private void getUsersTask(Panel TaskContent, Guid guid) { var userTaskBusinessObj = new BusinessLayer.UsersTaskBusinessObjects(); _userTask = userTaskBusinessObj.GetAUserTaskById(guid); getUserInfo((Guid)_userTask.userId, TaskContent); }
public async Task <UsersTask> Get(int id) { UsersTask result = null; using (var ctx = new BugTrackingContext()) { _logger.Debug("Get(). Getting task by id: {0}.", id); result = await ctx.UsersTasks.Include(u => u.Project).Include(u => u.User).FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id); } _logger.Debug("Get(). Task Name = {0} have get.", result.Topic); return(result); }
public async Task <UsersTask> Update(UsersTask usersTask) { using (var ctx = new BugTrackingContext()) { _logger.Debug("Update(). Updating task: {0}.", usersTask.Topic); ctx.Entry(usersTask).State = EntityState.Modified; await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); _logger.Debug("Update(). Task {0} have updated.", usersTask.Topic); } return(usersTask); }
public async Task <UsersTask> Add(UsersTask usersTask) { UsersTask result = null; using (var ctx = new BugTrackingContext()) { _logger.Debug("Add(). Adding task {0}.", usersTask.Topic); result = ctx.UsersTasks.Add(usersTask); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); _logger.Debug("Add(). Task {0} have added.", usersTask.Topic); } return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost() { // Check if the provided model isn't valid. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error has been encountered. Please check again the input fields."); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Define a new task. var task = new UsersTask { Items = new List <UserInputModel> { new UserInputModel { Email = Input.Email, Type = "Password", Data = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Input.Password), EmailConfirmed = Input.EmailConfirmed } } }; // Try to run the task. try { // Run the task. await task.CreateAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception exception) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, exception.Message); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Display a message. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: 1 user created successfully."; // Redirect to the index page. return(RedirectToPage("/Administration/Accounts/Users/Index")); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int SchoolID = info.getId(); if (btnAdd.Text == "تسجيل الوارد") { Incoming inc = new Incoming(); inc.Number = txtIncomingID.Text; // inc.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text); if (Calendar1.CultureName == "ar-SA") { inc.Date = MyDate.convertHijriToGregorian(txtDate.Text); } else { inc.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text); } inc.Source = int.Parse(ddlFrom.SelectedValue); inc.Subject = txtSubject.Text; inc.SemesterId = MyDate.getCurrentSemesterId(); inc.FileNumber = txtFileNumber.Text; inc.SchoolId = SchoolID; inc.Type = int.Parse(ddlType.SelectedValue); inc.Attachment = int.Parse(ddlFileAttach.SelectedValue); inc.IsDeleted = false; var fileLocation = pdfFrame.Attributes["src"]; ose.Incomings.Add(inc); ose.SaveChanges(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileLocation)) { inc.FileLocation = fileLocation.Substring(2, fileLocation.Length - 2); var path = MapPath("~/"); Document pdfDocument = new Document(path + "testImage.pdf"); Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300); JpegDevice jpegDevice = new JpegDevice(resolution, 100); var x = pdfDocument.Pages.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= x; ++i) { string filename = "images/Incomings/" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".jpg"; jpegDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[i], path + filename); IncomingsImage img = new IncomingsImage(); img.IncomingId = inc.Id; img.Image = filename; ose.IncomingsImages.Add(img); } } ose.SaveChanges(); /******************************************************************************************************************/ List <Employee> empLst = new List <Employee>(); OnlineSchoolEntities km = new OnlineSchoolEntities(); if (RadioType.SelectedValue == "1") { empLst = (from k in km.Employees where k.SchoolId == SchoolID select k).ToList(); } else if (RadioType.SelectedValue == "2") { foreach (ListViewItem item in LstJopEmployees.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { var jobid = int.Parse(((HiddenField)item.FindControl("HiddenField2")).Value); foreach (var emp in km.Employees) { if (emp.JobId == jobid && emp.SchoolId == SchoolID) { empLst.Add(emp); } } } } foreach (ListViewItem item in LstEmp.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { var userId = ((HiddenField)item.FindControl("HiddenField1")).Value; empLst.Add((from k in km.Employees where k.IdentityNumber == userId select k).FirstOrDefault()); } } foreach (ListViewItem item in LstSpecification.