예제 #1
        public static bool IsSupported(UrlDir.UrlFile file)
            switch (file.fileExtension.ToUpper())
             * KSPs own file format... got a custom loader
            case "MBM":
            // God bless http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31702/NET-Targa-Image-Reader for doing the heavy lifting,
            // though i would have prefered KSP to never support TGAs
            case "TGA":
             * For legacy files do we use Image.FromStream, that should recognize pretty much every thing in system.drawing.imaging.imageformat
             * ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.imaging.imageformat%28v=vs.110%29.aspx )
             * Lets add a few extensions for now... hope they work
            case "PNG":
            case "BMP":
            case "EMF":
            case "GIF":
            case "ICO":
            case "JPEG":
            case "JPG":
            case "TIFF":
            case "TIF":
            case "WMF":

                ("LOD Unsupported Texture: " + file.fullPath).Log();
예제 #2
        // Load the model file requested from file and return it as a GameObject.
        public static GameObject LoadModelFile(UrlDir.UrlFile modelFile)
            GameObject   loadedObject = null;
            GameDatabase db           = GameDatabase.Instance;

             * // Method 1: Access the internal PartReader.Read method by reflection to read it.
             * loadedObject = (GameObject)RunMethod(
             *  "KSP_x64_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll",
             *  "PartReader",
             *  "Read",
             *  new object[] { modelFile });
             * // Method 2: Alternative reference implementation of PartReader for being able to add debug messages
             * loadedObject = ChronoReader.Read(urlFile);

            // Method 3: Use the database loader instead of the part reader directly
            DatabaseLoaderModel_MU databaseLoader = new DatabaseLoaderModel_MU();

            db.StartCoroutine(databaseLoader.Load(modelFile, null));
            loadedObject = databaseLoader.obj;

            if (loadedObject == null)
                Debug.LogError("Chrononaut:LoadModelFile(): Failed to read file: " + modelFile.name);
        public static TextureInfoWrapper DDSToTexture(UrlDir.UrlFile file, TexInfo Texture, bool mipmaps, bool isCompressed, bool hasAlpha)
            FileStream imgStream = new FileStream(Texture.filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            imgStream.Position = 0;
            imgStream.Read(imageBuffer, 0, MAX_IMAGE_SIZE);

            TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.DXT1;

            if (hasAlpha && isCompressed)
                format = TextureFormat.DXT5;
            else if (hasAlpha)
                format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
            else if (!isCompressed)
                format = TextureFormat.RGB24;

            Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D(Texture.width, Texture.height, format, mipmaps);

            newTex.Apply(false, Texture.makeNotReadable);
            newTex.name = Texture.name;

            TextureInfoWrapper newTexInfo = new TextureInfoWrapper(file, newTex, Texture.isNormalMap, !Texture.makeNotReadable, isCompressed);

            newTexInfo.name = Texture.name;
예제 #4
 public ProtoUrlConfig(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, ConfigNode node)
     UrlFile = urlFile ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(urlFile));
     Node    = node ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
     FileUrl = UrlFile.url + '.' + urlFile.fileExtension;
     FullUrl = FileUrl + '/' + Node.name;
예제 #5
        private void Start()
            HashSet <UrlDir.UrlFile> blacklist = new HashSet <UrlDir.UrlFile>();
            HashSet <UrlDir.UrlFile> whitelist = new HashSet <UrlDir.UrlFile>();

            UrlDir gameData = GameDatabase.Instance.root.children.Find(dir => dir.type == UrlDir.DirectoryType.GameData);

            foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile file in GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllFiles)
                if (file.fileExtension == "restockblacklist")
                    Debug.Log($"[Restock] Reading blacklist {file.url}.{file.fileExtension}");
                    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(file.fullPath))
                        string lineBeforeComment = line.Split(commentSep, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Trim();
                        if (lineBeforeComment == string.Empty)

                        foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile blacklistFile in FindFiles(lineBeforeComment, gameData))
                else if (file.fileExtension == "restockwhitelist")
                    Debug.Log($"[Restock] Reading whitelist {file.url}.{file.fileExtension}");
                    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(file.fullPath))
                        string lineBeforeComment = line.Split(commentSep, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Trim();
                        if (lineBeforeComment == string.Empty)

                        foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile whitelistFile in FindFiles(lineBeforeComment, gameData))

            Debug.Log("[Restock] Removing blacklisted assets");
            foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile file in blacklist)
                if (whitelist.Contains(file))

