public ActionResult Create()
            ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
            //Utils.Utility gets the ID of the user that's logged in
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            int entityID = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID;

            //Uses InvestmentViewModel which is at the bottom of this file
            InvestmentViewModel ivm = new InvestmentViewModel();
            //pulling in all the entities in the system
            ivm.Entities = db.entities.ToList();
            //new investment because we're creating one
            ivm.Investment = new Models.Investment();
            //sets the default investment date to the current date
   = DateTime.Now;
            //pulling all of the current entity's categories
            ivm.Categories = new List<Category>();
            foreach (var category in db.categories)
                if (category.entityID == entityID)
            //entityFrom is retrieved based on the user that's logged in
            ivm.Investment.entityFrom = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;
            //projectsFrom is populated based on entityFrom's projects
            ivm.Projects = db.projects.Where(i => i.entity.ID == ivm.Investment.entityFrom.ID).ToList();
            return View(ivm);
        public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
            ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
            if (id == null)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            InvestmentViewModel ivm = new InvestmentViewModel();
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

            ivm.Investment =;
            ivm.Entities = db.entities.ToList();
            ivm.Categories = db.categories.ToList();
            ivm.Investment.entityFrom = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;
            ivm.Projects = db.projects.Where(i => i.entity.ID == ivm.Investment.entityFrom.ID).ToList();
            ViewBag.InvestmentCategories = string.Join(",", ivm.Investment.categories.Select(c => c.ID));

            if (ivm.Investment == null)
                return HttpNotFound();

            return View(ivm);
        //For Investments/Edity, gets categories NOT attached to current investment
        public ActionResult NonCurrInvestmentCategories(int investmentID)
            Utils.Utility   userUtil          = new Utils.Utility();
            List <Category> currentCategories = new List <Category>();

            foreach (var category in
            List <Category> nonCurrentCategories = new List <Category>();

            foreach (var category in db.categories)
                if (category.entityID == db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID&& !currentCategories.Contains(category))
            var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nonCurrentCategories, Formatting.None,
                                                     new JsonSerializerSettings
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

            return(Content(result, "application/json"));
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <BlogContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                float        marketLow  = _arg.MarketLow;
                float        marketHigh = _arg.MarketHigh;
                RealTimeData ret        = null;

                var realData = await helper.GetRealTimeDataWithDate(stockId, _arg.BaseDate);

                if (realData != null && realData.ZongShiZhi != null)
                    if (marketLow * 1e8 <= realData.LiuTongShiZhi && realData.LiuTongShiZhi <= marketHigh * 1e8)
                        ret = realData;


예제 #5
        public ActionResult Index()
            //DashboardViewModel dvm = new DashboardViewModel();
            //Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            //var currEntity = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User));
            //dvm.investmentsOut = currEntity.entity.investmentsOut.ToList();
            //dvm.projects = currEntity.entity.projects.ToList();
            //dvm.entity = currEntity.entity;
            //dvm.investment = new Investment();
            //dvm.project = new Project();

            Utils.Utility   uu             = new Utils.Utility();
            List <Category> categoriesList = db.categories.ToList();

            //Redirects to Categories/CreateBase if there are no categories (aka a base category is needed)
            if (categoriesList.Count < 1)
                return(RedirectToAction("CreateBase", "Categories"));
            //Redirects to Dashboard if there is an entity attached to the currently logged in user
            if (db.users.Find(uu.UserID(User)).entity != null)
                var entity = db.users.Find(uu.UserID(User)).entity;
            //If not, redirect to create an entity

            return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Entities"));
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,name")] Category category, Metric metric, string newMetrics, int baseID)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
                category.entityID = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID;
                category.isBase   = false;
                category.baseID   = baseID;
                var catID = category.ID;

                if (newMetrics != "")
                    foreach (var metricName in newMetrics.Split(','))
                     = metricName;
                        metric.categoryID = catID;
                        Category currentCategory = db.categories.Find(catID);


 public ActionResult Index()
     ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
     //return View(;
     Utils.Utility uu = new Utils.Utility();
     var entity = db.users.Find(uu.UserID(User)).entity;
     return View(entity);
        // GET: Map
        public ActionResult Index()
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            //MapViewModel mvm = new MapViewModel();
            Entity currentEntity = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;

예제 #9
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
            Utils.Utility uu     = new Utils.Utility();
            var           entity = db.users.Find(uu.UserID(User)).entity;

