public static bool CheckIfCanUpgrade(PlayerAction_Build __instance, int objId, int grade, int upgrade, ref bool __result) { ItemProto itemProto = __instance.noneTool.GetItemProto(objId); if (itemProto.ID != GigaStationsPlugin.ils.ID && itemProto.ID != GigaStationsPlugin.pls.ID && itemProto.ID != GigaStationsPlugin.collector.ID) // not my stations { return(true); } if (grade == 1 || upgrade < 0) { __result = false; VFAudio.Create("ui-error", null,, true, 5); if (VFInput._buildConfirm.onDown || GameMain.gameTick % 10L == 0L) { UIRealtimeTip.Popup("CantDowngradeWarn".Translate(), false); } return(false); } return(true); }
// This function is based on PlayerAction_Mine.GameTick public void DroneGameTick() { double powerFactor = 0.01666666753590107; PlanetFactory factory = this.player.factory; if (factory == null) { // This has only been seen briefly when the Render Distance mod is transitioning to or from a planet view. return; } double miningEnergyCost = this.player.mecha.miningPower * powerFactor; double energyAvailable; float fractionOfEnergyAvailable; this.player.mecha.QueryEnergy(miningEnergyCost, out energyAvailable, out fractionOfEnergyAvailable); int miningTime = (int)(this.player.mecha.miningSpeed * configSpeedScaleFactor * fractionOfEnergyAvailable * 10000f + 0.49f); VegeData vegeData = factory.GetVegeData(this.miningId); this.miningProtoId = (int)vegeData.protoId; VegeProto vegeProto = LDB.veges.Select((int)vegeData.protoId); if (vegeProto != null) { this.miningTick += miningTime; this.player.mecha.coreEnergy -= energyAvailable; this.player.mecha.MarkEnergyChange(5, -miningEnergyCost); this.percent = Mathf.Clamp01((float)((double)this.miningTick / (double)(vegeProto.MiningTime * 10000))); if (this.miningTick >= vegeProto.MiningTime * 10000) { System.Random random = new System.Random( + ((this.player.planetData.seed & 16383) << 14)); bool inventoryOverflowFlag = false; int popupQueueIndex = 0; for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < vegeProto.MiningItem.Length; itemIdx++) { float randomMiningChance = (float)random.NextDouble(); if (randomMiningChance < vegeProto.MiningChance[itemIdx]) { int minedItem = vegeProto.MiningItem[itemIdx]; int minedItemCount = (int)((float)vegeProto.MiningCount[itemIdx] * (vegeData.scl.y * vegeData.scl.y) + 0.5f); if (minedItemCount > 0 && LDB.items.Select(minedItem) != null) { int inventoryOverflowCount = this.player.package.AddItemStacked(minedItem, minedItemCount); if (inventoryOverflowCount != 0) { UIItemup.Up(minedItem, inventoryOverflowCount); UIRealtimeTip.PopupItemGet(minedItem, inventoryOverflowCount, vegeData.pos + vegeData.pos.normalized, popupQueueIndex++); } else // Unable to fit all items { inventoryOverflowFlag = true; } } } } VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vegeProto.MiningEffect, vegeData.pos, vegeData.rot); VFAudio.Create(vegeProto.MiningAudio, null, vegeData.pos, true); factory.RemoveVegeWithComponents(; GameMain.gameScenario.NotifyOnVegetableMined((int)vegeData.protoId); this.miningType = EObjectType.Entity; // This change will cause the mission to be completed. this.miningId = 0; if (inventoryOverflowFlag) { //Logger.LogInfo("Inventory overflow detected."); } this.miningTick = 0; } } else { //Logger.LogInfo("null vegeProto. Icarus likely removed clearing target."); this.miningType = EObjectType.Entity; // This change will cause the mission to be completed. this.miningId = 0; this.miningTick = 0; this.percent = 0f; factory.RemoveVegeWithComponents(; } }