                Debug.Log($"[Restock] Removing {file.url}.{file.fileExtension}");
                UrlDir.UrlFile newFile2 = new UrlDir.UrlFile(file.parent, new FileInfo(file.fullPath + ".disabled"));
                file.parent.files[file.parent.files.IndexOf(file)] = newFile2;

예제 #6
 public TextureData(GameDatabase.TextureInfo info, UrlDir.UrlFile file)
     File              = file;
     Info              = info;
     Info.texture      = CreateEmptyThumbnailTexture();
     Info.texture.name = Info.name = file.url;
예제 #7
        // Makes lod taking over control over an already loaded texture.
        public static void ForceManage(GameDatabase.TextureInfo info)
            // this one is experimental for now.
            // it tries to resolve the source file by the textures name (yea, kinda stupid)
            // it unloads the currently laoded texture
            // it places an unloaded "dummy"

            // warning, this might not work with derived TextureInfos! Or think about this replacing TextureInfo in the first place

            if (iManagedTextures.ContainsKey(info))
                "Texture already managed!".Log();

            UrlDir.UrlFile file = Stuff.ResolveTextureInfo(info); // Todo: Resolve file...
            if (file == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Could not find a source file for this texture. This kinda textures are not currently supported.");
            if (info.texture != null)

            var data = new TextureData(info, file);

            if (!DelayLoading)
                // Todo14: See above
            "ForceManage, Adding texture".Log();
            iManagedTextures.Add(data.Info, data);
예제 #8
        public void TestCreateFile__Url__AlreadyExists()
            UrlDir root = UrlBuilder.CreateRoot();

            UrlDir.UrlFile file1 = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.txt", root);
            UrlDir.UrlFile file2 = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.txt", root);

            Assert.Same(file1, file2);

            Assert.Equal("def", file1.name);
            Assert.Equal("txt", file1.fileExtension);
            Assert.Equal(UrlDir.FileType.Unknown, file1.fileType);
            Assert.Equal("abc/def", file1.url);

            UrlDir parent1 = file1.parent;

            Assert.Equal("abc", parent1.name);
            Assert.Contains(file1, parent1.files);

            Assert.Same(root, file1.root);
            Assert.Same(root, parent1.root);

            Assert.Contains(file1, root.AllFiles);
예제 #9
 public ImageConfigItem(string cacheKey, UrlDir.UrlFile fromFile)
     ImageSettings = new ImageSettings();
     CacheKey      = cacheKey;
     FileUrl       = fromFile.url + "." + fromFile.fileExtension;
        public PatchExtractorTest()
            root = UrlBuilder.CreateRoot();
            file = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.cfg", root);

            progress = Substitute.For <IPatchProgress>();
예제 #11
        public override IEnumerator Load(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, FileInfo fileInfo)
            if (_fallbackFont == null)
                _fallbackFont = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <TMP_FontAsset>().First(o => o.name == FallbackName);
                if (_fallbackFont == null)
                    Logging.LogError($"Could not find fallback font '{FallbackName}'");

            Logging.Log($"Loading font file '{urlFile.fullPath}'");
            var bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(urlFile.fullPath);

            if (!bundle)
                Logging.Log($"Could not load font asset {urlFile.fullPath}");
                var loadedFonts = bundle.LoadAllAssets <TMP_FontAsset>();
                foreach (var font in loadedFonts)
                    Logging.Log($"Adding font {font.name}");

            yield break;
예제 #12
		public static void Init()
			// log version
			Lib.Log("version " + Lib.Version());

			// parse settings

			// parse profile

			// detect features

			// get configs from DB
			UrlDir.UrlFile root = null;
			foreach (UrlDir.UrlConfig url in GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllConfigs) { root = url.parent; break; }

			// inject MM patches on-the-fly, so that profile/features can be queried with NEEDS[]
			Inject(root, "Profile", Lib.UppercaseFirst(Settings.Profile));
			if (Features.Reliability) Inject(root, "Feature", "Reliability");
			if (Features.Deploy) Inject(root, "Feature", "Deploy");
			if (Features.SpaceWeather) Inject(root, "Feature", "SpaceWeather");
			if (Features.Automation) Inject(root, "Feature", "Automation");
			if (Features.Science) Inject(root, "Feature", "Science");
			if (Features.Radiation) Inject(root, "Feature", "Radiation");
			if (Features.Shielding) Inject(root, "Feature", "Shielding");
			if (Features.LivingSpace) Inject(root, "Feature", "LivingSpace");
			if (Features.Comfort) Inject(root, "Feature", "Comfort");
			if (Features.Poisoning) Inject(root, "Feature", "Poisoning");
			if (Features.Pressure) Inject(root, "Feature", "Pressure");
			if (Features.Humidity) Inject(root, "Feature", "Humidity");
			if (Features.Habitat) Inject(root, "Feature", "Habitat");
			if (Features.Supplies) Inject(root, "Feature", "Supplies");
예제 #13
        public void TestUrlFile()
            UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile        = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.cfg");
            ProtoUrlConfig protoUrlConfig = new ProtoUrlConfig(urlFile, new ConfigNode());

