예제 #1
        public string CreatePVPTable(WowRealm _Realm, int _Count, PlayerColumn[] _Columns, Func <KeyValuePair <string, Player>, double> _SortLambda, Func <Player, bool> _RequirementLambda)
            int pageIndex = PageUtility.GetQueryInt(Request, "page", 1) - 1;//Change range from 0 to * instead of 1 to *

            bool needHistory = false;

            if (_Columns.Contains(PlayerColumn.RankChange))
                needHistory = true;

            string table = "<table id='characters-table' class='table'>";

            table += "<thead>" + PageUtility.CreatePlayerTableHeaderRow(_Columns) + "</thead>";
            table += "<tbody>";

            var playerArray         = DatabaseAccess.GetRealmPlayers(this, _Realm, NotLoadedDecision.RedirectAndWait).OrderByDescending(_SortLambda);
            var playersHistoryArray = DatabaseAccess._GetRealmPlayersHistory(this, _Realm, NotLoadedDecision.ReturnNull);
            int nr = 0;

            foreach (var player in playerArray)
                if (_RequirementLambda(player.Value) == true)
                    if (nr > pageIndex * _Count && nr <= (pageIndex + 1) * _Count)
                        if (needHistory == true)
                            VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.PlayerHistory playerHistory = null;
                            if (playersHistoryArray != null)
                                if (playersHistoryArray.TryGetValue(player.Key, out playerHistory) == false)
                                    playerHistory = null;
                            table += PageUtility.CreatePlayerRow(nr, _Realm, player.Value, _Columns, playerHistory);
                            table += PageUtility.CreatePlayerRow(nr, _Realm, player.Value, _Columns);
                if (nr >= (pageIndex + 1) * _Count)
            table += "</tbody></table>";

            if (nr != 0 && nr <= pageIndex * _Count)
                pageIndex = (nr - 1) / _Count;
                Response.Redirect(PageUtility.CreateUrlWithNewQueryValue(Request, "page", (pageIndex + 1).ToString()));
예제 #2
        internal static int CalculateHKChange(Player _Player, PlayerHistory _PlayerHistory)
            DateTime beforeLastRankUpdate = CalculateLastRankUpdadeDateUTC(_Player.Realm, _Player.LastSeen).AddHours(-1.0);
            var      lastweekHonorEntry   = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(beforeLastRankUpdate);

            var lastweekHonorData = lastweekHonorEntry.Data;

            if (lastweekHonorEntry.Uploader.GetTime() < CalculateLastRankUpdadeDateUTC(_Player.Realm, _Player.LastSeen).AddDays(-6.5))

            return((_Player.Honor.LifetimeHK - _Player.Honor.ThisWeekHK) - (lastweekHonorData.LifetimeHK - lastweekHonorData.ThisWeekHK));
예제 #3
        public static float CalculateRankChange(Player _Player, PlayerHistory _PlayerHistory)
            DateTime beforeLastRankUpdate = CalculateLastRankUpdadeDateUTC(_Player.Realm, _Player.LastSeen).AddHours(-1.0);
            var      lastweekHonorData    = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(beforeLastRankUpdate).Data;

            if (lastweekHonorData != null)
                return(_Player.GetRankTotal() - lastweekHonorData.GetRankTotal());
예제 #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pageNr    = PageUtility.GetQueryInt(Request, "page", 1);
            int pageIndex = pageNr - 1;//Change range from 0 to * instead of 1 to *
            int count     = PageUtility.GetQueryInt(Request, "count", 100);

            if (count > 500)
                count = 500;

            var realm = RealmControl.Realm;

            if (realm == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowRealm.Unknown)
            var wowVersion = StaticValues.GetWowVersion(realm);
            int itemID     = PageUtility.GetQueryInt(Request, "item", 19364);
            int suffixID   = PageUtility.GetQueryInt(Request, "suffix", 0);

            this.Title = "\"" + itemID + "\" ItemUsage @ " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + " | RealmPlayers";

            m_BreadCrumbHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddHome()
                                                 + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddFinish("ItemUsage"));

            var itemSummaryDB = Hidden.ApplicationInstance.Instance.GetItemSummaryDatabase();

            using (VF.SQLComm comm = new VF.SQLComm())
                List <Tuple <DateTime, string> > players = null;
                players = itemSummaryDB.GetItemUsage(realm, itemID, suffixID);//, out players) == true)
                    string currentItemDatabase = DatabaseAccess.GetCurrentItemDatabaseAddress();

                    var itemInfo = DatabaseAccess.GetItemInfo(itemID, wowVersion);
                    m_ItemUsageInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<div style='overflow: hidden; display: table;'><div style='display: table-cell;'><h1>Players with&nbsp;<h1></div>"
                                                            + "<div class='inventory' style='background: none; width: 58px; height: 58px; display: table-cell;'><div>"
                                                            + "<img class='itempic' src='" + "http://realmplayers.com/" + itemInfo.GetIconImageAddress() + "'/>"
                                                            + "<div class='quality' id='" + CharacterViewer.ItemQualityConversion[itemInfo.ItemQuality] + "'></div>"
                                                            + "<img class='itemframe' src='assets/img/icons/ItemNormalFrame.png'/>"
                                                            + CharacterViewer.GenerateItemLink(currentItemDatabase, itemID, suffixID, wowVersion)
                                                            + "</div></div>"
                                                            + "<span class='badge badge-inverse'>" + players.Count + " Players</span></div>" + "<p>Sorted by date \"aquired\"</p>");

