예제 #1
        public void AbsoluteContent()
            string expectedUrl = String.Format("http://localhost/app/content/abc.txt");

            string generatedUrl = _helper.AbsoluteContent("~/content/abc.txt");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, generatedUrl);
예제 #2
        private void SendEmailToNineStar(Donation donation)
            var template = Dictionary.DonationReceivedEmail;
            var title    = "We have received a donation!";

            _mailer.SendEmail(title, TemplateProcessor.PopulateTemplate(template, new
                Title = title,
                Amount = donation.DonationAmount,
                LinkToSummary = _urlHelper.AbsoluteAction("Index", "Donations"),
                Company       = _config.CompanyName,
                ImageUrl      = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(_config.CompanyLogoUrl)
            }), _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName, _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName);
예제 #3
        private static string PreviewContent_(UrlHelper urlHelper, DesignerKey designerKey, string reference, string variant, bool absolute)
            Require.NotNull(urlHelper, "urlHelper");

            var path = "~/" + designerKey.ToString() + "/vignette-" + reference + "-" + variant + ".jpg";

            return(absolute ? urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(path) : urlHelper.Content(path));
예제 #4
        private void SendEmailToVibrantHealth(UserMembership userMembership, PromoCode promoCode)
            var template = Dictionary.MembershipCreatedEmail;
            var title    = "We have received a new subscription!";

            _mailer.SendEmail(title, TemplateProcessor.PopulateTemplate(template, new
                Title            = title,
                Customer         = userMembership.User.FullName,
                CustomerEmail    = userMembership.User.EmailAddress,
                SubscriptionType = userMembership.MembershipOption.SubscriptionTypeNameLocal,
                TotalPrice       = promoCode?.FormattedPrice ?? userMembership.MembershipOption.FormattedPrice,
                LinkToSummary    = _urlHelper.AbsoluteAction("Index", "UserMemberships"),
                Company          = _config.CompanyName,
                ImageUrl         = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(_config.CompanyLogoUrl)
            }), _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName, _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName);
예제 #5
        private void SendEmailToVibrantHealth(Consultation consultation, Contact contact)
            var template = Dictionary.ConsultationBookedEmail;
            var title    = "We have received a consultation booking!";

            _mailer.SendEmail(title, TemplateProcessor.PopulateTemplate(template, new
                Title         = title,
                ContactName   = contact.FullName,
                CustomerEmail = contact.EmailAddress,
                Duration = consultation.DurationDescription,
                Price    = consultation.FormattedPrice,
                Company  = _config.CompanyName,
                ImageUrl = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(_config.CompanyLogoUrl)
            }), _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName, _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName);
예제 #6
        public IEnumerable <SitemapUrl> GetSitemapUrls(UrlHelper urlHelper)
            var pages = pageService.GetRecords(x => x.RefId == null && x.IsEnabled);

            return(pages.Select(page => new SitemapUrl(page.Title, urlHelper.AbsoluteContent("~/" + page.Slug))
                ChangeFrequency = ChangeFrequency.Weekly,
                Priority = 0.8f
예제 #7
        public void SendPromoCode(EmailPromoCodeViewModel model)
            var template = Dictionary.PromoCodeEmail;
            var title    = Dictionary.PromoCodeEmailTitle;
            var contact  = _contactService.GetOrCreateContact("", model.Name, model.EmailAddress);

            _mailer.SendEmail(title, TemplateProcessor.PopulateTemplate(template, new
                Title = title,
                ImageUrl          = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(_config.CompanyLogoUrl),
                PrivacyPolicyLink = _urlHelper.AbsoluteAction("PrivacyPolicy", "Home"),
                UnsubscribeLink   = _urlHelper.AbsoluteAction("Unsubscribe", "Account", new { code = contact.Name }),
                PromoLink         = _urlHelper.AbsoluteAction("Register", "Account", new { promoCode = model.PromoCode.Code }),
                PromoDetails      = model.PromoCode.Details,
            }), model.EmailAddress, model.Name, _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName);