예제 #10
        private double GetDistanceInMeters()
            if (_distance == null)
                var u = new Utils.Utility();
                _distance = u.GetDistanceInMeters(GetPings().OrderBy(p => p.Time).ToList());

            return(_distance ?? 0);
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int nearestDayNum = _arg.NearDaysNum;
                int riseNum       = _arg.NRiseNum;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, nearestDayNum, _arg.BaseDate);

                if (dayDataList.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dayDataList.Count - riseNum + 1; i++)
                        int j = 0;
                        for (; j < riseNum; j++)
                            if (dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - (i + j)].Close <= dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - (i + j)].Open)

                        if (j == riseNum)
                            dayData = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - i];

                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #12
        public ActionResult GetCurrEntity()
            Utils.Utility userUtil   = new Utils.Utility();
            Entity        currEntity = db.entities.Find(userUtil.UserID(User));
            var           result     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currEntity, Formatting.None,
                                                                   new JsonSerializerSettings
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

            return(Content(result, "application/json"));
예제 #13
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var  helper  = new Utils.Utility(db);
                bool fitFlag = false;

                int objIndex = _arg.StockIdList.IndexOf(stockId);

                DateTime startDate = _arg.DateList[objIndex];
                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, startDate, _arg.BaseDate);

                if (dayDataList.Count > 0)
                    await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                    var closePrice = (from ii in dayDataList
                                      select ii.Close).Max();

                    if (closePrice != 0)
                        var startItem = dayDataList.LastOrDefault();
                        dayData            = startItem;
                        dayData.ZhangDieFu = (closePrice - startItem.Close) / startItem.Close * 100;

                        fitFlag = true;


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (fitFlag)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #14
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <BlogContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                float   low     = _arg.ZhangFuLow;
                float   high    = _arg.ZhangFuHigh;
                int     numcnt  = _arg.CircleDaysNum;
                DayData dayData = null;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);


                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    float mul = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dayDataList.Count; i++)
                        var fudu = dayDataList[i].ZhangDieFu;
                        if (fudu != null)
                            mul *= (1 + fudu.Value / 100f);

                    if (low / 100f <= mul - 1 && mul - 1 <= high / 100f)
                        dayData = dayDataList[0];


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #15
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,name,description")] Project project)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
                project.entity = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));

예제 #16
        public ActionResult Create()
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            User          user     = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User));

            if (user.entity != null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));
예제 #17
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,name,description,address1,address2,city,state,zip,lat,lng")] Entity entity)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Instantiating userUtil to get the ID of currently logged in user
                Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

                //Using geocoder from Google to get latitude and longitude from entity address
                IGeocoder geocoder = new GoogleGeocoder()
                    ApiKey = "AIzaSyDOH51wduQKexTyFXGy0tdDqfXw47XIrjA"
                IEnumerable <Address> addresses = geocoder.Geocode(entity.address1 + " " + entity.address2 + " " + + " " + entity.state + " " +;
       = Convert.ToString(addresses.First().Coordinates.Latitude);
                entity.lng = Convert.ToString(addresses.First().Coordinates.Longitude);

                //user is the currently logged in user; attach the entity we're making to the user
                var user = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User));
                user.entity = entity;

                //Creating a default project each time that an entity is created
                Project project = new Project();
              = "General Fund";
                project.description = "General Pool of Funds - unassigned to a project";
                project.entity      = entity;
                //Add the project to this entity's list of projects

                //Once the entity is created, redirect to the dashboard IF there are categories in the system
                //If there aren't, that means no base categories exist and the user will be redirected to make one
                List <Category> categoriesList = db.categories.ToList();
                if (categoriesList.Count > 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("CreateBase", "Categories"));

        public ActionResult Index()
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            int           entityID = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID;

            CategoryViewModel cvm = new CategoryViewModel();

            cvm.UserCategories = new List <Category>();
            //List<Category> userCategories = new List<Category>();
            foreach (var category in db.categories)
                if (category.entityID == entityID)
            cvm.BaseCategories = db.categories.Where(bcat => bcat.isBase == true).ToList();
            //List<Category> categories = db.categories.ToList();
        public ActionResult UserCategories()
            Utils.Utility   userUtil       = new Utils.Utility();
            List <Category> userCategories = new List <Category>();
            int             currEntityId   = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID;

            foreach (var category in db.categories)
                if (category.entityID == currEntityId)
            var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userCategories, Formatting.None,
                                                     new JsonSerializerSettings
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

            return(Content(result, "application/json"));
예제 #20
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,name,description,address1,address2,city,state,zip,lat,lng")] Entity entity)
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