                    Dictionary <PlayerColumn, string[]> extraColumns = new Dictionary <PlayerColumn, string[]>();
                    PlayerColumn ItemAndAquiredDateAfterColumn       = PlayerColumn.Number;
                    extraColumns.Add(ItemAndAquiredDateAfterColumn, new string[] { "Item", "Date Aquired" });
                    m_TableHeadHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.CreatePlayerTableHeaderRow(Table_Columns, extraColumns));

                    string tableBody = "";
                    int    nr        = 0;
                    Func <Tuple <DateTime, string>, DateTime> lambdaComparison = (_Tuple) => { return(_Tuple.Item1); };
                    players = players.OrderBy(lambdaComparison).ToList();
                    foreach (var playerDateAndName in players)
                        Player player = DatabaseAccess.FindRealmPlayer(this, realm, playerDateAndName.Item2);
                        if (player != null)
                            // style='position: absolute; margin: auto; width:58px; height:58px;'
                            if (nr > pageIndex * count && nr <= (pageIndex + 1) * count)
                                //string itemLink = "";
                                VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo playerItemData = null;
                                    playerItemData = player.Gear.Items.First((_Item) => { return(_Item.Value.ItemID == itemID); }).Value;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    playerItemData = null;
                                if (playerItemData != null)
                                    //Data fanns i gearen som playern använder för tillfället!
                                    //itemLink = currentItemDatabase + "?item=" + playerItemData.ItemID + "' rel='rand=" + playerItemData.SuffixID + ";ench=" + playerItemData.EnchantID;
                                    //Måste titta igenom history!
#if NO_SQL
                                    PlayerHistory playerHistory = DatabaseAccess.FindRealmPlayerHistory(this, realm, playerDateAndName.Item2);
                                    if (playerHistory != null)
                                        for (int i = playerHistory.GearHistory.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                                playerItemData = playerHistory.GearHistory[i].Data.Items.First((_Item) => { return(_Item.Value.ItemID == itemID); }).Value;
                                            catch (Exception)
                                                playerItemData = null;
                                            if (playerItemData != null)
                                                //Data fanns i gearen som playern använder för tillfället!
                                                //itemLink = currentItemDatabase + "?item=" + playerItemData.ItemID + "' rel='rand=" + playerItemData.SuffixID + ";ench=" + playerItemData.EnchantID;
                                    /*Disable this for now. it is too slow...*/
                                    //playerItemData = comm.GetLatestItemInfoForPlayer(playerDateAndName.Item2, realm, itemID);
                                if (playerItemData == null)
                                    playerItemData = new VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo {
                                        Slot = VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Unknown, ItemID = itemID, SuffixID = 0, EnchantID = 0, UniqueID = 0, GemIDs = null
                                extraColumns[ItemAndAquiredDateAfterColumn] = new string[] {
                                    "<div class='inventory' style='background: none; width: 58px; height: 58px;'><div>"
                                    + "<img class='itempic' src='" + "http://realmplayers.com/" + itemInfo.GetIconImageAddress() + "'/>"
                                    + "<div class='quality' id='" + CharacterViewer.ItemQualityConversion[itemInfo.ItemQuality] + "'></div>"
                                    + "<img class='itemframe' src='assets/img/icons/ItemNormalFrame.png'/>"
                                    + CharacterViewer.GenerateItemLink(currentItemDatabase, playerItemData, wowVersion)
                                    + "</div></div>"
                                    , playerDateAndName.Item1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                tableBody += PageUtility.CreatePlayerRow(nr, realm, player, Table_Columns, null, extraColumns);
                            if (nr >= (pageIndex + 1) * count)
                    if (nr != 0 && nr <= pageIndex * count)
                        pageIndex = (nr - 1) / count;
                        Response.Redirect(PageUtility.CreateUrlWithNewQueryValue(Request, "page", (pageIndex + 1).ToString()));
                    m_TableBodyHTML = new MvcHtmlString(tableBody);

                    int maxPageNr = 1000000 / count;
                    m_PaginationHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.CreatePagination(Request, pageNr, ((players.Count - 1) / count) + 1));
예제 #5
        public static List <HonorHKDay> GeneratePlayerHonor(PlayerHistory _PlayerHistory)
            DateTime dayAccuracyLoggingDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-08-02 01:00:00");
            DateTime firstTime = _PlayerHistory.HonorHistory.First().Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime();
            DateTime lastTime  = _PlayerHistory.HonorHistory.Last().Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime();

            firstTime = firstTime.AddHours(-firstTime.Hour);
            firstTime = firstTime.AddMinutes(-firstTime.Minute);
            //firstTime = firstTime.ToLocalTime();

            //lastTime = lastTime.AddHours(-lastTime.Hour);
            //lastTime = lastTime.AddMinutes(-lastTime.Minute);
            //lastTime = lastTime.ToLocalTime();

