예제 #1
            // Move and rotate the pelvis
            private void TranslatePelvis(Leg[] legs, Vector3 deltaPosition, Quaternion deltaRotation, float scale)
                // Rotation
                Vector3 p = head.solverPosition;

                deltaRotation = QuaTools.ClampRotation(deltaRotation, chestClampWeight, 2);

                Quaternion r = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, deltaRotation, bodyRotStiffness * rotationWeight);

                r = Quaternion.Slerp(r, QuaTools.FromToRotation(pelvis.solverRotation, IKRotationPelvis), pelvisRotationWeight);
                VirtualBone.RotateAroundPoint(bones, 0, pelvis.solverPosition, pelvisRotationOffset * r);

                deltaPosition -= head.solverPosition - p;

                // Position
                // Move the body back when head is moving down
                Vector3 m      = rootRotation * Vector3.forward;
                float   deltaY = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(deltaPosition, rootRotation * Vector3.up, 1f).magnitude;

                if (scale > 0f)
                    deltaY /= scale;
                float backOffset = deltaY * -moveBodyBackWhenCrouching * headHeight;

                deltaPosition += m * backOffset;

                MovePosition(LimitPelvisPosition(legs, pelvis.solverPosition + deltaPosition * bodyPosStiffness * positionWeight, false));
예제 #2
        public void LimitBend(float solverWeight, float positionWeight)
            if (!this.initiated)
            Vector3    vector        = this.bone1.rotation * -this.defaultLocalDirection;
            Vector3    fromDirection = this.bone3.position - this.bone2.position;
            bool       flag          = false;
            Vector3    toDirection   = V3Tools.ClampDirection(fromDirection, vector, this.clampF * solverWeight, 0, out flag);
            Quaternion rotation      = this.bone3.rotation;

            if (flag)
                Quaternion lhs = Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromDirection, toDirection);
                this.bone2.rotation = lhs * this.bone2.rotation;
            if (positionWeight > 0f)
                Vector3 vector2        = this.bone2.position - this.bone1.position;
                Vector3 fromDirection2 = this.bone3.position - this.bone2.position;
                Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref vector2, ref fromDirection2);
                Quaternion lhs2 = Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromDirection2, vector);
                this.bone2.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this.bone2.rotation, lhs2 * this.bone2.rotation, positionWeight * solverWeight);
            if (flag || positionWeight > 0f)
                this.bone3.rotation = rotation;
예제 #3
        private void WriteTransforms()
            for (int i = 0; i < solverTransforms.Length; i++)
                if (solverTransforms[i] != null)
                    bool isRootOrPelvis = i < 2;
                    bool isArm          = i > 5 && i < 14;
                    bool isLeg          = i >= 14;

                    if (isRootOrPelvis)
                        solverTransforms[i].position = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);

                    if (isArm || isLeg)
                        solverTransforms[i].position = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);

                    solverTransforms[i].rotation = QuaTools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].rotation, GetRotation(i), IKPositionWeight);
예제 #4
            public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime)
                if (this.transform == null || this.relativeTo == null)
                Vector3 a = this.relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(this.transform.position - this.relativeTo.position);

                if (this.firstUpdate)
                    this.lastRelativePos = a;
                    this.firstUpdate     = false;
                Vector3 vector = (a - this.lastRelativePos) / deltaTime;

                this.smoothDelta = ((this.speed > 0f) ? Vector3.Lerp(this.smoothDelta, vector, deltaTime * this.speed) : vector);
                Vector3 v  = this.relativeTo.TransformDirection(this.smoothDelta);
                Vector3 a2 = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.horizontalWeight);

                for (int i = 0; i < this.effectorLinks.Length; i++)
                    solver.GetEffector(this.effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += a2 * w * this.effectorLinks[i].weight;
                this.lastRelativePos = a;
예제 #5
        void FixedUpdate()
            gravity = GetGravity();

            verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(_rigidbody.velocity, gravity, 1f);
            velocityY        = verticalVelocity.magnitude;
            if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) > 0f)
                velocityY = -velocityY;

            // Smoothing out the fixed time step
            _rigidbody.interpolation = smoothPhysics ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None;


            GroundCheck(); // detect and stick to ground

            // Friction
            if (blackboard.input == Vector2.zero && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f)

            bool stopSlide = onGround && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f;

            // Individual gravity
            if (gravityTarget != null)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = false;

                if (!stopSlide)

            if (stopSlide)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = false;
                _rigidbody.velocity   = Vector3.zero;
            else if (gravityTarget == null)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = true;