            IGeocoder geocoder = new GoogleGeocoder()
                ApiKey = "AIzaSyDOH51wduQKexTyFXGy0tdDqfXw47XIrjA"
            IEnumerable <Address> addresses = geocoder.Geocode(entity.address1 + " " + entity.address2 + " " + + " " + entity.state + " " +;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
       = Convert.ToString(addresses.First().Coordinates.Latitude);
                entity.lng = Convert.ToString(addresses.First().Coordinates.Longitude);

                db.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            CategoryViewModel cvm = new CategoryViewModel();

            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

            cvm.Category       = db.categories.Find(id);
            cvm.BaseCategories = db.categories.Where(bcat => bcat.isBase == true).ToList();

            if (cvm.Category == null)

        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                float        low  = _arg.TurnOverRateLow;
                float        high = _arg.TurnOverRateHigh;
                RealTimeData ret  = null;

                var realData = await helper.GetRealTimeDataWithDate(stockId, _arg.BaseDate);

                if (realData != null)
                    var zhibiao = realData.HuanShouLiu;

                    if (zhibiao != null)
                        if (low <= zhibiao && zhibiao <= high)
                            ret = realData;


        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int numcnt = _arg.CircleDaysNum + _arg.NearDaysNum;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                bool fitFlag = false;

                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _arg.NearDaysNum; j++)
                        DayData current = dayDataList[_arg.NearDaysNum - 1 - j];

                        if (current.ZhangDieFu >= _arg.ZhangFu)
                            float sum = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < _arg.CircleDaysNum; i++)
                                sum += dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - (i + j)].Volume;
                            float avrage = sum / _arg.CircleDaysNum;


                            if (current.Volume >= avrage * _arg.VolTimesNum)
                                dayData = current;//满足要求
                                fitFlag = true;



                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (fitFlag)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #24
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int numcnt = _arg.UpDaysNum + _arg.NearDaysNum + _arg.AvgDays;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                bool fitFlag = false;

                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    var closeList = (from ii in dayDataList
                                     select ii.Close).ToList();

                    var maArray = Utils.CalcData.Average(closeList, _arg.AvgDays);

                    for (int i = 0; i < _arg.UpDaysNum; i++)
                        var current = dayDataList[i];

                        if (current.Close > maArray[i])
                            fitFlag = true;
                            dayData = current;
                    if (fitFlag)
                        int exceptCnt = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < _arg.NearDaysNum; j++)
                            var temp = dayDataList[j + _arg.UpDaysNum];
                            if (temp.Close >= maArray[j + _arg.UpDaysNum])
                                if (exceptCnt > _arg.ExceptionNum)
                                    fitFlag = false;


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (fitFlag)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #25
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, _arg.CircleDaysNum + _arg.NearDaysNum, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                int breakIndex = 0;

                if (dayDataList.Count == _arg.CircleDaysNum + _arg.NearDaysNum)
                    int   i             = 0;
                    float maxClosePrice = 0;
                    for (; i < _arg.NearDaysNum; i++)
                        float current = dayDataList[i].Close;
                        if (current > maxClosePrice)
                            maxClosePrice = current;
                            breakIndex    = i;

                    if (!_arg.StrictMode)

                        var nearItem = dayDataList[breakIndex + 1];

                        if (dayDataList[breakIndex].Close >= nearItem.Close &&
                            dayDataList[breakIndex].High > nearItem.High)
                            bool allMatch = false;
                            for (int tempj = i + 1; tempj < dayDataList.Count; tempj++)
                                if (dayDataList[tempj].High > nearItem.Close)
                                    allMatch = true;
                            if (allMatch)

                    float previousMaxHigh = 0;

                    for (; i < dayDataList.Count - _arg.NearDaysNum; i++)
                        float current = dayDataList[i].High;
                        if (current > previousMaxHigh)
                            previousMaxHigh = current;

                    bool match = false;
                    if (maxClosePrice > previousMaxHigh)
                        for (i = 0; i < _arg.CircleDaysNum; i++)
                            var listItem = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - i];
                            if (listItem.High >= previousMaxHigh)

                                float suffixMinLow = float.MaxValue;

                                for (int j = i + 1; j < _arg.CircleDaysNum; j++)
                                    float current = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - j].Low;
                                    if (current < suffixMinLow)
                                        suffixMinLow = current;

                                float fudu = (listItem.High - suffixMinLow) / listItem.High;

                                if (fudu >= _arg.HuiTiaoFuDuLow / 100f && fudu <= _arg.HuiTiaoFuDuHigh / 100f)
                                    match = true;
                    if (match)
                        dayData = dayDataList[breakIndex];