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { UsersTask ut = new UsersTask(); string specification = ((Label)item.FindControl("NameLabel")).Text; foreach (Employee emp in km.Employees) { if (emp.Specification == specification && emp.SchoolId == SchoolID) { empLst.Add(emp); } } } } } foreach (Employee emp in empLst.Distinct()) { if (emp.SchoolId == SchoolID) { UsersGeneralization userGeneralization = new UsersGeneralization(); userGeneralization.UserId = emp.IdentityNumber; userGeneralization.IncomingId = inc.Id; userGeneralization.isSeen = false; km.UsersGeneralizations.Add(userGeneralization); km.SaveChanges(); // lblerror.Text = "تم الاضافة بنجاح"; } } /*******************************************************************************************************************/ //lblerror.Text = "تمت اضافة الوارد بنجاح"; //IncId.Value = (inc.Id).ToString(); // lnkTask.NavigateUrl = "~/Communication/TaskAdd.aspx?type=Incoming&typeId=" + inc.Id; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "openModal", "<script> openModal(); </script>", false); clear(); } else { int id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); var c = (from k in ose.Incomings where k.Id == id select k).FirstOrDefault(); c.Number = txtIncomingID.Text; c.FileNumber = txtFileNumber.Text; // c.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text); try { if (Calendar1.CultureName == "ar-SA") { c.Date = MyDate.convertHijriToGregorian(txtDate.Text); } else { c.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text); } }catch (Exception ex) { txtDate.Text = ""; lblDateError.Text = "الرجاء ادخال تاريخ صحيح"; return; } c.Source = int.Parse(ddlFrom.SelectedValue); c.Subject = txtSubject.Text; c.Type = int.Parse(ddlType.SelectedValue); c.Attachment = int.Parse(ddlFileAttach.SelectedValue); var fileLocation = pdfFrame.Attributes["src"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileLocation)) { c.FileLocation = fileLocation.Substring(2, fileLocation.Length - 2); } ose.SaveChanges(); //PlaceHolderSuccess.Visible = true; //lblerror.Text = "تم تعديل الوارد بنجاح"; //IncId.Value = (c.Id).ToString(); // lnkTask.NavigateUrl = "~/Communication/TaskAdd.aspx?type=Incoming&typeId=" + c.Id; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "openModal", "<script> openModal(); </script>", false); } }
public async Task <UsersTask> Update(UsersTask usersTask) { return(await _userTaskRepository.Update(usersTask)); }
public async Task <UsersTask> Add(UsersTask usersTask) { return(await _userTaskRepository.Add(usersTask)); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Task task = new Task(); task.Title = txtTitle.Text; task.TypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEventType.SelectedValue); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLocationExecution.Text)) { task.Location = txtLocationExecution.Text; } if (txtDate.Text != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text.ToString())) { TimeSpan time = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTime.Text).TimeOfDay; if (CalendarDate.CultureName == "ar-SA") { task.Date = MyDate.convertHijriToGregorian(txtDate.Text).Add(time); } else { task.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDate.Text, "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG")).Add(time); } } if (txtAlarmDate.Text != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAlarmDate.Text.ToString())) { TimeSpan time = Convert.ToDateTime(txtAlarmTime.Text).TimeOfDay; if (CalendarDate.CultureName == "ar-SA") { task.DateAlarm = MyDate.convertHijriToGregorian(txtAlarmDate.Text).Add(time); } else { task.DateAlarm = DateTime.ParseExact(txtAlarmDate.Text, "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG")).Add(time); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDescription.Text)) { task.Description = txtDescription.Text; } if (ddlIncoming.SelectedValue != "-1") { task.IncommingId = int.Parse(ddlIncoming.SelectedValue); } if (ddlEmployee.SelectedValue != "-1") { task.EmployeeId = ddlEmployee.SelectedValue; } int schoolId = SchoolInfo.getId(); task.SchoolId = schoolId; task.SemesterId = MyDate.getCurrentSemesterId(); task.IsStudentRequired = chxStudent.Checked; task.IsEmployeeRequired = chxEmployee.Checked; if ((bool)task.IsStudentRequired) { //نسجبل غياب بعذر للطلاب } if ((bool)task.IsEmployeeRequired) { //تسجيل غياب بعذر للموظفين } km.Tasks.Add(task); km.SaveChanges(); List <Employee> empLst = new List <Employee>(); foreach (ListViewItem item in LstJopEmployees.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { var jobid = int.Parse(((HiddenField)item.FindControl("HiddenField2")).Value); foreach (var emp in km.Employees) { if (emp.JobId == jobid && emp.SchoolId == schoolId) { empLst.Add(emp); } } } } foreach (ListViewItem item in LstEmp.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { var userId = ((HiddenField)item.FindControl("HiddenField1")).Value; empLst.Add((from k in km.Employees where k.IdentityNumber == userId select k).FirstOrDefault()); } } foreach (ListViewItem item in LstSpecification.Items) { CheckBox che = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkRow"); if (che.Checked) { UsersTask ut = new UsersTask(); string specification = ((Label)item.FindControl("NameLabel")).Text; foreach (Employee emp in km.Employees) { if (emp.Specification == specification && emp.SchoolId == schoolId) { empLst.Add(emp); } } } } foreach (ListItem item in Lstpart.Items) { var userId = item.Value; UsersTask usertask = new UsersTask(); usertask.UserId = userId; usertask.TaskId = task.Id; usertask.IsEmployee = false; km.UsersTasks.Add(usertask); km.SaveChanges(); } foreach (Employee emp in empLst.Distinct()) { if (emp.SchoolId == schoolId) { UsersTask usertask = new UsersTask(); usertask.UserId = emp.IdentityNumber; usertask.TaskId = task.Id; usertask.IsEmployee = true; km.UsersTasks.Add(usertask); km.SaveChanges(); } } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "openModal", "<script> addSuccess(' تم تسجيل الحدث بنجاح'); </script>", false); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null) { // Define the variables for the view. View = new ViewModel { ReturnUrl = returnUrl ?? _linkGenerator.GetPathByPage(HttpContext, "/Index", handler: null, values: null) }; // Check if the reCaptcha is valid. if (!await _reCaptchaChecker.IsValid(Input.ReCaptchaToken)) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The reCaptcha verification failed."