public static bool ApproxEqual(Euclidean3d r0, Euclidean3d r1, double angleTol, double posTol) { return(V3d.ApproxEqual(r0.Trans, r1.Trans, posTol) && Rot3d.ApproxEqual(r0.Rot, r1.Rot, angleTol)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a circle from it's center, a normal vector (normalized) and a radius. /// </summary> public Circle3d(V3d center, V3d normal, double radius) { Center = center; Normal = normal; Radius = radius; }
/// <summary> /// Points within given distance of a point. /// </summary> public static PointsNearObject <V3d> QueryPointsNearPoint( this PointSet self, V3d query, double maxDistanceToPoint, int maxCount ) => QueryPointsNearPoint(self.Root.Value, query, maxDistanceToPoint, maxCount);
/// <summary> /// Projects a point from world-space to normalized device coordinates. /// </summary> public static Ndc3d Project(this IRenderView rv, V3d point) { var viewPoint = rv.View.ViewTrafo.Forward.TransformPos(point); return(rv.Projection.TransformPos(viewPoint)); }
public OrientedBox3d(Box3d box, Rot3d rot, V3d trans) { Box = box; Trafo = new Euclidean3d(rot, trans); }
public static CameraExtrinsics FromWorld2Camera(V3d angleAxis, V3d translation) => FromWorld2Camera((M33d)Rot3d.FromAngleAxis(angleAxis), translation);
public void CanAddNormals() { var r = new Random(); var storage = PointSetTests.CreateStorage(); var ps = new V3d[10000].SetByIndex(_ => new V3d(r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble())); var pointset = PointSet .Create(storage, "test", ps.ToList(), null, null, null, 5000, false, CancellationToken.None) .GenerateLod(ImportConfig.Default.WithKey("lod").WithOctreeSplitLimit(5000)) ; storage.Add("pss", pointset, CancellationToken.None); var withNormals = WithRandomNormals(pointset.Root.Value); storage.Add("psWithNormals", withNormals, CancellationToken.None); withNormals.ForEachNode(true, node => { if (node.IsLeaf) { Assert.IsTrue(node.HasNormals); Assert.IsTrue(!node.HasLodNormals); Assert.IsTrue(node.Normals.Value.Length == node.PointCount); } else { Assert.IsTrue(!node.HasNormals); Assert.IsTrue(node.HasLodNormals); Assert.IsTrue(node.LodNormals.Value.Length == node.LodPointCount); } // var binary = node.ToBinary(); var node2 = PointSetNode.ParseBinary(binary, storage); Assert.IsTrue(node.HasNormals == node2.HasNormals); Assert.IsTrue(node.HasLodNormals == node2.HasLodNormals); Assert.IsTrue(node.Normals?.Value?.Length == node2.Normals?.Value?.Length); Assert.IsTrue(node.LodNormals?.Value?.Length == node2.LodNormals?.Value?.Length); }); PointSetNode WithRandomNormals(PointSetNode n) { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var ns = new V3f[n.IsLeaf ? n.PointCount : n.LodPointCount].Set(V3f.OOI); storage.Add(id, ns, CancellationToken.None); if (n.IsLeaf) { var m = n.WithNormals(id); return(m); } else { var subnodes = n.Subnodes.Map(x => x != null ? WithRandomNormals(x.Value) : null); var m = n.WithLodNormals(id, subnodes); return(m); } } }
public V3d WorldPointFromCameraPoint(V3d cameraPoint) { return(Rotation.Transform(cameraPoint) + Translation); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a uniform distributed random sample on the given triangle using /// two random series (seriesIndex, seriesIndex + 1). /// </summary> public static V3d Triangle(V3d p0, V3d p1, V3d p2, IRandomSeries rnd, int seriesIndex) { return(Triangle(p0, p1, p2, rnd.UniformDouble(seriesIndex), rnd.UniformDouble(seriesIndex + 1))); }
/// <summary> /// Build a geometry transformation from the given parameters as specified in Transform /// /// </summary> public static Trafo3d BuildVrmlGeometryTrafo(V3d center, V4d rotation, V3d scale, V4d scaleOrientation, V3d translation) { // create composite trafo (naming taken from vrml97 spec) M44d C = M44d.Translation(center), Ci = M44d.Translation(-center); M44d SR = M44d.Rotation(scaleOrientation.XYZ, scaleOrientation.W), SRi = M44d.Rotation(scaleOrientation.XYZ, -scaleOrientation.W); M44d T = M44d.Translation(translation), Ti = M44d.Translation(-translation); //if (m_aveCompatibilityMode) r.W = -r.W; M44d R = M44d.Rotation(rotation.XYZ, rotation.W), Ri = M44d.Rotation(rotation.XYZ, -rotation.W); // in case some axis scales by 0 the best thing for the inverse scale is also 0 var si = new V3d(scale.X.IsTiny() ? 0 : 1 / scale.X, scale.Y.IsTiny() ? 0 : 1 / scale.Y, scale.Z.IsTiny() ? 0 : 1 / scale.Z); M44d S = M44d.Scale(scale), Si = M44d.Scale(si); return(new Trafo3d( T * C * R * SR * S * SRi * Ci, C * SR * Si * SRi * Ri * Ci * Ti)); }