            Assert.Same(urlFile, protoUrlConfig.UrlFile);
예제 #14
        // Get the model file name for a part by reading the cfg file contents
        UrlDir.UrlFile GetModelFile(Part part)
            AvailablePart availablePart = part.partInfo;

             * TESTS
             * Debug.Log("AvailPart: " + availablePart.name);
             * Debug.Log("mesh: " + availablePart.partConfig.GetValue("mesh"));
             * Debug.Log("MODEL: " +
             *     (availablePart.partConfig.GetNode("MODEL") != null ?
             *     availablePart.partConfig.GetNode("MODEL").GetValue("model") :
             *     "none"));

            // Check for an entry in either the PART.model property or the PART.MODEL.model value
            string modelName = availablePart.partConfig.GetValue("mesh");

            if (modelName != null)
                // The "url" is on the firmat "Parts/<PartType>/<ConfigFileName>/<PartName>
                // We need to strip away the ConfigFileName and PartName to get the real path
                string[] urlParts = availablePart.partUrl.Split('/');
                string   url      = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < urlParts.Count() - 2; i++)
                    url += urlParts[i] + "/";

                modelName = url + modelName;
                modelName = availablePart.partConfig.GetNode("MODEL").GetValue("model") + ".mu";

            // Calculate the proper URLs for the file
            string   directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelName);
            FileInfo file      = new FileInfo("GameData/" + modelName);

            // Generate the root directory
            UrlDir root = UrlBuilder.CreateDir(directory);

            UrlDir.UrlFile modelFile = new UrlDir.UrlFile(root, file);

            // Apperently, if the file is name "model.mu" the reader is supposed to just
            // pick the first file in the folder... =S
            if (!File.Exists("GameData/" + modelName))
                IEnumerable <UrlDir.UrlFile> modelFiles = root.GetFiles(UrlDir.FileType.Model);

                foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile mFile in modelFiles)
                    Debug.Log("modelFiles: " + mFile.name);

            // Create the full path and name of the model file
예제 #15
        public void TestFind__DirectChild()
            UrlDir urlDir = UrlBuilder.CreateDir("abc");

            UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("def.cfg", urlDir);

            Assert.Equal(urlFile, urlDir.Find("def"));
예제 #16
 public override IEnumerator Load(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, FileInfo file)
     GameDatabase.TextureInfo texInfo =
     obj        = texInfo;
     successful = true;
     yield return(null);
예제 #17
        internal static GameDatabase.TextureInfo Load(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile)
            UrlDir.UrlFile file       = urlFile;
            string         hash       = TexRefCnt.GetMD5String(file.fullPath);
            string         urlReplace = TexPatchLoader.GetReplacement(file.url);

            if (urlReplace != null)
                //   file = getReplacementFile(urlReplace);
                //   hash = TexRefCnt.GetMD5String(file.fullPath);
                GameDatabase.TextureInfo dummy = new GameDatabase.TextureInfo(file, new Texture2D(2, 2), false, false, false);
                dummy.name         = file.url;
                dummy.texture.name = dummy.name;

            GameDatabase.TextureInfo texInfo = new GameDatabase.TextureInfo(file, null, false, false, false);
            bool   hasMipmaps = updateToStockSettings(texInfo);
            string cached     = Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "/ScaledTexCache/" + Path.GetFileName(file.url) + "_hash_" + hash;

