public Raytracing(
     Canvas canvas, Scene scene, V3 cameraPos, int maxDepth
     : base(canvas, scene, cameraPos)
     MaxDepth = maxDepth;
        /// Renders the scene.
        public override void Render()

            for (int x = 0 ; x < Canvas.Width ; x++) {
                for (int y = 0 ; y < Canvas.Height ; y++) {
                    V3 p = new V3(x, 0, y);

                    Color color = Raytrace(
                        new Ray(
                            origin: CameraPos,
                            direction: p - CameraPos

                    if (color != null) {
                        V3 pScreen = new V3(x, Canvas.Height - y, 0);
                        Canvas.DrawPixel(pScreen, color);

        public virtual Color Compute(
            List<Light> lights, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
            Color illumination = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            foreach (Light l in lights) {
                if (l.GetType().Name == "AmbientLight") {
                    illumination += ComputeAmbientLight(
                        (AmbientLight) l, obj, p, uv
                else if (l.GetType().Name == "PointLight") {
                    illumination += ComputePointLight(
                        (PointLight) l, obj, p, uv
                else if (l.GetType().Name == "DirectionalLight") {
                    illumination += ComputeDirectionalLight(
                        (DirectionalLight) l, obj, p, uv

            return illumination;
        public override V3 Normal(V3 p)
            V3 n = p - Center;

            return n;
예제 #5
	static void Main ()
		V2 a = new V2 ();
		V3 b = new V3 ();

		V2 s = a - b;
        /// Returns the altered normal if this object possesses a bump map, or
        /// the unaltered one if it does not.
        public V3 Normal(V3 p, V2 uv)
            if (Material.BumpMap != null) {
                return AlteredNormal(p, uv);

            return Normal(p);
        /// Computes the diffuse and specular components of the Phong
        /// reflection model for a directional light.
        public override Color ComputeDirectionalLight(
            DirectionalLight dL, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
            V3 incidentVec = -dL.Direction;

            return ComputeDiffuseSpecular(dL, obj, p, uv, incidentVec);
        /// Computes the diffuse and specular components of the Phong
        /// reflection model for a point light.
        public override Color ComputePointLight(
            PointLight pL, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
            V3 incidentVec = pL.Position - p;

            return ComputeDiffuseSpecular(pL, obj, p, uv, incidentVec);
        public override Tuple<V3, V3> DerivativePoint(V2 uv)
            V3 dPdu = new V3(VA);

            V3 dPdv = new V3(VB);

            return new Tuple<V3,V3>(dPdu, dPdv);
        private Color ComputeDiffuse(
            Light l, V3 incidentVec, V3 normalVec, Object3D obj, V2 uv
            Color diffuseIllu = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            if (incidentVec * normalVec > 0.0f) {
                diffuseIllu = obj.TextureColor(uv) * l.Intensity *
                              obj.Material.KDiffuse * (incidentVec * normalVec);

            return diffuseIllu;
        public Rectangle(V3 center, V3 va, V3 vb, PhongMaterial material)
            : base(center, material)
            if (va * vb != 0) {
                throw new Exception(
                    "Not a rectangle (VA: " + va + ", VB: " + vb + ")."

            VA = va;
            VB = vb;
        public override Tuple<V3, V3> DerivativePoint(V2 uv)
            V2 uvS = UV(uv); // uv sphere

            V3 dPdu = new V3(
                x: -Radius * Mathf.Cos(uvS.V) * Mathf.Sin(uvS.U),
                y: Radius * Mathf.Cos(uvS.V) * Mathf.Cos(uvS.U),
                z: 0

            V3 dPdv = new V3(
                x: -Radius * Mathf.Sin(uvS.V) * Mathf.Cos(uvS.U),
                y: -Radius * Mathf.Sin(uvS.V) * Mathf.Sin(uvS.U),
                z: Radius * Mathf.Cos(uvS.V)

            return new Tuple<V3,V3>(dPdu, dPdv);
        /// Computes the diffuse and specular components of the Phong
        /// reflection model.
        /// @Note Avoids code duplication in ComputePointLight and
        /// ComputeDirectionalLight.
        private Color ComputeDiffuseSpecular(
            Light l, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv, V3 incidentVec
            V3 normalVec = obj.Normal(p, uv);

            V3 reflectedVec = incidentVec.ReflectedVector(normalVec);

            V3 viewingVec = CameraPos - p;

            Color diffuseIllu = ComputeDiffuse(
                l, incidentVec, normalVec, obj, uv
            Color specularIllu = ComputeSpecular(
                l, reflectedVec, normalVec, obj, uv

            return diffuseIllu + specularIllu;
        /// Renders one object.
        private void RenderObject(Object3D obj)
            for (float u = 0.0f ; u < 1.0f ; u += 0.001f) {
                for (float v = 0.0f ; v < 1.0f ; v += 0.001f) {
                    V2 uv = new V2(u,v);
                    V3 p = obj.Point(uv);

                    V3 pScreen = new V3(
                        x: p.X,
                        y: Canvas.Height - p.Z,
                        z: p.Y
                    bool objectVisible = Set(pScreen);

                    if (objectVisible) {
                        Color illumination = Scene.IlluModel.Compute(
                            Scene.Lights, obj, p, uv

                        Canvas.DrawPixel(pScreen, illumination);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the Wavefront Object file at the provided path and returns the operation's result.
        /// </summary>
        public static ImportResult Import(string path, IPXPmxBuilder builder, ImportSettings settings, IOProgress progress)
            // Cancel the process if needed
            if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            IPXPmx pmx = builder.Pmx();

            pmx.ModelInfo.ModelName = pmx.ModelInfo.ModelNameE = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            pmx.ModelInfo.Comment   = pmx.ModelInfo.CommentE = "(Imported from OBJ by WPlugins.ObjIO)";
            StreamReader reader = null;

