public void Activate(GrenadeCurrent gc) { grenadeCurrent = gc; useRef = GetComponent <UseableObjectUse>(); switch (useRef.useableItemIndex) { case 7: explodeOnContact = true; break; case 8: explodeOnContact = true; break; case 9: explodeOnContact = true; break; case 10: timeFinished = Time.time + gc.earthShakerTimeSetting; useTimer = true; break; case 11: useProx = true; break; case 12: timeFinished = Time.time + gc.nitroTimeSetting; useTimer = true; break; case 13: explodeOnContact = true; break; default: break; } ToggleTexture(); tickFinished = Time.time + tickTime; active = true; }
// Check all active and existing scripts on this gameObject that can be used and use them // Called by MouseLookScript.cs from a Use() raycast public void Use(UseData ud) { // ButtonSwitch - used by static switches and button panels bs = GetComponent <ButtonSwitch>(); if (useButtonSwitch && bs != null) { bs.Use(ud); } cs = GetComponent <ChargeStation>(); if (useChargeStation && cs != null) { cs.Use(ud); } dr = GetComponent <Door>(); if (useDoor && dr != null) { dr.Use(ud); } hb = GetComponent <HealingBed>(); if (useHealingBed && hb != null) { hb.Use(ud); } ke = GetComponent <KeypadElevator>(); if (useKeypadElevator && ke != null) { ke.Use(ud); } kk = GetComponent <KeypadKeycode>(); if (useKeypadKeycode && kk != null) { kk.Use(ud); } pl = GetComponent <PaperLog>(); if (usePaperLog && pl != null) { pl.Use(ud); } pgp = GetComponent <PuzzleGridPuzzle>(); if (usePuzzleGridPuzzle && pgp != null) { pgp.Use(ud); } uou = GetComponent <UseableObjectUse>(); if (useUseableObjectUse && uou != null) { uou.Use(ud); } ua = GetComponent <UseableAttachment>(); if (useUseableAttachment && ua != null) { ua.Use(ud); } }