            List <HonorHKDay> dataList = new List <HonorHKDay>();
            int      totalDays         = (int)((lastTime - firstTime).TotalDays + 1);
            DateTime currentDate       = firstTime;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalDays; ++i)
                bool     todayAddedHKDay = false;
                DateTime researchDate    = currentDate.AddHours(23.59);
                var      honorItem       = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(researchDate);
                if ((researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalHours < 23.59)
                    dataList.Add(new HonorHKDay
                        m_DateTime     = currentDate
                        , m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.TodayHK
                        , m_Accuracy   = (int)(researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalHours
                        , m_HonorValue = -1
                        , m_HKValue    = honorItem.Data.TodayHK
                    todayAddedHKDay = true;
                researchDate = researchDate.AddHours(24.0);
                honorItem    = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(researchDate);
                if ((researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalHours < 23.59)
                    if (todayAddedHKDay == true)
                        var dataLast = dataList.Last();
                        if (dataLast.m_HKValue == honorItem.Data.YesterdayHK)
                            dataLast.m_HonorValue        = honorItem.Data.YesterdayHonor;
                            dataLast.m_BasedOn           = BasedOn.TodayHK_And_YesterdayHK;
                            dataLast.m_Accuracy          = (int)(researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalHours;
                            dataList[dataList.Count - 1] = dataLast;
                    dataList.Add(new HonorHKDay
                        m_DateTime     = currentDate
                        , m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.YesterdayHK
                        , m_Accuracy   = (int)(researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalHours
                        , m_HonorValue = honorItem.Data.YesterdayHonor
                        , m_HKValue    = honorItem.Data.YesterdayHK
                    todayAddedHKDay = true;
                if (todayAddedHKDay == false)
                    dataList.Add(new HonorHKDay
                        m_DateTime     = currentDate
                        , m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.Nothing
                        , m_Accuracy   = 0
                        , m_HonorValue = 0
                        , m_HKValue    = 0
                currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1.0);
            for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; ++i)
                var currData = dataList[i];
                if (currData.m_BasedOn == BasedOn.Nothing || (currData.m_DateTime < dayAccuracyLoggingDate && currData.m_HKValue == 0))
                    DateTime weekUpdateDate = DateTime_GotoSunday(currData.m_DateTime.AddDays(7));
                    DateTime researchDate   = weekUpdateDate.AddDays(6.95);
                    var      honorItem      = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(researchDate);
                    if ((researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalDays < 6.95)
                        currData.m_Accuracy   = (int)(researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalDays;
                        currData.m_HKValue    = honorItem.Data.LastWeekHK / 7;
                        currData.m_HonorValue = honorItem.Data.LastWeekHonor / 7;
                        currData.m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.LastWeekHK;
                        dataList[i]           = currData;
                        double currentDaysInThisWeek = (honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime() - DateTime_GotoSunday(currData.m_DateTime)).TotalDays;
                        if (currentDaysInThisWeek < 1.0)
                            currentDaysInThisWeek = 1.0;
                        currData.m_Accuracy   = (int)(researchDate - honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime()).TotalDays;
                        currData.m_HKValue    = (int)(honorItem.Data.ThisWeekHK / currentDaysInThisWeek);
                        currData.m_HonorValue = (int)(honorItem.Data.ThisWeekHonor / currentDaysInThisWeek);
                        currData.m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.ThisWeekHK;
                        dataList[i]           = currData;
                if (currData.m_HonorValue == -1)
                    DateTime weekUpdateDate        = DateTime_GotoSunday(currData.m_DateTime.AddDays(7));
                    DateTime researchDate          = weekUpdateDate.AddDays(6.95);
                    var      honorItem             = _PlayerHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(researchDate);
                    double   currentDaysInThisWeek = (honorItem.Uploader.GetTime().ToLocalTime() - DateTime_GotoSunday(currData.m_DateTime)).TotalDays;
                    if (currentDaysInThisWeek < 1.0)
                        currentDaysInThisWeek = 1.0;
                    currData.m_HonorValue = (int)(honorItem.Data.ThisWeekHonor / currentDaysInThisWeek);
                    currData.m_BasedOn    = BasedOn.ThisWeekHK;
                    dataList[i]           = currData;
예제 #6
        public static Dictionary <DateTime, List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo> > GenerateLatestReceivedItems(PlayerHistory _PlayerHistory, VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ExtraData _ExtraData, DateTime _EarliestDate)
            Dictionary <DateTime, List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo> > recvItems = new Dictionary <DateTime, List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo> >();
            List <int> itemIDs          = new List <int>();
            List <int> duplicateItemIDs = new List <int>();

            foreach (var gearHistoryItem in _PlayerHistory.GearHistory)
                DateTime historyDate = gearHistoryItem.Uploader.GetTime().Date;

                int oneRingID    = -1;
                int oneTrinketID = -1;
                int oneWeaponID  = -1;
                foreach (var item in gearHistoryItem.Data.Items)
                    int currItemID = item.Value.ItemID;
                    if (itemIDs.Contains(currItemID) == false)
                        if (historyDate > _EarliestDate)
                            recvItems.AddToList(historyDate, item.Value);
                        if (currItemID == oneRingID || currItemID == oneTrinketID || currItemID == oneWeaponID)
                            if (duplicateItemIDs.Contains(currItemID) == false)
                                if (historyDate > _EarliestDate)
                                    recvItems.AddToList(historyDate, item.Value);
                    if (item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Finger_1 || item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Finger_2)
                        oneRingID = currItemID;
                    else if (item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Trinket_1 || item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Trinket_2)
                        oneTrinketID = currItemID;
                    else if (item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Main_Hand || item.Key == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Off_Hand)
                        oneWeaponID = currItemID;
            if (_ExtraData != null)
                    foreach (var mount in _ExtraData.Mounts)
                        var mountRecvDateTime = mount.GetEarliestUpload().GetTime();
                        var mountItem         = new VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo {
                            ItemID = VF.ItemTranslations.FindItemID(mount.Mount), SuffixID = 0, EnchantID = 0, UniqueID = 0, GemIDs = null, Slot = VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemSlot.Unknown
                        recvItems.AddToList(mountRecvDateTime, mountItem);
                catch (Exception ex)
예제 #7
 public static Dictionary <DateTime, List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.ItemInfo> > GenerateLatestReceivedItems(PlayerHistory _PlayerHistory, DateTime _EarliestDate)
     return(GenerateLatestReceivedItems(_PlayerHistory, null, _EarliestDate));
예제 #8
        public static string CreateProgressStr(System.Web.UI.Page _Page, VF_RPDatabase.GuildSummary _Guild, WowRealm _Realm, out int _RetProgressComparisonValue)
            string mcString   = "";
            string onyString  = "";
            string bwlString  = "";
            string zgString   = "";
            string aq20String = "";
            string aq40String = "";
            string naxxString = "";
            string wbString   = "";