            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo fi = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
            System.Globalization.NumberStyles     ns = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;

            // Model elements
            List <V3> vList  = new List <V3>();
            List <V2> vtList = new List <V2>();
            List <V3> vnList = new List <V3>();
            Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, int> vertexDictionary = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, int>();
            Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial>        materials        = new Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial>();
            IPXMaterial currentMaterial = null;

            // Values derived from settings
            V3 positionScale = new V3(settings.ScaleX, settings.ScaleY, settings.ScaleZ) * (settings.UseMetricUnits ? 0.254f : 0.1f);

            // Statistics
            int lineNumber = 0;

                reader = new StreamReader(path);
                char[] separator = { ' ' };
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)

                    // Cancel the process if needed
                    if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                    progress.Report(IOProgress.Percent(reader.BaseStream.Position, reader.BaseStream.Length));

                    // Skip empty lines and comments
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line[0] == '#')

                    string[] split = line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    switch (split[0])
                    // Vertex position
                    case "v":
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            float z = float.Parse(split[3], ns, fi);
                            vList.Add(new V3(x, y, -z));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vList.Add(new V3());

                    // Vertex texture coordinates
                    case "vt":
                            // Technically this can be a V3 or any vector, but PMX only uses the first two elements for the main UV channel.
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            vtList.Add(new V2(x, -y));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vtList.Add(new V2());

                    // Vertex normal
                    case "vn":
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            float z = float.Parse(split[3], ns, fi);
                            vnList.Add(new V3(x, y, -z));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vnList.Add(new V3());

                    // Face definition
                    case "f":
                        if (currentMaterial == null)
                            progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Encountered a face record when no active group was set.", lineNumber));
                            currentMaterial = builder.Material();

                        // Triangle
                        if (split.Length == 4)
                            int  v  = 0;
                            int  vt = 0;
                            int  vn = 0;
                            bool newVertex;

                                // Split each vertex assignment triple into its respective v/vt/vn indices.
                                GetVertexElements(split[1], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                // Based on the indices, determine if the vertex assignment is unique or already exists. A vertex is considered unique if one or more index is different, regardless of the vectors they represent.
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index1);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    pmx.Vertex.Add(vert);       // The new vertex is added to the end of the list, making its index equal to the list's count before the addition.
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex1 = pmx.Vertex[index1];

                                // Repeat the same process for the rest of the vertex triples.
                                GetVertexElements(split[2], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index2);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex2 = pmx.Vertex[index2];

                                GetVertexElements(split[3], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index3);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex3 = pmx.Vertex[index3];

                                // Build the triangle and assign the vertices; use reverse order and negative normal vectors if the triangles are reversed.
                                IPXFace face = builder.Face();
                                if (settings.FlipFaces)
                                    vertex1.Normal *= -1;
                                    vertex2.Normal *= -1;
                                    vertex3.Normal *= -1;
                                    face.Vertex1    = vertex1;
                                    face.Vertex2    = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3    = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex1;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                        // Quad
                        else if (split.Length == 5)
                            int  v  = 0;
                            int  vt = 0;
                            int  vn = 0;
                            bool newVertex;
                                GetVertexElements(split[1], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index1);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex1 = pmx.Vertex[index1];

                                GetVertexElements(split[2], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index2);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex2 = pmx.Vertex[index2];

                                GetVertexElements(split[3], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index3);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex3 = pmx.Vertex[index3];

                                GetVertexElements(split[4], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index4);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex4 = pmx.Vertex[index4];

                                int     faceIndex1 = 0, faceIndex2 = 0;
                                IPXFace face = builder.Face();
                                if (settings.FlipFaces)
                                    face.Vertex3 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex3 : vertex4;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex1;
                                    faceIndex1 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                    face         = builder.Face();
                                    face.Vertex1 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex1 : vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex4;
                                    faceIndex2 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;
                                    face.Vertex1 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex3 : vertex4;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex1;
                                    faceIndex1 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                    face         = builder.Face();
                                    face.Vertex3 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex1 : vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex4;
                                    faceIndex2 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                if (settings.SaveTrianglePairs)
                                    currentMaterial.Memo += string.Format("({0},{1})", faceIndex1, faceIndex2);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("The OBJ file contains a polygon with an invalid number of vertices. Currently only triangles and quads are supported. Line content: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(new InvalidOperationException("Invalid polygon"), progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));

                    // Group assignment defines which PMX object (IPXMaterial instance) the subsequent faces belong to.
                    case "g":
                        currentMaterial      = builder.Material();
                        currentMaterial.Name = currentMaterial.NameE = line.Trim().Substring(2);
                        progress.Report("New object: " + currentMaterial.Name);
                        // Set default properties
                        currentMaterial.Diffuse = new V4(1, 1, 1, 1);
                        currentMaterial.Ambient = new V3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    // Material assignment defines which material template should be applied to the currently active PMX object. Any number of PMX objects can refer to a single material template.
                    case "usemtl":
                        if (currentMaterial == null)
                            progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Encountered a material template reference when no active group was set.", lineNumber));
                            currentMaterial = builder.Material();
                            string      name = line.Trim().Substring(7);
                            IPXMaterial m    = currentMaterial;     // Active material
                            IPXMaterial t    = materials[name];     // Template material
                            m.Diffuse       = t.Diffuse;
                            m.Specular      = t.Specular;
                            m.Power         = t.Power;
                            m.Ambient       = t.Ambient;
                            m.Diffuse       = t.Diffuse;
                            m.SelfShadow    = t.SelfShadow;
                            m.SelfShadowMap = t.SelfShadowMap;
                            m.Shadow        = t.Shadow;
                            m.Tex           = t.Tex;
                            m.EdgeSize      = t.EdgeSize;
                            m.EdgeColor     = t.EdgeColor;
                            m.Edge          = t.Edge;

