예제 #1
        V1PodTemplateSpec GetPod(string name, IModuleIdentity identity, KubernetesModule module, IDictionary <string, string> labels)
            // Convert docker labels to annotations because docker labels don't have the same restrictions as Kubernetes labels.
            Dictionary <string, string> annotations = module.Config.CreateOptions.Labels
                                                      .Map(dockerLabels => dockerLabels.ToDictionary(label => KubeUtils.SanitizeAnnotationKey(label.Key), label => label.Value))
                                                      .GetOrElse(() => new Dictionary <string, string>());

            annotations[KubernetesConstants.K8sEdgeOriginalModuleId] = ModuleIdentityHelper.GetModuleName(identity.ModuleId);

            var(proxyContainer, proxyVolumes)   = this.PrepareProxyContainer(module);
            var(moduleContainer, moduleVolumes) = this.PrepareModuleContainer(name, identity, module);

            Option <List <V1LocalObjectReference> > imageSecret = module.Config.AuthConfig
                                                                  .Map(auth => new List <V1LocalObjectReference> {
                new V1LocalObjectReference(auth.Name)

            Option <IDictionary <string, string> > nodeSelector = Option.Maybe(module.Config.CreateOptions).FlatMap(options => options.NodeSelector);

            var modulePodSpec = new V1PodSpec(
                containers: new List <V1Container> {
                proxyContainer, moduleContainer
                volumes: proxyVolumes.Concat(moduleVolumes).ToList(),
                imagePullSecrets: imageSecret.OrDefault(),
                serviceAccountName: name,
                nodeSelector: nodeSelector.OrDefault());

            var objectMeta = new V1ObjectMeta(name: name, labels: labels, annotations: annotations);

            return(new V1PodTemplateSpec(objectMeta, modulePodSpec));
예제 #2
        public static bool ImageEquals(this V1PodSpec self, V1PodSpec other)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))

            if (ReferenceEquals(self, other))

            List <V1Container> otherList = other.Containers.ToList();

            foreach (V1Container selfContainer in self.Containers)
                if (otherList.Exists(c => string.Equals(c.Name, selfContainer.Name)))
                    V1Container otherContainer = otherList.Find(c => string.Equals(c.Name, selfContainer.Name));
                    if (!string.Equals(selfContainer.Image, otherContainer.Image))
                        // Container has a new image name.
                    // container names don't match

        V1PodTemplateSpec GetPod(string name, IModuleIdentity identity, KubernetesModule module, IDictionary <string, string> labels)
            List <V1EnvVar> envVars = this.CollectEnv(module, identity);

            // Convert docker labels to annotations because docker labels don't have the same restrictions as Kubernetes labels.
            var annotations = Option.Maybe(module.Config.CreateOptions?.Labels)
                              .Map(dockerLabels => dockerLabels.ToDictionary(label => KubeUtils.SanitizeAnnotationKey(label.Key), label => label.Value))
                              .GetOrElse(() => new Dictionary <string, string>());

            annotations[KubernetesConstants.K8sEdgeOriginalModuleId] = ModuleIdentityHelper.GetModuleName(identity.ModuleId);

            // Per container settings:
            // exposed ports
            Option <List <V1ContainerPort> > exposedPorts = Option.Maybe(module.Config?.CreateOptions?.ExposedPorts)

            // privileged container
            Option <V1SecurityContext> securityContext = Option.Maybe(module.Config?.CreateOptions?.HostConfig?.Privileged)
                                                         .Map(config => new V1SecurityContext(privileged: true));

            // Bind mounts
            (List <V1Volume> volumes, List <V1VolumeMount> proxyMounts, List <V1VolumeMount> volumeMounts) = this.GetVolumesFromModule(module);

            var containers = new List <V1Container>
                new V1Container(
                    env: envVars,
                    image: module.Config.Image,
                    volumeMounts: volumeMounts,
                    securityContext: securityContext.OrDefault(),
                    ports: exposedPorts.OrDefault()),

                new V1Container(
                    env: envVars, // TODO: check these for validity for proxy.
                    image: this.proxyImage,
                    volumeMounts: proxyMounts)