            // Scale the capsule colllider while crouching
            ScaleCapsule(blackboard.isCrouching ? crouchCapsuleScaleMlp : 1f);

            fixedFrame = true;
예제 #6
        // Is the character grounded?
        private void GroundCheck()
            Vector3 platformVelocityTarget = Vector3.zero;

            platformAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            float stickyForceTarget = 0f;

            // Spherecasting
            hit = GetSpherecastHit();

            //normal = hit.normal;
            normal = transform.up;
            //groundDistance = r.position.y - hit.point.y;
            groundDistance = Vector3.Project(r.position - hit.point, transform.up).magnitude;

            // if not jumping...
            bool findGround = Time.time > jumpEndTime && velocityY < jumpPower * 0.5f;

            if (findGround)
                bool g = onGround;
                onGround = false;

                // The distance of considering the character grounded
                float groundHeight = !g? airborneThreshold * 0.5f: airborneThreshold;

                //Vector3 horizontalVelocity = r.velocity;
                Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);

                float velocityF = horizontalVelocity.magnitude;

                if (groundDistance < groundHeight)
                    // Force the character on the ground
                    stickyForceTarget = groundStickyEffect * velocityF * groundHeight;

                    // On moving platforms
                    if (hit.rigidbody != null)
                        platformVelocityTarget  = hit.rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(hit.point);
                        platformAngularVelocity = Vector3.Project(hit.rigidbody.angularVelocity, transform.up);

                    // Flag the character grounded
                    onGround = true;

            // Interpolate the additive velocity of the platform the character might be standing on
            platformVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(platformVelocity, platformVelocityTarget, Time.deltaTime * platformFriction);

            stickyForce = stickyForceTarget;            //Mathf.Lerp(stickyForce, stickyForceTarget, Time.deltaTime * 5f);

            // remember when we were last in air, for jump delay
            if (!onGround)
                lastAirTime = Time.time;
예제 #7
        public void ClearVelocities()
            rigidbody.velocity        = Vector3.zero;
            rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;

            targetVelocity             = Vector3.zero;
            targetAnimatedCenterOfMass = V3Tools.TransformPointUnscaled(target, rigidbody.centerOfMass);
예제 #8
        private void MoveFixed(Vector3 deltaPosition)
            // Process horizontal wall-running

            Vector3 velocity = fixedDeltaTime > 0f? deltaPosition / fixedDeltaTime: Vector3.zero;

            // Add velocity of the rigidbody the character is standing on
            if (!fullRootMotion)
                velocity += V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(platformVelocity, gravity, 1f);

                if (onGround)
                    // Rotate velocity to ground tangent
                    if (velocityToGroundTangentWeight > 0f)
                        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, normal);
                        velocity = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotation, velocityToGroundTangentWeight) * velocity;
                    // Air move
                    //Vector3 airMove = new Vector3 (userControl.state.move.x * airSpeed, 0f, userControl.state.move.z * airSpeed);
                    Vector3 airMove = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(userControl.state.move * airSpeed, gravity, 1f);
                    velocity = Vector3.Lerp(r.velocity, airMove, Time.deltaTime * airControl);

                if (onGround && Time.time > jumpEndTime)
                    r.velocity = r.velocity - transform.up * stickyForce * Time.deltaTime;

                // Vertical velocity
                Vector3 verticalVelocity   = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);
                Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, gravity, 1f);

                if (onGround)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) < 0f)
                        verticalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(verticalVelocity, maxVerticalVelocityOnGround);

                r.velocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;
                r.velocity = velocity;

            // Dampering forward speed on the slopes (Not working since Unity 2017.2)
            //float slopeDamper = !onGround? 1f: GetSlopeDamper(-deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime, normal);
            //forwardMlp = Mathf.Lerp(forwardMlp, slopeDamper, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
            forwardMlp = 1f;
예제 #9
         * Pulling the body with the hands
         * */
        private void PullBody()
            // Getting the body positionOffset
            if (pullBodyVertical != 0f || pullBodyHorizontal != 0f)
                Vector3 offset = GetBodyOffset();

                bodyEffector.positionOffset += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(offset, root.up, pullBodyVertical) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(offset, root.up, pullBodyHorizontal);
예제 #10
            private void SetFootToPlane(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint, Vector3 heelHitPoint)
                planeNormal      = this.RotateNormal(planeNormal);
                this.toHitNormal = Quaternion.FromToRotation(this.up, planeNormal);
                Vector3 hitPoint = V3Tools.LineToPlane(this.transform.position + this.up * this.grounding.maxStep, -this.up, planeNormal, planePoint);

