        if (sprite.speed != 0)
            sprite.updatePos(sprite.orientation, (int)sprite.speed);

            if (sprite.gravity > 0 && sprite.mass > 0 && !sprite.on_ground)
                Vector2 gravityAction = new Vector2(0, sprite.gravity * sprite.mass);
                activeMovement(sprite, gravityAction, 0);
            sprite.speed *= (1 - sprite.friction);
예제 #3
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with BounceForward interaction.");

        Vector2 dir = sprite2.lastDirection();


        if (sprite2.lastDirection().x *sprite2.orientation.x < 0)
            dir.x *= -1;

        if (sprite2.lastDirection().y *sprite2.orientation.y < 0)
            dir.y *= -1;

        sprite1.physics.activeMovement(sprite1, new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y), sprite2.speed);
        sprite1.orientation = new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y);
예제 #4
     * Updates the persistent observation of this sprite, or creates it if the
     * observation is new.
     * @param sprite sprite to take the observation from.
    private void updateObservation(VGDLSprite sprite)
        var  spriteId = sprite.spriteID;
        bool moved = false, newObs = false;

        var oldPosition = Vector2.negativeInfinity;

        Observation obs     = null;
        var         success = observations.TryGetValue(spriteId, out obs);

        if (success && obs != null)
            oldPosition = obs.position;
            var position = sprite.getPosition();
            moved        = !obs.position.Equals(position);
            obs.position = position;
            obs    = createSpriteObservation(sprite);
            newObs = true;

        updateGrid(obs, newObs, moved, oldPosition);
예제 #5
     * Determines if the collision is horizontal and/or vertical
     * @param sprite1 Sprite colliding
     * @param s2rect Collision colliding against.
     * @param g game
     * @return An array indicating if the collision is []{horizontal, vertical}.
    protected bool[] determineCollision(VGDLSprite sprite1, Rect s2rect, VGDLGame g)
        var intersec         = sprite1.rect.intersection(s2rect);
        var horizontalBounce = (sprite1.rect.height == intersec.height);
        var verticalBounce   = (sprite1.rect.width == intersec.width);

        if (!horizontalBounce && !verticalBounce)
            Vector2 vel = sprite1.getVelocity();

            //Distance on X, according to the direction of travel
            var distX = (vel.x == 0.0f) ?  Mathf.Abs(sprite1.lastrect.x - s2rect.x) :                        //Travelling vertically
                        ((vel.x > 0.0f) ?  Mathf.Abs((sprite1.lastrect.x + sprite1.rect.width) - s2rect.x) : //Going right
                         Mathf.Abs((s2rect.x + s2rect.width) - sprite1.lastrect.x));                         //Going left

            //Distance on Y, according to the direction of travel
            var distY = (vel.y == 0.0f) ?  Mathf.Abs(sprite1.lastrect.y - s2rect.y) :                         //Travelling laterally
                        ((vel.y > 0.0f) ?  Mathf.Abs((sprite1.lastrect.y + sprite1.rect.height) - s2rect.y) : //Going downwards
                         Mathf.Abs(sprite1.lastrect.y - (s2rect.y + s2rect.height)));                         //Going upwards

            var tX = Mathf.Abs(distX / vel.x);
            var tY = Mathf.Abs(distY / vel.y);
            horizontalBounce = (tX < tY);
            verticalBounce   = (tY < tX);

        return(new[] { horizontalBounce, verticalBounce });
예제 #6
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with TransformToSingleton interaction.");

        //First, transform all sprites in the game to the stype_other type.
        // (in theory, there should be only 1 or none).
        var sprites = game.getSprites(stype);

        foreach (var sprite in sprites)
            var otherSprite = game.addSprite(stype_other, sprite.getPosition());
            if (otherSprite != null)
                setSpriteFields(game, otherSprite, sprite);

