예제 #1
        public dynamic GetUserBetPointsDetails(int userID)

            string fetchQuery = "SELECT * FROM view_userdetails WHERE UserID = " + userID;

            List <UserPointsModel> userbets = new List <UserPointsModel>();

            oMySQLData.MySqlCommand cmd = new oMySQLData.MySqlCommand(fetchQuery, oCon);

            oMySQLData.MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                UserPointsModel userbet = new UserPointsModel();
                userbet.UserID           = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserID"]);
                userbet.TournamentID     = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TournamentID"]);
                userbet.TotalPoints      = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TotalBetPoints"]);
                userbet.TournamentPoints = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TournamentPoints"]);


예제 #2
        public async Task AddUpdate(AssessmentCalculationModel model)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;

            UserPointsModel pointModel = new UserPointsModel();

                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                    using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connetionString))
                        await connection1.OpenAsync();

                        AssessmentCalculations calculations = new AssessmentCalculations();

                        await calculations.StarAsync(model);
                        await SaveForm(connection1, model, model.idForm);
                        await SaveAnswers(connection1, model, model.idForm);
                        await SavePoints(connection1, model, model.idForm);

                        //await GetPointUsers(connection1, model.email, pointModel);
            catch (TransactionAbortedException ex)
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #3
        private async Task GetPointUsers(SqlConnection connection1, string email, UserPointsModel pointModel)
            List <int> health    = new List <int>();
            List <int> lifestyle = new List <int>();
            List <int> biodata   = new List <int>();
            List <int> mobility  = new List <int>();
            List <int> fitness   = new List <int>();
            List <int> total     = new List <int>();

            string strcommand = "SELECT health,lifestyle,biodata,mobility,fitness,total" +
                                "FROM AssessmentsScore " +
                                "where datescore = @datescore ";

             * string strcommand = "SELECT f.email,f.conversionTotal,f.datelocal, " +
             *                 "f.health,f.lifestyle,f.biodata,f.mobility,f.fitness " +
             *                 "FROM " +
             *                 "( " +
             *                 "select email, max(datelocal) as local " +
             *                 "from Assessments " +
             *                 "group by email " +
             *                 " ) " +
             *                 "as x inner join Assessments as f on f.email = x.email and f.datelocal = x.local and (f.status is null or f.status = '') " +
             *                 "order by f.conversionTotal ";
             * SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand(strcommand, connection1);
             * SqlDataReader reader = await command1.ExecuteReaderAsync();
             * List<int> Health = new List<int>();
             * List<int> Lifestyle = new List<int>();
             * List<int> Biodata = new List<int>();
             * List<int> Mobility = new List<int>();
             * List<int> Fitness = new List<int>();
             * int HealthP = 0;
             * int LifestyleP = 0;
             * int BiodataP = 0;
             * int MobilityP = 0;
             * int FitnessP = 0;
             * int rank = 0;
             * int count = 1;
             * int totalPoints = 0;
             * DateTime date = new DateTime();
             * int min = 0;
             * int max = 0;
             * bool first = false;
             * while (await reader.ReadAsync())
             * {
             * int value = reader.GetInt32(1);
             * if (!first)
             * {
             *     min = value;
             *     first = true;
             * }
             * max = value;
             * if (email.ToUpper() == reader.GetString(0).ToUpper())
             * {
             *     rank = count;
             *     totalPoints = value;
             *     date = reader.GetDateTime(2);
             *     HealthP = reader.GetInt32(3) * -1 + 100;
             *     LifestyleP = reader.GetInt32(4) * -1 + 100;
             *     MobilityP = reader.GetInt32(5) * -1 + 100;
             *     BiodataP = reader.GetInt32(6) * -1 + 100;
             *     FitnessP = reader.GetInt32(7) * -1 + 100;
             * }
             * Health.Add(reader.GetInt32(3) * -1 + 100);
             * Lifestyle.Add(reader.GetInt32(4) * -1 + 100);
             * Mobility.Add(reader.GetInt32(5) * -1 + 100);
             * Biodata.Add(reader.GetInt32(6) * -1 + 100);
             * Fitness.Add(reader.GetInt32(7) * -1 + 100);
             * count++;
             * }
             * count--;
             * reader.Close();
             * strcommand = "SELECT firstname, lastname " +
             *                 "FROM users " +
             *                 "where UPPER(email) = @email ";
             * command1 = new SqlCommand(strcommand, connection1);
             * SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar);
             * parameter.Value = email.ToUpper();
             * command1.Parameters.Add(parameter);
             * reader = await command1.ExecuteReaderAsync();
             * string firstName = "";
             * string LastName = "";
             * while (await reader.ReadAsync())
             * {
             * firstName = reader.GetString(0);
             * LastName = reader.GetString(1);
             * }
             * reader.Close();
             * pointModel.first = firstName;
             * pointModel.last = LastName;
             * pointModel.points = totalPoints;
             * pointModel.totalUsers = count;
             * double rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.avarage = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.avarage == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.avarage = 1;
             * }
             * pointModel.date = date;
             * pointModel.min = min;
             * pointModel.max = max;
             * Health.Sort();
             * rank = Health.IndexOf(HealthP) + 1;
             * rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.Health = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.Health == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.Health = 1;
             * }
             * Lifestyle.Sort();
             * rank = Lifestyle.IndexOf(LifestyleP) + 1;
             * rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.Lifestyle = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.Lifestyle == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.Lifestyle = 1;
             * }
             * Biodata.Sort();
             * rank = Biodata.IndexOf(BiodataP) + 1;
             * rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.Biodata = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.Biodata == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.Biodata = 1;
             * }
             * Mobility.Sort();
             * rank = Mobility.IndexOf(MobilityP) + 1;
             * rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.Mobility = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.Mobility == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.Mobility = 1;
             * }
             * Fitness.Sort();
             * rank = Fitness.IndexOf(FitnessP) + 1;
             * rankPoints = ((double)rank / (double)count) * 100;
             * pointModel.Fitness = (Int32)Math.Truncate(rankPoints);
             * if (pointModel.Fitness == 0)
             * {
             * pointModel.Fitness = 1;
             * }