public static void RefreshObjectMeshPairs(GameObject forObject) { //PolyFew Doesn't show up for multiple objects so don't do anything if (UtilityServices.dataContainer == null) { return; } //if (Selection.gameObjects != null && Selection.gameObjects.Length > 1) { return; } //forObject = Selection.activeGameObject; if (forObject == null) { return; } UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectMeshPairs = UtilityServices.GetObjectMeshPairs(forObject, true, true); UtilityServices.dataContainer.triangleCount = UtilityServices.CountTriangles(UtilityServices.dataContainer.reduceDeep, UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectMeshPairs, forObject); DataContainer.UndoRedoOps ops; bool found = UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectsHistory.TryGetValue(forObject, out ops); // Delete the Undo Redo history as they contain older meshes and have become invalid if (found) { UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectsHistory.Remove(forObject); } }
async Task Save() { //! Id == null ==> Post sonst put var result = await AuthenticationApiService.EditUserAsync(FormUser); if (result.IsSuccessful) { NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/", false); } else { UtilityServices.ShowNotification(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Save Userdata failed", result.Errors.ToArray()); } }
public static void ResetToInitialState() { //PolyFew Doesn't show up for multiple objects so don't do anything if (UtilityServices.dataContainer == null) { return; } //if (Selection.gameObjects != null && Selection.gameObjects.Length > 1) { return; } //if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) { return; } UtilityServices.RestoreMeshesFromPairs(UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectMeshPairs); UtilityServices.dataContainer.reductionPending = false; UtilityServices.dataContainer.reductionStrength = 0; if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { UtilityServices.dataContainer.triangleCount = UtilityServices.CountTriangles(UtilityServices.dataContainer.reduceDeep, UtilityServices.dataContainer.objectMeshPairs, Selection.activeGameObject); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetStaff() { try { var companyId = UtilityServices.GetHeaderValue(Request, "companyId"); var oStaffProfile = _staffService.GetList(companyId); if (oStaffProfile == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(oStaffProfile)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log(ex); return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
public IHttpActionResult AuthenticateUser() { try { var emailAddress = UtilityServices.GetHeaderValue(Request, "emailaddress"); var password = UtilityServices.GetHeaderValue(Request, "password"); var oStaffProfile = _staffService.Authenticate(emailAddress, password); if (oStaffProfile == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid Username/Password")); } return(Ok(oStaffProfile)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log(ex); return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
async Task DeleteConfirmation(UserDetailsDto user) { bool ok = (await DialogService.Confirm("Are you sure to delete user?", "Delete User", new ConfirmOptions() { OkButtonText = "Yes", CancelButtonText = "No" })).GetValueOrDefault(); if (ok) { var result = await AuthenticationApiService.DeleteUserAsync(user.Id); if (result.IsSuccessful) { ApplicationUsers.Remove(user); await UsersGrid.Reload(); } else { UtilityServices.ShowNotification(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Delete User failed", result.Errors.ToArray()); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/users", true); } } }
static void DrawGizmoForMyScript(Transform scr, GizmoType gizmoType) { //Debug.Log("OnEnable on InspectorAttacher on PolyFew"); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) { return; } if (Selection.activeTransform == null || Selection.activeTransform is RectTransform) { return; } if (Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <PolyFewHost>() != null) { return; } if (!UtilityServices.CheckIfFeasible(Selection.activeTransform)) { return; } if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } PrefabType prefabType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(Selection.activeGameObject); /* * if (prefabType != PrefabType.None && prefabType != PrefabType.DisconnectedModelPrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.DisconnectedPrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.MissingPrefabInstance) * { * bool positive = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Prefab Instance Detected", * "Poly Few doesn't show up for connected prefab instances until you disconnect them. Press \"Disconnect\" to proceed with the prefab disconnection.", * "Disconnect", * "Cancel"); * * if(positive) { PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance(Selection.activeGameObject); } * } */ prefabType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(Selection.activeGameObject); if (prefabType != PrefabType.None && prefabType != PrefabType.DisconnectedModelPrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.DisconnectedPrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.MissingPrefabInstance) { return; } // Attach the inspector hosting script if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { //Debug.Log("Adding hosting script to gameobject "; PolyFewHost host = Selection.activeGameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PolyFewHost)) as PolyFewHost; oldFlags = Selection.activeGameObject.hideFlags; Selection.activeGameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; host.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; #pragma warning disable int moveUp = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponents <Component>().Length - 2; /* * for (int a = 0; a < moveUp; a++) * { * UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility.MoveComponentUp(host); * } */ Selection.activeGameObject.hideFlags = oldFlags; var backup = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <LODBackupComponent>(); if (backup) { backup.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; } } else { Debug.Log("ActiveSelection is null"); } }