public V3d CameraPointFromWorldPoint(V3d worldPoint) { return(Rotation.TransposedTransform(worldPoint - Translation)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates clusters of planes within a certain epsilon from each other /// (euclidean distance between normal vectors and between offsets). /// This algorithm uses a 4d hash-grid and only works fast if the supplied /// epsilons are small enough that not too many planes fall within each cluster. /// Thus it is ideal for merging planes with small variations in orientation and /// offset due to numerical inaccuracies. /// </summary> public PlaneEpsilonClustering( int count, TArray pa, Func <TArray, int, V3d> getNormal, Func <TArray, int, double> getDist, double epsNormal, double epsDist, double deltaEpsFactor = 0.25, IRandomUniform rnd = null) { rnd = rnd ?? new RandomSystem(); Alloc(count); var ca = m_indexArray; var dict = new IntDict <int>(count, stackDuplicateKeys: true); int rndBits = 0; int bit = 0; var ha = new int[16]; var ne2 = epsNormal * epsNormal; var de2 = epsDist * epsDist; var deps = (ne2 + de2) * deltaEpsFactor * deltaEpsFactor; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var ni = getNormal(pa, i); var di = getDist(pa, i); ni.HashCodes16(di, epsNormal, epsDist, ha); int ci = ca[i]; if (ca[ci] != ci) { do { ci = ca[ci]; } while (ca[ci] != ci); ca[i] = ci; } double dmin = double.MaxValue; for (int hi = 0; hi < 16; hi++) { foreach (var j in dict.ValuesWithKey(ha[hi])) { int cj = ca[j]; if (ca[cj] != cj) { do { cj = ca[cj]; } while (ca[cj] != cj); ca[j] = cj; } if (ci == cj) { continue; } var dd = Fun.Square(di - getDist(pa, j)); if (dd >= de2) { continue; } var dn = V3d.DistanceSquared(ni, getNormal(pa, j)); if (dn >= ne2) { continue; } var d = dn + dd; if (d < dmin) { dmin = d; } bit >>= 1; if (bit == 0) { rnd.UniformInt(); bit = 1 << 30; } if ((rndBits & bit) != 0) { ca[ci] = cj; ca[i] = cj; ci = cj; } else { ca[cj] = ci; ca[j] = ci; } } } if (dmin > deps) { dict[ha[0]] = i; // only sparsely populate hashtable for performance reasons } } Init(); }
public NormalsClustering(V3d[] normalArray, double delta) { var count = normalArray.Length; Alloc(count); var ca = m_indexArray; var sa = new int[count].Set(1); var suma = SumArray; var kdTree = normalArray.CreateRkdTreeDistDotProduct(0); var query = kdTree.CreateClosestToPointQuery(delta, 0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int ci = ca[i]; if (ca[ci] != ci) { do { ci = ca[ci]; } while (ca[ci] != ci); ca[i] = ci; } int si = sa[ci]; V3d avgNormali = suma[ci].Normalized; kdTree.GetClosest(query, avgNormali); kdTree.GetClosest(query, avgNormali.Negated); foreach (var id in query.List) { int j = (int)id.Index; int cj = ca[j]; if (ca[cj] != cj) { do { cj = ca[cj]; } while (ca[cj] != cj); ca[j] = cj; } if (ci == cj) { continue; } int sj = sa[cj]; V3d avgNormalj = suma[cj].Normalized; double avgDot = avgNormali.Dot(avgNormalj); if (avgDot.Abs() < 1.0 - 2.0 * delta) { continue; } V3d sum = suma[ci] + (avgDot > 0 ? suma[cj] : suma[cj].Negated); if (si < sj) { ca[ci] = cj; ca[i] = cj; ci = cj; } else { ca[cj] = ci; ca[j] = ci; } si += sj; sa[ci] = si; suma[ci] = sum; } query.Clear(); } Init(); }
public static Euclidean3d Parse(string s) { var x = s.NestedBracketSplitLevelOne().ToArray(); return(new Euclidean3d(Rot3d.Parse(x[0]), V3d.Parse(x[1]))); }
public V3d WorldPointFromCameraPoint(V3d cameraPoint) => Rotation.Transform(cameraPoint) + Translation;
/// <summary> /// Generates a uniform distributed random sample on the given triangle using /// two random variables x1 and x2. /// </summary> public static V3d Triangle(V3d p0, V3d p1, V3d p2, double x1, double x2) { var x1sq = x1.Sqrt(); return((1 - x1sq) * p0 + (x1sq * (1 - x2)) * p1 + (x1sq * x2) * p2); }
public static CameraExtrinsics FromWorld2Camera(M33d rotation, V3d translation) => new CameraExtrinsics(rotation.Transposed, -rotation.TransposedTransform(translation));
/// <summary> /// Supplied normal MUST be normalized, uses the 2 random series /// (seriesIndex, seriesIndex+1). /// </summary> public static V3d Lambertian(V3d normal, IRandomSeries rnds, int seriesIndex) { return(Lambertian(normal, rnds.UniformDouble(seriesIndex), rnds.UniformDouble(seriesIndex + 1))); }
