예제 #1
        }// end of method init

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if any provider stored in the database is missing a key
        /// that is required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DialogResult CheckForMissingKeys()
            string mks  = string.Join(", ", keysMissing);
            string fMks = null;

            if (UtilityMethod.NumberOfCharacterOccurences(',', mks) > 1)
                fMks = UtilityMethod.ReplaceLast(",", ", and", mks);
            }// end of if block
            else if (UtilityMethod.NumberOfCharacterOccurences(',', mks) == 1)
                fMks = mks.Replace(",", " and");
            }// end of else block
                fMks = mks;
            }// end of else block

            string prompt = "Yahoo! Weather requires the following missing " +
                            (keysMissing.Count > 1 ? "keys" : "key") + ":\n"
                            + fMks + "\nDo you wish to add " +
                            (keysMissing.Count > 1 ? "them" : "it") + " now?";
            DialogResult result = UtilityMethod.ResponseBox(prompt, WeatherLionMain.PROGRAM_NAME + " - Add Missing Key");

        }// end of message CheckForMissingKeys
        }                     // end of method HealthCheck

        public static bool LocationCheck()
            bool locationSet = false;

            if (storedPreferences.StoredPreferences.Location.Equals("not set"))
                DialogResult setCurrentCity;

                if (systemLocation != null)
                    string prompt = "You must specify a current location in order to run the program. " +
                                    $"Your current location is detected as {systemLocation}.\n" +
                                    "Would you like to use it as your current location?";

                    DialogResult useSystemLocation = UtilityMethod.ResponseBox(prompt, PROGRAM_NAME + " - Setup");

                    if (useSystemLocation == DialogResult.Yes)
                        storedPreferences.StoredPreferences.UseSystemLocation = true;
                        storedPreferences.StoredPreferences.Location          = systemLocation;

                        Preference.SaveProgramConfiguration("prefs", "UseSystemLocation", "true");
                        Preference.SaveProgramConfiguration("prefs", "Location", systemLocation);

                        // save the city to the local WorldCites database
                            currentCity.cityName, currentCity.countryName, currentCity.countryCode,
                            currentCity.regionName, currentCity.regionCode, currentCity.latitude,


                        locationSet = true;
                        Application.Run(new WidgetForm());
                    }// end of if block
                        prompt = "You must specify a current location in order to run the program.\n" +
                                 "Would you like to specify it now?";

                        setCurrentCity = UtilityMethod.ResponseBox(prompt, PROGRAM_NAME + " - Setup");

                        if (setCurrentCity == DialogResult.Yes)

                            // loop until a city is selected
                            while (PreferencesForm.locationSelected)
                                UtilityMethod.LogMessage(UtilityMethod.LogLevel.WARNING, "Waiting for location to be set!",
                            }// end of while loop

                            locationSet = PreferencesForm.locationSelected;
                        } // end of if block
                    }     // end of else block
                }         // end of if block
                    setCurrentCity = UtilityMethod.ResponseBox("You must specify a current location in order to run the program.\n"
                                                               + "Would you like to specify it now?",
                                                               WeatherLionMain.PROGRAM_NAME + " Setup");

                    if (setCurrentCity == DialogResult.Yes)

                        // loop until a city is selected
                        while (!PreferencesForm.locationSelected)
                            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for location to be set!");
                        }// end of while loop

                        locationSet = PreferencesForm.locationSelected;
                    }// end of if block
                        UtilityMethod.ShowMessage("The program will not run without a location set.\nGoodbye.", null,
                                                  title: $"{WeatherLionMain.PROGRAM_NAME}", buttons: MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                                  mbIcon: MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        Application.Exit();     //Exit the application.
                    }// end of else block
                }// end of else block
            }// end of if block
                // the location was already set
                locationSet = true;
            }// end of else block

        } // end of method LocationCheck