        //Now, make the transformTo normal operation.
        var newSprite = game.addSprite(stype, sprite1.getPosition());

        if (newSprite != null)
            setSpriteFields(game, newSprite, sprite1);

            if (takeOrientation)
                var orientation = new Vector2(-sprite2.orientation.x, -sprite2.orientation.y);
                newSprite.is_oriented = true;
                newSprite.orientation = orientation;
예제 #7
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with AddHealthPoints interaction.");

        applyScore = false;
        if (sprite1.healthPoints + value < sprite1.limitHealthPoints)
            sprite1.healthPoints += value;

            if (sprite1.healthPoints > sprite1.maxHealthPoints)
                sprite1.maxHealthPoints = sprite1.healthPoints;

            applyScore = true;

            if (killSecond && sprite2 != null)
                //boolean variable set to false to indicate the sprite was not transformed
                game.killSprite(sprite2, false);
예제 #8
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with SpawnBehind interaction.");

        if (Random.value >= prob)
        var currentPos = Vector2.negativeInfinity;

        if (stepBack)
            currentPos = sprite2.getLastPosition();
            currentPos = sprite2.getPosition();
        var dir = new Vector2(-1, 0) * game.block_size;

        if (currentPos != Vector2.negativeInfinity)
            Vector2 nextPos = currentPos + dir;
            game.addSprite(stype, nextPos);
예제 #9
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        var timeEffect = new VGDLTimeEffect(this);

예제 #10
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with TransformIfCount interaction.");

        var numSpritesCheck = game.getNumberOfSprites(stypeCount);

        applyScore = false;
        count      = false;
        countElse  = false;
        if (numSpritesCheck <= leq && numSpritesCheck >= geq)
            var newSprite = game.addSprite(stype, sprite1.getPosition(), true);
            doTransformTo(newSprite, sprite1, sprite2, game);
            applyScore = true;
            count      = true;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(estype))
            var newSprite = game.addSprite(estype, sprite1.getPosition(), true);
            doTransformTo(newSprite, sprite1, sprite2, game);
            countElse = true;
예제 #11
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither 1st not 2nd sprite can be EOS with AttractGaze interaction.");

        if (sprite1.is_oriented && sprite2.is_oriented)
            if (Random.value < prob)
                sprite1.orientation = sprite2.orientation;

                if (align)
                    if (sprite1.orientation.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.LEFT.getDirection()) || sprite1.orientation.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.RIGHT.getDirection()))
                        //Need to align on the Y coordinate.
                        sprite1.rect = new Rect(sprite1.rect.x, sprite2.rect.y,
                                                sprite1.rect.width, sprite1.rect.height);
                        //Need to align on the X coordinate.
                        sprite1.rect = new Rect(sprite2.rect.x, sprite1.rect.y,
                                                sprite1.rect.width, sprite1.rect.height);
예제 #12
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with CollectResourceIfHeld interaction.");

        if (sprite1.is_resource)
            var r = (Resource)sprite1;
            applyScore = false;

            //Check if we have the secondary resource first
            var numResourcesHeld = sprite2.getAmountResource(heldResource);
            if (numResourcesHeld < value)

            var numResources = sprite2.getAmountResource(r.resource_name);
            if (numResources + r.value <= game.getResourceLimit(r.resource_name))
                applyScore = true;
                sprite2.modifyResource(r.resource_name, r.value);

            if (killResource)
                //boolean variable set to false to indicate the sprite was not transformed
                game.killSprite(sprite1, false);
예제 #13
    public override VGDLMovementTypes activeMovement(VGDLSprite sprite, Vector2 action, float speed = -1)
        if (!sprite.stationary)
            if (speed == 0)
                if (sprite.speed <= 0)
                    speed = 1;
                    speed = sprite.speed;

            if (speed != 0 && !action.Equals(Vector2.negativeInfinity) && !(action.Equals(Vector2.zero)))
                if (sprite.rotateInPlace)
                    bool change = sprite.updateOrientation(action);
                    if (change)

                if (sprite.updatePos(action, (int)(speed * gridSize.x)))
예제 #14
    protected Rect calculatePixelPerfect(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2)
        var spriteVector = new Vector2(sprite1.rect.center.x - sprite1.lastrect.center.x,
                                       sprite1.rect.center.y - sprite1.lastrect.center.y);


        if (spriteVector.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.DOWN.getDirection()))
            return(adjustDown(sprite1, sprite2));
        else if (spriteVector.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.RIGHT.getDirection()))
            return(adjustRight(sprite1, sprite2));
        else if (spriteVector.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.UP.getDirection()))
            return(adjustUp(sprite1, sprite2));
        else if (spriteVector.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.LEFT.getDirection()))
            return(adjustLeft(sprite1, sprite2));