                    // Material library, may occur multiple times in a model.
                    case "mtllib":
                        string materialLibraryName = line.Substring(7);
                        progress.Report("Importing materials from " + materialLibraryName);
                        // Try relative path
                        string materialLibraryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), materialLibraryName);
                        if (!File.Exists(materialLibraryPath))
                            // Try absolute path
                            materialLibraryPath = materialLibraryName;
                            if (!File.Exists(materialLibraryPath))
                                progress.ReportError(string.Format("Material library not found ({0}).", materialLibraryName));
                        Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial> tempDict = ImportMaterials(materialLibraryPath, builder, settings, progress);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IPXMaterial> kvp in tempDict)
                            if (materials.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                                progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Duplicate material {0} imported from {1} has been discarded.", kvp.Key, materialLibraryName));
                                materials.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        progress.Report(string.Format("Imported {0} materials from {1}.", tempDict.Count, materialLibraryName));

                    // Smoothing group assignment (unused)
                    case "s":


                // Second pass for bone weights and transformations because I'm lazy
                IPXBone bone = null;
                if (settings.CreateBone != ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.None)
                    bone      = builder.Bone();
                    bone.Name = bone.NameE = pmx.ModelInfo.ModelName.Replace(' ', '_');
                foreach (IPXVertex vertex in pmx.Vertex)
                    // Bone
                    if (settings.CreateBone == ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.Average)
                        bone.Position += vertex.Position;
                    vertex.Bone1   = settings.CreateBone != ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.None ? bone : null;
                    vertex.Weight1 = 1.0f;
                    vertex.Bone2   = vertex.Bone3 = vertex.Bone4 = null;
                    vertex.Weight2 = vertex.Weight3 = vertex.Weight4 = 0;

                    // Axis swap
                    if (settings.SwapYZ)
                        float temp = vertex.Position.Y;
                        vertex.Position.Y = vertex.Position.Z;
                        vertex.Position.Z = temp;
                        temp            = vertex.Normal.Y;
                        vertex.Normal.Y = vertex.Normal.Z;
                        vertex.Normal.Z = temp;
                if (settings.CreateBone == ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.Average)
                    bone.Position /= pmx.Vertex.Count;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                if (reader != null)
                    reader = null;

            return(ImportResult.Success(pmx, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
        public override V2 UV(V3 p)
            V3 d = p - Center;

            V3 van = new V3(VA);

            V3 vbn = new V3(VB);

            // u = ||d -> VA|| / ||VA||
            float u = ((d * van) / VA.Norm1());

            // v = ||d -> VB|| / ||VB||
            float v = ((d * vbn) / VB.Norm1());

            // u & v: [-0.5 ; 0.5] -> [0;1]
            u += 0.5f;
            v += 0.5f;

            return new V2(u,v);
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// 将三角形的三个点进行平移
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="translation"></param>
 /// <param name="distance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Triangle Translate(Vector3d translation, double distance)
     return(new Triangle(V1.Move(translation, distance), V2.Move(translation, distance), V3.Move(translation, distance)));
예제 #18
 public Root(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
     v5 = new V5(api);
예제 #19
 public Streams(TwitchAPI api)
     v3    = new V3(api);
     v5    = new V5(api);
     helix = new Helix(api);
 public abstract Color ComputePointLight(
     PointLight pL, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
 public Sphere(V3 center, float radius, PhongMaterial material)
     : base(center, material)
     Radius = radius;
예제 #22
        // Create a physics chain that fits onto the bone chain
        public static void GeneratePhysics(IPXPmxBuilder builder, IPXBone[] bones, PhysicsSettings settings, out IPXBody[] rigidbodies, out IPXJoint[] joints)
            rigidbodies = new IPXBody[bones.Length - 1];
            joints      = new IPXJoint[bones.Length - 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Length; ++i)
                // Basic setup
                IPXBody b = rigidbodies[i] = builder.Body();
                b.Position = Vector3.Average(bones[i].Position, bones[i + 1].Position);
                b.Bone     = bones[i];
                b.Name     = b.Bone.Name;
                b.NameE    = b.Bone.NameE;
                b.Mode     = settings.BodyMode;

                // Size
                b.BoxKind = settings.Shape;
                float w = settings.Width;
                float h = settings.Height;
                float length;
                switch (settings.LengthCalculation)
                case PhysicsSettings.LengthCalculationMode.Relative:
                    length = Vector3.Distance(bones[i].Position, bones[i + 1].Position) * settings.Length;

                case PhysicsSettings.LengthCalculationMode.DistanceFromEnds:
                    length = Math.Max(Vector3.Distance(bones[i].Position, bones[i + 1].Position) - settings.Length * 2, 0);

                    length = settings.Length;
                if (settings.Shape == PEPlugin.Pmd.BodyBoxKind.Sphere)
                    b.BoxSize = new V3(length / 2.0f, 1, 1);
                    b.BoxSize = new Vector3(w, length / 2.0f, h);