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Check if the provided model is not valid. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error was encountered. Please check again the input fields."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Define a new task. var task = new UsersTask { Items = new List <UserInputModel> { new UserInputModel { Email = Input.Email, Type = "Password", Data = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Input.Password) } } }; // Try to run the task. try { // Run the task. await task.CreateAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception exception) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, exception.Message); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Get the new user. var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(Input.Email); // Check if there wasn't any user found. if (user == null) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error was encountered. Please try again."); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Generate an e-mail confirmation code. var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); // Create the callback URL to be encoded in the confirmation email. var callbackUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Identity/ConfirmEmail", handler: null, values: new { userId = user.Id, code = code }); // Define a new view model for the e-mail. var emailViewModel = new EmailEmailConfirmationViewModel { Email = user.Email, Url = callbackUrl, ApplicationUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Index", handler: null, values: null) }; // Send the confirmation e-mail for the user. await _emailSender.SendEmailConfirmationEmailAsync(emailViewModel); // Display a message to the user. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: The account has been created successfully. Please check the provided e-mail address for instructions on confirming your e-mail, in order to log in."; // Redirect to the return URL. return(LocalRedirect(View.ReturnUrl)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string userId, string email, string code) { // Check if the user ID, e-mail and code aren't provided. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { // Display an error. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: The confirmation link is not valid. Please try to paste the link manually into the browser address bar."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Get the user with the provided user ID. var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); // Check if there wasn't any user found. if (user == null) { // Display an error. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: The user ID in the confirmation link is not valid. Please try to paste the link manually into the browser address bar."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Check if an account with the new e-mail address already exists. if (await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email) != null) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An account with the new e-mail address already exists."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Get the current e-mail of the user. var oldEmail = user.Email; // Try to change the e-mail using the provided code. var result = await _userManager.ChangeEmailAsync(user, email, code); // Check if the confirmation failed. if (!result.Succeeded) { // Display an error. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: The e-mail or the confirmation code in the link are not valid. Please try to paste the link manually into the browser address bar."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Define a new task. var usersTask = new UsersTask { Items = new List <UserInputModel> { new UserInputModel { Id = user.Id, Email = user.Email, EmailConfirmed = true } } }; // Try to run the task. try { // Run the task. await usersTask.EditAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception) { // Display an error. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: There was an error with setting the new e-mail address."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Define a new view model for the e-mail. var emailChangedEmailViewModel = new EmailEmailChangedViewModel { OldEmail = oldEmail, NewEmail = user.Email, Url = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Account/Index", handler: null, values: null), ApplicationUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Index", handler: null, values: null) }; // Send the e-mail changed e-mail to the user. await _emailSender.SendEmailChangedEmailAsync(emailChangedEmailViewModel); // Re-sign in the user to update the changes. await _signInManager.RefreshSignInAsync(user); // Display a message to the user. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: Thank you for confirming your e-mail. You can now log in and use the application."; // Redirect to the login page. return(RedirectToPage("/Identity/Login")); }
