예제 #1
        public AddCustomWallsDlg(UserInterface.Tent tent)
            this.tent = tent;
            if (tent == UserInterface.Tent.Frame || tent == UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan)
                // Disable all Fiesta options
                this.lbl_FPlain.Enabled  = false;
                this.lbl_FWindow.Enabled = false;
                this.nud_FPlain.Enabled  = false;
                this.nud_FWindow.Enabled = false;

                // Hide all Fiesta options
                this.lbl_FPlain.Visible  = false;
                this.lbl_FWindow.Visible = false;
                this.nud_FPlain.Visible  = false;
                this.nud_FWindow.Visible = false;

                // Move buttons up and resize Form
                this.btn_AllToZero.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(13, 82);
                this.btn_Done.Location      = new System.Drawing.Point(129, 82);
                this.btn_Cancel.Location    = new System.Drawing.Point(204, 82);
                this.ClientSize             = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 119);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the properties of the class depending on the values currently in the dialog.
 /// </summary>
 public void UpdateProperties()
     this.TentSize   = cb_size.Text;
     this.Qty        = nud_qty.Value;
     this.CoverType  = cb_coverType.Text;
     this.TieDown    = cb_holddown.Text;
     this.Walls      = cb_walls.Text;
     this.Legs       = cb_legs.Text;
     this.TypeOfTent = tent;
예제 #3
        private static IEnumerable <Database> ReadTentDatabase <Database>(UserInterface.Tent typeOfTent)
            string filename = null;

            switch (typeOfTent)
            case UserInterface.Tent.Small:
                filename = @"../../SmallTents.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.Large:
                filename = @"../../LargeTents.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.Frame:
                filename = @"../../Frames.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan:
                filename = @"../../ClearSpans.csv";
            switch (typeOfTent)
            case UserInterface.Tent.Small:
                filename = @"SmallTents.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.Large:
                filename = @"LargeTents.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.Frame:
                filename = @"Frames.csv";

            case UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan:
                filename = @"ClearSpans.csv";

            // Initiate a reader
            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);

            // Initiate CSVHelper's CSV Reader
            var csv = new CsvReader(reader);

            // Get the records in the CSV file according to class SmallTentDB
            var records = csv.GetRecords <Database>();

예제 #4
 public TentListItem(UserInterface.Tent TentType,
                     string TentSizes,
                     int TentQty,
                     string TentCoverTypes,
                     string TentHoldDowns,
                     string TentWalls,
                     string TentLegs)
     this.tentType       = TentType;
     this.tentSizes      = TentSizes;
     this.tentQties      = TentQty;
     this.tentCoverTypes = TentCoverTypes;
     this.tentHoldDowns  = TentHoldDowns;
     this.tentWalls      = TentWalls;
     this.tentLegs       = TentLegs;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new dialog object and shows it to the user. After making the selections, the values in the main dialog are updated with them.
        /// </summary>
        private void openTentDialog(UserInterface.Tent tent)
            var tentDialog = new AddTentDlg(tent);

            if (tentDialog.Code == true)
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[0].Value = tentDialog.TypeOfTent;
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[1].Value = tentDialog.TentSize;
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[2].Value = tentDialog.Qty.ToString();
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[3].Value = tentDialog.CoverType;
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[4].Value = tentDialog.TieDown;
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[5].Value = tentDialog.Walls;
                this.tentDGV.Rows[TentCtr].Cells[6].Value = tentDialog.Legs;
예제 #6
        public AddTentDlg(UserInterface.Tent tent)
            this.tent = tent;

            switch (tent)
            case UserInterface.Tent.Large:
                this.Text = "Add Large Tent";
                this.cb_size.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_size.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_holddown.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "1 ton Concrete Block"
                this.cb_holddown.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_coverType.Enabled      = false;
                // No cover types
                //this.cb_coverType.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                //this.cb_coverType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_walls.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Full Plain",
                    "Full Window",
                    "Half Plain Half Window",
                    "Full Plain Fiesta",
                    "Full Window Fiesta",
                    "Half Plain Half Window Fiesta",
                this.cb_legs.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "8 ft",
                    "10 ft"
                this.cb_walls.SelectedIndex = 0;

