public ActionResult Index() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { string guid = Request.Query[Constants.FIID]; ViewBag.fiid = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) ? guid : null; IDownloadService _ds = new DownloadServicesImp(_context, _config); var file = _ds.GetFileManagement(guid); if (file == null) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } return(View(file)); } catch (Exception e) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Index() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { ISearchService _ss = new SearchServiceImp(_context, _config); var vm = _ss.SearchFiles("", "", "", username); ViewBag.totalRecords = vm.Count; ViewBag.files = vm; return(View("index", vm)); } catch (Exception e) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Index() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { ViewBag.validExtension = _config.GetSection(Constants.VALID_EXTENSION).Get <List <string> >(); ViewBag.maxFileSize = _config.GetValue <int>(Constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE); ViewBag.maxFileCount = _config.GetValue <int>(Constants.MAX_FILE_COUNT); ViewBag.maxLengthFileName = _config.GetValue <int>(Constants.MAX_LENGTH_FILE_NAME); return(View()); } catch (Exception e) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Index() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); ISearchService _ss = new SearchServiceImp(_context, _config); ViewBag.files = _ss.GetFiles(username, null); ILogService _ls = new LogServicesImp(_context, _config); ViewBag.logs = _ls.getLog(username); IFolderService _fs = new FolderServicesImp(_context, _config); ViewBag.folders = _fs.GetAllFoldersByUserId(username); return(View()); } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
// GET: /<controller>/ public IActionResult Index() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); string folderId = Request.Query["id"]; if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); ISearchService _ss = new SearchServiceImp(_context, _config); ViewBag.files = _ss.GetFiles(username, folderId, 0); IFolderService _fs = new FolderServicesImp(_context, _config); Folder folder = _fs.GetFolderById(folderId); ViewBag.FolderName = folder.FolderName; ViewBag.FolderId = folder.GUID; return(View()); } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Download() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); string action = Request.Query["action"]; if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { string guid = Request.Query[Constants.FIID]; IDownloadService _ds = new DownloadServicesImp(_context, _config); var file = _ds.GetFileManagement(guid); if (file == null) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } if (action == "download") { Stream fileBytes = _ds.DownloadFile(username, file.GUID, file.FileUniqueName); if (fileBytes == null) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } return(File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, file.FileName)); } else if (action == "delete") { if (_ds.DeleteFile(username, file.GUID, file.FileUniqueName)) { return(Redirect("~/home")); } else { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } catch (Exception e) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Authenticate(string username, string password) { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); if (_us.login(username, password) == null) { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Login Failed" })); } else { HttpContext.Session.SetString("token", _us.generateToken(username)); return(Json(new { success = true })); } }
public IActionResult Search() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { string fileName = Request.Query[Constants.FILE_NAME]; bool upload = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.Query["upload"]); bool download = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.Query["download"]); bool delete = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.Query["delete"]); string fromDate = Request.Query["fromDate"]; string toDate = Request.Query["toDate"]; ILogService _ls = new LogServicesImp(_context, _config); int logPerPage = _config.GetValue <int>(Constants.LOG_DISPLAY_PER_PAGE); var logList = _ls.searchLog(username, fileName, upload, download, delete, fromDate, toDate); ViewBag.fileName = fileName; ViewBag.upload = upload; = download; ViewBag.delete = delete; ViewBag.fromDate = fromDate; ViewBag.toDate = toDate; ViewBag.totalRecords = logList.Count; = logList; return(View("Index")); } catch { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public IActionResult CreateFolder() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); string name = Request.Query["name"]; if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); IFolderService _fs = new FolderServicesImp(_context, _config); return(Json(new { success = _fs.CreateFolder(name, username) })); } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult Search() { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { string fileName = Request.Query[Constants.FILE_NAME]; string uploadDateFrom = Request.Query[Constants.UPLOAD_DATE_FROM]; string uploadDateTo = Request.Query[Constants.UPLOAD_DATE_TO]; ViewBag.fileName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) ? fileName : null; ViewBag.uploadDateFrom = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadDateFrom) ? uploadDateFrom : null; ViewBag.uploadDateTo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadDateTo) ? uploadDateTo : null; ISearchService _ss = new SearchServiceImp(_context, _config); var vm = _ss.SearchFiles(fileName, uploadDateFrom, uploadDateTo, username); ViewBag.totalRecords = vm.Count; ViewBag.files = vm; return(View("index", vm)); } catch (Exception e) { return(View(Constants.ERROR_PATH)); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Login")); } }
public ActionResult OnUpload(IList <IFormFile> files) { IUserService _us = new UserServicesImpl(_context, _config); string token = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token"); string folderId = Request.Query["folderId"]; if (_us.ValidateCurrentToken(token)) { string username = _us.GetClaim(token, "userId"); try { IUploadService _uploadservice = new UploadServicesImp(_context, _config); bool validate = _uploadservice.ValidationFiles(files); if (!validate) { return(Json(new { success = "false", message = "Unable to upload file" })); } if (!_uploadservice.UploadFile(username, files, folderId)) { return(Json(new { success = "false", message = "Unable to upload file" })); } return(Json(new { success = "true" })); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { success = "false", message = "Unable to upload file" })); } } else { return(Json(new { success = "false", message = "Unable to upload file" })); } }