            _RetProgressComparisonValue = 0;

            VF_RDDatabase.GroupInfo guildRaidProgressInfo = null;
            var groupSummaryDB = Hidden.ApplicationInstance.Instance.GetGroupSummaryDatabase();
            if (groupSummaryDB != null)
                guildRaidProgressInfo = groupSummaryDB.GetGroupInfo(_Realm, _Guild.GuildName);
            if (guildRaidProgressInfo != null)
                    Dictionary <WowBoss, int> m_BestBossKillTimes = new Dictionary <WowBoss, int>();
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.MCFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.MCLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.OnyFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.OnyLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.BWLFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.BWLLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.ZGFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.ZGLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ20First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ20Last; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ40First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ40Last; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.NaxxFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.NaxxLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.WBFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.WBLast; ++i)
                        m_BestBossKillTimes.Add((WowBoss)i, int.MaxValue);

                    foreach (var bossKill in guildRaidProgressInfo.FastestBossKills)
                        if (bossKill.Value.Count > 0)
                            var wowBoss         = StaticValues.ConvertWowBoss(bossKill.Key);
                            int fastestKillTime = int.MaxValue;
                            foreach (var killInfo in bossKill.Value)
                                int currKillTime = killInfo.GetKillTimeSeconds();
                                if (currKillTime < fastestKillTime)
                                    fastestKillTime = currKillTime;
                            if (wowBoss == WowBoss.Renataki_Of_The_Thousand_Blades ||
                                wowBoss == WowBoss.Wushoolay_the_Storm_Witch ||
                                wowBoss == WowBoss.Gri_Lek_Of_The_Iron_Blood ||
                                wowBoss == WowBoss.Hazzarah_The_Dreamweaver)
                                wowBoss = WowBoss.Edge_Of_Madness;
                            if (m_BestBossKillTimes.ContainsKey(wowBoss) == true)
                                if (fastestKillTime < m_BestBossKillTimes[wowBoss])
                                    m_BestBossKillTimes[wowBoss] = fastestKillTime;
                                m_BestBossKillTimes.Add(wowBoss, fastestKillTime);

                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.MCFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.MCLast; ++i)
                        mcString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.OnyFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.OnyLast; ++i)
                        onyString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.BWLFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.BWLLast; ++i)
                        bwlString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.ZGFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.ZGLast; ++i)
                        zgString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ20First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ20Last; ++i)
                        aq20String += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ40First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ40Last; ++i)
                        aq40String += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.NaxxFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.NaxxLast; ++i)
                        naxxString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                    for (int i = (int)WowBoss.WBFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.WBLast; ++i)
                        wbString += ((m_BestBossKillTimes[(WowBoss)i] < int.MaxValue) ? "1" : "0");
                catch (Exception ex)
                var wowVersion = StaticValues.GetWowVersion(_Realm);
                Dictionary <WowBoss, int> m_MembersWithBossItems = new Dictionary <WowBoss, int>();
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.MCFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.MCLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.OnyFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.OnyLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.BWLFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.BWLLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.ZGFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.ZGLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ20First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ20Last; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ40First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ40Last; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.NaxxFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.NaxxLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.WBFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.WBLast; ++i)
                    m_MembersWithBossItems.Add((WowBoss)i, 0);

                var itemDropdatabase = DatabaseAccess.GetItemDropDatabase(_Page, wowVersion, NotLoadedDecision.RedirectAndWait).GetDatabase();
                var playersHistory   = DatabaseAccess._GetRealmPlayersHistory(_Page, _Realm, NotLoadedDecision.RedirectAndWait);
                foreach (var guildPlayer in _Guild.Players)
                    if (guildPlayer.Value.IsInGuild == false)
                    List <int> ignoredItems = new List <int>();
                    VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.PlayerHistory playerHistory = null;
                    if (playersHistory.TryGetValue(guildPlayer.Value.PlayerName, out playerHistory) == true)
                            if (playerHistory.HaveValidHistory() == false)
                            foreach (var gear in playerHistory.GearHistory)
                                bool isInGuild = (playerHistory.GetGuildItemAtTime(gear.Uploader.GetTime()).Data.GuildName == _Guild.GuildName);
                                foreach (var item in gear.Data.Items)
                                    if (ignoredItems.Contains(item.Value.ItemID))

                                    if (isInGuild == false)

                                    List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemDropDataItem> itemDropDataList = null;
                                    if (itemDropdatabase.TryGetValue(item.Value.ItemID, out itemDropDataList) == true)
                                        foreach (var itemDropData in itemDropDataList)
                                            WowBoss itemBoss = itemDropData.m_Boss;
                                            if (itemBoss == WowBoss.Renataki_Of_The_Thousand_Blades ||
                                                itemBoss == WowBoss.Wushoolay_the_Storm_Witch ||
                                                itemBoss == WowBoss.Gri_Lek_Of_The_Iron_Blood ||
                                                itemBoss == WowBoss.Hazzarah_The_Dreamweaver)
                                                itemBoss = WowBoss.Edge_Of_Madness;
                                            if (m_MembersWithBossItems.ContainsKey(itemBoss))
                                                m_MembersWithBossItems[itemBoss] = m_MembersWithBossItems[itemBoss] + 1;