            case UserInterface.Tent.Small:
                this.Text = "Add Small Tent";
                this.cb_size.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_size.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // TODO: Give option to choose which type of blocks to bring
                this.cb_holddown.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Water Barrels",
                    "250 lb Concrete Block",
                    "400 lb Concrete Block",
                    "600 lb Concrete Block",
                    "1/2 ton Concrete Block",
                    "1 ton Concrete Block"
                this.cb_holddown.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_coverType.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Number 1",
                    "Number 2",
                    "Number 3",
                    "Number 4",
                    "Number 5",
                    "Number 6",
                    "Number 7",
                    "Number 8",
                this.cb_coverType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // No 8x10 Window walls
                this.cb_walls.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Full Plain",
                    "Full Window",
                    "Half Plain Half Window",
                    "Full Plain Fiesta",
                    "Full Window Fiesta",
                    "Half Plain Half Window Fiesta",
                this.cb_walls.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // TODO: Can't have 10 foot fiesta walls (if 10 ft legs is selected)
                this.cb_legs.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "8 ft",
                    "8 ft Adjustable",
                    "10 ft",
                    "10 ft Adjustable",
                this.cb_legs.SelectedIndex = 0;

            case UserInterface.Tent.Frame:
                this.Text = "Add Frame";
                this.cb_size.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_size.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_holddown.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Water Barrels",
                    "1/2 ton Concrete Block",
                    "1 ton Concrete Block"
                this.cb_holddown.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_coverType.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_coverType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_walls.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Full Plain",
                    "Full Window",
                    "Half Plain Half Window",
                this.cb_walls.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_legs.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "8 ft",
                    "10 ft"
                this.cb_legs.SelectedIndex = 0;

            case UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan:
                this.Text = "Add ClearSpan";
                this.cb_size.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_size.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_holddown.Enabled   = false;
                this.cb_coverType.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                this.cb_coverType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_walls.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "Full Plain",
                    "Full Bay Window",
                    "Full French Window",
                    "Half Plain Half Bay Window",
                this.cb_walls.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cb_legs.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                    "8 ft",
                    "10 ft"
                this.cb_legs.SelectedIndex = 0;

            } // end switch
예제 #7
        public ItemCounts CountTents(ref ListNames ListOfLists)
            // Declare lists of TentItems
            List <TentItems> MetalItemList = new List <TentItems>();
            List <TentItems> WallList      = new List <TentItems>();
            List <TentItems> CoverList     = new List <TentItems>();
            List <TentItems> HoldDownList  = new List <TentItems>();

            // Declare object of ItemCounts class
            ItemCounts counts = new ItemCounts();

            // Declare variables.
            Legs      leg         = Legs.none;
            string    legTentType = null;
            IDatabase db          = new SmallTentDB();

            IEnumerable <SmallTentDB> SmallDB     = ReadTentDatabase <SmallTentDB>(UserInterface.Tent.Small);
            List <SmallTentDB>        Small       = SmallDB.ToList();
            IEnumerable <LargeTentDB> LargeDB     = ReadTentDatabase <LargeTentDB>(UserInterface.Tent.Large);
            List <LargeTentDB>        Large       = LargeDB.ToList();
            IEnumerable <FrameDB>     FrameDB     = ReadTentDatabase <FrameDB>(UserInterface.Tent.Frame);
            List <FrameDB>            Frame       = FrameDB.ToList();
            IEnumerable <ClearSpanDB> ClearSpanDB = ReadTentDatabase <ClearSpanDB>(UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan);
            List <ClearSpanDB>        ClearSpan   = ClearSpanDB.ToList();

            // Loop through all tents
            for (int i = 0; i < ListOfLists.tentType.Count; ++i)
                // Get the quantity of that particular tent
                int qty = ListOfLists.tentQties[i];

                // Get the cover size, type of cover and type of tent
                string             size       = ListOfLists.tentSizes[i];
                UserInterface.Tent typeOfTent = ListOfLists.tentType[i];
                string             coverType  = ListOfLists.tentCoverTypes[i];

