public async Task <IActionResult> PostNonPO([FromBody] VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel form) { try { VerifyUser(); _validateService.Validate(form); var id = await _service.CreateAsync(form); var result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.CREATED_STATUS_CODE, General.OK_MESSAGE).Ok(); return(Created(string.Concat(Request.Path, "/", id), result)); } catch (ServiceValidationException e) { var result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE, General.BAD_REQUEST_MESSAGE).Fail(e); return(BadRequest(result)); } catch (Exception e) { var result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, e.Message) .Fail(); return(StatusCode(General.INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, result)); } }
public void ShouldHaveError_Validate_When_DateDetail_HasNoValue() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel dto = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { VBNonPOType = "Dengan Nomor VB", Currency = new CurrencyViewModel() { Id = 1 }, VBDocument = new VBRequestDocumentNonPODto() { Id = 1 }, Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel() { DateDetail = null, } }, UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() }; var result = dto.Validate(null); Assert.True(0 < result.Count()); }
public void ShouldHaveError_Validate_When_IncomeTaxBy_NotExist() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel dto = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { Date = DateTimeOffset.Now, VBNonPOType = "Dengan Nomor VB", Currency = new CurrencyViewModel() { Id = 1 }, VBDocument = new VBRequestDocumentNonPODto() { Id = 1 }, Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel() { IsGetPPh = true, IncomeTax = new IncomeTaxViewModel() { Id = 1 }, DateDetail = DateTimeOffset.Now, } }, UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() }; var result = dto.Validate(null); Assert.True(0 < result.Count()); }
public virtual async Task <IActionResult> PutNonPO([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel form) { try { VerifyUser(); _validateService.Validate(form); if (id != form.Id) { Dictionary <string, object> Result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE, General.BAD_REQUEST_MESSAGE) .Fail(); return(BadRequest(Result)); } await _service.UpdateAsync(id, form); return(NoContent()); } catch (ServiceValidationException e) { Dictionary <string, object> Result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE, General.BAD_REQUEST_MESSAGE) .Fail(e); return(BadRequest(Result)); } catch (Exception e) { Dictionary <string, object> Result = new ResultFormatter(ApiVersion, General.INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, e.Message) .Fail(); return(StatusCode(General.INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, Result)); } }
private Tuple <string, int> GetDocumentNo(VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel form, VBRealizationDocumentModel existingData) { var now = form.Date.GetValueOrDefault().AddHours(_identityService.TimezoneOffset); var year = now.ToString("yy"); var month = now.ToString("MM"); var unitCode = "T"; if (form.Unit.Division.Name.ToUpper() == "GARMENT") { unitCode = "G"; } if (form.IsInklaring) { unitCode += "I"; } var documentNo = $"R-{unitCode}-{month}{year}-"; var index = 1; if (existingData != null) { index = existingData.Index + 1; } documentNo += string.Format("{0:000}", index); return(new Tuple <string, int>(documentNo, index)); }
public void ShouldHaveNoError_Validate_Data() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel dto = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { Date = DateTimeOffset.Now, VBNonPOType = "Dengan Nomor VB", Currency = new CurrencyViewModel() { Id = 1 }, Unit = new UnitViewModel() { Id = 1, Code = "Code", }, VBDocument = new VBRequestDocumentNonPODto() { Id = 1 }, Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel() { Amount = 1, Remark = "Remark", Total = 1, IsGetPPh = true, IncomeTax = new IncomeTaxViewModel() { Id = 1 }, DateDetail = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(-2), IncomeTaxBy = "Supplier" } }, UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel() { Amount = 1, IsSelected = true, Unit = new UnitViewModel() { Id = 1, } } } }; var result = dto.Validate(null); Assert.True(0 == result.Count()); }
public void ShouldSuccessInstantiate() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel viewModel = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { Type = VBType.NonPO, Index = 1 }; Assert.Equal(VBType.NonPO, viewModel.Type); Assert.Equal(1, viewModel.Index); }
public void ShouldHaveError_Validate_When_Data_Null() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel dto = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>(), UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() }; var result = dto.Validate(null); Assert.True(0 < result.Count()); }
private decimal GetPPhValueDanLiris(VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel viewModel) { decimal val = 0; foreach (var itm in viewModel.Items) { if (itm.IsGetPPh == true && itm.IncomeTaxBy != "Supplier") { val += itm.Amount * ((decimal)itm.IncomeTax.Rate.GetValueOrDefault() / 100); } } return(val); }
public VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel GetTestData_VBRealizationDocumentNonPO() { var data = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel { Active = true, Amount = 1, BLAWBNumber = "", CreatedAgent = "", LastModifiedAgent = "", ContractPONumber = "", CreatedBy = "", CreatedUtc = DateTime.Now, Currency = new CurrencyViewModel { Code = "", Description = "", Id = 1, Rate = 1, Symbol = "" }, Date = DateTime.Now, DocumentNo = "", DocumentType = RealizationDocumentType.NonVB, Id = 1, Index = 1, IsDeleted = false, IsInklaring = false, LastModifiedBy = "", LastModifiedUtc = DateTime.Now, Position = VBRealizationPosition.Purchasing, Remark = "", Type = VBType.NonPO, Unit = new UnitViewModel { Code = "", Division = new DivisionViewModel { Code = "", Id = 1, Name = "" }, Id = 1, Name = "", VBDocumentLayoutOrder = 1 }, VBNonPOType = "" }; return(data); }
public VBRealizationDocumentModel(VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel viewModel) { Type = VBType.NonPO; Index = viewModel.Index; DocumentNo = viewModel.DocumentNo; Date = viewModel.Date.GetValueOrDefault(); VBNonPoType = viewModel.VBNonPOType; Amount = viewModel.Amount; BLAWBNumber = viewModel.BLAWBNumber; ContractPONumber = viewModel.ContractPONumber; IsInklaring = viewModel.IsInklaring; if (viewModel.VBDocument != null && viewModel.VBDocument.Id > 0) { VBRequestDocumentId = viewModel.VBDocument.Id; VBRequestDocumentNo = viewModel.VBDocument.DocumentNo; VBRequestDocumentDate = viewModel.VBDocument.Date; VBRequestDocumentRealizationEstimationDate = viewModel.VBDocument.RealizationEstimationDate; VBRequestDocumentCreatedBy = viewModel.VBDocument.CreatedBy; VBRequestDocumentAmount = viewModel.VBDocument.Amount.GetValueOrDefault(); VBRequestDocumentPurpose = viewModel.VBDocument.Purpose; IsInklaring = viewModel.VBDocument.IsInklaring; } if (viewModel.Unit != null) { SuppliantUnitCode = viewModel.Unit.Code; SuppliantUnitId = viewModel.Unit.Id; SuppliantUnitName = viewModel.Unit.Name; if (viewModel.Unit.Division != null) { SuppliantDivisionCode = viewModel.Unit.Division.Code; SuppliantDivisionId = viewModel.Unit.Division.Id; SuppliantDivisionName = viewModel.Unit.Division.Name; } } if (viewModel.Currency != null) { CurrencyCode = viewModel.Currency.Code; CurrencyDescription = viewModel.Currency.Description; CurrencyId = viewModel.Currency.Id; CurrencyRate = viewModel.Currency.Rate; CurrencySymbol = viewModel.Currency.Symbol; } DocumentType = viewModel.DocumentType; Position = VBRealizationPosition.Purchasing; Remark = viewModel.Remark; }
public void ShouldHaveError_Validate_When_CurrencyId_Equal_Zero() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel dto = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { Currency = new CurrencyViewModel() { Id = 0 }, Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>(), UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() }; var result = dto.Validate(null); Assert.True(0 < result.Count()); }
public Task <int> UpdateAsync(int id, VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel model) { var data = _dbContext.VBRealizationDocuments.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id); model.Amount = model.Items.Sum(s => s.Total); data.SetRemark(model.Remark); data.SetAmount(model.Amount, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); if (data.VBRequestDocumentId != model.VBDocument.Id) { var newVBRequest = _dbContext.VBRequestDocuments.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == model.VBDocument.Id); var oldVBRequest = _dbContext.VBRequestDocuments.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == data.VBRequestDocumentId); if (newVBRequest != null) { newVBRequest.SetIsRealized(true, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); } if (oldVBRequest != null) { oldVBRequest.SetIsRealized(false, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); } } if (data.VBNonPoType == "Tanpa Nomor VB") { data.SetCurrency(model.Currency.Id, model.Currency.Code, model.Currency.Symbol, model.Currency.Rate, model.Currency.Description, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); data.SetUnit(model.Unit.Id, model.Unit.Code, model.Unit.Name, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); if (model.Unit != null) { data.SetDivision(model.Unit.Division.Id, model.Unit.Division.Code, model.Unit.Division.Name, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); } data.SetVBRequest(model.VBDocument.Id, model.VBDocument.DocumentNo, model.VBDocument.Date, model.VBDocument.RealizationEstimationDate, model.VBDocument.CreatedBy, model.VBDocument.Amount.GetValueOrDefault(), model.VBDocument.Purpose, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); } EditItems(id, model.Items); EditUnitCosts(id, model.UnitCosts); data.UpdatePosition(VBRealizationPosition.Purchasing, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); data.FlagForUpdate(_identityService.Username, UserAgent); return(_dbContext.