                                            /*if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.MCFirst && itemBoss <= WowBoss.MCLast)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.OnyFirst && itemBoss <= WowBoss.OnyLast)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.BWLFirst && itemBoss <= WowBoss.BWLLast)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.ZGFirst && itemBoss <= WowBoss.ZGLast)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.AQ20First && itemBoss <= WowBoss.AQ20Last)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.AQ40First && itemBoss <= WowBoss.AQ40Last)
                                             * {}
                                             * else if (itemBoss >= WowBoss.NaxxFirst && itemBoss <= WowBoss.NaxxLast)
                                             * {}*/
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.ConsoleWriteLine("GuildList.aspx could not look through gear for player \"" + guildPlayer.Value.PlayerName + "\" Exception:" + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.MCFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.MCLast; ++i)
                    mcString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.OnyFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.OnyLast; ++i)
                    onyString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.BWLFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.BWLLast; ++i)
                    bwlString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.ZGFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.ZGLast; ++i)
                    zgString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ20First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ20Last; ++i)
                    aq20String += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.AQ40First; i <= (int)WowBoss.AQ40Last; ++i)
                    aq40String += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.NaxxFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.NaxxLast; ++i)
                    naxxString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
                for (int i = (int)WowBoss.WBFirst; i <= (int)WowBoss.WBLast; ++i)
                    wbString += ((m_MembersWithBossItems[(WowBoss)i] >= 2) ? "1" : "0");
            string oldMCstring   = mcString;
            string oldBWLstring  = bwlString;
            string oldZGstring   = zgString;
            string oldAQ20string = aq20String;
            string oldAQ40string = aq40String;
            string oldNaxxstring = naxxString;

            if (mcString[9] == '1') //If Ragnaros is killed, everything is killed
                mcString = "1111111111";
            else if (mcString[8] == '1') //If Majordomo is killed, everything up to Majordomo is killed
                mcString = "1111111110";

            if (bwlString[7] == '1') //If Nefarian is killed, everything is killed
                bwlString = "11111111";
            else if (bwlString.LastIndexOf('1') != -1)//If boss X is killed, everything up to boss X is killed
                bwlString = new string('1', bwlString.LastIndexOf('1') + 1) + bwlString.Substring(bwlString.LastIndexOf('1') + 1);

            if (zgString[5] == '1') //If Hakkar is killed, everything except optionals is killed
                zgString = "111111" + zgString.Substring(6);

            if (aq20String[2] == '1') //If Ossirian is killed, everything except optionals is killed
                aq20String = "111" + aq20String.Substring(3);

            if (aq40String[5] == '1') //If C'thun is killed, everything except optionals is killed
                aq40String = "111111" + aq40String.Substring(6);
            else if (aq40String.LastIndexOf('1', 5, 6) != -1) //If boss X is killed, everything up to boss X is killed
                aq40String = new string('1', aq40String.LastIndexOf('1', 5, 6) + 1) + aq40String.Substring(aq40String.LastIndexOf('1', 5, 6) + 1);

            if (naxxString[14] == '1')
                naxxString = "111111111111111";
            else if (naxxString[13] == '1')
                naxxString = "111111111111110";

            //if (oldMCstring != mcString)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
            //if (oldBWLstring != bwlString)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
            //if (oldZGstring != zgString)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
            //if (oldAQ20string != aq20String)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
            //if (oldAQ40string != aq40String)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
            //if (oldNaxxstring != naxxString)
            //    //take notes
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();

            _RetProgressComparisonValue = GuildProgress.CreateProgressInt(
                zgString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                aq20String.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                mcString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                onyString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                wbString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                bwlString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                aq40String.Count(_Char => _Char == '1'),
                naxxString.Count(_Char => _Char == '1')

            return("guildProgress['" + _Guild.GuildName.Replace(' ', '_') + "'] = { MC: '" + mcString
                   + "', Ony: '" + onyString
                   + "', BWL: '" + bwlString
                   + "', ZG: '" + zgString
                   + "', AQ20: '" + aq20String
                   + "', AQ40: '" + aq40String
                   + "', Naxx: '" + naxxString
                   + "', WB: '" + wbString + "' };");
예제 #9
        public static bool HasPlayerNameChanged(Dictionary <string, PlayerHistory> _PlayersHistory, string _Name, WowVersionEnum _WowVersion, out string _OldName)
            _OldName = _Name;
            PlayerHistory thisHistory = null;

            if (_PlayersHistory.TryGetValue(_Name, out thisHistory) == false)

            var lastCharHistory = thisHistory.CharacterHistory.Last();

            if (lastCharHistory.Data.Level < 60)
                return(false);//No one name changes a character below lvl 60 right?
            if (thisHistory.HonorHistory.Last().Data.LifetimeHK < 500)
                return(false);//If someone has less than 500 HKs they probably were not important to note, makes the algorithm faster if we can skip already here
            var firstCharHistory = thisHistory.CharacterHistory.First();

            if (firstCharHistory.Data.Level < 60)
                return(false); //Assume false for now, only care about 60s from nowhere