                // Depending on the type and size of tent, get the appropriate row in the database.
                switch (ListOfLists.tentType[i])
                case UserInterface.Tent.Small:
                    legTentType = "ST";

                    // Get the appropriate row from the small tent database, depending on the size of the tent.
                    SmallTentDB SmallRow = Small.Find(b => b.Size == size);
                    db = SmallRow;

                    if (SmallRow != null)
                        // Metal list
                        // TODO: string builder for legs, cable, poteau de milieu
                        HandleList("Pipe", SmallRow.Pipe * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList("Pipe 5ft", SmallRow.Pipe5 * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList("T - 20", SmallRow.SmallTee * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList("T - 30", SmallRow.LargeTee * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList("Entures", SmallRow.Enture * qty, MetalItemList);
                        if (size == "Hexagon")
                            HandleList("Coins Hex", SmallRow.Corner * qty, MetalItemList);
                            HandleList("Hexagone", qty, CoverList);
                            HandleList("Coins", SmallRow.Corner * qty, MetalItemList);
                            HandleList(SmallRow.Size + " " + coverType, qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList("Brace - 30", SmallRow.Brace * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("PM {0}", size), SmallRow.MiddlePost * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Cables {0}", size), SmallRow.Cable * qty, WallList);

                case UserInterface.Tent.Large:
                    legTentType = "BT";

                    // Get the appropriate row from the large tent database, depending on the size of the tent.
                    LargeTentDB LargeRow = Large.Find(b => b.Size == size);
                    db = LargeRow;

                    if (LargeRow != null)
                        HandleList(string.Format("PM {0}", size.Substring(0, 2)), LargeRow.MiddlePost * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList("Plates", LargeRow.Plates * qty, MetalItemList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Mid {0}' x 20' {1}", size.Substring(0, 2), coverType), LargeRow.Mid20 * qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Mid {0}' x 30' {1}", size.Substring(0, 2), coverType), LargeRow.Mid30 * qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("End {0}' {1}", size.Substring(0, 2), coverType), 2 * qty, CoverList);

                case UserInterface.Tent.Frame:
                    // Get the appropriate row from the frame database, depending on the size of the tent.
                    FrameDB FrameRow = Frame.Find(b => b.Size == size);
                    db = FrameRow;

                    if (FrameRow != null)
                        // TODO: Handle mids and ends after database is fixed
                        HandleList("Mid 10' " + coverType, FrameRow.Cover10 * qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList("Mid 15' " + coverType, FrameRow.Cover15 * qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList("End Frame " + coverType, qty, CoverList);


                case UserInterface.Tent.ClearSpan:
                    // Get the appropriate row from the ClearSpan database, depending on the size of the tent.
                    ClearSpanDB ClearSpanRow = ClearSpan.Find(b => b.Size == size);
                    db = ClearSpanRow;

                    // Get the width of the ClearSpan
                    int ClearSpanWidth = Convert.ToInt32(size.Substring(0, 2));

                    if (ClearSpanRow != null)
                        HandleList(string.Format("ClearSpan {0}' x 10' {1}", ClearSpanWidth.ToString(), coverType), ClearSpanRow.Cover10 * qty, CoverList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("ClearSpan {0}' x 15' {1}", ClearSpanWidth.ToString(), coverType), ClearSpanRow.Cover15 * qty, CoverList);

                        switch (ClearSpanWidth)
                        case 30:
                            HandleList("Triangle 30'", ClearSpanRow.Triangle * qty, CoverList);

                        case 40:
                            HandleList("Triangle 40'", ClearSpanRow.Triangle * qty, CoverList);

                        case 50:
                            HandleList("Triangle 50'", ClearSpanRow.Triangle * qty, CoverList);

                        if (ListOfLists.tentWalls[i] != "None")
                            switch (ListOfLists.tentWalls[i])
                            case "Full Plain":
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 10'", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls10 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 15'", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls15 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 20'", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls20 * qty, WallList);