                this.heightFromGround = this.GetHeightFromGround(hitPoint);
                float heightFromGround = this.GetHeightFromGround(heelHitPoint);

                this.heightFromGround = Mathf.Clamp(this.heightFromGround, float.NegativeInfinity, heightFromGround);
 private void PullBody()
     if (this.iterations < 1)
     if (this.pullBodyVertical != 0f || this.pullBodyHorizontal != 0f)
         Vector3 bodyOffset = this.GetBodyOffset();
         this.bodyEffector.positionOffset += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(bodyOffset, this.root.up, this.pullBodyVertical) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(bodyOffset, this.root.up, this.pullBodyHorizontal);
예제 #12
            public override void ApplyOffsets(float scale)
                headPosition += headPositionOffset;

                float mHH = minHeadHeight * scale;

                Vector3 rootUp = rootRotation * Vector3.up;

                if (rootUp == Vector3.up)
                    headPosition.y = Math.Max(rootPosition.y + mHH, headPosition.y);
                    Vector3 toHead = headPosition - rootPosition;
                    Vector3 hor    = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(toHead, rootUp, 1f);
                    Vector3 ver    = toHead - hor;
                    float   dot    = Vector3.Dot(ver, rootUp);
                    if (dot > 0f)
                        if (ver.magnitude < mHH)
                            ver = ver.normalized * mHH;
                        ver = -ver.normalized * mHH;

                    headPosition = rootPosition + hor + ver;

                headRotation = headRotationOffset * headRotation;

                headDeltaPosition   = headPosition - head.solverPosition;
                pelvisDeltaRotation = QuaTools.FromToRotation(pelvis.solverRotation, headRotation * pelvisRelativeRotation);

                if (pelvisRotationWeight <= 0f)
                    anchorRotation = headRotation * anchorRelativeToHead;
                else if (pelvisRotationWeight > 0f && pelvisRotationWeight < 1f)
                    anchorRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(headRotation * anchorRelativeToHead, pelvisRotation * anchorRelativeToPelvis, pelvisRotationWeight);
                else if (pelvisRotationWeight >= 1f)
                    anchorRotation = pelvisRotation * anchorRelativeToPelvis;
예제 #13
        public void Read()
            Vector3 tAM = V3Tools.TransformPointUnscaled(target, rigidbody.centerOfMass);

            targetVelocity             = (tAM - targetAnimatedCenterOfMass) / Time.deltaTime;
            targetAnimatedCenterOfMass = tAM;

            if (joint.connectedBody != null)
                targetAnimatedRotation = targetLocalRotation * localRotationConvert;

            targetAnimatedWorldRotation = target.rotation;
예제 #14
            public override void PreSolve()
                if (target != null)
                    IKPosition = target.position;
                    IKRotation = target.rotation;

                position = V3Tools.Lerp(hand.solverPosition, IKPosition, positionWeight);
                rotation = QuaTools.Lerp(hand.solverRotation, IKRotation, rotationWeight);

                shoulder.axis        = shoulder.axis.normalized;
                forearmRelToUpperArm = Quaternion.Inverse(upperArm.solverRotation) * forearm.solverRotation;
예제 #15
 private void WriteTransforms()
     for (int i = 0; i < solverTransforms.Length; i++)
         if (solverTransforms[i] != null)
             if (i < 2)
                 solverTransforms[i].position = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);
             solverTransforms[i].rotation = QuaTools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].rotation, GetRotation(i), IKPositionWeight);
예제 #16
        private void MoveFixed(Vector3 deltaPosition)
            // Process horizontal wall-running

            Vector3 velocity = deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime;

            // Add velocity of the rigidbody the character is standing on
            velocity += V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(platformVelocity, gravity, 1f);

            if (onGround)
                // Rotate velocity to ground tangent
                if (velocityToGroundTangentWeight > 0f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, normal);
                    velocity = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotation, velocityToGroundTangentWeight) * velocity;
                // Air move
                Vector3 airMove = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(blackboard.input * airSpeed, gravity, 1f);
                velocity = Vector3.Lerp(_rigidbody.velocity, airMove, Time.deltaTime * airControl);

            if (onGround && Time.time > jumpEndTime)
                _rigidbody.velocity = _rigidbody.velocity - transform.up * stickyForce * Time.deltaTime;

