protected void btnBookReservation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string time = ddlResTime.Text; string partysizetext = ddlPartySize.Text; if ((ddlMonth.Text == "Month") || (ddlDay.Text == "Day") || (ddlYear.Text == "Year")) //Input Validation for Date { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please select a valid date for your reservation."; } if (time == "") //Input validation for Time { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure you have selected a time for your reservation."; } if (partysizetext == "") //Input Validation for Party Size { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please enter a valid size for your party."; } else { string month = ddlMonth.Text; string day = ddlDay.Text; string year = ddlYear.Text; String date = month + " " + day + " " + year; //Concatinates the parts of the date to create one date string int partysize = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPartySize.Text); UserObject user = (UserObject)Session["User"]; string username = user.username; UserFunctions uf = new UserFunctions(); int restaurantID = uf.GetRestaurantID(rname, raddress); //Gets Rest ID using the name and address if (uf.AddNewReservationDB(time, date, username, restaurantID, partysize) > 0) //Checks if database update works { Response.Redirect("ReservationConfirmation.aspx"); //If it works redirect to confirmation page } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error. Please try again."; } } }