                // Angle
                V3 dir = bones[i + 1].Position - bones[i].Position;
                float heading = Mathf.Atan2(dir.X, dir.Z);
                float theta   = -heading;
                V3    elev    = new V3(Mathf.Cos(theta) * dir.X + Mathf.Sin(theta) * dir.Z, dir.Y, -Mathf.Sin(theta) * dir.X + Mathf.Cos(theta) * dir.Z);
                b.Rotation = new V3(Mathf.Atan2(elev.Z, elev.Y), heading, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; ++i)
                IPXJoint j = joints[i] = builder.Joint();
                j.Position = bones[i + 1].Position;
                j.BodyA    = rigidbodies[i];
                j.BodyB    = rigidbodies[i + 1];
                j.Name     = j.BodyA.Name;
                j.NameE    = j.BodyA.NameE;
 public abstract Color ComputeDirectionalLight(
     DirectionalLight dL, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
        // エントリポイント 
        public override void Run(IPERunArgs args)
          = args.Host;
                this.builder =;
                this.connect =;
                this.pex     = this.connect.Pmd.GetCurrentStateEx();
                this.PMD     = this.connect.Pmd.GetCurrentState();
                this.PMX     = this.connect.Pmx.GetCurrentState();
                this.Form    = this.connect.Form;
                this.PMDView = this.connect.View.PMDView;


                if (this.connect.Form.PmxFormActivate)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.PMX.Vertex.Count; i++)
                        IPXVertex vertex = this.PMX.Vertex[i];
                        V3        vp = (V3)vertex.Position;
                        int       ind1, ind2;
                        ind1 = ind2 = -1;
                        float dis1, dis2;
                        dis1 = dis2 = 10000000;
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.PMX.Bone.Count; j++)
                            IPXBone bone = this.PMX.Bone[j];
                            V3      bp   = (V3)bone.Position;
                            float   dis;
                            if (bone.ToBone == null)
                                dis = getDistanceBoneToVertex(bone, vertex);
                            if (dis < dis1)
                                dis2 = dis1;
                                ind2 = ind1;
                                ind1 = j;
                                dis1 = dis;
                            else if (dis < dis2)
                                dis2 = dis;
                                ind2 = j;

                        if (ind1 >= 0)
                            vertex.Bone1   = this.PMX.Bone[ind1];
                            vertex.Weight1 = 1.0f;

                        if (ind2 >= 0)
                            vertex.Bone2 = this.PMX.Bone[ind2];
                            vertex.Weight2 = 0f;
                            vertex.Weight2 = (1f * dis1 / (dis1 + dis2));
                            vertex.Weight1 = 1.0f - vertex.Weight2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.PMD.Vertex.Count; i++)
                        IPEVertex vertex = this.PMD.Vertex[i];
                        V3        vp = (V3)vertex.Position;
                        int       ind1, ind2;
                        ind1 = ind2 = -1;
                        float dis1, dis2;
                        dis1 = dis2 = 10000000;
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.PMD.Bone.Count; j++)
                            IPEBone bone = this.PMD.Bone[j];
                            V3      bp   = (V3)bone.Position;
                            float   dis;
                            if (bone.To == -1 || bone.To == 0)
                                dis = getDistanceBoneToVertex(bone, vertex);
                            //                        float dis = (bp - vp).Length();
                            if (dis < dis1)
                                dis2 = dis1;
                                ind2 = ind1;
                                ind1 = j;
                                dis1 = dis;
                            else if (dis < dis2)
                                dis2 = dis;
                                ind2 = j;

                        if (ind1 >= 0)
                            vertex.Bone1 = ind1;
                        if (ind2 >= 0)
                            vertex.Bone2 = ind2;
                            vertex.Weight = 100;
                            vertex.Weight = (int)(100f * dis2 / (dis1 + dis2));

                MessageBox.Show(this.PMD.Vertex.Count.ToString() + "個の頂点のウェイトを最短排他形式で設定しました。",
                                "ウェイト自動設定(排他的)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show(this.PMX.Vertex.Count.ToString() + "個の頂点のウェイトを中間補完形式で設定しました。",
                                "ウェイト自動設定(補完的)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "エラー", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
        public static V3 Cross(V3 a, V3 b)
            V3 v = new V3(a.Y * b.Z - b.Y * a.Z, a.Z * b.X - b.Z * a.X, a.X * b.Y - b.X * a.Y);

 public static float Dot(V3 a, V3 b)
     return(a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z);
 public void DrawPixel(V3 pScreen, Color c)
     DrawPixel((int) pScreen.X, (int) pScreen.Y, c);
예제 #28
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: tiregram/E5_ima
 public abstract Couleur applyLight(Object3D b, V3 positionLight, V3 normal, Couleur color_surface);
예제 #29
 public static float Dot(V3 a, V3 b)
     return a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z;
예제 #30
 public static Tuple <double, double, double> ToTuple(this V3 param)
     return(new Tuple <double, double, double>(param.X, param.Y, param.Z));
예제 #31
 static public Point3d V3ToPoint3d(V3 pos)
     return(new Point3d(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
예제 #32
        // This method is the callback by which the forests controlled
        // by the scene manager tell us about SpeedTrees.
        private void AddTreeObstacles(SpeedTreeWrapper tree)
            // If this tree didn't use to be in range but now is
            V3      vp = tree.TreePosition;
            Vector3 p  = new Vector3(vp.x, vp.y, vp.z);
            // Find the tile in question
            int tileX, tileZ;

            WorldToTileCoords(p, out tileX, out tileZ);
            bool oir = InRange(tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);
            bool nir = InRange(newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ);