            Loader.Log("hash: " + hash);

            if (texHashDictionary.ContainsKey(hash))
                Loader.Log("Loaded From hash");
                texInfo.texture = texHashDictionary[hash];
            else if (File.Exists(cached))
                Loader.Log("Loaded From cache @" + cached);
                byte[]        cache  = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(cached);
                TextureFormat format = texInfo.isCompressed ? TextureFormat.DXT5 : TextureFormat.ARGB32;
                texInfo.texture = new Texture2D(32, 32, format, hasMipmaps);
                if (texInfo.file.fileExtension == "dds")
                    //texInfo.isReadable = true;
                texInfo.texture.Apply(hasMipmaps, !texInfo.isReadable);
                texHashDictionary[hash] = texInfo.texture;
                //add texture reference.
                TexRefCnt texRef = new TexRefCnt(texInfo, hash, true);
                texInfo.texture.name = file.url;
                TextureConverter.Reload(texInfo, false, default(Vector2), null, hasMipmaps);
                texHashDictionary[hash] = texInfo.texture;
                TexRefCnt texRef = new TexRefCnt(texInfo, hash, false);
                texInfo.texture.name = file.url;

            Loader.Log(texInfo.file.fileExtension + " c: " + texInfo.isCompressed + " n: " + texInfo.isNormalMap + " r: " + texInfo.isReadable + " m: " + (texInfo.texture.mipmapCount > 1));

            texInfo.name = urlFile.url;
            Loader.Log(texInfo.name + " -> " + texInfo.texture.name);
예제 #18
 public PatchApplierTest()
     logger       = Substitute.For <IBasicLogger>();
     progress     = Substitute.For <IPatchProgress>();
     databaseRoot = UrlBuilder.CreateRoot();
     file         = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.cfg", databaseRoot);
     patchList    = new PatchList(modList);
     patchApplier = new PatchApplier(patchList, databaseRoot, progress, logger);
        public NeedsCheckerTest()
            root     = UrlBuilder.CreateRoot();
            gameData = UrlBuilder.CreateGameData(root);
            file     = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("abc/def.cfg", gameData);

            progress = Substitute.For <IPatchProgress>();
            logger   = Substitute.For <IBasicLogger>();
        public override IEnumerator Load(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, FileInfo file)
            TexInfo t = new TexInfo(urlFile.url);

            GameDatabase.TextureInfo texture = UpdateTexture(t);
            obj        = texture;
            successful = true;
            yield return(null);
예제 #21
        public void TestFind__Extension()
            UrlDir urlDir = UrlBuilder.CreateDir("abc");

            UrlBuilder.CreateFile("def/ghi.yyy", urlDir);
            UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile = UrlBuilder.CreateFile("def/ghi.cfg", urlDir);
            UrlBuilder.CreateFile("def/ghi.zzz", urlDir);

            Assert.Equal(urlFile, urlDir.Find("def/ghi.cfg"));
예제 #22
        ImageConfigItem addFileToCache(string key, UrlDir.UrlFile file)
            var item = new ImageConfigItem(key, file);

            CachedDataPerKey.Add(key, item);
            CachedDataPerResUrl.Add(item.FileUrl, item);
            IsDirty = true;
 public TexInfo(UrlDir.UrlFile file)
     this.file         = file;
     this.name         = file.url;
     this.isNormalMap  = DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM.IsNormal(name);
     this.width        = 1;
     this.height       = 1;
     loadOriginalFirst = false;
     needsResize       = false;
     makeNotReadable   = true;
예제 #24
        public static UrlDir.UrlConfig CreateConfig(string url, ConfigNode node, UrlDir parent = null)
            if (Path.GetExtension(url) != ".cfg")
                url += ".cfg";

            UrlDir.UrlFile file = CreateFile(url, parent);

            return(CreateConfig(node, file));
예제 #25
 public override IEnumerator Load(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, FileInfo file)
     GameDatabase.TextureInfo texInfo =
     if (texInfo != null)
         obj        = texInfo;
         successful = true;
     yield return(null);
예제 #26
        // Convert the settings defined by the user into MM :FOR[] nodes
        public IEnumerable <String> ModuleManagerAddToModList()
            if (_settingsApplied)

            _settingsApplied = true;
            UrlDir.UrlFile file = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs("InterstellarConsortium")[0].parent;
            return(ConvertToTags(InterstellarSettings.Instance.Settings, "IC"));
예제 #27
 // inject an MM patch on-the-fly, so that NEEDS[TypeId] can be used in MM patches
 static void Inject(UrlDir.UrlFile root, string type, string id)
     Lib.Log(Lib.BuildString("Injecting ", type, id));
     if (ModuleManager.MM_major >= 4)
         MM40Injector.AddInjector(type, id);
         root.configs.Add(new UrlDir.UrlConfig(root, new ConfigNode(Lib.BuildString("@Kerbalism:FOR[", type, id, "]"))));
예제 #28
파일: LRTRConfigs.cs 프로젝트: pehvbot/LRTR
        public void Start()

