public ActionResult Authenticate(string code, int state) { GitHub gitHub = new GitHub(); //Creates a new GitHub object UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> > userDataRaw = GeminiContext.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw != null) { var data = userDataRaw.Value.Find(f => f.Provider == SourceControlProvider.GitHub && f.AccessToken.IsEmpty()); // Need to check that state is the same as we've sent otherwise ABORT (cross-site request forgery attacks) ! if (!code.IsEmpty() && CurrentUser.Entity.Id == state) { if (data != null) { var password = SecretsHelper.Decrypt(data.Password, SecretsHelper.EncryptionKey); try { var response = gitHub.GetResponse(string.Format("{0}&client_secret={1}&code={2}&state={3}", data.Username, password, code, state), RestSharp.Method.GET); if (response != null) { var token = response.Content.FromJson <AuthenticateToken>(); if (token.access_token.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { GeminiApp.LogException(new Exception(response.Content.FromJson <Error>().error) { Source = "GitHub Authentication" }, false); gitHub.DeleteLoginDetails(CurrentUser, data, GeminiContext); //If request fails we need to make sure we delete the record associated with this authentication request from DB. Otherwise we'll have several records with empty access token } else { data.AccessToken = token.access_token; gitHub.SaveLoginDetails(CurrentUser, data, GeminiContext); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GeminiApp.LogException(ex, false); } } } else { GeminiApp.LogException(new UnauthorizedAccessException("Code/State invalid") { Source = SourceControlProvider.GitHub.ToString() }, false); gitHub.DeleteLoginDetails(CurrentUser, data, GeminiContext); } } return(Redirect(CurrentProject.HomePageUrl)); }
public void SaveLoginDetails(UserDto user, UserWidgetDataDetails userData, GeminiContext gemini) { UserWidgetData <UserWidgetDataDetails> userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <UserWidgetDataDetails>(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw == null) { var data = new UserWidgetData <UserWidgetDataDetails>(); data.Value = new UserWidgetDataDetails(); data.Value = userData; gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, data.Value); } else { userDataRaw.Value.Password = userData.Password; userDataRaw.Value.Username = userData.Username; userDataRaw.Value.RepositoryUrl = userData.RepositoryUrl; gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, userDataRaw.Value); } }
public ActionResult SaveDocument(string projectCode, int projectId, int issueId, string documentId) { if (NoSettings()) { return(Redirect("~/configure")); } UserWidgetData <LucidChartUser> userData = GeminiContext.UserWidgetStore.Get <LucidChartUser>(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userData == null || userData.IsNew) { return(Authenticate(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("apps/lucidchart/editdocument/{0}/{1}/{2}", projectCode, projectId, issueId))); } string name = new LucidChartsConsumer(UserContext.Url, userData.Value).GetDocumentDescription(documentId).Name; byte[] img = new LucidChartsConsumer(UserContext.Url, userData.Value).GetDocumentImage(documentId, 0, 500, false); byte[] thumb = new LucidChartsConsumer(UserContext.Url, userData.Value).GetDocumentImage(documentId, 0, 128, true); IssueWidgetData <List <LucidChartData> > data = GeminiContext.IssueWidgetStore.Get <List <LucidChartData> >(issueId, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (data == null || data.IsNew) { data = new IssueWidgetData <List <LucidChartData> >(); data.IssueId = issueId; data.AppId = Constants.AppId; data.ControlId = Constants.ControlId; data.Value = new List <LucidChartData>(); } LucidChartData doc = data.Value.Find(d => string.Compare(d.DocumentId, documentId, true) == 0); if (doc == null) { data.Value.Add(new LucidChartData() { DocumentId = documentId, Image = img, ThumnailImage = thumb, DocumentName = name }); } else { doc.DocumentName = name; doc.Image = img; doc.ThumnailImage = thumb; } GeminiContext.IssueWidgetStore.Save <List <LucidChartData> >(data.IssueId, data.AppId, data.ControlId, data.Value); string redirectURL = Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Helpers.NavigationHelper.GetIssuePageUrl(projectId, projectCode, issueId, UserContext.Card.Id, UserContext.Url); return(Redirect(redirectURL)); }