            Option <List <V1LocalObjectReference> > imageSecret = module.Config.AuthConfig.Map(
                auth =>
                var secret   = new ImagePullSecret(auth);
                var authList = new List <V1LocalObjectReference>
                    new V1LocalObjectReference(secret.Name)

            var modulePodSpec = new V1PodSpec(containers, volumes: volumes, imagePullSecrets: imageSecret.OrDefault(), serviceAccountName: name);

            var objectMeta = new V1ObjectMeta(name: name, labels: labels, annotations: annotations);

            return(new V1PodTemplateSpec(objectMeta, modulePodSpec));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="V1Deployment"/> for the specified <see cref="Resources.Channel"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The <see cref="Resources.Channel"/> to deploy</param>
        /// <returns>A new awaitable <see cref="Task"/></returns>
        protected virtual async Task CreateChannelDeploymentAsync(Resources.Channel channel)
            V1Deployment deployment;

                this.Logger.LogInformation("Creating a new deployment for the channel with name '{resourceName}'...", channel.Name());
                V1PodSpec   podSpec   = new V1PodSpec();
                V1Container container = channel.Spec.Container;
                container.Env.Add(new V1EnvVar("SINK", $"http://gateway.{channel.Namespace()}.svc.cluster.local/events/"));
                podSpec.Containers = new List <V1Container>()
                V1ObjectMeta podMetadata = new V1ObjectMeta();
                podMetadata.Annotations = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "sidecar.istio.io/inject", "true" }
                V1PodTemplateSpec podTemplateSpec = new V1PodTemplateSpec(podMetadata, podSpec);
                podTemplateSpec.Metadata.Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "app", channel.Name() },
                    { "version", "1.0" }
                V1DeploymentSpec deploymentSpec = new V1DeploymentSpec(new V1LabelSelector(), podTemplateSpec);
                deploymentSpec.Selector.MatchLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "app", channel.Name() },
                    { "version", "1.0" }
                V1ObjectMeta deploymentMetadata = new V1ObjectMeta(namespaceProperty: channel.Namespace(), name: channel.Name());
                deploymentMetadata.Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "type", EventingDefaults.Labels.Channel }
                deploymentMetadata.Name = channel.Name();
                deploymentMetadata.NamespaceProperty = channel.Namespace();
                deployment = new V1Deployment(KubernetesDefaults.ApiVersions.AppsV1, KubernetesDefaults.Kinds.Deployment, deploymentMetadata, deploymentSpec);
                await this.KubernetesClient.CreateNamespacedDeploymentAsync(deployment, channel.Namespace());

                this.Logger.LogInformation("A new deployment for the channel with name '{resourceName}' has been successfully created.", channel.Name());
            catch (HttpOperationException ex)
                this.Logger.LogError($"An error occured while creating the deployment for the channel with name '{{resourceName}}': the server responded with a non-success status code '{{statusCode}}'.{Environment.NewLine}Details: {{responseContent}}", channel.Name(), ex.Response.StatusCode, ex.Response.Content);
예제 #5
        public PodBuilder AddToleration(string _Effect = null, string _Key = null, string _Value = null, string _Operator = null, long?TolerationSeconds = null)
            if (Pod.Spec == null)
                V1PodSpec PodSpec = new V1PodSpec();

            if (Pod.Spec.Tolerations == null)
                Pod.Spec.Tolerations = new List <V1Toleration>();

            Pod.Spec.Tolerations.Add(new V1Toleration(_Effect, _Key, _Operator, TolerationSeconds, _Value));

예제 #6
        public static V1Pod CreatePod(string id)
            var spec = new V1PodSpec()
                Containers = new List <V1Container>()
                    new V1Container()
                        Name  = $"minecraft-pod-{id}",
                        Image = "openhack/minecraft-server:2.0",
                        Ports = new List <V1ContainerPort>()
                            new V1ContainerPort()
                                ContainerPort = 25565
                            new V1ContainerPort()
                                ContainerPort = 25575
                        Env = new List <V1EnvVar>()
                            new V1EnvVar()
                                Name = "EULA", Value = "TRUE"

            var metadata = new V1ObjectMeta()
                Name   = $"minecraft-pod-{id}",
                Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "pod-name", $"minecraft-pod-{id}" }

            return(new V1Pod(V1Pod.KubeApiVersion, V1Pod.KubeKind, metadata, spec));
예제 #7
        private void AddAciConfiguration(V1PodSpec podSpec)
            //bursting out to ACI is controlled by node selectors and tolerations:
            podSpec.NodeSelector = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "beta.kubernetes.io/os", _config["Pi:Docker:OSPlatform"].ToLower() },
                { "kubernetes.io/role", "agent" },
                { "type", "virtual-kubelet" }