public static bool DetermineBuildPreviewsPrefix(ref PlayerAction_Build __instance) { CommandState cmd = __instance.controller.cmd; //__instance.waitConfirm = false; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; if (__instance.handPrefabDesc == null) { if (cmd.mode == 4) { int[] consumeRegister = GameMain.statistics.production.factoryStatPool[__instance.factory.index].consumeRegister; if (__instance.reformSize < 1) { __instance.reformSize = 1; } else if (__instance.reformSize > 30) { __instance.reformSize = 30; } if ((__instance.reformCenterPoint - __instance.player.position).sqrMagnitude > __instance.player.mecha.buildArea * __instance.player.mecha.buildArea) { if (!VFInput.onGUI) { __instance.cursorText = "目标超出范围".Translate(); __instance.cursorWarning = true; UICursor.SetCursor(ECursor.Ban); } } else { if (!VFInput.onGUI) { UICursor.SetCursor(ECursor.Reform); } bool flag24 = false; if (VFInput._reformPlusKey.onDown) { if (__instance.reformSize < 30) { __instance.reformSize++; flag24 = true; for (int num61 = 0; num61 < __instance.reformSize * __instance.reformSize; num61++) { __instance.reformIndices[num61] = -1; } } } else if (VFInput._reformMinusKey.onDown && __instance.reformSize > 1) { __instance.reformSize--; flag24 = true; } float radius = 0.99094594f * (float)__instance.reformSize; int num62 = __instance.factory.ComputeFlattenTerrainReform(__instance.reformPoints, __instance.reformCenterPoint, radius, __instance.reformPointsCount, 3f, 1f); if (__instance.cursorValid && !VFInput.onGUI) { if (num62 > 0) { string soilCount = num62.ToString(); if (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled) { soilCount = "0"; } //Debug.Log("IF"); __instance.cursorText = string.Concat(new string[] { "沙土消耗".Translate(), " ", soilCount, " ", "个沙土".Translate(), "\n", "改造大小".Translate(), __instance.reformSize.ToString(), "x", __instance.reformSize.ToString(), (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled) ? "\n (Free Soil is Enabled)" : string.Empty, (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeFoundationEnabled) ? "\n(Free Foundations is Enabled)" : string.Empty }); } else if (num62 == 0) { __instance.cursorText = "改造大小".Translate() + __instance.reformSize.ToString() + "x" + __instance.reformSize.ToString() + ((FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled) ? "\n (Free Soil is Enabled)" : string.Empty) + ((FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeFoundationEnabled) ? "\n(Free Foundations is Enabled)" : string.Empty); } else { int num63 = -num62; string soilCount = num63.ToString(); if (!FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.collectSoilEnabled) { soilCount = "0"; } //Debug.Log("ELSE"); __instance.cursorText = string.Concat(new string[] { "沙土获得".Translate(), " ", soilCount, " ", "个沙土".Translate(), "\n", "改造大小".Translate(), __instance.reformSize.ToString(), "x", __instance.reformSize.ToString(), (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled) ? "\n (Free Soil is Enabled)" : string.Empty, (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeFoundationEnabled) ? "\n(Free Foundations is Enabled)" : string.Empty }); } if (VFInput._buildConfirm.pressing) { bool flag25 = false; if (VFInput._buildConfirm.onDown) { flag25 = true; __instance.reformMouseOnDown = true; } if (__instance.reformMouseOnDown) { __instance.inReformOperation = true; if (__instance.reformChangedPoint.x != __instance.reformCenterPoint.x || __instance.reformChangedPoint.y != __instance.reformCenterPoint.y || __instance.reformChangedPoint.z != __instance.reformCenterPoint.z || flag24) { bool doItFoundation = true; if (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeFoundationEnabled) { doItFoundation = __instance.handItem.BuildMode == 4; } else { doItFoundation = __instance.handItem.BuildMode == 4 && __instance.player.package.GetItemCount(__instance.handItem.ID) + __instance.player.inhandItemCount >= __instance.reformPointsCount; } if (doItFoundation) { bool doItSoil = false; if (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled || !FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.collectSoilEnabled) { doItSoil = __instance.player.sandCount >= 0; } else { doItSoil = __instance.player.sandCount - num62 >= 0; } //num64 = 100000; if (doItSoil) { //Debug.Log(num62); __instance.factory.FlattenTerrainReform(__instance.reformCenterPoint, radius, __instance.reformSize, __instance.veinBuried, 3f); VFAudio.Create("reform-terrain", null, __instance.reformCenterPoint, true); if (num62 < 0) { if (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.collectSoilEnabled) { __instance.player.SetSandCount(__instance.player.sandCount - num62); } else { __instance.player.SetSandCount(__instance.player.sandCount); } } else { if (FreeFoundationsFreeSoilPlugin.freeSoilEnabled) { __instance.player.SetSandCount(__instance.player.sandCount); } else { __instance.player.SetSandCount(__instance.player.sandCount - num62); } } int num65 = __instance.reformSize * __instance.reformSize; for (int num66 = 0; num66 < num65; num66++) { int num67 = __instance.reformIndices[num66]; PlatformSystem platformSystem = __instance.factory.platformSystem; if (num67 >= 0) { int num68 = platformSystem.GetReformType(num67); int num69 = platformSystem.GetReformColor(num67); if (num68 != __instance.reformType || num69 != __instance.reformColor) { __instance.factory.platformSystem.SetReformType(num67, __instance.reformType); __instance.factory.platformSystem.SetReformColor(num67, __instance.reformColor); } } } int num70 = __instance.reformPointsCount; if (__instance.player.inhandItemCount > 0) { int num71 = (__instance.reformPointsCount >= __instance.player.inhandItemCount) ? __instance.player.inhandItemCount : __instance.reformPointsCount; __instance.player.UseHandItems(num71); num70 -= num71; } int id = __instance.handItem.ID; consumeRegister[id] += __instance.reformPointsCount; __instance.player.package.TakeTailItems(ref id, ref num70, false); GameMain.gameScenario.NotifyOnBuild(__instance.player.planetId, __instance.handItem.ID, 0); } else if (flag25) { //Debug.Log("No1"); UIRealtimeTip.Popup("沙土不足".Translate(), true, 0); } } else if (flag25) { //Debug.Log("No2"); UIRealtimeTip.Popup("物品不足".Translate(), true, 1); } } } else { __instance.inReformOperation = false; } __instance.reformChangedPoint = __instance.reformCenterPoint; } else { __instance.inReformOperation = false; __instance.reformChangedPoint =; __instance.reformMouseOnDown = false; } } } } else { // Just do original code instead return(true); } __instance.ClearBuildPreviews(); } else { return(true); } if (!flag) { UIRoot.instance.uiGame.CloseInserterBuildTip(); } if (!flag2) { UIRoot.instance.uiGame.beltBuildTip.SetOutputEntity(0, -1); UIRoot.instance.uiGame.CloseBeltBuildTip(); } // Don't execute original put original above instead? return(false); }
public static bool CalculatePositions(BuildTool_BlueprintPaste tool, List <ReformData> reforms, Color[] colors) { ReformBPUtils.currentGrid = tool.factory.planet.aux.mainGrid; PlanetData planet = tool.factory.planet; PlatformSystem platformSystem = tool.factory.platformSystem; Vector3 center =; tmpPoints.Clear(); foreach (ReformData preview in reforms) { ReformBPUtils.GetSegmentCount(preview.latitude, preview.longitude, out float latCount, out float longCount, out int segmentCount); longCount = Mathf.Repeat(longCount, segmentCount); int reformIndex = platformSystem.GetReformIndexForSegment(latCount, longCount); if (reformIndex < 0) { continue; } int type = platformSystem.GetReformType(reformIndex); if (platformSystem.IsTerrainReformed(type)) { continue; } Vector3 pos = BlueprintUtils.GetDir(preview.longitude, preview.latitude); pos *= planet.realRadius + 0.2f; tmpPoints.Add(pos); center += pos; } int cost = ReformBPUtils.ComputeFlattenTerrainReform(tool.factory, tmpPoints, center); if (NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive) { IMultiplayerSession session = NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession; if (!session.Factories.IsIncomingRequest.Value && !CheckItems(tool, cost, tmpPoints.Count)) { return(false); } if (session.LocalPlayer.IsHost) { int planetId = session.Factories.EventFactory?.planetId ?? GameMain.localPlanet?.id ?? -1; session.Network.SendPacketToStar(new ReformPasteEventPacket(planetId, reforms, colors, session.Factories.PacketAuthor == NebulaModAPI.AUTHOR_NONE ? session.LocalPlayer.Id : session.Factories.PacketAuthor), GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(planetId); } //If client builds, he need to first send request to the host and wait for reply if (!session.LocalPlayer.IsHost && !session.Factories.IsIncomingRequest.Value) { session.Network.SendPacket(new ReformPasteEventPacket(GameMain.localPlanet?.id ?? -1, reforms, colors, session.Factories.PacketAuthor == NebulaModAPI.AUTHOR_NONE ? session.LocalPlayer.Id : session.Factories.PacketAuthor)); return(true); } } else { if (!CheckItems(tool, cost, tmpPoints.Count)) { return(false); } } if (colors != null && colors.Length > 0) { ApplyColors(tool, colors); } ReformBPUtils.FlattenTerrainReform(tool.factory, tmpPoints, center); VFAudio.Create("reform-terrain", null, center, true, 4); foreach (ReformData preview in reforms) { ReformBPUtils.GetSegmentCount(preview.latitude, preview.longitude, out float latCount, out float longCount, out int segmentCount); longCount = Mathf.Repeat(longCount, segmentCount); int reformIndex = platformSystem.GetReformIndexForSegment(latCount, longCount); if (reformIndex < 0) { continue; } int reformType = platformSystem.GetReformType(reformIndex); int reformColor = platformSystem.GetReformColor(reformIndex); if (reformType == preview.type && reformColor == preview.color) { continue; } platformSystem.SetReformType(reformIndex, preview.type); platformSystem.SetReformColor(reformIndex, preview.color); } return(true); }
public static void Update() { if (buildMenu == null || !buildMenu.childGroup.gameObject.activeSelf) { return; } if (buildMenu.currentCategory < 1 || buildMenu.currentCategory >= 9) { return; } if (CustomKeyBindSystem.GetKeyBind("ClearBuildBar").keyValue) { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (!buildMenu.childButtons[i].isPointerEnter) { continue; } int buildIndex = buildMenu.currentCategory * 100 + i; ConfigEntry <int> result = customBarBind.Bind("BuildBarBinds", buildIndex.ToString(), 0, "Cleared by player"); result.Value = 0; UIBuildMenu.protos[buildMenu.currentCategory, i] = default; buildMenu.SetCurrentCategory(buildMenu.currentCategory); VFAudio.Create("ui-click-0", null,, true); return; } } if (!CustomKeyBindSystem.GetKeyBind("ReassignBuildBar").keyValue) { return; } for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F1 + (j - 1)) && VFInput.inScreen && !VFInput.inputing) { int buildIndex = buildMenu.currentCategory * 100 + j; UIItemPickerExtension.Popup(pickerPos, proto => { if (proto != null && proto.ID != 0) { ConfigEntry <int> result = customBarBind.Bind("BuildBarBinds", buildIndex.ToString(), proto.ID, $"Item: {proto.Name.Translate()}"); result.Value = proto.ID; UIBuildMenu.protos[buildMenu.currentCategory, j] = proto; buildMenu.SetCurrentCategory(buildMenu.currentCategory); VFAudio.Create("ui-click-0", null,, true); } }, true, proto => proto.ModelIndex != 0 && proto.CanBuild); UIRoot.instance.uiGame.itemPicker.OnTypeButtonClick(2); return; } } }
public static void MineVegetable(VegeMined packet) { if (!remotePlayersModels.TryGetValue((ushort)packet.PlayerId, out RemotePlayerModel pModel)) { Debug.Log("FAILED TO SYNC VEGE DATA"); } PlanetData planet = GameMain.galaxy?.PlanetById(pModel.Movement.localPlanetId); if (planet == null) { return; } if (packet.isVegetable) // Trees, rocks, leaves, etc { VegeData vData = (VegeData)planet.factory?.GetVegeData(packet.MiningID); VegeProto vProto = LDB.veges.Select((int)vData.protoId); if (vProto != null && == GameMain.localPlanet?.id) { VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, vData.rot); VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true); } planet.factory?.RemoveVegeWithComponents(; } else // veins { VeinData vData = (VeinData)planet.factory?.GetVeinData(packet.MiningID); VeinProto vProto = LDB.veins.Select((int)vData.type); if (vProto != null) { if (planet.factory?.veinPool[packet.MiningID].amount > 0) { VeinData[] vPool = planet.factory?.veinPool; PlanetData.VeinGroup[] vGroups = planet.factory?.planet.veinGroups; long[] vAmounts = planet.veinAmounts; vPool[packet.MiningID].amount -= 1; vGroups[(int)vData.groupIndex].amount -= 1; vAmounts[(int)vData.type] -= 1; if ( == GameMain.localPlanet?.id) { VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, Maths.SphericalRotation(vData.pos, 0f)); VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true); } } else { PlanetData.VeinGroup[] vGroups = planet.factory?.planet.veinGroups; vGroups[vData.groupIndex].count -= 1; if ( == GameMain.localPlanet?.id) { VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, Maths.SphericalRotation(vData.pos, 0f)); VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true); } planet.factory?.RemoveVeinWithComponents(; } } } }