            ConfigNode paramsNode = null;

            foreach (ConfigNode n in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("LRTRCONFIG"))
                paramsNode = n;

            if (paramsNode == null)
                Debug.LogError("[LRTRCONFIG] Could not find LRTRCONFIG node.");

            // get configs from DB
            UrlDir.UrlFile root = null;
            foreach (UrlDir.UrlConfig url in GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllConfigs)
                root = url.parent; break;

            // get mod directories
            UrlDir gameData = GameDatabase.Instance.root.children.First(dir => dir.type == UrlDir.DirectoryType.GameData);

            foreach (ConfigNode feature in paramsNode.GetNodes())
                bool enableFeature = false;

                if (feature.GetValue("enabled") != null)
                    enableFeature = feature.GetValue("enabled").ToLower() == "true";
                string[] disabledBy = feature.GetValues("disabledBy");
                foreach (string modName in disabledBy)
                    foreach (UrlDir subDir in gameData.children)
                        if (String.Compare(modName, subDir.name, true) == 0)
                            enableFeature = false;
                            Debug.Log("[LRTRCONFIG] " + feature.name + " disabled by " + modName);
                if (enableFeature)
                    Inject(root, "LRTR", feature.name);
예제 #29
        public ProtoUrlConfig(UrlDir.UrlFile urlFile, ConfigNode node)
            UrlFile = urlFile ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(urlFile));
            Node    = node ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
            FileUrl = UrlFile.url + '.' + urlFile.fileExtension;
            FullUrl = FileUrl + '/' + Node.name;

            if (node.GetValue("name") is string nameValue)
                FullUrl += '[' + nameValue + ']';
예제 #30
 // inject an MM patch on-the-fly, so that NEEDS[TypeId] can be used in MM patches
 static void Inject(UrlDir.UrlFile root, string type, string id)
     Debug.Log("[LRTRCONFIG] " + id + " enabled");
     if (ModuleManager.MM_major >= 4)
         MM40Injector.AddInjector(type, id);
         root.configs.Add(new UrlDir.UrlConfig(root, new ConfigNode("@LRTR:FOR[" + type + id + "]")));
 public TexInfo(UrlDir.UrlFile file)
     this.file = file;
     this.name = file.url;
     this.isNormalMap = DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM.IsNormal(name);
     this.width = 1;
     this.height = 1;
     loadOriginalFirst = false;
     needsResize = false;
     makeNotReadable = true;
예제 #32
        private void LoadCache()
            // Clear the config DB
            foreach (UrlDir.UrlFile files in GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllConfigFiles)

            // And then load all the cached configs
            ConfigNode cache = ConfigNode.Load(cachePath);

            if (cache.HasValue("patchedNodeCount"))
                int.TryParse(cache.GetValue("patchedNodeCount"), out patchedNodeCount);

            if (cache.HasValue("catEatenCount"))
                int.TryParse(cache.GetValue("catEatenCount"), out catEatenCount);

            // Create the fake file where we load the physic config cache
            UrlDir gameDataDir = GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllDirectories.First(d => d.path.EndsWith("GameData") && d.name == "" && d.url == "");
            // need to use a file with a cfg extension to get the right fileType or you can't AddConfig on it
            physicsUrlFile = new UrlDir.UrlFile(gameDataDir, new FileInfo(defaultPhysicsPath));

            foreach (ConfigNode node in cache.nodes)
                string name = node.GetValue("name");
                string type = node.GetValue("type");
                string parentUrl = node.GetValue("parentUrl");
                string url = node.GetValue("url");

                UrlDir.UrlFile parent = GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllConfigFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.url == parentUrl);
                if (parent != null)
                    log("Parent null for " + parentUrl);
            log("Cache Loaded");
예제 #33
 private void LoadPhysicsConfig()
     log("Loading Physics.cfg");
     UrlDir gameDataDir = GameDatabase.Instance.root.AllDirectories.First(d => d.path.EndsWith("GameData") && d.name == "" && d.url == "");
     // need to use a file with a cfg extenssion to get the right fileType or you can't AddConfig on it
     physicsUrlFile = new UrlDir.UrlFile(gameDataDir, new FileInfo(defaultPhysicsPath));
     // Since it loaded the default config badly (sub node only) we clear it first
     // And reload it properly
     ConfigNode physicsContent = ConfigNode.Load(defaultPhysicsPath);
     physicsContent.name = "PHYSICSGLOBALS";