            // Vertical velocity
            Vector3 verticalVelocity   = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(_rigidbody.velocity, gravity, 1f);
            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, gravity, 1f);

            if (onGround)
                if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) < 0f)
                    verticalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(verticalVelocity, maxVerticalVelocityOnGround);

            //rb.velocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;

            // Dampering forward speed on the slopes
            float slopeDamper = !onGround ? 1f : GetSlopeDamper(-deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime, normal);

            forwardMlp = Mathf.Lerp(forwardMlp, slopeDamper, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
예제 #17
            // Set foot height from ground relative to a plane
            private void SetFootToPlane(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint, Vector3 heelHitPoint)
                planeNormal = RotateNormal(planeNormal);
                toHitNormal = Quaternion.FromToRotation(up, planeNormal);

                Vector3 pointOnPlane = V3Tools.LineToPlane(transform.position + up * grounding.maxStep, -up, planeNormal, planePoint);

                // Get the height offset of the point on the plane
                heightFromGround = GetHeightFromGround(pointOnPlane);

                // Making sure the heel doesn't penetrate the ground
                float heelHeight = GetHeightFromGround(heelHitPoint);

                heightFromGround = Mathf.Clamp(heightFromGround, -Mathf.Infinity, heelHeight);
예제 #18
            public override void PreSolve()
                if (headTarget != null)
                    IKPositionHead = headTarget.position;
                    IKRotationHead = headTarget.rotation;

                if (pelvisTarget != null)
                    IKPositionPelvis = pelvisTarget.position;

                headPosition = V3Tools.Lerp(head.solverPosition, IKPositionHead, positionWeight);
                headRotation = QuaTools.Lerp(head.solverRotation, IKRotationHead, rotationWeight);
		// Processing horizontal wall running
		private void WallRun() {
			bool canWallRun = CanWallRun();

			// Remove flickering in and out of wall-running
			if (wallRunWeight > 0f && !canWallRun) wallRunEndTime = Time.time;
			if (Time.time < wallRunEndTime + 0.5f) canWallRun = false;

			wallRunWeight = Mathf.MoveTowards(wallRunWeight, (canWallRun? 1f: 0f), Time.deltaTime * wallRunWeightSpeed);
			if (wallRunWeight <= 0f) {
				// Reset
				if (lastWallRunWeight > 0f) {
					Vector3 frw = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(transform.forward, gravity, 1f);
					transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(frw, -gravity);
					wallNormal = -gravity.normalized;

			lastWallRunWeight = wallRunWeight;
			if (wallRunWeight <= 0f) return;

			// Make sure the character won't fall down
			if (onGround && velocityY < 0f) r.velocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);
			// transform.forward flattened
			Vector3 f = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(transform.forward, gravity, 1f);

			// Raycasting to find a walkable wall
			RaycastHit velocityHit = new RaycastHit();
			velocityHit.normal = -gravity.normalized;
			Physics.Raycast(onGround? transform.position: capsule.bounds.center, f, out velocityHit, 3f, wallRunLayers);
			// Finding the normal to rotate to
			wallNormal = Vector3.Lerp(wallNormal, velocityHit.normal, Time.deltaTime * wallRunRotationSpeed);

			// Clamping wall normal to max rotation angle
			wallNormal = Vector3.RotateTowards(-gravity.normalized, wallNormal, wallRunMaxRotationAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 0f);

			// Get transform.forward ortho-normalized to the wall normal
			Vector3 fW = transform.forward;
			Vector3 nW = wallNormal;
			Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref nW, ref fW);

			// Rotate from upright to wall normal
			transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.LookRotation(f, -gravity), Quaternion.LookRotation(fW, wallNormal), wallRunWeight);
예제 #20
            public override void PreSolve(float scale)
                if (headTarget != null)
                    IKPositionHead = headTarget.position;
                    IKRotationHead = headTarget.rotation;

                if (chestGoal != null)
                    goalPositionChest = chestGoal.position;

                if (pelvisTarget != null)
                    IKPositionPelvis = pelvisTarget.position;
                    IKRotationPelvis = pelvisTarget.rotation;