//             if (MO.DoLog)
//                 MO.Log(String.Format("For tree at {0}, testing !InRange({1},{2},{3},{4}) = {5} && InRange({6},{7},{8},{9}) = {10}",
//                                      MO.MeterString(p),tileXCenter, tileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(!oir),
//                                      newTileXCenter, newTileZCenter, tileX, tileZ, MO.Bool(nir)));
            if (!oir && nir)
                int            tX     = TileToArrayIndex(tileX, newTileXCenter);
                int            tZ     = TileToArrayIndex(tileZ, newTileZCenter);
                uint           count  = tree.CollisionObjectCount;
                long           handle = ComposeHandle(tileX, tileZ);
                CollisionShape shape  = null;
                if (MO.DoLog)
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Adding tree at {0}, tiles[{1},{2}] = {3}, tile coords[{4},{5}], obj. new count {6}",
                                         MO.MeterString(p), tX, tZ, tiles[tX, tZ], tileX, tileZ, count));
                    MO.Log(string.Format("Handle {0}, oldcenter {1}, newcenter {2}",
                                         MO.HandleString(handle), MO.MeterString(tileWorldCenter), MO.MeterString(newTileWorldCenter)));
                float size     = 0f;
                float variance = 0f;
                tree.GetTreeSize(ref size, ref variance);
                float scaleFactor = size / tree.OriginalSize;
                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    TreeCollisionObject tco = tree.CollisionObject(i);
                    Vector3             cp  = new Vector3(tco.position.x, tco.position.y, tco.position.z) * scaleFactor + p;
                    Vector3             cd  = new Vector3(tco.dimensions.x, tco.dimensions.y, tco.dimensions.z) * scaleFactor;
                    switch ((CollisionObjectType)tco.type)
                    case CollisionObjectType.ColSphere:
                        shape = new CollisionSphere(cp, cd.x);

                    case CollisionObjectType.ColCylinder:
                        // We treat it as a capsule, but we raise the
                        // capsule up by the capRadius, and shorten
                        // the segment by the double the capRadius
                        Vector3 top = cp;
                        top.y += cd.y - cd.x * 2f;
                        cp.y  += cd.x;
                        shape  = new CollisionCapsule(cp, top, cd.x);

                    case CollisionObjectType.ColBox:
                        Vector3 tp = cp;
                        tp.x -= cd.x * .5f;
                        tp.y -= cd.y * .5f;
                        shape = new CollisionAABB(tp, tp + cd);
                    collisionAPI.AddCollisionShape(shape, handle);
                    tiles[tX, tZ]++;

                    if (MO.DoLog)
                        MO.Log(string.Format(" tiles[{0},{1}] = {2}, tile at [{3},{4}] after adding shape {5}",
                                             tX, tZ, tiles[tX, tZ], tileX, tileZ, shape.ToString()));
예제 #33
 public Teams(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
     v5 = new V5(api);
예제 #34
 public Games(TwitchAPI api)
     v3    = new V3(api);
     v5    = new V5(api);
     helix = new Helix(api);
예제 #35
 /// <summary>
 /// 将三角形的三个点依次平移
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="translation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Triangle Translate(Vector3d translation)
     return(new Triangle(V1.Move(translation), V2.Move(translation), V3.Move(translation)));
예제 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the P, UV and Normal properties for either floor or ceiling.
        /// Fills in current 3D data for the subsector vertices.
        /// Note: Z component is the height here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IsFloor">Whether to create for floor or ceiling</param>
        /// <param name="Scale">Optional additional scale to apply.</param>
        public void UpdateVertexData(bool IsFloor, Real Scale = 1.0f)
            const Real INV64 = 1.0f / (Real)(64 << 4);  // from old code..

            V3 normal;

            V3[] p        = new V3[Vertices.Count];
            V2[] uv       = new V2[Vertices.Count];
            Real left     = 0;
            Real top      = 0;
            Real oneOverC = 0.0f;

            RooSectorSlopeInfo slopeInfo =
                (IsFloor) ? Sector.SlopeInfoFloor : Sector.SlopeInfoCeiling;


            // find most top left vertex and get its coordinates
            if (slopeInfo != null)
                left     = (int)slopeInfo.X0;
                top      = (int)slopeInfo.Y0;
                oneOverC = 1.0f / slopeInfo.C;
                for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++)
                    if (Vertices[i].X < left)
                        left = Vertices[i].X;

                    if (Vertices[i].Y < top)
                        top = Vertices[i].Y;


            for (int count = 0; count < Vertices.Count; count++)
                // 1: Fill in vertex coordinates
                if (slopeInfo != null)
                    p[count].X = Vertices[count].X;
                    p[count].Y = Vertices[count].Y;
                    p[count].Z = (-slopeInfo.A * p[count].X - slopeInfo.B * p[count].Y - slopeInfo.D) * oneOverC;
                    p[count].X = Vertices[count].X;
                    p[count].Y = Vertices[count].Y;
                    p[count].Z = (IsFloor) ? (Sector.FloorHeight * 16.0f) : (Sector.CeilingHeight * 16.0f);

                // 2.1: UV with slope
                if (slopeInfo != null)
                    V3   intersectTop;
                    V3   intersectLeft;
                    V3   vectorU;
                    V3   vectorV;
                    V3   vector;
                    Real distance;
                    Real U, temp;