            podSpec.Tolerations = new List <V1Toleration>
                new V1Toleration
                    Key = "virtual-kubelet.io/provider",
                    OperatorProperty = "Exists"
                new V1Toleration
                    Key    = "azure.com/aci",
                    Effect = "NoSchedule"
예제 #8
        public static IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context)
            log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            //var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildConfigFromConfigFile();
            var configpath = $"{context.FunctionAppDirectory}\\config\\config.txt";
            var config     = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildConfigFromConfigFile(kubeconfigPath: configpath);

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Request!");

            IKubernetes client = new Kubernetes(config);

            var labels = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            labels.Add("app", "raincraft");

            var ports = new List <V1ContainerPort>();

            ports.Add(new V1ContainerPort()
                ContainerPort = 25565
            ports.Add(new V1ContainerPort()
                ContainerPort = 25575

            var env = new List <V1EnvVar>();

            env.Add(new V1EnvVar()
                Name = "EULA", Value = "true"

            var mounts = new List <V1VolumeMount>();

            mounts.Add(new V1VolumeMount()
                Name = "minedb", MountPath = "/data"

            var volumes = new List <V1Volume>();

            volumes.Add(new V1Volume()
                Name = "minedb",
                PersistentVolumeClaim = new V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource()
                    ClaimName = "minevol2"

            var spec = new V1PodSpec();

            spec.Containers = new List <V1Container>();
            spec.Containers.Add(new V1Container()
                Name         = "raincraft-pod",
                Image        = "openhack/minecraft-server:2.0-alpine",
                Ports        = ports,
                Env          = env,
                VolumeMounts = mounts
            spec.Volumes = volumes;

            var template = new V1PodTemplateSpec()
                Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta()
                    Name   = "raincraft-pod",
                    Labels = labels
                Spec = spec

            var deployment = new V1Deployment()
                ApiVersion = "apps/v1",
                Kind       = "Deployment",
                Metadata   = new V1ObjectMeta()
                    Name = "raincraft",
                Spec = new V1DeploymentSpec()
                    Replicas = 1,
                    Template = template,
                    Selector = new V1LabelSelector()
                        MatchLabels = labels


            var dresult = client.CreateNamespacedDeployment(deployment, "default");

            var list = new List <string>();

            //foreach (var i in client.ListNamespacedService("default").Items)
            //    if (i.Metadata.Labels.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("app", "minepod-service")))
            //        list.Add(i.Metadata.Name);

            var pods = client.ListNamespacedPod("default").Items;

            foreach (var i in pods)
                if (i.Metadata.Labels.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("app", "raincraft")))

            return(new OkObjectResult(list) as ActionResult);
예제 #9
        private static ApiJobSubmitRequest CreateJobRequest(string jobSet)
            var pod = new V1PodSpec
                Volumes = new List <V1Volume>
                    new V1Volume
                        Name       = "root-dir",
                        FlexVolume = new V1FlexVolumeSource
                            Driver    = "gr/cifs",
                            FsType    = "cifs",
                            SecretRef = new V1LocalObjectReference {
                                Name = "secret-name"
                            Options = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "networkPath", "" }
                Containers = new[]
                    new V1Container
                        Name            = "Container1",
                        Image           = "index.docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest",
                        Args            = new[] { "sleep", "10s" },
                        SecurityContext = new V1SecurityContext {
                            RunAsUser = 1000
                        Resources = new V1ResourceRequirements
                            Requests = new V1ResourceList
                                ["cpu"]    = "120m",
                                ["memory"] = "512Mi"
                            Limits = new V1ResourceList
                                ["cpu"]    = "120m",
                                ["memory"] = "512Mi"

            return(new ApiJobSubmitRequest
                Queue = "test",
                JobSetId = jobSet,
                JobRequestItems = new[]
                    new ApiJobSubmitRequestItem
                        Priority = 1,
                        PodSpec = pod
예제 #10
        V1PodTemplateSpec GetPodFromModule(Dictionary <string, string> labels, KubernetesModule <TConfig> module, IModuleIdentity moduleIdentity)
            if (module is IModule <AgentDocker.CombinedDockerConfig> moduleWithDockerConfig)
                // pod labels
                var podLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>(labels);