                // Use animated head height range
                if (useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight > 0f && useAnimatedHeadHeightRange > 0f)
                    Vector3 rootUp = rootRotation * Vector3.up;

                    if (animatedHeadHeightBlend > 0f)
                        float headTargetVOffset = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(IKPositionHead - head.solverPosition, rootUp, 1f).magnitude;
                        float abs = Mathf.Abs(headTargetVOffset);
                        abs = Mathf.Max(abs - useAnimatedHeadHeightRange * scale, 0f);
                        float f = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, abs / (animatedHeadHeightBlend * scale));
                        f = Interp.Float(1f - f, InterpolationMode.InOutSine);

                        Vector3 toHeadPos = head.solverPosition - IKPositionHead;
                        IKPositionHead += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(toHeadPos, rootUp, f * useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight);
                        IKPositionHead += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(head.solverPosition - IKPositionHead, rootUp, useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight);

                headPosition = V3Tools.Lerp(head.solverPosition, IKPositionHead, positionWeight);
                headRotation = QuaTools.Lerp(head.solverRotation, IKRotationHead, rotationWeight);

                pelvisRotation = QuaTools.Lerp(pelvis.solverRotation, IKRotationPelvis, rotationWeight);
예제 #21
        private void FixedUpdate()
            // Add torque to the Rigidbody to make it follow the rotation target
            Vector3 angularAcc = PhysXTools.GetAngularAcceleration(_rigidbody.rotation, rotationTarget.rotation);

            _rigidbody.AddTorque(angularAcc * torque);

            // Add snowboard-like skid drag
            if (_isGrounded)
                Vector3 velocity = _rigidbody.velocity;
                Vector3 skid     = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, _rigidbody.rotation * Vector3.up, 1f);
                skid = Vector3.Project(velocity, _rigidbody.rotation * Vector3.right);

                _rigidbody.velocity = velocity - Vector3.ClampMagnitude(skid * skidDrag * Time.deltaTime, skid.magnitude);
예제 #22
         * Limits the bending joint of the limb to 90 degrees from the default 90 degrees of bend direction
         * */
        public void LimitBend(float solverWeight, float positionWeight)
            if (!initiated)

            Vector3 normalDirection = bone1.rotation * -defaultLocalDirection;

            Vector3 axis2 = bone3.position - bone2.position;

            // Clamp the direction from knee/elbow to foot/hand to valid range (90 degrees from right-angledly bent limb)
            bool    changed      = false;
            Vector3 clampedAxis2 = V3Tools.ClampDirection(axis2, normalDirection, clampF * solverWeight, 0, out changed);

            Quaternion bone3Rotation = bone3.rotation;

            if (changed)
                Quaternion f = Quaternion.FromToRotation(axis2, clampedAxis2);
                bone2.rotation = f * bone2.rotation;

            // Rotating bend direction to normal when the limb is stretched out
            if (positionWeight > 0f)
                Vector3 normal  = bone2.position - bone1.position;
                Vector3 tangent = bone3.position - bone2.position;

                Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref tangent);
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.FromToRotation(tangent, normalDirection);

                bone2.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(bone2.rotation, q * bone2.rotation, positionWeight * solverWeight);

            if (changed || positionWeight > 0f)
                bone3.rotation = bone3Rotation;
예제 #23
        private void WriteTransforms()
            for (int i = 0; i < solverTransforms.Length; i++)
                if (solverTransforms[i] != null)
                    bool isRootOrPelvis   = i < 2;
                    bool isArmStretchable = i == 8 || i == 9 || i == 12 || i == 13;
                    bool isLegStretchable = (i >= 15 && i <= 17) || (i >= 19 && i <= 21);

                    if (LOD > 0)
                        isArmStretchable = false;
                        isLegStretchable = false;

                    if (isRootOrPelvis)
                        solverTransforms[i].position = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);

                    if (isArmStretchable || isLegStretchable)
                        if (IKPositionWeight < 1f)
                            Vector3 localPosition = solverTransforms[i].localPosition;
                            solverTransforms[i].position      = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);
                            solverTransforms[i].localPosition = Vector3.Project(solverTransforms[i].localPosition, localPosition);
                            solverTransforms[i].position = V3Tools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].position, GetPosition(i), IKPositionWeight);

                    solverTransforms[i].rotation = QuaTools.Lerp(solverTransforms[i].rotation, GetRotation(i), IKPositionWeight);
예제 #24
         * Limits the bending joint of the limb to 90 degrees from the default 90 degrees of bend direction
         * */
        public void LimitBend(float solverWeight)
            Vector3 normalDirection = bone1.rotation * -defaultLocalDirection;