public void UpdateState(PlayerAnimationUpdate packet) { bool anyMovingAnimationActive = rootAnimation.RunSlow.enabled || rootAnimation.RunFast.enabled || rootAnimation.Fly.enabled || rootAnimation.Sail.enabled || rootAnimation.Drift.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftF.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftL.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftR.enabled || !IsGrounded(); bool anyDriftActive = rootAnimation.Drift.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftR.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftL.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftF.enabled; bool fireParticleOkay = psys != null && psysr != null && (psys[0] != null && psys[1] != null && psysr[0] != null && psysr[1] != null); if (anyMovingAnimationActive) { UpdateExtraSoundEffects(packet); if (fireParticleOkay) { if ((!rootAnimation.RunSlow.enabled && !rootAnimation.RunFast.enabled) || anyDriftActive || rootAnimation.Sail.enabled) { for (int i = 0; i < psys.Length; i++) { if (!psys[i].isPlaying) { psys[i].Play(); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < psys.Length; j++) { if (psys[j].isPlaying) { psys[j].Stop(); } } StopAllFlyAudio(); PlayFootsteps(); } for (int i = 0; i < psysr.Length; i++) { if (rootAnimation.RunSlow.enabled || rootAnimation.RunFast.enabled) { if (rootAnimation.RunFast.weight != 0) { // when flying over the planet psysr[i].lengthScale = Mathf.Lerp(-3.5f, -8f, Mathf.Max(packet.horzSpeed, packet.vertSpeed) * 0.04f); } else { // when "walking" over water and moving in air without button press or while "walking" over water psysr[i].lengthScale = Mathf.Lerp(-3.5f, -8f, Mathf.Max(packet.horzSpeed, packet.vertSpeed) * 0.03f); } } if (rootAnimation.Drift.enabled) { // when in air without pressing spacebar psysr[i].lengthScale = -3.5f; if (driftAudio == null) { driftAudio = VFAudio.Create("drift", base.transform,, false); driftAudio?.Play(); } } else { if (driftAudio != null) { driftAudio.Stop(); driftAudio = null; } } if (rootAnimation.Fly.enabled) { // when pressing spacebar but also when landing (Drift is disabled when landing) psysr[i].lengthScale = Mathf.Lerp(-3.5f, -10f, Mathf.Max(packet.horzSpeed, packet.vertSpeed) * 0.03f); if (flyAudio0 == null) { flyAudio0 = VFAudio.Create("fly-atmos", base.transform,, false); flyAudio0.Play(); } } else { if (flyAudio0 != null) { flyAudio0.Stop(); flyAudio0 = null; } } if (rootAnimation.Sail.enabled) { psysr[i].lengthScale = Mathf.Lerp(-3.5f, -10f, Mathf.Max(packet.horzSpeed, packet.vertSpeed) * 15f); if (flyAudio1 == null) { flyAudio1 = VFAudio.Create("fly-space", base.transform,, false); flyAudio1.Play(); } } else { if (flyAudio1 != null) { flyAudio1.Stop(); flyAudio1 = null; } } } } } else { if (fireParticleOkay) { for (int i = 0; i < psys.Length; i++) { if (psys[i].isPlaying) { psys[i].Stop(); } } StopAllFlyAudio(); } } if (torchEffect != null && rootAnimation.Mining0.weight > 0.99f) { if (!torchEffect.isPlaying && miningAudio == null) { torchEffect.Play(); miningAudio = VFAudio.Create("mecha-mining", base.transform,, false); miningAudio?.Play(); } } else if (torchEffect != null && rootAnimation.Mining0.weight <= 0.99f) { if (torchEffect.isPlaying) { torchEffect.Stop(); miningAudio?.Stop(); miningAudio = null; } } }