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int numcnt = 1 + _arg.NearDaysNum;
                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    bool match = false;

                    int matchIndex = -1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _arg.NearDaysNum; i++)
                        int currentIndex     = dayDataList.Count - 1 - i - 1; //要跳过第一个数据
                        var currentListItem  = dayDataList[currentIndex];
                        var previousListItem = dayDataList[currentIndex + 1]; //是倒序。
                        if (currentListItem.Low > previousListItem.High &&
                            (currentListItem.Low - previousListItem.Close) / previousListItem.Close > _arg.GapPercent / 100.0 &&
                            currentListItem.Close > currentListItem.Open &&     //真阳线
                            currentListItem.ZhangDieFu <= _arg.LimitPercent

                            float suffixMinLow = float.MaxValue;

                            for (int j = i; j < _arg.NearDaysNum; j++)
                                var   temp    = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - j - 1];
                                float current = temp.Low;
                                if (current < suffixMinLow)
                                    suffixMinLow = current;

                            if (suffixMinLow > previousListItem.High)
                                match      = true;
                                matchIndex = currentIndex;
                    if (match)
                        dayData = dayDataList[matchIndex];


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int numcnt = _arg.RecentDaysNum
                             + _arg.MaxDaysNumDownAvgBeforeTwice +
                             + _arg.MinDaysNumDownAvgBeforeFirst
                             + _arg.AvgDays;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                bool fitFlag = false;

                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    var closeList = (from ii in dayDataList
                                     select ii.Close).ToList();

                    var maArray    = Utils.CalcData.Average(closeList, _arg.AvgDays);
                    int gobleIndex = 0;
                    for (; gobleIndex < _arg.RecentDaysNum; gobleIndex++)
                        var current = dayDataList[gobleIndex];

                        if (current.Close >= maArray[gobleIndex] &&
                            dayDataList[gobleIndex + 1].Close < maArray[gobleIndex + 1])
                            fitFlag = true;
                            dayData = current;

                    if (fitFlag)
                        fitFlag = false;
                        int startIndex = gobleIndex + 1;                                     //之前的处理前一个数据时,并没有移动索引
                        int bianjie    = startIndex + _arg.MaxDaysNumDownAvgBeforeTwice + 1; //往前再弄一天
                        for (gobleIndex = startIndex; gobleIndex < bianjie; gobleIndex++)
                            var current = dayDataList[gobleIndex];
                            if (current.Close >= maArray[gobleIndex])
                                fitFlag = true;

                    if (fitFlag)
                        fitFlag = false;
                        int startIndex = gobleIndex;                                      // //之前的处理前一个数据时,移动了索引
                        int bianjie    = startIndex + _arg.MaxDaysNumUpAvgAfterFirst + 1; //刚好全部都在均线上,然后再往前一天在均线下了
                        for (gobleIndex = startIndex; gobleIndex < bianjie; gobleIndex++)
                            var current = dayDataList[gobleIndex];
                            if (current.Close < maArray[gobleIndex])

                                fitFlag = true;

                        if (gobleIndex - startIndex < _arg.MinDaysNumUpAvgAfterFirst)
                            fitFlag = false;

                    if (fitFlag)
                        int exceptCnt = 0;
                        fitFlag = false;
                        int startIndex = gobleIndex;                                         //之前的处理前一个数据时,移动了索引
                        int bianjie    = startIndex + _arg.MinDaysNumDownAvgBeforeFirst - 1; //这里是满足性检查,不是数据变化检查,上一个检查必定有一个处于均线之下
                        for (gobleIndex = startIndex; gobleIndex < bianjie; gobleIndex++)
                            var current = dayDataList[gobleIndex];
                            if (current.Close >= maArray[gobleIndex])
                                if (exceptCnt > _arg.MaxDaysNumUpAvgBeforeFirst)
                                    fitFlag = false;
                        if (exceptCnt <= _arg.MaxDaysNumUpAvgBeforeFirst)
                            fitFlag = true;


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (fitFlag)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

