protected float DifferentiableFunctionStream(FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory, ref VBuffer <float> xDense, ref VBuffer <float> grad, IProgressChannel pch)

            VBufferUtils.Clear(ref grad);
            VBufferUtils.Densify(ref grad);

            float[] scratch = null;
            double  loss    = 0;
            long    count   = 0;

            if (pch != null)
                pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(null, new[] { "examples" }), e => e.SetProgress(0, count));
            using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    loss += AccumulateOneGradient(ref cursor.Features, cursor.Label, cursor.Weight,
                                                  ref xDense, ref grad, ref scratch);

            // we need use double type to accumulate loss to avoid roundoff error
            // please see for roundoff error definition
            // finally we need to convert double type to float for function definition
        protected float DifferentiableFunctionComputeChunk(int ichk, ref VBuffer <float> xDense, ref VBuffer <float> grad, IProgressChannel pch)
            Contracts.Assert(0 <= ichk && ichk < _numChunks);

            VBufferUtils.Clear(ref grad);
            VBufferUtils.Densify(ref grad);

            float[] scratch = null;
            double  loss    = 0;
            int     ivMin   = _ranges[ichk];
            int     ivLim   = _ranges[ichk + 1];
            int     iv      = ivMin;

            if (pch != null)
                pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(null, new[] { "examples" }), e => e.SetProgress(0, iv - ivMin, ivLim - ivMin));
            for (iv = ivMin; iv < ivLim; iv++)
                float weight = _weights != null ? _weights[iv] : 1;
                loss += AccumulateOneGradient(ref _features[iv], _labels[iv], weight, ref xDense, ref grad, ref scratch);
            // we need use double type to accumulate loss to avoid roundoff error
            // please see for roundoff error definition
            // finally we need to convert double type to float for function definition
예제 #3
        //Project the covariance matrix A on to Omega: Y <- A * Omega
        //A = X' * X / n, where X = data - mean
        //Note that the covariance matrix is not computed explicitly
        private static void Project(IHost host, FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory cursorFactory, ref VBuffer <Float> mean, VBuffer <Float>[] omega, VBuffer <Float>[] y, out long numBad)
            Contracts.AssertValue(host, "host");
            host.Assert(Utils.Size(y) == omega.Length); // Size of Y and Omega: dimension x oversampled rank
            int numCols = omega.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; ++i)
                VBufferUtils.Clear(ref y[i]);

            bool  center = mean.IsDense;
            Float n      = 0;
            long  count  = 0;

            using (var pch = host.StartProgressChannel("Project covariance matrix"))
                using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                    pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "rows" }), e => e.SetProgress(0, count));
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        if (center)
                            VectorUtils.AddMult(ref cursor.Features, cursor.Weight, ref mean);
                        for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                                ref cursor.Features,
                                cursor.Weight * VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref omega[i], ref cursor.Features),
                                ref y[i]);
                        n += cursor.Weight;
                    numBad = cursor.SkippedRowCount;

            Contracts.Check(n > 0, "Empty training data");
            Float invn = 1 / n;

            for (var i = 0; i < numCols; ++i)
                VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref y[i], invn);

            if (center)
                VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref mean, invn);
                for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref mean, -VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref omega[i], ref mean), ref y[i]);