/// <summary> /// Sets location and axes in a single transaction. /// </summary> public void Set(V3d location, V3d right, V3d up, V3d forward) { m_trafo = Trafo3d.ViewTrafo(location, right, up, -forward); m_trafoChanges.Emit(m_trafo); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sphere3d"/> class using center and radius values. /// </summary> public Sphere3d(V3d center, double radius) { Center = center; Radius = radius; }
public double GetMinimalDistance(V3d p) { return(GetMinimalDistance(p, Position, Direction, MajorRadius, MinorRadius)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a sphere from its center, and a point on its surface. /// </summary> public Sphere3d(V3d center, V3d pointOnSurface) { Center = center; Radius = (pointOnSurface - center).Length; }
/// <summary> /// Project a point from world-space to a pixel position. /// </summary> public static PixelPosition ProjectPixel(this IRenderView rv, V3d point) { var ndcPoint = rv.Project(point); return(new PixelPosition(ndcPoint, rv.Region)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sphere3d"/> class using values from another sphere instance. /// </summary> public Sphere3d(Sphere3d sphere) { Center = sphere.Center; Radius = sphere.Radius; }
public static Circle3d Parse(string s) { var x = s.NestedBracketSplitLevelOne().ToArray(); return(new Circle3d(V3d.Parse(x[0]), V3d.Parse(x[1]), double.Parse(x[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); }
public static Sphere3d FromCenterAndRadius(V3d center, double radius) => new Sphere3d(center, radius);
public Circle3d(Circle3d circle) { Center = circle.Center; Normal = circle.Normal; Radius = circle.Radius; }
public V3d CameraPointFromWorldPoint(V3d worldPoint) => Rotation.TransposedTransform(worldPoint - Translation);
/// <summary> /// Points within given distance of a point. /// </summary> public static PointsNearObject <V3d> QueryPointsNearPoint( this IPointCloudNode node, V3d query, double maxDistanceToPoint, int maxCount ) { if (node == null) { return(PointsNearObject <V3d> .Empty); } // if query point is farther from bounding box than maxDistanceToPoint, // then there cannot be a result and we are done var eps = node.BoundingBoxExactGlobal.Distance(query); if (eps > maxDistanceToPoint) { return(PointsNearObject <V3d> .Empty); } if (node.IsLeaf()) { var nodePositions = node.Positions; #if PARANOID if (nodePositions.Value.Length <= 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } #endif var center = node.Center; var ia = node.KdTree.Value.GetClosest((V3f)(query - center), (float)maxDistanceToPoint, maxCount); if (ia.Count > 0) { var ps = new V3d[ia.Count]; var cs = node.HasColors ? new C4b[ia.Count] : null; var ns = node.HasNormals ? new V3f[ia.Count] : null; var js = node.HasIntensities ? new int[ia.Count] : null; var ks = node.HasClassifications ? new byte[ia.Count] : null; var ds = new double[ia.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < ia.Count; i++) { var index = (int)ia[i].Index; ps[i] = center + (V3d)node.Positions.Value[index]; if (node.HasColors) { cs[i] = node.Colors.Value[index]; } if (node.HasNormals) { ns[i] = node.Normals.Value[index]; } if (node.HasIntensities) { js[i] = node.Intensities.Value[index]; } if (node.HasClassifications) { ks[i] = node.Classifications.Value[index]; } ds[i] = ia[i].Dist; } var chunk = new PointsNearObject <V3d>(query, maxDistanceToPoint, ps, cs, ns, js, ks, ds); return(chunk); } else { return(PointsNearObject <V3d> .Empty); } } else { // first traverse octant containing query point var index = node.GetSubIndex(query); var n = node.Subnodes[index]; var result = n != null?n.Value.QueryPointsNearPoint(query, maxDistanceToPoint, maxCount) : PointsNearObject <V3d> .Empty; if (!result.IsEmpty && result.MaxDistance < maxDistanceToPoint) { maxDistanceToPoint = result.MaxDistance; } // now traverse other octants for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == index) { continue; } n = node.Subnodes[i]; if (n == null) { continue; } var x = n.Value.QueryPointsNearPoint(query, maxDistanceToPoint, maxCount); result = result.Merge(x, maxCount); if (!result.IsEmpty && result.MaxDistance < maxDistanceToPoint) { maxDistanceToPoint = result.MaxDistance; } } return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// Inverts this rigid transformation (multiplicative inverse). /// this = [Rot^T,-Rot^T Trans] /// </summary> public void Invert() { Rot.Invert(); Trans = -Rot.TransformDir(Trans); }