예제 #1
 async Task Ex05()
     await CoreApplication.MainView.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
         UwpController.SetElement(new TextBox {
             Name = "TodoContentTextBox"
         }, Controller, true);
         When("the element is double tapped", () =>
         When("the content is modified", () => TodoItem.EditContent.Value = ModifiedContent);
         When("the Esc key is pressed", () =>
             UwpController.Using(Substitute.For <IKeyRoutedEventArgsResolver>(), typeof(KeyRoutedEventArgsWrapper))
             .Apply(resolver => resolver.Key(Arg.Any <KeyRoutedEventArgs>()).Returns(VirtualKey.Escape))
         Then("the to-do item should not be editing", () => !TodoItem.Editing.Value);
         Then("the content of the to-do item should be the initial content", () => TodoItem.Content.Value == InitialContent);
예제 #2
 void Ex03()
     When("the content of the to-do is set", () => Content.TodoContent.Value = TodoContent);
     When("the Tab key is pressed", () =>
         UwpController.Using(Substitute.For <IKeyRoutedEventArgsResolver>(), typeof(KeyRoutedEventArgsWrapper))
         .Apply(resolver => resolver.Key(Arg.Any <KeyRoutedEventArgs>()).Returns(VirtualKey.Tab))
     Then("a to-do item should not be added", () => Content.TodoItems.Count == 0);