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel GetNewData_VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel data = new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel() { IsInklaring = true, Amount = 145000, BLAWBNumber = "BL030AWB030", DocumentNo = "R-T-1020-018", ContractPONumber = "PO030", Currency = new CurrencyViewModel() { Code = "IDR", Description = "Description", Rate = 1, Symbol = "Rp", }, DocumentType = RealizationDocumentType.WithVB, Index = 1, Date = DateTimeOffset.Now, Position = Lib.BusinessLogic.VBRealizationDocumentExpedition.VBRealizationPosition.Cashier, Type = VBType.NonPO, Unit = new UnitViewModel() { Code = "Code", Division = new DivisionViewModel() { Code = "G", Name = "GARMENT", } }, VBDocument = new VBRequestDocumentNonPODto() { Id = 1, Amount = 10, ApprovalStatus = "CASHIER", NoBL = "NoBL", NoPO = "NoPO", SuppliantUnit = new UnitDto() { Code = "Code", Division = new DivisionDto() { Code = "G", Name = "GARMENT" } }, IsInklaring = true, Items = new List <VBRequestDocumentNonPOItemDto>() { new VBRequestDocumentNonPOItemDto() { Unit = new UnitDto() { Code = "Code", Division = new DivisionDto() { Name = "GARMENT", Code = "G" } } } }, DocumentNo = "R-T-1020-018", IsApproved = true, Currency = new CurrencyDto() { Code = "IDR", Rate = 1, Description = "Description", Symbol = "Rp", } }, UnitCosts = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOUnitCostViewModel() { Unit = new UnitViewModel() { Code = "Code", Division = new DivisionViewModel() { Code = "Code", Name = "Name" } }, } }, VBNonPOType = "Dengan Nomor VB", Items = new List <VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel>() { new VBRealizationDocumentNonPOExpenditureItemViewModel() { Amount = 145000, BLAWBNumber = "BL030AWB030", DateDetail = DateTimeOffset.Now, IncomeTax = new IncomeTaxViewModel() { Name = "Name", Rate = 1 } } } }; return(data); }
public MemoryStream GeneratePdfTemplate(VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel viewModel, int timeoffsset) { const int MARGIN = 20; const int MARGIN_VERTICAL = 10; Font header_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 18); Font normal_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 11); Font normal_font_8 = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 9); Font bold_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 11); Font bold_font_8 = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 8); Font note_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 8); Font bold_italic_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 12); Font Title_bold_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1250, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED, 13); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, MARGIN_VERTICAL, MARGIN_VERTICAL, MARGIN, MARGIN); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); document.Open(); #region Header PdfPTable headerTable_A = new PdfPTable(2); PdfPTable headerTable_B = new PdfPTable(1); PdfPTable headerTable_C = new PdfPTable(1); PdfPTable headerTable1 = new PdfPTable(1); PdfPTable headerTable2 = new PdfPTable(1); PdfPTable headerTable3 = new PdfPTable(7); PdfPTable headerTable3a = new PdfPTable(5); PdfPTable headerTable4 = new PdfPTable(2); headerTable_A.SetWidths(new float[] { 10f, 10f }); headerTable_A.WidthPercentage = 100; headerTable3.SetWidths(new float[] { 5f, 15f, 15f, 15f, 20f, 15f, 20f }); headerTable3.WidthPercentage = 110; headerTable3a.SetWidths(new float[] { 3f, 15f, 5f, 15f, 62f }); headerTable3a.WidthPercentage = 110; headerTable4.SetWidths(new float[] { 10f, 40f }); headerTable4.WidthPercentage = 100; PdfPCell cellHeader1 = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; 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PdfPCell cellHeaderBody4a = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; PdfPCell cellHeaderBody4b = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; PdfPCell cellHeaderBody5 = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; PdfPCell cellHeaderBody5a = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; PdfPCell cellHeaderBody6 = new PdfPCell() { }; cellHeader1.AddElement(headerTable1); headerTable_A.AddCell(cellHeader1); cellHeader2.AddElement(headerTable2); headerTable_A.AddCell(cellHeader2); document.Add(headerTable_A); cellHeaderBody.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody1a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellHeaderBody1a2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellHeaderBody1b.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody1b1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody1b2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody1c.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody3.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellHeaderBody4.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody4a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody4b.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody5.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellHeaderBody5a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cellHeaderBody6.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; // Document title cellHeaderBody2.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody2.Phrase = new Phrase("REALISASI VB INKLARING TANPA PO", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody2); // Document number cellHeaderBody3.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody3.Phrase = new Phrase($"{viewModel.DocumentNo}", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody3); // Realisasi VB Bagian cellHeaderBody3.