                 * //This player have level history, check if the history makes sense
                 * for(int i = thisHistory.CharacterHistory.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                 * {
                 *  var charHistory = thisHistory.CharacterHistory[i];
                 *  if(charHistory.Data.Level < 60)
                 *  {
                 *      int beforelevel60Hks = thisHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(charHistory.Uploader.GetTime()).Data.LifetimeHK;
                 *      int afterlevel60HKs = thisHistory.GetHonorItemAtTime(thisHistory.CharacterHistory[i+1].Uploader.GetTime()).Data.LifetimeHK;
                 *      if(beforelevel60Hks > afterlevel60HKs)
                 *      {
                 *          return true;//This is very strange, return true so that we can review this at another time
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          if(beforelevel60Hks < 500 && afterlevel60HKs >
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * return false;
                var firstHonorHistory = thisHistory.HonorHistory.First();
                if (firstHonorHistory.Data.LifetimeHK < 500)
                    return(false); //If someone had less than 500 HKs when transfering they probably were not important to note, makes the algorithm faster if we can skip already here
                DateTime earliestPlayerTime = firstHonorHistory.Uploader.GetTime();

                List <KeyValuePair <string, PlayerHistory> > candidates = new List <KeyValuePair <string, PlayerHistory> >();
                foreach (var playerHistory in _PlayersHistory)
                    if (playerHistory.Value.CharacterHistory.Count < 1 ||
                        playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Count < 1 ||
                        playerHistory.Value.GearHistory.Count < 1)

                    if (playerHistory.Value.CharacterHistory.Last().Data.Class != lastCharHistory.Data.Class)
                        continue;//It is not possible to change class, so ignore all that arnt same class
                    if (playerHistory.Value.GetLatestDateTime() < earliestPlayerTime)
                        //Only possible if they were not updated after(assuming no other character have been made in the old name yet)
                        if (playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Last().Data.LifetimeHighestRank != firstHonorHistory.Data.LifetimeHighestRank)
                            continue; //Must have same LifetimehighestRank
                        if (playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Last().Data.LifetimeHK <= firstHonorHistory.Data.LifetimeHK)
                            //Only possible if they did not have more HKs(cant go backwards in lifetime HK count)

                            int hkDiff = firstHonorHistory.Data.LifetimeHK - playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Last().Data.LifetimeHK;
                            if (hkDiff > 300)
                                continue; //Too big difference, hard to calculate
                            if (hkDiff != 0)
                                hkDiff -= firstHonorHistory.Data.ThisWeekHK;
                                if (hkDiff != 0)
                                    hkDiff -= firstHonorHistory.Data.LastWeekHK;
                                    if (hkDiff != 0)
                                        hkDiff += playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Last().Data.ThisWeekHK + playerHistory.Value.HonorHistory.Last().Data.LastWeekHK;
                            if (hkDiff == 0)
                                //Very high chance of being the correct player

                                if (playerHistory.Key != _Name)
                                    //Only add if "not this" for obvious reasons
                                    //This check is placed all the way inside here for small performance gain
                if (candidates.Count == 0)
                    return(false);//No HK matches
                var firstGearHistory = thisHistory.GearHistory.First();
                foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                    var  candidateLastGearHistory = candidate.Value.GearHistory.Last();
                    bool allGearSame = true;
                    foreach (var item in firstGearHistory.Data.Items)
                        if (candidateLastGearHistory.Data.Items.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                            if (candidateLastGearHistory.Data.Items[item.Key].ItemID != item.Value.ItemID)
                                allGearSame = false;
                    if (allGearSame == true)
                        //Extremely high chance of this being the correct one! good enough for me!
                        _OldName = candidate.Key;
                        if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.ContainsKey(_Name) == false)
                            if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.TryAdd(_Name, _OldName) == true)
                                Logger.ConsoleWriteLine("Name Change Detected: " + _OldName + "->" + _Name, ConsoleColor.Green);
                        //Can still be the correct candidate
                        //if atleast 80% of the gear equipped exists in the candidates history we have found our guy!
                        if (StaticValues.GetFaction(candidate.Value.CharacterHistory.First().Data.Race) != StaticValues.GetFaction(lastCharHistory.Data.Race))
                            //If faction is different we need to exclude all PVP items
                            var itemDropDatabase = DatabaseAccess.GetItemDropDatabase(null, _WowVersion, NotLoadedDecision.SpinWait).GetDatabase();
                            int itemCount        = 0;//firstGearHistory.Data.Items.Count;
                            foreach (var item in firstGearHistory.Data.Items)
                                List <VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.ItemDropDataItem> itemDropInfoList = null;
                                if (itemDropDatabase.TryGetValue(item.Value.ItemID, out itemDropInfoList) == true)
                                    bool wasPvpItem = false;
                                    foreach (var itemdropInfo in itemDropInfoList)
                                        if (((int)itemdropInfo.m_Boss >= (int)VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowBoss.PVPOffsetFirst &&
                                             (int)itemdropInfo.m_Boss <= (int)VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowBoss.PVPOffsetLast) ||
                                            ((int)itemdropInfo.m_Boss >= (int)VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowBoss.PVPSetFirst &&
                                             (int)itemdropInfo.m_Boss <= (int)VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowBoss.PVPSetLast))
                                            wasPvpItem = true;
                                    if (wasPvpItem == true)
                                if (candidate.Value.HaveItem(item.Value) == true)//Pretty expensive, but whatever!
                            if ((float)itemCount / (float)firstGearHistory.Data.Items.Count > 0.75f)
                                _OldName = candidate.Key;
                                if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.ContainsKey(_Name) == false)
                                    if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.TryAdd(_Name, _OldName) == true)
                                        Logger.ConsoleWriteLine("Name Change Detected: " + _OldName + "->" + _Name, ConsoleColor.Green);
                            int itemCount = 0;//firstGearHistory.Data.Items.Count;
                            foreach (var item in firstGearHistory.Data.Items)
                                if (candidate.Value.HaveItem(item.Value) == true)//Pretty expensive, but whatever!
                            if ((float)itemCount / (float)firstGearHistory.Data.Items.Count > 0.75f)
                                _OldName = candidate.Key;
                                if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.ContainsKey(_Name) == false)
                                    if (sm_PlayerNameChanged.TryAdd(_Name, _OldName) == true)
                                        Logger.ConsoleWriteLine("Name Change Detected: " + _OldName + "->" + _Name, ConsoleColor.Green);