예제 #28
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <StockContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);
                int numcnt = _arg.CircleDaysNum + _arg.NearDaysNum;
                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, numcnt, _arg.BaseDate);

                await Utils.CalcData.FuQuan(db, stockId, dayDataList);

                if (dayDataList.Count == numcnt)
                    int   i = 0;
                    float maxClosePriceInNearDays = 0;
                    for (; i < _arg.NearDaysNum; i++)
                        float current = dayDataList[i].Close;
                        if (current > maxClosePriceInNearDays)
                            maxClosePriceInNearDays = current;

                    float maxHighInPreviousDays = 0;

                    for (; i < dayDataList.Count - _arg.NearDaysNum; i++)
                        float current = dayDataList[i].High;
                        if (current > maxHighInPreviousDays)
                            maxHighInPreviousDays = current;

                    bool match = false;
                    if (maxClosePriceInNearDays <= maxHighInPreviousDays &&
                        (maxHighInPreviousDays - maxClosePriceInNearDays) / maxClosePriceInNearDays * 100 < _arg.XiangchaLv
                        for (i = 0; i < _arg.CircleDaysNum; i++)
                            var listItem = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - i];
                            if (listItem.High >= maxHighInPreviousDays)

                                float suffixMinLow = float.MaxValue;

                                for (int j = i + 1; j < _arg.CircleDaysNum; j++)
                                    float current = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - j].Low;
                                    if (current < suffixMinLow)
                                        suffixMinLow = current;

                                float fudu = (listItem.High - suffixMinLow) / listItem.High;

                                if (fudu >= _arg.HuiTiaoFuDuLow / 100f && fudu <= _arg.HuiTiaoFuDuHigh / 100f)
                                    match = true;
                    if (match)
                        dayData = dayDataList[0];


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);

        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,amount,entityFrom_ID,entityTo_ID,description,date,isInKind, projectFrom_ID,projectTo_ID")] Investment investment, int entityTo_ID, int projectTo_ID, int projectFrom_ID, string categories, string investmentMetrics)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Utils.Utility gets currently logged in user's ID
                Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

                //entityTo_ID gets sent in via the forms and then attached to the investment here
                investment.entityTo = db.entities.Find(entityTo_ID);

                //entityFrom uses UserID() from Utils/Utility.cs to get the entity linked to the currently logged in User
                investment.entityFrom = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;

                //projectTo_ID and projectFrom_ID get sent in via the forms and then attached to the investment here
                investment.projectTo = db.projects.Find(projectTo_ID);
                investment.projectFrom = db.projects.Find(projectFrom_ID);
                //"selectedCategories" is a comma-separated string of categories sent in via the forms 
                //(a hidden input)
                //the string is split into an array, and then each one is added to the new investment's category list
                if (categories != "" && categories != null)
                    investment.categories = new List<Category>();
                    foreach (var id in categories.Split(','))

                //"selectedMetrics" is a comma-separated string of categories sent in via the forms 
                //(a hidden input)
                //the string is split into an array, and then each one is added to the new investment's category list
                if (investmentMetrics != "" && investmentMetrics != null)
                    investment.metrics = new List<Metric>();
                    foreach (var id in investmentMetrics.Split(','))

                //finally we add the investment to the database and save the changes

                //These if statements are analogous to if projectTo != null / if projectFrom != null
                //If the investment has a projectTo, add this investment to that project's investmentsIn list
                if (projectTo_ID != 0)
                    Project newProject = new Project();
                    newProject = db.projects.Find(projectTo_ID);
                //If the investment has a projectFrom, add this investment to that project's investmentsOut list
                if (projectFrom_ID != 0)
                    Project newProject = new Project();
                    newProject = db.projects.Find(projectFrom_ID);

                //Now redirect to the dashboard
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard");
            return View(investment);
        private async Task <RealTimeData> Filter(string stockId)
            DayData dayData = null;

            using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var db             = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <BlogContext>();

                var helper = new Utils.Utility(db);

                int   nearestDayNum = _arg.NearDaysNum;
                int   riseNum       = _arg.NRiseNum;
                float volumePercent = _arg.VolumePercent;

                var dayDataList = await helper.GetDayData(stockId, nearestDayNum, _arg.BaseDate);

                if (dayDataList.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dayDataList.Count - riseNum + 1; i++)
                        int j = 0;
                        for (; j < riseNum - 1; j++)
                            int index = dayDataList.Count - 1 - (i + j);
                            if (dayDataList[index].Volume < dayDataList[index - 1].Volume)

                        if (j == riseNum - 1)
                            int index = dayDataList.Count - 1 - (i + j);

                            if (dayDataList[index].Volume <= dayDataList[index + riseNum - 1].Volume * volumePercent / 100f)
                                dayData = dayDataList[dayDataList.Count - 1 - i];


                RealTimeData real = null;
                if (dayData != null)
                    real = await helper.ConvertDayToReal(dayData);