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody3.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; // Override default to right cellHeaderBody3.Phrase = new Phrase($"Realisasi VB Bagian: {viewModel.Unit.Name}", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody3); // Tanggal cellHeaderBody3.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody3.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; // Override default to right cellHeaderBody3.Phrase = new Phrase($"Tanggal: {viewModel.Date?.AddHours(timeoffsset).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy", new CultureInfo("id-ID"))}", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody3); // New line cellHeaderBody3.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody3); // Table header cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("No", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("Tanggal", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 2; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("Keterangan", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 1; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("No. BL / AWB", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("Mata Uang", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase("Jumlah", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); int index = 1; /*decimal count_price = 0;*/ /*decimal total_all = 0;*/ decimal total_realization = 0; decimal ppn_manually = 0; decimal pph_supplier = 0; decimal pph_danliris = 0; var currencyCode = viewModel.Currency.Code; var currencydescription = viewModel.Currency.Description; foreach (var itm in viewModel.Items) { // No cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(index.ToString(), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); index++; // Tanggal cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(itm.DateDetail?.AddHours(timeoffsset).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); // Keterangan cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 2; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(itm.Remark, normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); // No. BL / AWB cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 1; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(itm.BLAWBNumber, normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); if (itm.IsGetPPn) { /*var temp = itm.Amount * 0.1m; * total_all = itm.Amount + temp;*/ ppn_manually += itm.PPnAmount; } /*else * { * total_all = itm.Amount; * }*/ if (itm.IsGetPPh) { if (itm.IncomeTaxBy == "Supplier") { pph_supplier += itm.PPhAmount; } else { pph_danliris += itm.PPhAmount; } } // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 1; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(itm.Amount.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // Override default to center headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); /*count_price += total_all;*/ total_realization += itm.Amount; } // Jumlah Realisasi cellHeaderBody1a.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody1a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1a.Phrase = new Phrase("Jumlah Realisasi", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1b.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1b); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1a.Phrase = new Phrase(total_realization.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a); // PPn cellHeaderBody1a1.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase("PPN", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1b1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1b1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase(ppn_manually.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // PPh ditanggung Dan Liris cellHeaderBody1a1.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase("PPh ditanggung Dan Liris", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1b1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1b1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase(pph_danliris.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // PPh ditanggung Supplier cellHeaderBody1a1.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase("PPh ditanggung Supplier", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1b1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1b1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1a1.Phrase = new Phrase(pph_supplier.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1a1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a1); // Total Keseluruhan cellHeaderBody1a2.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody1a2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody1a2.Phrase = new Phrase("Total", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a2); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1b2.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1b2); // Jumlah var grandTotal = total_realization + ppn_manually - pph_supplier; cellHeaderBody1a2.Phrase = new Phrase(grandTotal.