private static ProjectInfo CreateProjectInfoFile() { var pi = new ProjectInfo(); pi.ProjectName = Instance.CurrentTestProgramSet.TestSetName; pi.Uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (UutManager.ProjectHasUUT(pi.ProjectName)) { UUTDescription uut = UutManager.GetProjectUUT(pi.ProjectName); if (uut != null) { pi.UutName =; pi.UutId = uut.uuid; } } string fileName = Path.Combine(ATMLContext.TESTSET_PATH, pi.ProjectName, "project-info.xml"); FileManager.WriteFile(fileName, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pi.Serialize())); LogManager.Warn( "Failed to find the project information file so a new file has been created."); return(pi); }
public static void CreateProject(ProjectInfo projectInfo) { //--- Prompt for a test set name ---// //--- Check if the name exisists ---// //--- If name exists then notify the user, ask if they want to open that test set ---// //--- Otherwise create the test set and open it ---// if (projectInfo != null) { TestProgramSet currentTestProgramSet = TestProgramSet.CreateTestSet(projectInfo.ProjectName); if (currentTestProgramSet != null) { SaveProjectInfo(projectInfo, currentTestProgramSet); OpenProject(projectInfo.ProjectName); Document uutDescriptionDocument = DocumentManager.GetDocument(projectInfo.UutId); if (uutDescriptionDocument != null) { SaveATMLDocument(UutManager.BuildAtmlFileName(projectInfo.UutName), AtmlFileType.AtmlTypeUut, uutDescriptionDocument.DocumentContent); } //--- Create a Test Description ---// if (uutDescriptionDocument != null) { var uutDoc = new DocumentReference(); uutDoc.ID = "UUT1"; uutDoc.uuid = uutDescriptionDocument.uuid; var uutRef = new ItemDescriptionReference(); uutRef.Item = uutDoc; var testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration15(); testConfiguration.uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); testConfiguration.TestedUUTs.Add(uutRef); SaveATMLDocument(projectInfo.ProjectName + ATMLContext.ATML_CONFIG_FILENAME_SUFFIX, AtmlFileType.AtmlTypeTestConfiguration, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(testConfiguration.Serialize())); } } } }