public void SaveLoginDetails(UserDto user, UserWidgetDataDetails userData, GeminiContext gemini) { UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> > userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw == null) { var data = new UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(); data.Value = new List <UserWidgetDataDetails>(); data.Value.Add(userData); gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, data.Value); } else { /** * We need to make sure there are NO github Authentication records with an empty access token otherwise when we receive the access_token back from them we will not be able to associate that request to the right * Repository with an empty access token * check if there is already an entry for github with empty access token, if yes then delete it */ var incompleteAuthentication = userDataRaw.Value.Find(f => f.Provider == userData.Provider && f.AccessToken.IsEmpty()); if (incompleteAuthentication != null) { //var index = userDataRaw.Value.FindIndex(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider && f.AccessToken.IsEmpty()); DeleteLoginDetails(user, incompleteAuthentication, gemini); userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); } var tmpUser = userDataRaw.Value.Find(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); // If a password for this rep already exist, update the details only if (tmpUser != null) { var index = userDataRaw.Value.FindIndex(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); userDataRaw.Value[index].Username = userData.Username; userDataRaw.Value[index].Password = userData.Password; userDataRaw.Value[index].AccessToken = userData.AccessToken; } else { // Add a new user authentication for this user userDataRaw.Value.Add(userData); } gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, userDataRaw.Value); } }
public bool AuthenticateUser(IssueDto args) { UserWidgetData <UserWidgetDataDetails> userDataRaw = GeminiContext.UserWidgetStore.Get <UserWidgetDataDetails>(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw == null) { return(false); } Username = userDataRaw.Value.Username; Password = SecretsHelper.Decrypt(userDataRaw.Value.Password, SecretsHelper.EncryptionKey); RepositoryUrl = userDataRaw.Value.RepositoryUrl; return(true); }
public void DeleteLoginDetails(UserDto user, UserWidgetDataDetails userData, GeminiContext gemini) { UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> > userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw != null) { var tmpUser = userDataRaw.Value.FindAll(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); // If a password for this rep already exist, update the details only if (tmpUser != null) { var index = userDataRaw.Value.FindIndex(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); userDataRaw.Value.RemoveAt(index); } gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, userDataRaw.Value); } }
public ActionResult ViewDocument(string projectCode, int projectId, int issueId, string documentId) { if (NoSettings()) { return(Redirect("~/configure")); } UserWidgetData <LucidChartUser> userData = GeminiContext.UserWidgetStore.Get <LucidChartUser>(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userData == null || userData.IsNew) { return(Authenticate(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("apps/lucidchart/viewdocument/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", projectCode, projectId, issueId, documentId))); } HttpWebRequest request = new LucidChartsConsumer(UserContext.Url, userData.Value).EditDocument(documentId, projectCode, projectId, issueId); string queryString = request.Headers["Authorization"].Replace(",", "&").Replace("\"", "").Replace("OAuth ", ""); return(Redirect(string.Concat(request.RequestUri.ToString(), "&", queryString))); }
public bool AuthenticateUser(UserDto user, string repositoryUrl, GeminiContext gemini) { UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> > userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw == null) { return(false); } var data = userDataRaw.Value.Find(f => f.RepositoryUrl == repositoryUrl && f.Provider == SourceControlProvider.Git); if (data == null) { return(false); } Username = data.Username; Password = SecretsHelper.Decrypt(data.Password, SecretsHelper.EncryptionKey); return(true); }
public void SaveLoginDetails(UserDto user, UserWidgetDataDetails userData, GeminiContext gemini) { UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> > userDataRaw = gemini.UserWidgetStore.Get <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId); if (userDataRaw == null) { var data = new UserWidgetData <List <UserWidgetDataDetails> >(); data.Value = new List <UserWidgetDataDetails>(); data.Value.Add(userData); gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, data.Value); } else { var tmpUser = userDataRaw.Value.Find(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); // If a password for this rep already exist, update the details only if (tmpUser != null) { var index = userDataRaw.Value.FindIndex(f => f.RepositoryUrl == userData.RepositoryUrl && f.Provider == userData.Provider); userDataRaw.Value[index].Password = userData.Password; userDataRaw.Value[index].Username = userData.Username; } else { // Add a new user authentication for this user userDataRaw.Value.Add(userData); } gemini.UserWidgetStore.Save(user.Entity.Id, Constants.AppId, Constants.ControlId, userDataRaw.Value); } }