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1a2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1a2); var vbDate = viewModel.VBDocument?.Date?.AddHours(timeoffsset).ToString("dd-MMMM-yy", new CultureInfo("id-ID")); if (viewModel.VBNonPOType == "Tanpa Nomor VB") { if (viewModel.VBDocument != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(viewModel.VBDocument?.DocumentNo)) { vbDate = viewModel.VBDocument?.Date?.AddHours(timeoffsset).ToString("dd-MMMM-yy", new CultureInfo("id-ID")); } else { vbDate = ""; } } // Tanggal VB cellHeaderBody6.Colspan = 3; cellHeaderBody6.Phrase = new Phrase($"Tanggal VB: {vbDate}", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody6); // No VB cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 2; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase($"No.VB: {viewModel.VBDocument?.DocumentNo}", normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); if (viewModel.VBDocument == null) { // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 1; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(0.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // Override default to center headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); } else { // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody1.Colspan = 1; cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody1.Phrase = new Phrase(viewModel.VBDocument?.Amount.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // Override default to center headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody1); } var priceterbilang = grandTotal; var res = grandTotal - (viewModel.VBDocument == null ? 0 : viewModel.VBDocument.Amount.GetValueOrDefault()); if (res > 0) { // Kurang cellHeaderBody5.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody5.Phrase = new Phrase("Kurang", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody5a.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5a); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody5a.Phrase = new Phrase(res.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")) + ")", normal_font); cellHeaderBody5a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // Override default to center headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5a); } else { // Sisa cellHeaderBody5.Colspan = 5; cellHeaderBody5.Phrase = new Phrase("Sisa", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5); // Mata Uang cellHeaderBody5a.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5a); // Jumlah cellHeaderBody5a.Phrase = new Phrase((res * -1).ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")), normal_font); cellHeaderBody5a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // Override default to center headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody5a); } string total = grandTotal.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")); // New Line cellHeaderBody4a.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody4a.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody4a); // Terbilang cellHeaderBody4a.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody4a.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody4a.Phrase = new Phrase("Terbilang: " + Nom(grandTotal, currencyCode, currencydescription), normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody4a); // New Line cellHeaderBody4a.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody4a.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody4a); // Beban Unit cellHeaderBody4.Colspan = 7; cellHeaderBody4.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cellHeaderBody4.Phrase = new Phrase("Beban Unit:", bold_font); headerTable3.AddCell(cellHeaderBody4); cellHeader3.AddElement(headerTable3); headerTable_B.AddCell(cellHeader3); cellHeader4.AddElement(headerTable4); headerTable_B.AddCell(cellHeader4); document.Add(headerTable_B); #endregion Header #region NewCheckbox var layoutOrderOther = viewModel.UnitCosts.ToList().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Unit.VBDocumentLayoutOrder == 10); var unitCost12 = viewModel.UnitCosts.ToList().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Unit.VBDocumentLayoutOrder == 12); if (unitCost12 != null) { unitCost12.Unit.VBDocumentLayoutOrder = 10; } if (layoutOrderOther != null) { layoutOrderOther.Unit.VBDocumentLayoutOrder = 12; } var items = viewModel.UnitCosts.Where(element => element.IsSelected).OrderBy(s => s.Unit.VBDocumentLayoutOrder).ToList(); List <PdfFormField> annotations = new List <PdfFormField>(); foreach (var item in items) { PdfPCell cellform = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER }; cellform.FixedHeight = 5f; // Initiate form checkbox PdfFormField _checkGroup = PdfFormField.CreateEmpty(writer); RadioCheckField _radioG; PdfFormField _radioField1; Rectangle kotak = new Rectangle(100, 100); _radioG = new RadioCheckField(writer, kotak, "abc", "Yes"); _radioG.CheckType = RadioCheckField.TYPE_CHECK; _radioG.BorderStyle = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID; _radioG.BorderColor = BaseColor.Black; _radioG.BorderWidth = BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_MEDIUM; _radioG.Checked = item.IsSelected; bool flag = item.IsSelected; _radioG.Rotation = 0; _radioG.Options = TextField.READ_ONLY; _radioField1 = _radioG.CheckField; cellform.CellEvent = new BebanUnitEvent(_checkGroup, _radioField1, 1); headerTable3a.AddCell(cellform); // Beban Unit Item if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Unit.Name)) { cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase("......", normal_font_8); } else { cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase(item.Unit.Name, normal_font_8); } cellHeaderBody.