                            case "Full Bay Window":
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 10' Bay", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls10 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 15' Bay", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls15 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 20' Bay", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls20 * qty, WallList);

                            case "Full French Window":
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 10' FW", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls10 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 15' FW", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls15 * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 20' FW", ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls20 * qty, WallList);

                            case "Half Plain Half Bay Window":
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 10'", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 15'", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 20'", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 10' Bay", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 15' Bay", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                                HandleList("Mur CSP 20' Bay", (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)ClearSpanRow.CSPWalls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);

                // Hold Down list
                switch (ListOfLists.tentHoldDowns[i])
                case "Pins":
                    HandleList("White Pins", db.PinsW * qty, HoldDownList);
                    HandleList("Red Pins", db.PinsR * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "Water Barrels":
                    HandleList("Water Barrels", db.Barrels * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "250 lb Concrete Block":
                    HandleList("250 lb Block", db.Concrete250 * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "400 lb Concrete Block":
                    HandleList("400 lb Block", db.Concrete400 * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "600 lb Concrete Block":
                    HandleList("600 lb Block", db.Concrete600 * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "1/2 ton Concrete Block":
                    HandleList("1/2 ton Block", db.ConcreteHalfTon * qty, HoldDownList);

                case "1 ton Concrete Block":
                    HandleList("1 ton Block", db.ConcreteTon * qty, HoldDownList);

                HandleList("Come Along", db.ComeAlong * qty, HoldDownList);

                // If the tent is not hexagon, build the string for type of legs and handle it
                string tentLegs = ListOfLists.tentLegs[i];

                if (tentLegs != "Hexagon")
                    string LegsForList = string.Format("Pattes {0} {1}", tentLegs, legTentType);
                    HandleList(LegsForList, db.Legs * qty, MetalItemList);

                    // Assign enum depending on leg type
                    if (tentLegs == "8 ft" || tentLegs == "8 ft Adjustable")
                        leg = Legs.shortLegs;
                    else if (tentLegs == "10 ft" || tentLegs == "10 ft Adjustable")
                        leg = Legs.longLegs;
                    // If the size of the cover selected is not hexagon, throw an error.
                    if (ListOfLists.tentSizes[i] != "Hexagon")
                        throw new Exception("Hexagon legs were chosen, but the cover type for this tent is not Hexagon.");
                        // Assign shortLegs enum to leg variable because hex tents have 8' high walls...
                        leg = Legs.shortLegs;
                        HandleList("Pattes Hex", db.Legs * qty, MetalItemList);

                // This can definitely be optimized but it works...
                // Insert walls in list.
                if (leg != Legs.none && ListOfLists.tentWalls[i] != "None")
                    string leg_length = null;
                    if (leg == Legs.longLegs)
                        leg_length = ", 10'";

                    switch (ListOfLists.tentWalls[i])
                    case "Full Plain":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' P{0}", leg_length), db.Walls10 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' P{0}", leg_length), db.Walls15 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' P{0}", leg_length), db.Walls20 * qty, WallList);

                    case "Full Window":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' W{0}", leg_length), db.Walls10 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' W{0}", leg_length), db.Walls15 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' W{0}", leg_length), db.Walls20 * qty, WallList);

                    case "Half Plain Half Window":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' P{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' P{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' P{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' W{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' W{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' W{0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);

                    case "Full Plain Fiesta":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' PF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls10 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' PF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls15 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' PF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls20 * qty, WallList);

                    case "Full Window Fiesta":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' WF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls10 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' WF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls15 * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' WF, {0}", leg_length), db.Walls20 * qty, WallList);

                    case "Half Plain Half Window Fiesta":
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' PF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' PF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' PF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 10' WF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls10 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 15' WF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls15 / 2) * qty, WallList);
                        HandleList(string.Format("Murs 20' WF, {0}", leg_length), (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)db.Walls20 / 2) * qty, WallList);

            // Collect all the lists into the "counts" object to be returned.
            counts.Covers   = CoverList;
            counts.Metal    = MetalItemList;
            counts.TieDowns = HoldDownList;
            counts.Walls    = WallList;