예제 #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pageView = RealmPlayersServer.PageUtility.GetQueryString(Request, "view", "players");
            var    realm    = PageUtility.GetQueryRealm(Request);

            if (realm == WowRealm.Unknown)
            var wowVersion = StaticValues.GetWowVersion(realm);

            string guildStr = PageUtility.GetQueryString(Request, "guild");

            var realmDB        = DatabaseAccess.GetRealmPlayers(this, realm);
            var guildSummaryDB = Hidden.ApplicationInstance.Instance.GetGuildSummaryDatabase();
            var guild          = guildSummaryDB.GetGuildSummary(realm, guildStr);// DatabaseAccess.GetRealmGuild(this, realm, guildStr, NotLoadedDecision.RedirectAndWait);

            if (guild == null)

            this.Title = guildStr + " @ " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + " | RealmPlayers";

            m_ProgressInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<div id='" + guild.GuildName.Replace(' ', '_') + "-Progress'></div>");

            var    membersArray            = guild.GetMembers();
            var    orderedPlayersArray     = membersArray.OrderBy((player) => { return(player.Item2.History.Last().GuildRankNr); });
            int    progressComparisonValue = 0;
            string guildProgressData       = GuildList.CreateProgressStr(this, guild, realm, out progressComparisonValue);

            m_GuildScriptData = new MvcHtmlString("<script>var guildProgress = new Array();" + guildProgressData + "</script>");

            if (pageView == "players")
                m_BreadCrumbHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddHome()
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddRealm(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuilds(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddFinish(guild.GuildName));

                m_GuildInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<h1><img src='assets/img/icons/ui-pvp-"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + ".png'/><span class='"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + "-color'>" + guild.GuildName
                                                    + "</span><span class='badge badge-inverse'>" + membersArray.Count + " Members</span></h1>"
                                                    + "<p>Guild on the server " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmViewing(realm) + "</p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/GuildViewer.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "&view=latestevents'>View Latest Events</a></p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/RaidStats/RaidList.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View recorded raids on RaidStats</a></p>");

                string page = "";
                foreach (var player in orderedPlayersArray)
                    page += PageUtility.CreatePlayerRow(0, realm, player.Item1, Table_Columns);
                m_CharactersTableHeadHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.CreatePlayerTableHeaderRow(Table_Columns));
                m_CharactersTableBodyHTML = new MvcHtmlString(page);
            else if (pageView == "latestmembers")
                m_BreadCrumbHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddHome()
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddRealm(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuilds(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuild(realm, guild.GuildName)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddFinish("Latest Members"));

                m_GuildInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<h1><img src='assets/img/icons/ui-pvp-"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + ".png'/><span class='"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + "-color'>" + guild.GuildName
                                                    + "</span><span class='badge badge-inverse'>" + membersArray.Count + " Members</span></h1>"
                                                    + "<p>Guild on the server " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmViewing(realm) + "</p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/GuildViewer.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View Members</a></p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/RaidStats/RaidList.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View recorded raids on RaidStats</a></p>");
            else if (pageView == "latestitems")
                m_BreadCrumbHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddHome()
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddRealm(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuilds(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuild(realm, guild.GuildName)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddFinish("Latest Items"));

                m_GuildInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<h1><img src='assets/img/icons/ui-pvp-"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + ".png'/><span class='"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + "-color'>" + guild.GuildName
                                                    + "</span><span class='badge badge-inverse'>" + membersArray.Count + " Members</span></h1>"
                                                    + "<p>Guild on the server " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmViewing(realm) + "</p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/GuildViewer.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View Members</a></p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/RaidStats/RaidList.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View recorded raids on RaidStats</a></p>");
            else if (pageView == "latestevents")
                m_BreadCrumbHTML = new MvcHtmlString(PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddHome()
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddRealm(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuilds(realm)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddGuild(realm, guild.GuildName)
                                                     + PageUtility.BreadCrumb_AddFinish("Latest Events"));

                m_GuildInfoHTML = new MvcHtmlString("<h1><img src='assets/img/icons/ui-pvp-"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + ".png'/><span class='"
                                                    + StaticValues.GetFactionCSSName(guild.Faction) + "-color'>" + guild.GuildName
                                                    + "</span><span class='badge badge-inverse'>" + membersArray.Count + " Members</span></h1>"
                                                    + "<p>Guild on the server " + StaticValues.ConvertRealmViewing(realm) + "</p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/GuildViewer.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View Members</a></p>"
                                                    + "<p><a href='/RaidStats/RaidList.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&guild=" + guildStr + "'>View recorded raids on RaidStats</a></p>");

            if (pageView == "latestmembers" || pageView == "latestevents")
                var guildSummary = Hidden.ApplicationInstance.Instance.GetGuildSummary(realm, guildStr);
                if (guildSummary == null)

                var statusChanges = guildSummary.GenerateLatestStatusChanges(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-14));

                string latestmembersStr = "";
                foreach (var sChange in statusChanges)
                    if (realmDB.ContainsKey(sChange.Player))
                        var playerData = realmDB[sChange.Player];