예제 #15
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with KillIfFrontal interaction.");

        //Kills the sprite, only if they are going in opposite directions or sprite1 is static.
        var firstV = sprite1.lastDirection();
        var otherV = sprite2.lastDirection();


        //If the sum of the two vectors (normalized) is (0.0), directions are opposite.
        var sumDir   = new Vector2(firstV.x + otherV.x, firstV.y + otherV.y);
        var firstDir = new Vector2(firstV.x, firstV.y);

        applyScore = false;
        if (firstDir.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.NONE.getDirection()) || (sumDir.Equals(VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.NONE.getDirection())))
            applyScore = true;
            //boolean variable set to false to indicate the sprite was not transformed
            game.killSprite(sprite1, false);
예제 #16
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither 1st not 2nd sprite can be EOS with KillIfSlow interaction.");

        var relspeed = 0.0f;

        if (sprite1.is_static)
            relspeed = sprite2.speed;
        else if (sprite2.is_static)
            relspeed = sprite1.speed;
            var vvx = sprite1.orientation.x - sprite2.orientation.x;
            var vvy = sprite1.orientation.y - sprite2.orientation.y;
            var vv  = new Vector2(vvx, vvy);
            relspeed = vv.magnitude;
        if (relspeed < limspeed)
            game.killSprite(sprite1, false);
예제 #17
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with WrapAround interaction.");

        if (sprite1.orientation.x > 0)
            sprite1.rect.x = (int)(offset * sprite1.rect.width);
        else if (sprite1.orientation.x < 0)
            sprite1.rect.x = (int)(game.screenSize.x - sprite1.rect.width * (1 + offset));
        else if (sprite1.orientation.y > 0)
            sprite1.rect.y = (int)(offset * sprite1.rect.height);
        else if (sprite1.orientation.y < 0)
            sprite1.rect.y = (int)(game.screenSize.y - sprite1.rect.height * (1 + offset));

        sprite1.lastmove = 0;
예제 #18
    private void doReverse(VGDLSprite sprite1, Rect s2rect, VGDLGame g)
        var collisions       = determineCollision(sprite1, s2rect, g);
        var horizontalBounce = collisions[0];
        var verticalBounce   = collisions[1];

        Vector2 v;

        if (verticalBounce)
            v = new Vector2(sprite1.orientation.x, 0);
        else if (horizontalBounce)
            v = new Vector2(-sprite1.orientation.x, 0);
            //By default:
            v = new Vector2(-sprite1.orientation.x, 0);

        var mag = v.magnitude;

        sprite1.orientation = new Vector2(v.x, v.y);
        sprite1.speed       = sprite1.speed * mag;
        if (sprite1.speed < sprite1.gravity)
            sprite1.speed = sprite1.gravity;
예제 #19
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with CollectResource interaction.");

        if (!sprite1.is_resource)

        var r = (Resource)sprite1;

        applyScore = false;

        var numResources = sprite2.getAmountResource(r.resource_name);

        if (numResources >= game.getResourceLimit(r.resource_name))

        var topup = Mathf.Min(r.value, game.getResourceLimit(r.resource_name) - numResources);

        applyScore = true;
        sprite2.modifyResource(r.resource_name, topup);

        if (killResource)
            //boolean variable set to false to indicate the sprite was not transformed
            game.killSprite(sprite1, true);
예제 #20
    public override VGDLMovementTypes passiveMovement(VGDLSprite sprite)
        if (sprite.isFirstTick)
            sprite.isFirstTick = false;

        var speed = 1f;

        if (sprite.speed != -1)
            speed = sprite.speed;

        if (speed != 0 && sprite.is_oriented)
            if (sprite.updatePos(sprite.orientation, (int)(speed * gridSize.x)))