            model.PromoCode.SentOn = DateTime.Now;
예제 #8
 public void CreateDonation(Donation donation)
         _mailer.SendEmail("New Donation", TemplateProcessor.PopulateTemplate(Globalisation.Dictionary.DonationReceivedEmail, new
             Title = "We have received a donation!",
             Amount = donation.DonationAmount,
             LinkToSummary = _urlHelper.AsboluteAction("Index", "Donations"),
             Company       = _config.CompanyName,
             ImageUrl      = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(_config.CompanyLogoUrl)
         }), _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName, _config.SupportEmailAddress, _config.CompanyName);
     catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.Error($"DonationService => CreateDonation => {ex.Message}");
        public override void Append(TextPage webpage, XElement urlset, XDocument xmlDocument)
            var publishOn = webpage.PublishOn;

            if (!publishOn.HasValue)
            var content = webpage.PublishOn.Value.SitemapDateString();
            var urlNode = new XElement(SitemapService.RootNamespace + "url",
                                       new XElement(SitemapService.RootNamespace + "loc", webpage.AbsoluteUrl),
                                       new XElement(SitemapService.RootNamespace + "lastmod", content)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(webpage.FeatureImage))
                urlNode.Add(new XElement(SitemapService.ImageNameSpace + "image",
                                         new XElement(SitemapService.ImageNameSpace + "loc", _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent(webpage.FeatureImage))));

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Open Search XML for the current site. You can customize the contents of this XML here. See
        /// http://www.hanselman.com/blog/CommentView.aspx?guid=50cc95b1-c043-451f-9bc2-696dc564766d
        /// http://www.opensearch.org
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Open Search XML for the current site.</returns>
        public string GetOpenSearchXml()
            // Short name must be less than or equal to 16 characters.
            var shortName   = "Search";
            var description = "Search the ASP.NET MVC  Site";
            // The link to the search page with the query string set to 'searchTerms' which gets replaced with a user
            // defined query.
            var searchUrl = _urlHelper.AbsoluteRouteUrl(
                new { query = "{searchTerms}" });
            // The link to the page with the search form on it. The home page has the search form on it.
            var searchFormUrl = _urlHelper.AbsoluteRouteUrl(HomeControllerRoute.GetSearch);
            // The link to the favicon.ico file for the site.
            var favicon16Url = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent("~/content/icons/favicon.ico");
            // The link to the favicon.png file for the site.
            var favicon32Url = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent("~/content/icons/favicon-32x32.png");
            // The link to the favicon.png file for the site.
            var favicon96Url = _urlHelper.AbsoluteContent("~/content/icons/favicon-96x96.png");

            XNamespace ns       = "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1";
            var        document = new XDocument(
                new XElement(
                    ns + "OpenSearchDescription",
                    new XElement(ns + "ShortName", shortName),
                    new XElement(ns + "Description", description),
                    new XElement(
                        ns + "Url",
                        new XAttribute("type", "text/html"),
                        new XAttribute("method", "get"),
                        new XAttribute("template", searchUrl)),
                    // Search results can also be returned as RSS. Here, our start index is zero for the first result.
                    // new XElement(ns + "Url",
                    //     new XAttribute("type", "application/rss+xml"),
                    //     new XAttribute("indexOffset", "0"),
                    //     new XAttribute("rel", "results"),
                    //     new XAttribute("template", "http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&amp;start={startIndex?}&amp;format=rss")),
                    // Search suggestions can also be returned as JSON.
                    // new XElement(ns + "Url",
                    //     new XAttribute("type", "application/json"),
                    //     new XAttribute("indexOffset", "0"),
                    //     new XAttribute("rel", "suggestions"),
                    //     new XAttribute("template", "http://example.com/suggest?q={searchTerms}")),
                    new XElement(
                        ns + "Image",
                        new XAttribute("height", "16"),
                        new XAttribute("width", "16"),
                        new XAttribute("type", "image/x-icon")),
                    new XElement(
                        ns + "Image",
                        new XAttribute("height", "32"),
                        new XAttribute("width", "32"),
                        new XAttribute("type", "image/png")),
                    new XElement(
                        ns + "Image",
                        new XAttribute("height", "96"),
                        new XAttribute("width", "96"),
                        new XAttribute("type", "image/png")),
                    new XElement(ns + "InputEncoding", "UTF-8"),
                    new XElement(ns + "SearchForm", searchFormUrl)));