                // pod annotations
                var podAnnotations = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                podAnnotations.Add(Constants.K8sEdgeOriginalModuleId, moduleIdentity.ModuleId);
                // Convert docker labels to annotations because docker labels don't have the same restrictions as
                // Kuberenetes labels.
                if (moduleWithDockerConfig.Config.CreateOptions?.Labels != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> label in moduleWithDockerConfig.Config.CreateOptions?.Labels)
                        podAnnotations.Add(KubeUtils.SanitizeAnnotationKey(label.Key), label.Value);

                // Per container settings:
                // exposed ports
                Option <List <V1ContainerPort> > exposedPortsOption = (moduleWithDockerConfig.Config?.CreateOptions?.ExposedPorts != null)
                    ? this.GetExposedPorts(moduleWithDockerConfig.Config.CreateOptions.ExposedPorts).Map(
                    servicePorts =>
                    servicePorts.Select(tuple => new V1ContainerPort(tuple.Port, protocol: tuple.Protocol)).ToList())
                    : Option.None <List <V1ContainerPort> >();

                // privileged container
                Option <V1SecurityContext> securityContext = (moduleWithDockerConfig.Config?.CreateOptions?.HostConfig?.Privileged == true) ? Option.Some(new V1SecurityContext(privileged: true)) : Option.None <V1SecurityContext>();

                // Environment Variables.
                List <V1EnvVar> env = this.CollectEnv(moduleWithDockerConfig, (KubernetesModuleIdentity)moduleIdentity);

                // Bind mounts
                (List <V1Volume> volumeList, List <V1VolumeMount> proxyMounts, List <V1VolumeMount> volumeMountList) = this.GetVolumesFromModule(moduleWithDockerConfig).GetOrElse((null, null, null));

                // Image
                string moduleImage = moduleWithDockerConfig.Config.Image;

                var containerList = new List <V1Container>()
                    new V1Container(
                        env: env,
                        image: moduleImage,
                        volumeMounts: volumeMountList,
                        securityContext: securityContext.GetOrElse(() => null),
                        ports: exposedPortsOption.GetOrElse(() => null)),

                    // TODO: Add Proxy container here - configmap for proxy configuration.
                    new V1Container(
                        env: env, // TODO: check these for validity for proxy.
                        image: this.proxyImage,
                        volumeMounts: proxyMounts)

                Option <List <V1LocalObjectReference> > imageSecret = moduleWithDockerConfig.Config.AuthConfig.Map(
                    auth =>
                    var secret   = new ImagePullSecret(auth);
                    var authList = new List <V1LocalObjectReference>
                        new V1LocalObjectReference(secret.Name)

                var modulePodSpec = new V1PodSpec(containerList, volumes: volumeList, imagePullSecrets: imageSecret.GetOrElse(() => null));
                var objectMeta    = new V1ObjectMeta(labels: podLabels, annotations: podAnnotations);
                return(new V1PodTemplateSpec(metadata: objectMeta, spec: modulePodSpec));

            return(new V1PodTemplateSpec());
예제 #11
        private static V1Pod CreatePodDefinition()
            Guid   podIdentifier       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var    podidentifierstring = podIdentifier.ToString();
            string podName             = "pod" + podidentifierstring;
            string containerPortName   = "containerport";
            string containerName       = "container";

            V1ObjectMeta meta = new V1ObjectMeta();

            meta.Name = podName;

            V1EnvVar addr = new V1EnvVar();

            addr.Name  = "ACTIVITY_PARTITION_NAME";
            addr.Value = "bam_EnrichedFPAttributesV2_Instances";

            //V1EnvVar port = new V1EnvVar();

            //V1ResourceRequirements res = new V1ResourceRequirements();
            //Map<String, String> limits = new HashMap<>();
            //limits.put("cpu", "300m");
            //limits.put("memory", "500Mi");

            V1ContainerPort port = new V1ContainerPort();

            port.Name          = containerPortName;
            port.ContainerPort = 8080;

            V1Container container = new V1Container();

            container.Name  = containerName;
            container.Image = "bamreplacementwebapp:dev";
            //container.Image = "nbsbamreplacementmigrationservice:dev";
            //container.Image = "migrationservice:dev";
            container.Ports = new List <V1ContainerPort>();
            container.Env = new List <V1EnvVar>();
            //container.Args = new List<string>();
            // container.Args.Add("bar");