예제 #21
     * Creates the sprite observation of a given sprite.
     * @param sprite sprite to create the observation from.
     * @return the observation object.
    private Observation createSpriteObservation(VGDLSprite sprite)
        var         category = getSpriteCategory(sprite);
        Observation obs      = new Observation(sprite.getType(), sprite.spriteID, sprite.getPosition(), VGDLUtils.VGDLDirections.NIL.getDirection(), category);

        observations.Add(sprite.spriteID, obs);
예제 #22
 public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
     effectDelegate.execute(sprite1, sprite2, game);
     if (repeating)
예제 #23
    private Rect adjustDown(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2)
        //Sprite DOWN adjusts for overlap.
        var overlay = (sprite1.rect.y + sprite1.rect.height) - sprite2.rect.y;

        return(new Rect(sprite1.rect.x, sprite1.rect.y - overlay,
                        sprite1.rect.width, sprite1.rect.height));
예제 #24
    private Rect adjustRight(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2)
        //Sprite RIGHT adjusts for overlap.
        var overlay = (sprite1.rect.x + sprite1.rect.width) - sprite2.rect.x;

        return(new Rect(sprite1.rect.x - overlay, sprite1.rect.y,
                        sprite1.rect.width, sprite1.rect.height));
예제 #25
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null || sprite2 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Neither the 1st nor 2nd sprite can be EOS with PullWithIt interaction.");

        //Keep in the list, for the current cycle, the sprites that have triggered this event.
        var currentGameTime = game.getGameTick();

        if (currentGameTime > lastGameTime)
            lastGameTime = currentGameTime;

        //the event gets triggered only once per time-step on each sprite.
        if (spritesThisCycle.Contains(sprite1))


        //And go on.
        var r = sprite1.lastrect;
        var v = sprite2.lastDirection();


        var gridsize = 1f;

        if (sprite1.physicstype.CompareAndIgnoreCase(VGDLPhysics.GRID))
            GridPhysics gp = (GridPhysics)(sprite1.physics);
            gridsize = gp.gridSize.x;
            ContinuousPhysics gp = (ContinuousPhysics)(sprite1.physics);
            gridsize = gp.gridSize.x;

        sprite1.updatePos(new Vector2(v.x, v.y), (int)(sprite2.speed * gridsize));

        if (sprite1.physicstype.CompareAndIgnoreCase(VGDLPhysics.GRID))
            sprite1.rect.y      = sprite2.rect.y - sprite2.rect.height;
            sprite1.orientation = new Vector2(sprite1.orientation.x, 0.0f);

        sprite1.lastrect = new Rect(r);

        if (pixelPerfect)
            sprite1.rect = new Rect(sprite2.rect);
예제 #26
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        var current_rotation = ((sprite1.rotation + 2f * Math.PI) % (2f * Mathf.PI));

        if (!(current_rotation < 5.0f && current_rotation > 4.4f))
            game.killSprite(sprite1, false);
예제 #27
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with flipDirection interaction");

        sprite1.orientation = VGDLUtils.RandomCardinalDirection();
예제 #28
    public PathAltChaser(PathAltChaser from) : base(from)
        //Insert fields to be copied by copy constructor.

        randomTarget            = from.randomTarget;
        lastKnownTargetPosition = from.lastKnownTargetPosition;
        //NOTE: shouldn't this reference be updated from spriteID instead?
        lastTarget = from.lastTarget;
예제 #29
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with HalfSpeed interaction.");

        sprite1.speed *= 0.5f;
예제 #30
    public override void execute(VGDLSprite sprite1, VGDLSprite sprite2, VGDLGame game)
        if (sprite1 == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("1st sprite can't be EOS with shieldFrom interaction.");

        game.addShield(sprite1.getType(), stype, ftype.GetHashCode());