/// <summary> /// Плохой пример добавления данных в базу, но по EF не позволяет пользоваться контекстом в миграциях /// </summary> /// <param name="migrationBuilder"></param> protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) { var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ModelContext>(); builder.UseSqlite("Data Source=./DemoContext.db"); using (var _context = new ModelContext(builder.Options)) { var task1 = new Task { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "Task 1" }; var task2 = new Task { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "Task 2" }; var task3 = new Task { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "Task 3" }; _context.Tasks.AddRange(task1, task2, task3); _context.SaveChanges(); var usersTask1_1 = new UsersTask { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Points = 10, TaskId = task1.Id }; var usersTask1_2 = new UsersTask { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Points = 20, TaskId = task2.Id }; var usersTask2_2 = new UsersTask { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Points = 22, TaskId = task2.Id }; var usersTask2_3 = new UsersTask { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Points = 33, TaskId = task3.Id }; _context.Users.AddRange( new User { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), UserName = "******", UsersTasks = new List <UsersTask> { usersTask1_1, usersTask1_2 } }, new User { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), UserName = "******", UsersTasks = new List <UsersTask> { usersTask2_2, usersTask2_3 } } ); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { // Get the current user. var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); // Check if the user exists or not. if (user == null) { // Display a message. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: An error occured while trying to load the user data. If you are already logged in, please log out and try again."; // Redirect to the login page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Define the variables to return to the view. View = new ViewModel { HasPassword = await _userManager.HasPasswordAsync(user) }; // Check if the reCaptcha is valid. if (!await _reCaptchaChecker.IsValid(Input.ReCaptchaToken)) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The reCaptcha verification failed."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Check if the provided model is not valid. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error was encountered. Please check again the input fields."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Check if the user is the last administrator user. if ((await _userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, "Administrator")) && (await _userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync("Administrator")).Count() == 1) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "If you delete your account, then there will be no administrator users left. Please add a new administrator, and then try again."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Check if the user has password and the provided password is incorrect. if (View.HasPassword && !await _userManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, Input.Password)) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The provided password is not correct."); // Return the page. return(Page()); } // Define a new task. var task = new UsersTask { Items = new List <UserInputModel> { new UserInputModel { Id = user.Id } } }; // Try to run the task. try { // Run the task. await task.DeleteAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception) { // Log out the user. await _signInManager.SignOutAsync(); // Display a message to the user. TempData["StatusMessage"] = $"Error: There was an error removing some of the data associated with your account."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } // Sign out the user. await _signInManager.SignOutAsync(); // Display a message to the user. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: Your account has been successfully deleted, together with all of the associated data."; // Redirect to the home page. return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost() { // Check if there isn't any ID provided. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.Id)) { // Display a message. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: No ID has been provided."; // Redirect to the index page. return(RedirectToPage("/Administration/Accounts/Users/Index")); } // Define the query. var query = _context.Users .Where(item => item.Id == Input.Id); // Define the view. View = new ViewModel { User = query .FirstOrDefault() }; // Check if the item hasn't been found. if (View.User == null) { // Display a message. TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Error: No item could be found with the provided ID."; // Redirect to the index page. return(RedirectToPage("/Administration/Accounts/Users/Index")); } // Check if the provided model isn't valid. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error has been encountered. Please check again the input fields."); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Define a new task. var task = new UsersTask { Items = new List <UserInputModel> { new UserInputModel { Id = Input.Id, Email = Input.Email, EmailConfirmed = Input.EmailConfirmed } } }; // Try to run the task. try { // Run the task. await task.EditAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception exception) { // Add an error to the model. ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, exception.Message); // Redisplay the page. return(Page()); } // Display a message. TempData["StatusMessage"] = $"Success: 1 user updated successfully."; // Redirect to the index page. return(RedirectToPage("/Administration/Accounts/Users/Index")); }