                    // calc distance from top line (vector u)
                    U = ((p[count].X - slopeInfo.P0.X) * (slopeInfo.P1.X - slopeInfo.P0.X)) +
                        ((p[count].Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z) * (slopeInfo.P1.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z)) +
                        ((p[count].Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y) * (slopeInfo.P1.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y));

                    temp = ((slopeInfo.P1.X - slopeInfo.P0.X) * (slopeInfo.P1.X - slopeInfo.P0.X)) +
                           ((slopeInfo.P1.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z) * (slopeInfo.P1.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z)) +
                           ((slopeInfo.P1.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y) * (slopeInfo.P1.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y));

                    if (temp == 0.0f)
                        temp = 1.0f;

                    U /= temp;

                    intersectTop.X = slopeInfo.P0.X + U * (slopeInfo.P1.X - slopeInfo.P0.X);
                    intersectTop.Z = slopeInfo.P0.Z + U * (slopeInfo.P1.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z);
                    intersectTop.Y = slopeInfo.P0.Y + U * (slopeInfo.P1.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y);

                    uv[count].X = (Real)System.Math.Sqrt(
                        (p[count].X - intersectTop.X) * (p[count].X - intersectTop.X) +
                        (p[count].Z - intersectTop.Z) * (p[count].Z - intersectTop.Z) +
                        (p[count].Y - intersectTop.Y) * (p[count].Y - intersectTop.Y));

                    // calc distance from left line (vector v)
                    U = ((p[count].X - slopeInfo.P0.X) * (slopeInfo.P2.X - slopeInfo.P0.X)) +
                        ((p[count].Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z) * (slopeInfo.P2.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z)) +
                        ((p[count].Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y) * (slopeInfo.P2.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y));

                    temp = ((slopeInfo.P2.X - slopeInfo.P0.X) * (slopeInfo.P2.X - slopeInfo.P0.X)) +
                           ((slopeInfo.P2.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z) * (slopeInfo.P2.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z)) +
                           ((slopeInfo.P2.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y) * (slopeInfo.P2.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y));

                    if (temp == 0.0f)
                        temp = 1.0f;

                    U /= temp;

                    intersectLeft.X = slopeInfo.P0.X + U * (slopeInfo.P2.X - slopeInfo.P0.X);
                    intersectLeft.Z = slopeInfo.P0.Z + U * (slopeInfo.P2.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z);
                    intersectLeft.Y = slopeInfo.P0.Y + U * (slopeInfo.P2.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y);

                    uv[count].Y = (Real)System.Math.Sqrt(
                        (p[count].X - intersectLeft.X) * (p[count].X - intersectLeft.X) +
                        (p[count].Z - intersectLeft.Z) * (p[count].Z - intersectLeft.Z) +
                        (p[count].Y - intersectLeft.Y) * (p[count].Y - intersectLeft.Y));

                    uv[count].X += (Sector.TextureY << 4) / 2.0f;
                    uv[count].Y += (Sector.TextureX << 4) / 2.0f;

                    vectorU.X = slopeInfo.P1.X - slopeInfo.P0.X;
                    vectorU.Z = slopeInfo.P1.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z;
                    vectorU.Y = slopeInfo.P1.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y;

                    distance = (Real)System.Math.Sqrt((vectorU.X * vectorU.X) + (vectorU.Y * vectorU.Y));

                    if (distance == 0.0f)
                        distance = 1.0f;

                    vectorU.X /= distance;
                    vectorU.Z /= distance;
                    vectorU.Y /= distance;

                    vectorV.X = slopeInfo.P2.X - slopeInfo.P0.X;
                    vectorV.Z = slopeInfo.P2.Z - slopeInfo.P0.Z;
                    vectorV.Y = slopeInfo.P2.Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y;

                    distance = (Real)System.Math.Sqrt((vectorV.X * vectorV.X) + (vectorV.Y * vectorV.Y));

                    if (distance == 0.0f)
                        distance = 1.0f;

                    vectorV.X /= distance;
                    vectorV.Z /= distance;
                    vectorV.Y /= distance;

                    vector.X = p[count].X - slopeInfo.P0.X;
                    vector.Y = p[count].Y - slopeInfo.P0.Y;

                    distance = (Real)System.Math.Sqrt((vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y));

                    if (distance == 0)
                        distance = 1.0f;

                    vector.X /= distance;
                    vector.Y /= distance;

                    if (((vector.X * vectorU.X) +
                         (vector.Y * vectorU.Y)) <= 0)
                        uv[count].Y = -uv[count].Y;

                    if (((vector.X * vectorV.X) +
                         (vector.Y * vectorV.Y)) > 0)
                        uv[count].X = -uv[count].X;

                // 2.2: UV without slope
                    uv[count].X = System.Math.Abs(Vertices[count].Y - top) - (Sector.TextureY << 4);
                    uv[count].Y = System.Math.Abs(Vertices[count].X - left) - (Sector.TextureX << 4);

                uv[count].X *= INV64;
                uv[count].Y *= INV64;

                // apply additional userscale
                p[count] *= Scale;


            // Calculate the normal
            if (slopeInfo != null)
                // if the sector is sloped, we get the normal from slopeinfo
                normal.X = slopeInfo.A;
                normal.Y = slopeInfo.B;
                normal.Z = slopeInfo.C;

            else if (IsFloor)
                // default normal for non sloped floor
                normal.X = 0.0f;
                normal.Y = 0.0f;
                normal.Z = 1.0f;
                // default normal for non sloped ceilings
                normal.X = 0.0f;
                normal.Y = 0.0f;
                normal.Z = -1.0f;