            // container.env(Arrays.asList(addr, port));

            V1PodSpec spec = new V1PodSpec();

            spec.Containers = new List <V1Container>();

            V1Pod podBody = new V1Pod();

            podBody.ApiVersion = "v1";
            podBody.Kind       = "Pod";
            podBody.Metadata   = meta;
            podBody.Spec       = spec;

예제 #12
        private static V1Deployment CreateDeploymentDefinition()
            Guid   podIdentifier       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var    podidentifierstring = podIdentifier.ToString();
            string podName             = "pod-" + podidentifierstring;
            string containerPortName   = "containerport";
            string containerName       = "container";
            string deploymentName      = "poddeployment-" + podIdentifier;

            V1ObjectMeta deplMetadata = new V1ObjectMeta();

            deplMetadata.Name   = deploymentName;
            deplMetadata.Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            deplMetadata.Labels.Add("component", "migrationservice");

            V1DeploymentSpec deplSpec = new V1DeploymentSpec();

            deplSpec.Selector             = new V1LabelSelector();
            deplSpec.Selector.MatchLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            deplSpec.Selector.MatchLabels.Add("app", "bamreplacement");
            deplSpec.Replicas = 3; // to be tokenized

            deplSpec.Strategy                              = new V1DeploymentStrategy();
            deplSpec.Strategy.Type                         = "RollingUpdate";
            deplSpec.Strategy.RollingUpdate                = new V1RollingUpdateDeployment();
            deplSpec.Strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxSurge       = 1;
            deplSpec.Strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable = 0;

            V1ObjectMeta podMetadata = new V1ObjectMeta();

            podMetadata.Name   = podName;
            podMetadata.Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            podMetadata.Labels.Add("app", "bamreplacement");

            V1ContainerPort port = new V1ContainerPort();

            port.Name          = containerPortName;
            port.ContainerPort = 8080;

            V1EnvVar addr = new V1EnvVar();

            addr.Name  = "ACTIVITY_PARTITION_NAME";
            addr.Value = "bam_EnrichedFPAttributesV2_Instances";

            V1Container container = new V1Container();

            container.Name = containerName;
            // container.Image = "abhishekagg24/stableapp:v1";
            //container.Image = "nbsbamreplacementmigrationservice:dev";
            container.Image = "bamreplacementwebapp:dev";
            container.Ports = new List <V1ContainerPort>();
            container.Env = new List <V1EnvVar>();

            V1PodSpec podSpec = new V1PodSpec();

            podSpec.Containers = new List <V1Container>();

            deplSpec.Template          = new V1PodTemplateSpec();
            deplSpec.Template.Metadata = podMetadata;
            deplSpec.Template.Spec     = podSpec;

            V1Deployment deployment = new V1Deployment();

            deployment.ApiVersion = "apps/v1";
            deployment.Kind       = "Deployment";
            deployment.Metadata   = deplMetadata;
            deployment.Spec       = deplSpec;

예제 #13
        public async Task <Job> SubmitJob(Job job)
            var resources = new V1ResourceRequirements
                Requests = new Dictionary <string, ResourceQuantity>()
                    { "cpu", new ResourceQuantity("1") },
                    { "memory", new ResourceQuantity($"1Gi") }

            var podSpec = new V1PodSpec
                Containers = new[]
                    new V1Container
                        Name    = job.Id,
                        Image   = _config["Pi:Docker:Image"],
                        Command = new []
                        Resources = resources
                RestartPolicy = "Never"

            //for running in AKS with ACI integration:
            if (_config.GetValue <bool>("Pi:Processors:Kubernetes:UseAci"))

            var jobSpec = new V1JobSpec()
                Template = new V1PodTemplateSpec(spec: podSpec)

            var jobMetadata = new V1ObjectMeta(name: job.Id)
                Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "com.pi", "1" }

            var k8sJob = new V1Job(metadata: jobMetadata, spec: jobSpec);

            if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                _logger.LogDebug("*** Generated YAML: ***");
                var yaml = Yaml.SaveToString(k8sJob);

            await _kubernetes.CreateNamespacedJobAsync(k8sJob, _namespace);

            job.ProcessingId = k8sJob.Metadata.Name;