/// <summary>
    ///     Will attempt to equip or unequip an item to/from the clicked slot. If the user clicked on an occupied slot
    ///     with some entity, will instead attempt to interact with this entity.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnUseSlot(UseSlotNetworkMessage ev, EntitySessionEventArgs eventArgs)
        if (eventArgs.SenderSession.AttachedEntity is not EntityUid {
            Valid : true
        } actor)

        if (!TryComp(actor, out InventoryComponent? inventory) || !TryComp <SharedHandsComponent>(actor, out var hands))

        hands.TryGetActiveHeldEntity(out var held);
        TryGetSlotEntity(actor, ev.Slot, out var itemUid, inventory);

        // attempt to perform some interaction
        if (held != null && itemUid != null)
            _interactionSystem.InteractUsing(actor, held.Value, itemUid.Value,
                                             new EntityCoordinates(), predicted: true);

        // un-equip to hands
        if (itemUid != null)
            if (hands.CanPickupEntityToActiveHand(itemUid.Value) && TryUnequip(actor, ev.Slot, inventory: inventory))
                hands.PutInHand(itemUid.Value, false);

        // finally, just try to equip the held item.
        if (held == null)

        // before we drop the item, check that it can be equipped in the first place.
        if (!CanEquip(actor, held.Value, ev.Slot, out var reason))
            if (_gameTiming.IsFirstTimePredicted)
                _popup.PopupCursor(Loc.GetString(reason), Filter.Local());

        if (hands.TryDropNoInteraction())
            TryEquip(actor, actor, held.Value, ev.Slot, predicted: true, inventory: inventory);
        private void OnUseSlot(UseSlotNetworkMessage ev)
            if (!TryComp <HandsComponent>(ev.Uid, out var hands) || !TryGetSlotEntity(ev.Uid, ev.Slot, out var itemUid))

            var activeHand = hands.GetActiveHandItem;

            if (activeHand != null)
                _interactionSystem.InteractUsing(ev.Uid, activeHand.Owner, itemUid.Value,
                                                 new EntityCoordinates());
            else if (TryUnequip(ev.Uid, ev.Slot))