            // save in class properties depending on floor/ceiling
            if (IsFloor)
                FloorP      = p;
                FloorUV     = uv;
                FloorNormal = normal;
                CeilingP      = p;
                CeilingUV     = uv;
                CeilingNormal = normal;
예제 #37
 public Search(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
     v5 = new V5(api);
예제 #38
 public ChannelFeeds(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
     v5 = new V5(api);
 private bool Set(V3 pScreen)
     return Set((int) pScreen.X, (int) pScreen.Y, pScreen.Z);
예제 #40
 public void setDirection(V3 direction)
     this.direction = direction;
예제 #41
 public static V3 GetNormalized(this V3 v)
예제 #42
 public DirectionalLight(V3 p_direction, Couleur p_couleur) : base(p_couleur)
     this.direction = p_direction;
 public override V3 Normal(V3 p)
     return Normal();
예제 #44
        public override Couleur applyLight(Object3D enlightmentObject, V3 positionOnScene, V3 normal, Couleur color_surface)
            foreach (Object3D one in RenderSing.getCurrentRender().getObject())
                V3 dirN = new V3(direction);

                double t = 0;

                if (enlightmentObject != one && one.testColition(positionOnScene, dirN, out t))
                    return(new Couleur(0f, 0f, 0f));

            return(this.diffuse(enlightmentObject, normal, color_surface) +
                   this.specular(enlightmentObject, normal, color_surface));
예제 #45
 public static V3 Cross( V3 a, V3 b )
     V3 v = new V3(a.Y * b.Z - b.Y * a.Z, a.Z * b.X - b.Z * a.X, a.X * b.Y - b.X * a.Y);
     return v;
예제 #46
 ///<summary>transform.localEulerAngles-н x, z-г өөрчилнө</summary>
 public static void TleXz(this GameObject a, float x, float z)
     a.transform.localEulerAngles = V3.Xz(a.transform.localEulerAngles, x, z);
        /// Retrieves uv values in the [0;1] range for a point p on the sphere.
        public override V2 UV(V3 p)
            V3 d = p - Center;

            // cos(u) = (x - c.x) / (r * cos(v))
            // sin(u) = (y - c.y) / (r * cos(v))
            // tan(u) = sin(u) / cos(u)
            // u = atan((y - c.y) / (x - c.x))
            float u = Mathf.Atan2(d.Y, d.X);

            // v = asin((z - c.z) / r)
            float v = Mathf.Asin(d.Z / Radius);

            // u,v in [0;1]
            u = (u / (2 * Mathf.PI));
            v = 0.5f + (v / Mathf.PI);

            return new V2(u,v);
 /// Computes the ambient component of the Phong reflection model for
 /// an ambient light.
 public override Color ComputeAmbientLight(
     AmbientLight aL, Object3D obj, V3 p, V2 uv
     return obj.TextureColor(uv) * aL.Intensity * obj.Material.KAmbient;
예제 #49
 public Subscriptions(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
예제 #50
파일: Chat.cs 프로젝트: ermantepe/TwitchLib
 public Chat(TwitchAPI api)
     v3 = new V3(api);
     v5 = new V5(api);
 public PhongIllumination(V3 cameraPos)
     CameraPos = cameraPos;
 public Raycasting(Canvas canvas, Scene scene, V3 cameraPos)
     : base(canvas, scene, cameraPos)
예제 #53
 ///<summary>transform.localEulerAngles-н x, y-г өөрчилнө</summary>
 public static void TleXy(this GameObject a, float x, float y)
     a.transform.localEulerAngles = V3.Xy(a.transform.localEulerAngles, x, y);
        public string IsError()
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GrsName))
                return("Укажите наименование ГРС");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SubGrsName))
                return("Укажите наименование замерной нитки");
            if (Psantimeter > 0)
                if (V1 + V2 + V3 + V9 + V10 + V11 > 0)
                    K = SmallKConstants.KAll;
                if (V1 != 0 && !V1.CheckIntervalParams(90m, 97.9m))
                    return("V1 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация метана\" несоответсвует");
                if (V2 != 0 && !V2.CheckIntervalParams(0.75m, 4.75m))
                    return("V2 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация этана\" несоответсвует");
                if (V3 != 0 && !V3.CheckIntervalParams(0.30m, 3.5m))
                    return("V3 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация пропана\" несоответсвует");
                if (V4 != 0 && !V4.CheckIntervalParams(0.01m, 0.5m))
                    return("V4 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация i-бутана\" несоответсвует");
                if (!V5.CheckIntervalParams(0m, 0.4m))
                    return("V5 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация n-бутана\" несоответсвует");
                if (!V6.CheckIntervalParams(0m, 0.2m))
                    return("V6 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация  i-пентана\" несоответсвует");
                if (!V7.CheckIntervalParams(0m, 0.15m))
                    return("V7 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация  n-пентана\" несоответсвует");
                if (!V8.CheckIntervalParams(0m, 0.3m))
                    return("V8 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация гексана\" несоответсвует");
                if (V9 != 0 && !V9.CheckIntervalParams(0.1m, 2.5m))
                    return("V9 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация углекислого газа\" несоответсвует");
                if (V10 != 0 && !V10.CheckIntervalParams(0.2m, 1.3m))
                    return("V10 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация азота\" несоответсвует");
                if (!V11.CheckIntervalParams(0m, 0.3m))
                    return("V11 параметр \"Объёмная концентрация кислорода\" несоответсвует");

                if (K == 0)
                else if (!K.CheckIntervalParams(1.24m, 2.1m))
                    return("k параметр \"Объёмный показатель адиабаты\" несоответсвует");
                    this.IsCalculateK = false;

            if (Z == 0)
                this.Z = 0.882m;
            else if (!Z.CheckIntervalParams(0.6m, 0.9999m))
                return("z параметр \"Коэффициент сжимаемости\" несоответсвует");
            if (!Pvxod.CheckIntervalParams(0.01m, 6m))
                return("Pвх параметр \"Давление газа на входе в ДГА\" несоответсвует");
            if (!Pvixod.CheckIntervalParams(0.01m, 4m))
                return("Pвых параметр \"Давление газа на выходе из ДГА\" несоответсвует");
            if (!Q.CheckIntervalParams(100m, 100000000m))
                return("Q параметр \"Расход газа по нитке\" несоответсвует");
            if (!Temperature.CheckIntervalParams(10m, 90m))
                return("t параметр \"Температура\" несоответсвует");
            if ((Nnominal > 0 && EffectProcent == 0) || (Nnominal == 0 && EffectProcent > 0))
                return("Укажите Nnominal и Procent, чтобы узнать эффективность расчета");