// collision with vegetation, landing sound effect private void UpdateExtraSoundEffects(PlayerAnimationUpdate packet) { if (localPlanetId < 0) { return; } if (localPlanetId > 0) { PlanetData pData = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(localPlanetId); PlanetPhysics pPhys = (pData != null) ? pData.physics : null; PlanetFactory pFactory = (pData != null) ? pData.factory : null; float tmpMaxAltitude = rootTransform.localPosition.magnitude - pData.realRadius; if (tmpMaxAltitude > 1000f) { tmpMaxAltitude = 1000f; } if (rootAnimation.RunSlow.enabled || rootAnimation.RunFast.enabled || rootAnimation.Drift.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftF.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftR.enabled || rootAnimation.DriftL.enabled) { bool ground = IsGrounded(); if (DriftDetermineInWater(pData)) { if (maxAltitude > 1f && pData.waterItemId > 0) { VFAudio audio = VFAudio.Create("landing-water", base.transform,, false, 0); audio.volumeMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp01(maxAltitude / 5f + 0.5f); audio.Play(); PlayFootstepEffect(true, 0f, true); PlayFootstepEffect(false, 0f, true); } maxAltitude = 0f; } if (ground && maxAltitude > 3f) { VFAudio audio = VFAudio.Create("landing", base.transform,, false, 0); audio.volumeMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp01(maxAltitude / 25f + 0.5f); audio.Play(); maxAltitude = 0f; } if (!ground && tmpMaxAltitude > maxAltitude) { maxAltitude = tmpMaxAltitude; } } else { maxAltitude = 15f; } // NOTE: the pPhys can only be loaded if the player trying to load it has the planet actually loaded (meaning he is on the same planet or near it) if (pPhys != null && pFactory != null && packet.horzSpeed > 5f) { int number = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(base.transform.localPosition, 1.8f, collider, 1024, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { int colId = pPhys.nearColliderLogic.FindColliderId(collider[i]); ColliderData cData = pPhys.GetColliderData(colId); if (cData.objType == EObjectType.Vegetable && cData.objId > 0) { VegeData vData = pFactory.vegePool[cData.objId]; VegeProto vProto = LDB.veges.Select((int)vData.protoId); if (vProto != null && vProto.CollideAudio > 0 && vegeCollideColdTime <= 0) { VFAudio.Create(vProto.CollideAudio, base.transform,, true, 0); vegeCollideColdTime = UnityEngine.Random.value * 0.23f + 0.1f; } } } } } if (vegeCollideColdTime > 0) { vegeCollideColdTime -= Time.deltaTime * 2; } else { vegeCollideColdTime = 0; } }
public void Update() { if (isWarping) { WarpState += 0.0055655558f; if (WarpState > 1f) { WarpState = 1f; } } else { WarpState -= 0.06667667f; if (WarpState < 0f) { WarpState = 0f; } } Vector4 playerRot = new Vector4(rootTransform.rotation.x, rootTransform.rotation.y, rootTransform.rotation.z, rootTransform.rotation.w); if (WarpState > 0.001f && !warpEffectActivated) { for (int i = 0; i < warpRotations.Length; i++) { warpRotations[i] = playerRot; } VFAudio.Create("warp-begin", base.transform,, true, 0); ToggleEffect(true); } else if (WarpState == 0 && warpEffectActivated) { VFAudio.Create("warp-end", base.transform,, true, 0); ToggleEffect(false); } Array.Copy(warpRotations, 0, warpRotations, 1, warpRotations.Length - 1); warpRotations[0] = playerRot; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = astrosParticles.emission; ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule velocityOverTime = astrosParticles.velocityOverLifetime; ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shape = astrosParticles.shape; Vector3 lhs = velocity.normalized; // to compute the emission we would need to know the players local star, so default to this for now emission.rateOverTime = 120f; velocityOverTime.speedModifierMultiplier = 20000f; velocityOverTime.x = (float)lhs.x; velocityOverTime.y = (float)lhs.y; velocityOverTime.z = (float)lhs.z; shape.position = lhs * 10000.0f; shape.rotation = rootTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; distortRenderer.GetComponent <Transform>().localRotation = rootTransform.rotation; nebulasRenderer.GetComponent <Transform>().localRotation = rootTransform.rotation; float num1 = intensByState.Evaluate(WarpState); float num2 = intensByState_astro.Evaluate(WarpState); tunnelMat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", tunnelMul * num1); tunnelMat.SetVectorArray("_WarpRotations", warpRotations); distortMat.SetFloat("_DistortionStrength", distortMul * num1); astrosMat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", astrosMul * num2); nebulasMat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", nebulasMul * num2); }