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the feed containing meta data about the feed and the feed entries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken" /> signifying if the request is cancelled.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="SyndicationFeed" />.</returns>
        public async Task <SyndicationFeed> GetFeed(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var feed = new SyndicationFeed
                // id (Required) - The feed universally unique identifier.
                Id = FeedId,
                // title (Required) - Contains a human readable title for the feed. Often the same as the title of the
                //                    associated website. This value should not be blank.
                Title = SyndicationContent.CreatePlaintextContent("ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate"),
                // items (Required) - The items to add to the feed.
                Items = await GetItems(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(true),
                // subtitle (Recommended) - Contains a human-readable description or subtitle for the feed.
                Description = SyndicationContent.CreatePlaintextContent(
                    "This is the ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate feed description."),
                // updated (Optional) - Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant way.
                LastUpdatedTime = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                // logo (Optional) - Identifies a larger image which provides visual identification for the feed.
                //                   Images should be twice as wide as they are tall.
                ImageUrl = new Uri(_urlHelper.AbsoluteContent("~/content/icons/atom-logo-96x48.png")),
                // rights (Optional) - Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the feed.
                Copyright = SyndicationContent.CreatePlaintextContent(
                    string.Format("© {0} - {1}", DateTime.Now.Year, Application.Name)),
                // lang (Optional) - The language of the feed.
                Language = "en-GB"
                           // generator (Optional) - Identifies the software used to generate the feed, for debugging and other
                           //                        purposes. Do not put in anything that identifies the technology you are using.
                           // Generator = "Sample Code",
                           // base (Buggy) - Add the full base URL to the site so that all other links can be relative. This is
                           //                great, except some feed readers are buggy with it, INCLUDING FIREFOX!!!
                           //                (See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=480600).
                           // BaseUri = new Uri(this.urlHelper.AbsoluteRouteUrl(HomeControllerRoute.GetIndex))

            // self link (Required) - The URL for the syndication feed.
                               new Uri(_urlHelper.AbsoluteRouteUrl(HomeControllerRoute.GetFeed)),

            // alternate link (Recommended) - The URL for the web page showing the same data as the syndication feed.
                               new Uri(_urlHelper.AbsoluteRouteUrl(HomeControllerRoute.GetIndex)),

            // hub link (Recommended) - The URL for the PubSubHubbub hub. Used to push new entries to subscribers
            //                          instead of making them poll the feed. See feed updated method below.
            feed.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(new Uri(PubSubHubbubHubUrl), "hub", null, null, 0));

            // first, last, next previous (Optional) - Atom 1.0 supports paging of your feed. This is good if your feed
            //                                         becomes very large and needs splitting up into pages. To add
            //                                         paging, you must add links to the first, last, next and previous
            //                                         feed pages.
            // feed.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(new Uri("http://example.com/feed"), "first", null, null, 0));
            // feed.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(new Uri("http://example.com/feed?page=10"), "last", null, null, 0));
            // if ([HAS_PREVIOUS_PAGE])
            //     feed.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(new Uri("http://example.com/feed?page=1")), "previous", null, null, 0));
            // if ([HAS_NEXT_PAGE])
            //     feed.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(new Uri("http://example.com/feed?page=3"), "next", null, null, 0));

            // author (Recommended) - Names one author of the feed. A feed may have multiple author elements. A feed
            //                        must contain at least one author element unless all of the entry elements contain
            //                        at least one author element.

            // category (Optional) - Specifies a category that the feed belongs to. A feed may have multiple category
            //                       elements.
            feed.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory("CategoryName"));

            // contributor (Optional) - Names one contributor to the feed. An feed may have multiple contributor
            //                          elements.

            // icon (Optional) - Identifies a small image which provides iconic visual identification for the feed.
            //                   Icons should be square.

            // Add the Yahoo Media namespace (xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/") to the Atom feed.
            // This gives us extra abilities, like the ability to give thumbnail images to entries.
            // See http://www.rssboard.org/media-rss for more information.