        /// Recursivly raytrace to get the color resulting from the refracted
        /// light component for the specified collisionPoint.
        private Color RefractionColor(
            V3 incidentVec, V3 collisionPoint, V2 collisionUV,
            Object3D collidedObj, int depth
            if (!collidedObj.Material.IsTransparent()) { return Color.Black; }

            V3 normal = collidedObj.Normal(collisionPoint, collisionUV);

            Ray refractionRay = new Ray(
                origin: collisionPoint,
                direction: incidentVec.RefractedVector(
                    normalVec: normal,
                    n1: Scene.RefractiveIndex,
                    n2: collidedObj.Material.RefractiveIndex
                originObject: null

            Color refractionColor = Raytrace(refractionRay, depth - 1);
            if (refractionColor == null) { return Color.Black; }

            return collidedObj.Material.Transparency * refractionColor;
예제 #56
 ///<summary>transform.position-н y, z-г өөрчилнө</summary>
 public static void TpYz(this GameObject a, float y, float z)
     a.transform.position = V3.Yz(a.transform.position, y, z);
        private Color ComputeSpecular(
            Light l, V3 reflectedVec, V3 viewingVec, Object3D obj, V2 uv
            Color specularIllu = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            if (reflectedVec * viewingVec > 0.0f) {
                specularIllu = l.Intensity * obj.Material.KSpecular *
                        reflectedVec * viewingVec,

            return specularIllu;
예제 #58
 ///<summary>transform.localEulerAngles-н y, z-г өөрчилнө</summary>
 public static void TleYz(this GameObject a, float y, float z)
     a.transform.localEulerAngles = V3.Yz(a.transform.localEulerAngles, y, z);
        /// Recursivly raytrace to get the color resulting from the reflected
        /// light component for the specified collisionPoint.
        private Color ReflectionColor(
            V3 incidentVec, V3 collisionPoint, V2 collisionUV,
            Object3D collidedObj, int depth
            if (!collidedObj.Material.IsReflective()) { return Color.Black; }

            V3 normal = collidedObj.Normal(collisionPoint, collisionUV);
            Ray reflectionRay = new Ray(
                origin:       collisionPoint,
                direction:    incidentVec.ReflectedVector(normal),
                originObject: collidedObj

            Color reflectionColor = Raytrace(reflectionRay, depth - 1);
            if (reflectionColor == null) { return Color.Black; }

            return collidedObj.Material.Reflection * reflectionColor;
예제 #60
    ///<summary>mesh-р эргэлтийн бие үүсгэнэ</summary>
    public static void RotModel(ref Mesh mesh, bool isFill, bool isDisUv, int n, List <Vector2> points, Tf tf)
        List <Vector2> lis = new List <Vector2>(points);

        if (isFill)
            lis.Insert(0, V2.X(points[0], 0));
            lis.Add(V2.X(points[points.Count - 1], 0));
        // vertices
        Vector3[] vs   = new Vector3[n * lis.Count];
        float     dAng = 360f / n;

        for (int i = 0; i < lis.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                vs[i * n + j] = Tf.Rot(tf.r, V3.Mul(new Vector3(lis[i].x * M.Cos(j * dAng), lis[i].y, lis[i].x * M.Sin(j * dAng)), tf.s)) + tf.t;
        // triangles
        int[] ts = new int[n * 6 * (lis.Count - 1)];
        for (int i = 0; i < lis.Count - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    ts[n * 6 * i + j * 6 + k] = n * i + (j + UvUArr[k]) % n + UvVArr[k] * n;
        // uv
        Vector3[] v = new Vector3[ts.Length];
        int[]     t = new int[ts.Length];
        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[ts.Length];
        float     du = 1f / n, dv = 1f / (lis.Count - 1);

        if (isDisUv)
            float        dis = 0, tmpDis, curDis = 0;
            List <float> disLis = new List <float>();
            for (int i = 1; i < lis.Count; i++)
                tmpDis = Vector3.Distance(lis[i - 1], lis[i]);
                dis += tmpDis;
            for (int i = 0; i < ts.Length; i++)
                v[i]  = vs[ts[i]];
                t[i]  = i;
                uv[i] = new Vector2(
                    (i / 6 % n + UvUArr[i % 6]) * du,
                    (curDis + UvVArr[i % 6] * disLis[i / 6 / n]) / dis
                if ((i + 1) % (6 * n) == 0)
                    curDis += disLis[i / 6 / n];
            for (int i = 0; i < ts.Length; i++)
                v[i]  = vs[ts[i]];
                t[i]  = i;
                uv[i] = new Vector2(
                    (i / 6 % n + UvUArr[i % 6]) * du,
                    (i / 6 / n + UvVArr[i % 6]) * dv
        // mesh
        VsTsUvRn(ref mesh, vs, ts, uv);