            Vector3 axis2 = bone3.position - bone2.position;

            bool    changed      = false;
            Vector3 clampedAxis2 = V3Tools.ClampDirection(axis2, normalDirection, 0.505f * solverWeight, 0, out changed);

            if (!changed)

            Quaternion bone3Rotation = bone3.rotation;

            Quaternion f = Quaternion.FromToRotation(axis2, clampedAxis2);

            bone2.rotation = f * bone2.rotation;

            bone3.rotation = bone3Rotation;
예제 #25
            public override void ApplyOffsets()
                headPosition += headPositionOffset;

                Vector3 rootUp = rootRotation * Vector3.up;

                if (rootUp == Vector3.up)
                    headPosition.y = Math.Max(rootPosition.y + minHeadHeight, headPosition.y);
                    Vector3 toHead = headPosition - rootPosition;
                    Vector3 hor    = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(toHead, rootUp, 1f);
                    Vector3 ver    = toHead - hor;
                    float   dot    = Vector3.Dot(ver, rootUp);
                    if (dot > 0f)
                        if (ver.magnitude < minHeadHeight)
                            ver = ver.normalized * minHeadHeight;
                        ver = -ver.normalized * minHeadHeight;

                    headPosition = rootPosition + hor + ver;

                headRotation = headRotationOffset * headRotation;

                headDeltaPosition   = headPosition - head.solverPosition;
                pelvisDeltaRotation = QuaTools.FromToRotation(pelvis.solverRotation, headRotation * pelvisRelativeRotation);

                anchorRotation = headRotation * anchorRelativeToHead;
예제 #26
        // 1 is writhe animation, 0 is catch fall
        private float GetBlendTarget(float groundHeight)
            if (groundHeight > writheHeight)

            Vector3 verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.velocity, puppetMaster.targetRoot.up, 1f);
            float   velocityY        = verticalVelocity.magnitude;

            if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, puppetMaster.targetRoot.up) < 0f)
                velocityY = -velocityY;

            if (velocityY > writheYVelocity)

            //if (puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.velocity.y > writheYVelocity) return 1f;
예제 #27
        private void ChestDirection()
            float num = this.chestDirectionWeight * this.ik.solver.IKPositionWeight;

            if (num <= 0f)
            bool flag = false;

            this.chestDirection = V3Tools.ClampDirection(this.chestDirection, this.ik.references.root.forward, 0.45f, 2, out flag);
            if (this.chestDirection == Vector3.zero)
            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.FromToRotation(this.ik.references.root.forward, this.chestDirection);

            quaternion = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, quaternion, num * (1f / (float)this.chestBones.Length));
            foreach (Transform transform in this.chestBones)
                transform.rotation = quaternion * transform.rotation;
예제 #28
            // Update the Body
            public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime)
                if (transform == null || relativeTo == null)

                // Find the relative position of the transform
                Vector3 relativePos = relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(transform.position - relativeTo.position);

                // Initiating
                if (firstUpdate)
                    lastRelativePos = relativePos;
                    firstUpdate     = false;

                // Find how much the relative position has changed
                Vector3 delta = (relativePos - lastRelativePos) / deltaTime;

                // Smooth the change
                smoothDelta = speed <= 0f? delta: Vector3.Lerp(smoothDelta, delta, deltaTime * speed);

                // Convert to world space
                Vector3 worldDelta = relativeTo.TransformDirection(smoothDelta);

                // Extract horizontal and vertical offset
                Vector3 offset = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, horizontalWeight);

                // Apply the amplitude to the effector links
                for (int i = 0; i < effectorLinks.Length; i++)
                    solver.GetEffector(effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += offset * w * effectorLinks[i].weight;

                lastRelativePos = relativePos;
예제 #29
            protected override void OnRead(Vector3[] positions, Quaternion[] rotations, bool hasChest, bool hasNeck, bool hasShoulders, bool hasToes, bool hasLegs, int rootIndex, int index)
                Vector3    pelvisPos = positions[index];
                Quaternion pelvisRot = rotations[index];
                Vector3    spinePos  = positions[index + 1];
                Quaternion spineRot  = rotations[index + 1];
                Vector3    chestPos  = positions[index + 2];
                Quaternion chestRot  = rotations[index + 2];
                Vector3    neckPos   = positions[index + 3];
                Quaternion neckRot   = rotations[index + 3];
                Vector3    headPos   = positions[index + 4];
                Quaternion headRot   = rotations[index + 4];

                this.hasLegs = hasLegs;

                if (!hasChest)
                    chestPos = spinePos;
                    chestRot = spineRot;