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font_8); if (!flag) { cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase($"...........", normal_font_8); headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); } else { var nom = item.Amount.ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("id-ID")); // Beban Unit Item Mata Uang cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase(currencyCode, normal_font_8); cellHeaderBody.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); // Beban Unit Item Nominal cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase(nom, normal_font_8); cellHeaderBody.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); } // Empty space cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font_8); headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); annotations.Add(_checkGroup); } for (var i = 0; i < 9 - (3 * (items.Count() % 3)); i++) { cellHeaderBody.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font); headerTable3a.AddCell(cellHeaderBody); } cellHeader3a.AddElement(headerTable3a); headerTable_C.AddCell(cellHeader3a); document.Add(headerTable_C); foreach (var annotation in annotations) { writer.AddAnnotation(annotation); } #endregion #region Footer PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(5) { WidthPercentage = 97 }; float[] widths = new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f }; table.SetWidths(widths); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell() { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, }; cell.Phrase = new Phrase(" ", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); // Menyetujui cell.Phrase = new Phrase("Menyetujui,", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); // Diperiksa cell.Phrase = new Phrase("Diperiksa,", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); // Mengetahui cell.Colspan = 2; cell.Phrase = new Phrase("Mengetahui,", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); // Pembuat laporan cell.Colspan = 1; cell.Phrase = new Phrase("Pembuat laporan,", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) { cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); } cell.Phrase = new Phrase("(..................)", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("(..................)", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("(..................)", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase($"(..................)", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); cell.Phrase = new Phrase($"({viewModel.CreatedBy})", normal_font); table.AddCell(cell); document.Add(table); #endregion Footer document.Close(); byte[] byteInfo = stream.ToArray(); stream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length); stream.Position = 0; return(stream); }
public async Task <int> CreateAsync(VBRealizationDocumentNonPOViewModel vm) { var internalTransaction = _dbContext.Database.CurrentTransaction == null; var transaction = !internalTransaction ? _dbContext.Database.CurrentTransaction : _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { string unitCode = GetDocumentUnitCode(vm.Unit.Division.Name.ToUpper(), vm.IsInklaring); var existingData = _dbContext.VBRealizationDocuments .Where(a => a.Date.AddHours(_identityService.TimezoneOffset).Month == vm.Date.GetValueOrDefault().AddHours(_identityService.TimezoneOffset).Month && a.Date.AddHours(_identityService.TimezoneOffset).Year == vm.Date.GetValueOrDefault().AddHours(_identityService.TimezoneOffset).Year && a.DocumentNo.StartsWith(unitCode)) .OrderByDescending(s => s.Index) .FirstOrDefault(); var documentNo = GetDocumentNo(vm, existingData); vm.DocumentNo = documentNo.Item1; vm.Index = documentNo.Item2; vm.Amount = vm.Items.Sum(s => s.Total); if (vm.VBNonPOType == "Dengan Nomor VB") { vm.DocumentType = RealizationDocumentType.WithVB; } else { vm.DocumentType = RealizationDocumentType.NonVB; } var model = new VBRealizationDocumentModel(vm); model.FlagForCreate(_identityService.Username, UserAgent); _dbContext.VBRealizationDocuments.Add(model); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var items = AddItems(model.Id, vm.Items); _dbContext.VBRealizationDocumentExpenditureItems.AddRange(items); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var unitCosts = AddUnitCosts(model.Id, vm.UnitCosts); _dbContext.VBRealizationDocumentUnitCostsItems.AddRange(unitCosts); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (vm.VBNonPOType == "Dengan Nomor VB") { var vbRequest = _dbContext.VBRequestDocuments.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == vm.VBDocument.Id); if (vbRequest != null) { vbRequest.SetIsRealized(true, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); } } await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (internalTransaction) { transaction.Commit(); } return(model.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { if (internalTransaction) { transaction.Rollback(); } throw ex; } }