                        string statusChangeDescription = "";
                        if (sChange.FromStatus == null || sChange.FromStatus.IsInGuild == false)
                            if (sChange.ToStatus.IsInGuild == true)
                                statusChangeDescription = "Added to the Guild as Rank \"" + sChange.ToStatus.GuildRank + "\"";
                        else if (sChange.ToStatus.IsInGuild == false)
                            statusChangeDescription = "Removed from the Guild";
                            statusChangeDescription = "Changed Rank From \"" + sChange.FromStatus.GuildRank + "\" to \"" + sChange.ToStatus.GuildRank + "\"";

                        latestmembersStr += PageUtility.CreateTableRow(""
                                                                       , PageUtility.CreateTableColumn(PageUtility.CreateColorCodedPlayerLink(realm, playerData))
                                                                       + PageUtility.CreateTableColumn("<div style='overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;'>" + statusChangeDescription + "</div>")
                                                                       + PageUtility.CreateTableColumn("<div style='overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;'>" + sChange.ToStatus.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "</div>"));
                m_LatestMembersHTML = new MvcHtmlString(latestmembersStr);

            if (pageView == "latestitems" || pageView == "latestevents")
                List <Tuple <DateTime, Player, List <Tuple <PlayerItemInfo, ItemInfo> > > > latestItems = new List <Tuple <DateTime, Player, List <Tuple <PlayerItemInfo, ItemInfo> > > >();

                var realmHistory = DatabaseAccess._GetRealmPlayersHistory(this, realm, NotLoadedDecision.SpinWait);
                foreach (var data in orderedPlayersArray)
                    Player        player        = data.Item1;
                    PlayerHistory playerHistory = null;
                    if (realmHistory.TryGetValue(player.Name, out playerHistory) == true)
                        var recvItems = HistoryGenerator.GenerateLatestReceivedItems(playerHistory, DateTime.MinValue);

                        var orderedRecvItems = recvItems.OrderByDescending(_Value => _Value.Key);
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (var recvItem in orderedRecvItems)
                            if (i++ > 10)

                            List <Tuple <PlayerItemInfo, ItemInfo> > newestItems = new List <Tuple <PlayerItemInfo, ItemInfo> >();
                            foreach (var item in recvItem.Value)
                                var itemInfo = DatabaseAccess.GetItemInfo(item.ItemID, wowVersion);
                                if (itemInfo.ItemQuality >= 4) //Atleast epic(4)
                                    newestItems.Add(Tuple.Create(item, itemInfo));
                            if (newestItems.Count > 0)
                                latestItems.Add(Tuple.Create(recvItem.Key, player, newestItems));

                string latestItemsStr = "";
                    var itemSummaryDB = Hidden.ApplicationInstance.Instance.GetItemSummaryDatabase();

                    string currentItemDatabase = DatabaseAccess.GetCurrentItemDatabaseAddress();

                    var orderedLatestItems = latestItems.OrderByDescending((_Value) => _Value.Item1);

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var recvItem in orderedLatestItems)
                        if (i++ > 100)

                        int recvItemIndex = 0;
                        int xMax          = 58 * 3;
                        int yMax          = (int)((recvItem.Item3.Count - 1) / 3) * 58;

                        yMax += 58;
                        string itemLinks = "<div class='inventory' style='background: none; width: " + xMax + "px; height: " + yMax + "px;'>";
                        foreach (var item in recvItem.Item3)
                            int xPos = (recvItemIndex % 3) * 58;
                            int yPos = (int)(recvItemIndex / 3) * 58;
                            //string itemLink = currentItemDatabase + "?item=" + item.Item1.ItemID + "' rel='rand=" + item.Item1.SuffixID + ";ench=0";

                            var itemInfo = item.Item2;
                            itemLinks += "<div style='background: none; width: 58px; height: 58px;margin: " + yPos + "px " + xPos + "px;'>"
                                         + "<img class='itempic' src='" + "http://realmplayers.com/" + itemInfo.GetIconImageAddress() + "'/>"
                                         + "<div class='quality' id='" + CharacterViewer.ItemQualityConversion[itemInfo.ItemQuality] + "'></div>"
                                         + "<img class='itemframe' src='assets/img/icons/ItemNormalFrame.png'/>"
                                         + CharacterViewer.GenerateItemLink(currentItemDatabase, item.Item1, wowVersion);

                            var itemUsageCount = itemSummaryDB.GetItemUsageCount(realm, item.Item1);
                            itemLinks += "<a class='itemplayersframe' href='ItemUsageInfo.aspx?realm=" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(realm) + "&item=" + item.Item1.ItemID + (item.Item1.SuffixID != 0 ? "&suffix=" + item.Item1.SuffixID : "") + "'>" + itemUsageCount + "</a>";
                            itemLinks += "</div>";

                        itemLinks      += "</div>";
                        latestItemsStr += PageUtility.CreateTableRow(""
                                                                     , PageUtility.CreateTableColumn(itemLinks)
                                                                     + PageUtility.CreateTableColumn(PageUtility.CreateColorCodedPlayerLink(realm, recvItem.Item2))
                                                                     + PageUtility.CreateTableColumn("<div style='overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;'>" + recvItem.Item1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "</div>"));
                m_LatestItemsHTML = new MvcHtmlString(latestItemsStr);