                if (!initiated)
                    this.hasChest = hasChest;
                    this.hasNeck  = hasNeck;
                    headHeight    = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(headPos - positions[0], rotations[0] * Vector3.up, 1f).magnitude;

                    int boneCount = 3;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)
                    bones = new VirtualBone[boneCount];

                    chestIndex = hasChest? 2: 1;

                    neckIndex = 1;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)

                    headIndex = 2;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)

                    bones[0] = new VirtualBone(pelvisPos, pelvisRot);
                    bones[1] = new VirtualBone(spinePos, spineRot);
                    if (hasChest)
                        bones[chestIndex] = new VirtualBone(chestPos, chestRot);
                    if (hasNeck)
                        bones[neckIndex] = new VirtualBone(neckPos, neckRot);
                    bones[headIndex] = new VirtualBone(headPos, headRot);

                    pelvisRotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
                    chestRotationOffset  = Quaternion.identity;
                    headRotationOffset   = Quaternion.identity;

                    anchorRelativeToHead   = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * rotations[0];
                    anchorRelativeToPelvis = Quaternion.Inverse(pelvisRot) * rotations[0];

                    faceDirection = rotations[0] * Vector3.forward;

                    IKPositionHead    = headPos;
                    IKRotationHead    = headRot;
                    IKPositionPelvis  = pelvisPos;
                    IKRotationPelvis  = pelvisRot;
                    goalPositionChest = chestPos + rotations[0] * Vector3.forward;

                // Forward and up axes
                pelvisRelativeRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * pelvisRot;
                chestRelativeRotation  = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * chestRot;

                chestForward = Quaternion.Inverse(chestRot) * (rotations[0] * Vector3.forward);

                bones[0].Read(pelvisPos, pelvisRot);
                bones[1].Read(spinePos, spineRot);
                if (hasChest)
                    bones[chestIndex].Read(chestPos, chestRot);
                if (hasNeck)
                    bones[neckIndex].Read(neckPos, neckRot);
                bones[headIndex].Read(headPos, headRot);

                float spineLength = Vector3.Distance(pelvisPos, headPos);

                sizeMlp = spineLength / 0.7f;
예제 #30
            public void Solve(VirtualBone rootBone, Spine spine, Leg leftLeg, Leg rightLeg, Arm leftArm, Arm rightArm, int supportLegIndex, out Vector3 leftFootPosition, out Vector3 rightFootPosition, out Quaternion leftFootRotation, out Quaternion rightFootRotation, out float leftFootOffset, out float rightFootOffset, out float leftHeelOffset, out float rightHeelOffset)
                if (weight <= 0f)
                    leftFootPosition  = Vector3.zero;
                    rightFootPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    leftFootRotation  = Quaternion.identity;
                    rightFootRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                    leftFootOffset    = 0f;
                    rightFootOffset   = 0f;
                    leftHeelOffset    = 0f;
                    rightHeelOffset   = 0f;

                Vector3 rootUp = rootBone.solverRotation * Vector3.up;

                Vector3 leftThighPosition  = spine.pelvis.solverPosition + spine.pelvis.solverRotation * leftLeg.thighRelativeToPelvis;
                Vector3 rightThighPosition = spine.pelvis.solverPosition + spine.pelvis.solverRotation * rightLeg.thighRelativeToPelvis;

                footsteps[0].characterSpaceOffset = footDistance * Vector3.left;
                footsteps[1].characterSpaceOffset = footDistance * Vector3.right;

                Vector3 forward  = spine.faceDirection;
                Vector3 forwardY = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(forward, rootUp, 1f);

                forward -= forwardY;
                Quaternion forwardRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, rootUp);

                if (spine.rootHeadingOffset != 0f)
                    forwardRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(spine.rootHeadingOffset, rootUp) * forwardRotation;

                //centerOfMass = Vector3.Lerp(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.head.solverPosition, 0.25f) + rootBone.solverRotation * offset;

                float pelvisMass = 1f;
                float headMass   = 1f;
                float armMass    = 0.2f;
                float totalMass  = pelvisMass + headMass + 2f * armMass;

                centerOfMass  = Vector3.zero;
                centerOfMass += spine.pelvis.solverPosition * pelvisMass;
                centerOfMass += spine.head.solverPosition * headMass;
                centerOfMass += leftArm.position * armMass;
                centerOfMass += rightArm.position * armMass;
                centerOfMass /= totalMass;

                centerOfMass += rootBone.solverRotation * offset;

                comVelocity     = Time.deltaTime > 0f? (centerOfMass - lastComPosition) / Time.deltaTime: Vector3.zero;
                lastComPosition = centerOfMass;
                comVelocity     = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(comVelocity, maxVelocity) * velocityFactor;
                Vector3 centerOfMassV = centerOfMass + comVelocity;

                Vector3 pelvisPositionGroundLevel = V3Tools.PointToPlane(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, rootBone.solverPosition, rootUp);
                Vector3 centerOfMassVGroundLevel  = V3Tools.PointToPlane(centerOfMassV, rootBone.solverPosition, rootUp);

                Vector3 centerOfPressure = Vector3.Lerp(footsteps[0].position, footsteps[1].position, 0.5f);

                Vector3 comDir   = centerOfMassV - centerOfPressure;
                float   comAngle = Vector3.Angle(comDir, rootBone.solverRotation * Vector3.up) * comAngleMlp;

                // Set support leg
                for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                    footsteps[i].isSupportLeg = supportLegIndex == i;

                // Update stepTo while stepping
                for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                    if (footsteps[i].isStepping)
                        Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;

                        if (!StepBlocked(footsteps[i].stepFrom, stepTo, rootBone.solverPosition))
                            footsteps[i].UpdateStepping(stepTo, forwardRotation, 10f);
                        footsteps[i].UpdateStanding(forwardRotation, relaxLegTwistMinAngle, relaxLegTwistSpeed);

                // Triggering new footsteps
                if (CanStep())
                    int   stepLegIndex = -1;
                    float bestValue    = -Mathf.Infinity;

                    for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                        if (!footsteps[i].isStepping)
                            Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;

                            float   legLength = i == 0? leftLeg.mag: rightLeg.mag;
                            Vector3 thighPos  = i == 0? leftThighPosition: rightThighPosition;

                            float thighDistance = Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, thighPos);

                            bool lengthStep = false;
                            if (thighDistance >= legLength * maxLegStretch)                              // * 0.95f) {
                                stepTo     = pelvisPositionGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;
                                lengthStep = true;

                            bool collision = false;
                            for (int n = 0; n < footsteps.Length; n++)
                                if (n != i && !lengthStep)
                                    if (Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, footsteps[n].position) < 0.25f && (footsteps[i].position - stepTo).sqrMagnitude < (footsteps[n].position - stepTo).sqrMagnitude)
                                        collision = GetLineSphereCollision(footsteps[i].position, stepTo, footsteps[n].position, 0.25f);
                                    if (collision)

                            float angle = Quaternion.Angle(forwardRotation, footsteps[i].stepToRootRot);

                            if (!collision || angle > angleThreshold)
                                float stepDistance = Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, stepTo);
                                float sT           = Mathf.Lerp(stepThreshold, stepThreshold * 0.1f, comAngle * 0.015f);
                                if (lengthStep)
                                    sT *= 0.5f;
                                if (i == 0)
                                    sT *= 0.9f;

                                if (!StepBlocked(footsteps[i].position, stepTo, rootBone.solverPosition))
                                    if (stepDistance > sT || angle > angleThreshold)
                                        float value = 0f;

                                        value -= stepDistance;

                                        if (value > bestValue)
                                            stepLegIndex = i;
                                            bestValue    = value;

                    if (stepLegIndex != -1)
                        Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[stepLegIndex].characterSpaceOffset;
                        footsteps[stepLegIndex].stepSpeed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(stepSpeed, stepSpeed * 1.5f);
                        footsteps[stepLegIndex].StepTo(stepTo, forwardRotation, stepThreshold);

                footsteps[0].Update(stepInterpolation, onLeftFootstep);
                footsteps[1].Update(stepInterpolation, onRightFootstep);

                leftFootPosition  = footsteps[0].position;
                rightFootPosition = footsteps[1].position;

                leftFootPosition  = V3Tools.PointToPlane(leftFootPosition, leftLeg.lastBone.readPosition, rootUp);
                rightFootPosition = V3Tools.PointToPlane(rightFootPosition, rightLeg.lastBone.readPosition, rootUp);

                leftFootOffset  = stepHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[0].stepProgress);
                rightFootOffset = stepHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[1].stepProgress);

                leftHeelOffset  = heelHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[0].stepProgress);
                rightHeelOffset = heelHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[1].stepProgress);

                leftFootRotation  = footsteps[0].rotation;
                rightFootRotation = footsteps[1].rotation;